File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 09:47:39

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  *   Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by Rajko Albrecht                             *
0003  *                                                   *
0004  *                                                                         *
0005  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0006  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0007  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0008  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0009  *                                                                         *
0010  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
0011  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
0013  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
0014  *                                                                         *
0015  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
0016  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
0017  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
0018  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.         *
0019  ***************************************************************************/
0020 #include "editpropsdlg.h"
0021 #include "ui_editpropsdlg.h"
0023 #include <QWhatsThis>
0025 EditPropsDlg::EditPropsDlg(bool bAddMode, QWidget *parent)
0026     : KSvnDialog(QLatin1String("modify_properties"), parent)
0027     , m_isDir(false)
0028     , m_ui(new Ui::EditPropsDlg)
0029 {
0030     m_ui->setupUi(this);
0031     if (bAddMode) {
0032         setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Add Property"));
0033     }
0034     connect(m_ui->buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
0035     connect(m_ui->buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
0037     /// @TODO Read these values from a text or config file
0038     fileProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:eol-style");
0039     fileProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:executable");
0040     fileProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:keywords");
0041     fileProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:needs-lock");
0042     fileProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:mime-type");
0044     fileComments += i18n("One of <b>'native'</b>, <b>'LF'</b>, <b>'CR'</b>, <b>'CRLF'</b>.");
0045     fileComments += i18n(
0046         "If present, make the file executable.<br/>"
0047         "This property can not be set on a directory. "
0048         "A non-recursive attempt will fail, and a recursive attempt "
0049         "will set the property only on the file children of the folder.");
0050     fileComments += i18n(
0051         "Keywords to be expanded into the contents of a file.<br/>"
0052         "They can be inserted into documents by placing a keyword anchor "
0053         "which is formatted as $KeywordName$.<br/>"
0054         "Valid keywords are:<br/>"
0055         "<b>URL/HeadURL</b> The URL for the head revision of the project.<br/>"
0056         "<b>Author/LastChangedBy</b> The last person to change the file.<br/>"
0057         "<b>Date/LastChangedDate</b> The date/time the object was last modified.<br/>"
0058         "<b>Revision/Rev/LastChangedRevision</b> The last revision the object changed.<br/>"
0059         "<b>Id</b> A compressed summary of the previous 4 keywords.");
0060     fileComments += i18n(
0061         "Set this to any value (e.g. <b>'*'</b>) to enforce locking for this file.<br/>"
0062         "The file will be set read-only when checked out or updated, "
0063         "indicating that a user must acquire a lock on the file before "
0064         "they can edit and commit changes.");
0065     fileComments += i18n(
0066         "The mimetype of the file. Used to determine "
0067         "whether to merge the file and how to serve it from "
0068         "Apache. A mimetype beginning with <b>'text/'</b> (or an absent "
0069         "mimetype) is treated as text. Anything else is treated as binary.");
0071     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:eol-style");
0072     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:executable");
0073     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:externals");
0074     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:ignore");
0075     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("svn:mime-type");
0076     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:label");
0077     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:url");
0078     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:message");
0079     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:warnifnoissue");
0080     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:number");
0081     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:append");
0082     dirProperties += QStringLiteral("bugtraq:logregex");
0084     dirComments += i18n("One of <b>'native'</b>, <b>'LF'</b>, <b>'CR'</b>, <b>'CRLF'</b>.");
0085     dirComments += i18n(
0086         "If present, make the file executable.<br/>"
0087         "This property can not be set on a directory. "
0088         "A non-recursive attempt will fail, and a recursive attempt "
0089         "will set the property only on the file children of the folder.");
0090     /* TRANSLATORS: Do not translate "example" in the URL because this is according
0091        TRANSLATORS: to a reserved URL.*/
0092     dirComments += i18n(
0093         "A newline separated list of module specifiers, each "
0094         "consisting of a relative directory path, optional revision "
0095         "flags, and a URL. For example:<br/>"
0096         "<nobr><b>foo</b></nobr><br/>"
0097         "<nobr><b>foo/bar -r 1234</b></nobr>");
0098     dirComments += i18n("A newline separated list of file patterns to ignore.");
0099     dirComments += i18n(
0100         "The mimetype of the file. Used to determine "
0101         "whether to merge the file and how to serve it from "
0102         "Apache. A mimetype beginning with <b>'text/'</b> (or an absent "
0103         "mimetype) is treated as text. Anything else is treated as binary.");
0104     dirComments += i18n("Label text to show for the edit box where the user enters the issue number.");
0105     /* TRANSLATORS: Do not translate "example" in the URL because this is according
0106        TRANSLATORS: to a reserved URL.*/
0107     dirComments += i18n(
0108         "URL pointing to the issue tracker. It must contain "
0109         "<b>%BUGID%</b> which gets replaced with the bug issue number. Example:<br/>"
0110         "<nobr><b></b></nobr>");
0111     dirComments += i18n(
0112         "String which is appended to a log message when an issue "
0113         "number is entered. The string must contain <b>%BUGID%</b> "
0114         "which gets replaced with the bug issue number.");
0115     dirComments += i18n(
0116         "Set to <b>'yes'</b> if a warning shall be shown when "
0117         "no issue is entered in the commit dialog. Possible values:<br/>"
0118         "<b>'true'</b>/<b>'yes'</b> or <b>'false'</b>/<b>'no'</b>.");
0119     dirComments += i18n(
0120         "Set to <b>'false'</b> if your bugtracking system has "
0121         "issues which are referenced not by numbers.<br/>"
0122         "Possible values: <b>'true'</b> or <b>'false'</b>.");
0123     dirComments += i18n(
0124         "Set to <b>'false'</b> if you want the bugtracking ID "
0125         "to be inserted at the top of the log message. The "
0126         "default is <b>'true'</b> which means the bugtracking "
0127         "ID is appended to the log message.");
0128     dirComments += i18n(
0129         "Two regular expressions separated by a newline.<br/>"
0130         "The first expression is used to find a string referring to an issue, the "
0131         "second expression is used to extract the bare bug ID from that string.");
0133     m_ui->m_NameEdit->setCompletionMode(KCompletion::CompletionPopupAuto);
0134     m_ui->m_NameEdit->setHistoryItems(fileProperties, true);
0136     m_ui->m_NameEdit->setToolTip(i18n("Select or enter new property"));
0137     connect(m_ui->m_NameEdit, QOverload<const QString &>::of(&KHistoryComboBox::activated), this, &EditPropsDlg::updateToolTip);
0138 }
0140 EditPropsDlg::~EditPropsDlg()
0141 {
0142     delete m_ui;
0143 }
0145 void EditPropsDlg::updateToolTip(const QString &selection)
0146 {
0147     QString comment;
0148     if (m_isDir) {
0149         int i = dirProperties.indexOf(selection);
0150         if (i >= 0) {
0151             comment =;
0152         }
0153     } else {
0154         int i = fileProperties.indexOf(selection);
0155         if (i >= 0) {
0156             comment =;
0157         }
0158     }
0159     if (comment.isEmpty()) {
0160         comment = i18n("No help for this property available");
0161     }
0162     m_ui->m_NameEdit->setToolTip(comment);
0163 }
0165 void EditPropsDlg::setDir(bool dir)
0166 {
0167     if (dir == m_isDir) {
0168         // Change not necessary
0169         return;
0170     }
0171     m_ui->m_NameEdit->setHistoryItems(dir ? dirProperties : fileProperties, true);
0173     m_isDir = dir;
0174 }
0176 QString EditPropsDlg::propName() const
0177 {
0178     return m_ui->m_NameEdit->currentText();
0179 }
0181 QString EditPropsDlg::propValue() const
0182 {
0183     return m_ui->m_ValueEdit->toPlainText();
0184 }
0186 void EditPropsDlg::setPropName(const QString &n)
0187 {
0188     m_ui->m_NameEdit->addToHistory(n);
0189     m_ui->m_NameEdit->setCurrentItem(n);
0190     updateToolTip(n);
0191 }
0193 void EditPropsDlg::setPropValue(const QString &v)
0194 {
0195     m_ui->m_ValueEdit->setText(v);
0196 }
0198 #include "moc_editpropsdlg.cpp"