Warning, /sdk/ktechlab/TODO is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Modifications needed for getting rid of Qt3Support dependency 0002 ======= 0003 0004 0005 TODO items before the next release 0006 ======= 0007 0008 0009 Features which need re-implementation in Qt5 port 0010 ======= 0011 - dbus integration for documents (used to be dcop bindings for documents) 0012 0013 - TextDocument::clearUndo / clearRedo is not implemented; only used in newly created documents 0014 0015 0016 Fixes that could be postponed after the first Qt5 release 0017 ======= 0018 - property editor; property editor item 0019 - fix glitch of reset button disappearing when horiznotally resizing the property editor 0020 - in 0.40.0 it is glitching, too, when resizing 0021 - need to fix reset to default button 0022 - if user clicks on the editor, then the reset button appears 0023 - proper solution is to add 2 widgets +layout in the cell, and do not do any custom widget resizing 0024 0025 - icon for component model widget is not displayed, used to be "locationbar_erase"; to add proper icon 0026 0027 - in flowcode if the PIC is "minimized", after adding a new item on the canvas, the 0028 "Advanced..." button still appears on the canvas 0029 0030 - help->ktechlab manual does not work, shows only "documentation not found" 0031 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=402158 0032 0033 - maximum size of collected oscilloscope data should be configurable and should signal the user that the buffer is full 0034 - for now the line "flats out" when it reaches its limit; a Reset makes it collect data again 0035 0036 - undo / redo interface needs to be properly fixed for text documents: this interface is not exported by KDE4 KTextEditor 0037 http://api.kde.org/4.10-api/kdelibs-apidocs/interfaces/ktexteditor/html/kte_port_to_kde4.html 0038 - a hack is in place which works 0039 0040 - printing a text document needs fixing 0041 - hack is in place, it works 0042 0043 - some PICs do not have SDCC support (e.g. Pic18Cxxx). These should not be selectable from the GUI 0044 0045 - minimize the number of bundled 3rd party icons; most should be usable from Oxygen icon theme 0046 0047 - loading C code to PIC fails 0048 - apparently when using a project, the PIC gets recognized and uploading works; looks like a feature 0049 0050 - components have no description 0051 - the context help exists; or something else is needed here? 0052 - missing for: VCVS, VCCS, CCVS, CCCS, Push-to-Make, Push-to-Break, NPN, PNP, n-JFET, p-JFET, n-MOSFET, p-MOSFET, 0053 Inductor, Bar Graph Display 0054 0055 - created subcircuits appear twice in the subcircuit list; investigation needed 0056 - created subcircuits in some cases they cause crashes; investigation needed 0057 0058 - Translations: not all strings are available in gettext ( https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375726 ) 0059 0060 - Oscilloscope view sometimes does not scale the signals correctly ( https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=371625 ) 0061 0062 - Op-amp with positive feedback behaves as amplifier; should behave as comparator ( https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=371622 ) 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 Modifications needed for KF5 port 0069 ======= 0070 0071 0072 0073 Old TODO entries, to be reviewed 0074 ======= 0075 0076 See http://wiki.ktechlab.org/ - not entirely ready yet, but I plan on moving (at least some of) the stuff in this TODO file to this wiki. This allows for better categorization, discussion, etc of ideas than a plain-text file in subversion that only a few people have write access to. 0077 0078 0.4 targets: 0079 * Replace QCanvas with own optimized implementation. 0080 * Only use IDs for items, etc, in ItemDocumentData - otherwise they lead to too many bugs. 0081 * More intelligent connector routing. 0082 * Variable time step in Simulation. 0083 * Fix subcircuits so that they are saved in an itemdocument. 0084 0085 0086 Bugs: 0087 * At the moment, KTechlab auto-detects a point in the circuit to use as ground, according to a set of priorities (e.g. the Ground component has the highest priority, then voltage elements, etc etc). However, some circuits do not have any point which should be considered ground, e.g. "(+9V)-------(Battery)". Suggested solution: detect a point to have as a fixed voltage, that can be anything including 0V. 0088 * Microbe should give "noline" where applicable in show-source (such as in delay routines). 0089 0090 Features: 0091 * Bookmarks in the oscilloscope. 0092 * Work area text: allow clickable URIs, rich text editor. 0093 0094 General TODO: 0095 * optimize microbe some more? 0096 0097 Polishing: 0098 * Informational message when user attempts to paste flowcode into a circuit (can't do so; must save and load into pic). 0099 * On program startup, use "text blobs" pointing to sidebars to explain what they do. 0100 * Update register info even when PIC is paused. 0101 * replace "refresh rate" slider in settings dialog with standard one. 0102 0103 0104 [Being worked on or soon to be worked on] 0105 0106 david: 0107 0108 electronerd: 0109 * refactor the oscilloscope for better code reuse and so I can add a view that looks more like an oscilloscope's screen instead of a printed tape 0110 0111 0112 william: 0113 * In progress: 0114 0115 - variable capacitor/trimmer - Done. 0116 - variable resistor - Done. 0117 - Voltage Regulator - On Hold. 0118 - bar graph display - Done. 0119 0120 * Future Ideas: (leave me a note if anyone wants to do any of these so I know and can remove them) 0121 0122 - crystal oscillator 0123 - 16 seg display 0124 - bridge rectifier 0125 - opto isolator 0126 - Scmidt NAND 0127 - Schmidt Inverter 0128 - Thyristor 0129 - Zener Diode 0130 - Logic analyser (16 bit) and graph output 0131 - Variable Inductor 0132 - Solenoid ( requires animation ) 0133 - Bar Graph Display Driver 0134 ======= 0135 0136 The following have been brainstormed with reference to other electronics software I have used. I have found these features useful and these are all wishes for the future that may or may not be relevant to the direction the software takes in the future. I will obviously consult before attempting any of them: 0137 0138 - Model poperty framework for components to include things like wattage, frequency, resistance, etc... of components using specs of manufactured components, with the future goal of accurate simulation of component destruction. This will also allow a parts list to be created when a circuit is completed. Just an idea, up for discussion. 0139 - Allow labeling of components in circuit, eg. R1, R2, C1, C2 etc.. Maybe a caption facility. 0140 - Right click properties for component model, values with separate value and multiplier selection to make it easier. This could be implemented in the Item editor too. 0141 -Circuit drawing on a black background to better visualise animated wires and logic levels through wires. Different view options: voltage levels, current flow, logic levels, normal(no wire animation of any sort). 0142 - A means for users to create a circuit which is intended for use in a component, and to link the created circuit to a generic component that automatically creates the required in/out pins with reference to the created component circuit. On top of this, a means for users to submit new components they have created this way to allow the library of components to be built. So instead of a long list of IC's one generic one may be used with a library containing the circuits needed to simulate different types which can be chosen for example through the Item Editor. 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149