Warning, /sdk/kde-dev-scripts/makeobj is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #! /usr/bin/env bash
0003 # this is a script around make which basicly checks
0004 # if it's in srcdir or in builddir and changes to 
0005 # the right directory for calling /usr/bin/make
0006 # (C) Stephan Kulow
0008 # Variable replacement code by Allen Winter <allen.winter@kdab.com>
0009 # Copyright (c) 2011,2013 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company <info@kdab.net>
0011 # You may need to set OBJ_REPLACEMENT variable to get it to work.
0012 # In the variable use the sed syntax to switch directories, for example
0013 # export OBJ_REPLACEMENT="s:/home/zack/cvs/kde:/home/zack/build:"
0014 # will assure that the builds are performed under /home/zack/build
0015 # directory, when the cvs is held under /home/zack/cvs/kde.
0017 # Variables:
0018 #  %BRANCH% with the name of the Git or SVN branch you are in (as applicable)
0019 #  %GITBRANCH% with the name of the Git branch you are in (empty if not in a Git branch)
0020 #  %SVNBRANCH% with the name of the SVN branch you are in (empty if not in an SVN branch)
0021 #  %CC% with the basename of your C compiler set in $CC (gcc if empty)
0022 #  %CXX% with the basename of your C++ compiler set in $CXX (g++ if empty)
0023 #  %ARCH% with the machine architecture (i.e. 'uname -m')
0024 #  %OS% with the operating system name (i.e. 'uname -o'), in lower-case without "GNU"
0026 findup() {
0027   parg="$1"
0028   _hit=""
0029   spwd="$PWD"
0030   if test -z "$parg"; then return 1; fi
0032   while ! test -e "$parg"; do
0033    cd ..
0034    if test "$PWD" = "/"; then
0035      cd "$spwd"
0036      return 1
0037    fi
0038   done
0039   _hit="$PWD/$parg"
0040   cd "$spwd"
0041 }
0043 gitbranch() {
0044   findup .git
0045   if test -n "$_hit"; then
0046     _gitbranch=`sed -e 's,.*/,,' "$_hit/HEAD"`
0047   fi
0048 }
0050 svnbranch() {
0051   findup .svn
0052   if test -n "$_hit"; then
0053     _root=`svn info . | grep "Repository Root:" | awk '{print $3}'`
0054     _baseurl=`svn info . | grep '^URL:' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e s,$_root/,,`
0055     _svnbranch=`echo "$_baseurl" | awk -F/ '{print $1}'`
0056   fi
0057 }
0059 branch() {
0060   gitbranch
0061   if test -z "$_gitbranch"; then
0062     svnbranch
0063     if test -z "$_svnbranch"; then
0064       _branch=""
0065     else
0066       _branch=$_svnbranch
0067     fi
0068   else
0069     _branch=$_gitbranch
0070   fi
0071 }
0073 file=Makefile
0074 dir=.
0075 args=()
0077 _branch=""
0078 _gitbranch=""
0079 _svnbranch=""
0081 # We don't support non-GNU Make.
0082 # Try the name that GNU Make has on non-GNU platforms first
0083 GMAKE="`command -v gmake`"
0084 GMAKE="${GMAKE:-`command -v make`}"
0086 while test $# -gt 0 ; do
0087    case "${1}" in
0088       -f)
0089         shift
0090         file="${1}" 
0091         shift 
0092         args=("${args[@]}" -f $file)
0093         ;;
0094       -C)
0095         shift
0096         dir="${1}"
0097         shift ;;
0098       -v)
0099         shift
0100         exec $GMAKE "${args[@]}" -v $@
0101         ;;
0102       *)
0103         args=("${args[@]}" "$1")
0104         shift 
0105         ;;
0106     esac
0107 done
0109 cd "$dir"
0110 dir=.
0111 cwd=$PWD
0113 # No CMakeList and no Makefile (and no .pro file either)? Maybe we need to go up then.
0114 while test ! -f CMakeLists.txt && test ! -f Makefile ; do
0115     if test "`ls -1 *.pro 2>/dev/null`" && test -n "`ls -1 ../*.pro 2>/dev/null`"; then
0116         break;
0117     fi
0118     if test -f build.ninja; then
0119         file=build.ninja
0120         break;
0121     fi
0122     dir="$dir/`basename \"$PWD\"`"
0123     cd ..
0124     if test X"$PWD" = X"/"; then
0125         cd -- "$cwd"
0126         break
0127     fi
0128 done
0130 if test ! -f "$file"; then
0131   branch
0132   if test -n "$CC"; then
0133     tmp=`echo $CC | awk '{print $1}'`
0134     _cc="`basename \"$tmp\"`"
0135   else
0136     _cc="gcc"
0137   fi
0138   if test -n "$CXX"; then
0139     tmp="`echo \"$CXX\" | awk '{print $1}'`"
0140     _cxx="`basename \"$tmp\"`"
0141   else
0142     _cxx="g++"
0143   fi
0144   _arch="`uname -m`"
0145   _os="`(uname -o 2>/dev/null || uname -s) | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sed -e s+gnu/++`"
0147   if test -n "$OBJ_SUBDIR"; then
0148     OBJ_SUBDIR="`echo \"$OBJ_SUBDIR\" | \
0149                 sed -e s+%BRANCH%+\"$_branch\"+g | \
0150                 sed -e s+%GITBRANCH%+\"$_gitbranch\"+g | \
0151                 sed -e s+%SVNBRANCH%+\"$_svnbranch\"+g | \
0152                 sed -e s,%CC%,\"$_cc\",g | \
0153                 sed -e s,%CXX%,\"$_cxx\",g | \
0154                 sed -e s,%ARCH%,\"$_arch\",g | \
0155                 sed -e s,%OS%,\"$_os\",g`"
0156     dir=$PWD
0157     subdir=.
0158     while test ! -f "$dir/$OBJ_SUBDIR/$file"; do
0159        subdir="`basename \"$dir\"`/$subdir"
0160        dir="`dirname \"$dir\"`"
0161        if test X"$dir" = X"/"; then
0162          # the case that someone puts the compile dir in /
0163          # is very unlikely, so we better skip here ;)
0164          echo "can't find $OBJ_SUBDIR above current dir"
0165          exit 1
0166        fi
0167     done
0168     cd -- "$dir/$OBJ_SUBDIR/$subdir"
0169   else
0170     if test -n "$OBJ_REPLACEMENT"; then
0171       OBJ_REPLACEMENT="`echo \"$OBJ_REPLACEMENT\" | \
0172                 sed -e s+%BRANCH%+\"$_branch\"+g | \
0173                 sed -e s+%GITBRANCH%+\"$_gitbranch\"+g | \
0174                 sed -e s+%SVNBRANCH%+\"$_svnbranch\"+g | \
0175                 sed -e s,%CC%,\"$_cc\",g | \
0176                 sed -e s,%CXX%,\"$_cxx\",g | \
0177                 sed -e s,%ARCH%,\"$_arch\",g | \
0178                 sed -e s,%OS%,\"$_os\",g`"
0179       pwd="`echo $PWD | sed -e \"$OBJ_REPLACEMENT\"`"
0180       if test ! -e "$pwd"; then
0181          echo "no objdir found. Tried $pwd"
0182          exit 1
0183       fi
0184       if test ! -f "$pwd/$file"; then
0185          # ninja requires building from the toplevel
0186          cd -- "$pwd"
0187          findup build.ninja
0188          if test -n "$_hit"; then
0189              pwd=`dirname $_hit`
0190              file=build.ninja
0191          fi
0192          # No objdir with a Makefile found. But if "make" will work in srcdir, then go ahead; might be a non-kde project.
0193          test -f "$pwd/GNUmakefile" && file=GNUmakefile
0194          test -f "$pwd/makefile" && file=makefile
0195          if ! test -f "$pwd/$file"; then
0196            echo "no Makefile or build.ninja found in $pwd"
0197            exit 1
0198          fi
0199       fi
0200       cd -- "$pwd"
0201     fi
0202   fi
0203 fi
0205 echo "makeobj[0]: Entering directory \`$PWD'"
0207 if test -z "$MAKE"; then
0208     using_new_unsermake=0
0209     if head -n 1 "$file" 2>/dev/null | grep unsermake >/dev/null; then
0210         using_new_unsermake=1
0211     fi
0212     if head -n 1 "$file" 2>/dev/null | grep automake >/dev/null; then
0213         using_new_unsermake=0
0214     fi
0215     if test $using_new_unsermake -eq 1; then
0216         MAKE="`command -v unsermake`"
0217         if test ! -x "$MAKE"; then
0218             echo 'Makefile was created with unsermake, but there'
0219             echo 'is no unsermake in $PATH'
0220             exit 1
0221         fi
0222     elif test -f "Makefile"; then
0223         MAKE="$GMAKE"
0224     elif test -f "build.ninja"; then
0225         MAKE="ninja"
0226     else
0227         echo "No Makefile or build.ninja found in $PWD!"
0228     fi
0229 fi
0230 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 $MAKE "${args[@]}"
0231 retval=$?
0232 echo "makeobj[0]: Leaving directory \`$PWD'"
0233 exit $retval