Warning, /sdk/kompare/TODO is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 !!! Must do before a merge back into HEAD !!! 0002 * Write a kconfupdate script to convert the kconfigfile 0003 * the diff options now have their own group 0004 * the view options now have their own group 0005 * the Recent Files group has been renamed to Recent Compare Files 0006 0007 Very important: 0008 * Make sure unified and context actually work again ! 0009 * Implement the rest of the interface (compare3 etc.) 0010 * Make sure the rest works too ! Still some problems parsing some files 0011 * Other various things that need to be fixed asap (before 3.2 is released) 0012 0013 In descending order of importance: 0014 * Add a kompare manual/document 0015 * add support for handediting conflicts 0016 * session management (should almost work) 0017 * implement normal, ed and rcs format (normal got busted) 0018 * merge text view GUI 0019 * clicking in the connect widget should select a difference (tricky!) 0020 * add support for incremental patch saving (i'll explain if anyone wants to know) 0021 * Add support for diff3 (that is comparing 3 files at once) 0022 0023 Special requests: 0024 Puetzk: 0025 * Editing the TO pane 0026 Falk: 0027 * Allow only part of a change to be applied to the other file 0028 Harlekin: 0029 * Add search functionality, either in source, dest or both at the same time 0030 HarryF: 0031 * emit clicked() signal when on a diff with line number 0032 aseigo: 0033 * merge from dest to source instead of only from source to dest 0034 (Workaround: swap source with destination and then apply the differences)