Warning, file /sdk/kde-dev-scripts/qt4/convert-find-to-indexof.pl was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).
0001 #!/usr/bin/perl 0002 0003 # laurent Montel <montel@kde.org> 2006 GPL 0004 # Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com> 2006 GPL 0005 # 0006 # simple script to replace QT3_SUPPORT find by indexOf 0007 # 0008 # usage: 0009 # convert-find-to-indexof.pl *.cpp 0010 # 0011 # CAUTION: This script replaces all calls to methods named 'find', even if the 0012 # object is not a class where the find method is deprecated. 0013 # I apply the script only to files that 0014 # throw a deprecated warning and compare the # of deprecated warnings to the nr 0015 # of replacements. 0016 # 0017 # NOTE: The results need a lot of manual tweaking!!!! 0018 0019 0020 use File::Basename; 0021 use lib dirname( $0 ); 0022 use functionUtilkde; 0023 use strict; 0024 0025 foreach my $file (@ARGV) { 0026 chomp $file; 0027 next if functionUtilkde::excludeFile( $file); 0028 0029 my $modified; 0030 my @necessaryIncludes = (); 0031 open(my $FILE, "<", $file) or warn "We can't open file $file:$!\n"; 0032 my @l = map { 0033 my $orig = $_; 0034 if ( m![\.>]find\s*\(! ) { 0035 # s/(.*\.)find/!XXX-\1-XXXYYY-\2-YYY/g; 0036 # s/(.*\.)find(\(.*\)\s*)==\s*([.*]\.)end\s*\(\s*\)/!\1contains\2/g; 0037 s/([^ ].*(.|->))find(\(.*\)\s*)==\s*\1end\s*\(\s*\)/!\1contains\3/g; 0038 s/([^ ]*(.|->))find(\(.*\)\s*)==\s*-1\s*/!\1contains\3/g; 0039 s/([^ ].*(.|->))find(\(.*\)\s*)!=\s*\1end\s*\(\s*\)/\1contains\3/g; 0040 s/([^ ]*(.|->))find(\(.*\)\s*)>=\s*0\s*/\1contains\3/g; 0041 s/([^ ]*(.|->))find(\(.*\)\s*)!=\s*-1\s*/\1contains\3/g; 0042 # print "Old line: \n$orig"; 0043 # print "New line: \n$_====================\n"; 0044 } 0045 0046 if ( m![\.>]find\s*\(! && ! m/[mM]ap/ ) { 0047 s/([\.>])find(\s*)\(/\1indexOf\2(/g; 0048 } 0049 # third argument of find was changed from bool to Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive 0050 if ( my ($head, $parm1, $parm2, $ws, $parm3,$trailer) = m!^(.*ndexOf\s*)\(([^,]*),([^,]*),(\s*)([^, \)]*)(\s*\).*$)! ) { 0051 if ( $parm3 eq 'true' ) { 0052 $_ = "$head($parm1,$parm2,$ws"."Qt::CaseSensitive$trailer\n"; 0053 } elsif ( $parm3 eq 'false' ) { 0054 $_ = "$head($parm1,$parm2,$ws"."Qt::CaseInsensitive$trailer\n"; 0055 } 0056 #if ( $orig ne $_ ) { 0057 # print "Old line: \n$orig"; 0058 # print "New line: \n$_====================\n"; 0059 #} 0060 } 0061 $modified ||= $orig ne $_; 0062 $_; 0063 } <$FILE>; 0064 0065 if ($modified) { 0066 print "Modified: $file\n"; 0067 open (my $OUT, ">", $file); 0068 print $OUT @l; 0069 close $OUT; 0070 } 0071 0072 } 0073 functionUtilkde::diffFile( @ARGV ); 0074