File indexing completed on 2024-09-29 05:02:38

0001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
0003 # David Faure <>
0004 # KCommandLineArgs -> QCommandLineParser
0006 use strict;
0007 use File::Basename;
0008 use lib dirname($0);
0009 use functionUtilkde;
0010 my $use_tr;
0011 my $use_aboutdata;
0013 # Set $use_tr to generate code that uses QCoreApplication::translate
0014 # If it's not set, i18n will be used.
0015 #$use_tr = 1;
0017 # Set $use_aboutdata_tr to generate code that uses kaboutdata
0018 $use_aboutdata = 1;
0020 my $port_kapplicationAndK4AboutData;
0021 # Set $port_kapplicationAndK4AboutData if you want to port k4aboutdata + kapplication
0022 $port_kapplicationAndK4AboutData = 1;
0024 foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
0025     my $context = "\"main\"";
0026     my $opt;
0027     my $short = "";
0028     my $args;
0029     my %negatedOptions = ();
0030     my $needRemoveKApplication;
0031     my %varname = ();
0032     my $QCommandLineParserAdded;
0033     my $needQCommandLineOption;
0034     functionUtilkde::substInFile {
0035         if (defined $port_kapplicationAndK4AboutData) {
0036            if (/KApplication a/) {
0037               $_ ="";
0038               $needRemoveKApplication = 1;
0039            }
0040            my $regexpK4AboutDataLocal = qr/
0041               ^(\s*)           # (1) Indentation
0042               K4AboutData\s+
0043               (\w+)            # (2) variable name
0044               /x; # /x Enables extended whitespace mode
0045            if (my ($left, $var) = $_ =~ $regexpK4AboutDataLocal) {
0046                $varname{$var} = 1;
0047                s/ki18n/i18n/g;
0048            }
0049            if (/(\w+)\.addAuthor\s*\(/) {
0050               my $var = $1;
0051               if ( defined $varname{$var} ) {
0052                   s/ki18n/i18n/g;
0053                   s/KLocalizedString\b/QString/g;
0054               }
0055            }
0056            if (/(\w+)\.addCredit\s*\(/) {
0057               my $var = $1;
0058               if ( defined $varname{$var} ) {
0059                   s/ki18n/i18n/g;
0060                   s/KLocalizedString\b/QString/g;
0061               }
0062            }
0063            if (/(\w+)\.setTranslator\s*\(/) {
0064               my $var = $1;
0065               if ( defined $varname{$var} ) {
0066                   s/ki18n/i18n/g;
0067                   s/KLocalizedString\b/QString/g;
0068               }
0069            }
0072            s/K4AboutData/KAboutData/g;
0073            s/KAboutData::License_/KAboutLicense::/;
0074         }
0075         if (/KCmdLineOptions (\w*)/) {
0076             $opt = $1;
0078             s/KCmdLineOptions /QCommandLineParser /;
0079             s/$opt/parser/;
0080             if (defined $QCommandLineParserAdded) {
0081               $_ = "";
0082             } else {
0083               if (defined $port_kapplicationAndK4AboutData) {
0084                  $_ .= "    QApplication app(argc, argv); // PORTING SCRIPT: move this to before the KAboutData initialization\n";
0085                  $_ .= "    KAboutData::setApplicationData(aboutData);\n";
0086               }
0087               if ( defined $use_aboutdata) {
0088                 $_ .= "    //PORTING SCRIPT: adapt aboutdata variable if necessary\n";
0089                 $_ .= "    aboutData.setupCommandLine(&parser);\n";
0090               }
0091               $_ .= "    parser.process(app); // PORTING SCRIPT: move this to after any parser.addOption\n";
0092               if ( defined $use_aboutdata) {
0093                 $_ .= "    aboutData.processCommandLine(&parser);\n";
0094               }
0095             }
0096             $QCommandLineParserAdded = 1;
0098         } elsif (defined $opt && /KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions\s*\(\s*$opt\s*\)/ || /KCmdLineArgs::init/) {
0099            my $addNewAboutData;
0100            my $regexp = qr/
0101              ^(.*)                        # (1) Indentation
0102               KCmdLineArgs::init\s*\((.*)\)   # (2)  KCmdLineArgs::init(...,...,...,...);
0103               (.*)$                         # (3) afterreg
0104               /x; # /x Enables extended whitespace mode
0105            if (my ($indent, $argument, $afterreg) = $_ =~ $regexp) {
0106               my ($argc, $argv, $appname, $catalog, $programname, $version, $description);
0107               my $constructor_regexp = qr/
0108                                  ^([^,]*)\s*        # argc
0109                                  ,\s*([^,]*)\s*     # argv
0110                      ,\s*([^,]*)\s*     # appname
0111                                  ,\s*([^,]*)         # catalog
0112                                  ,\s*([^,]*)         # programname
0113                                  ,\s*([^,]*)         # version
0114                                  (?:,\s*([^,]*))?    # description
0115                                  (.*)$              # after
0116                                  /x;
0117               if ( ($argc, $argv, $appname, $catalog, $programname, $version, $description) = $argument =~ $constructor_regexp ) {
0118                  $appname =~ s/ki18n/i18n/;
0119                  $appname =~ s/ki18n/i18n/;
0120                  $programname =~ s/ki18n/i18n/;
0121                  if ( $appname =~ /^\"/ ) {
0122                     if ( $appname =~ /QLatin1String/ ) {
0123                        #nothing
0124                     } else {
0125                        $appname = "QLatin1String($appname)";
0126                     }
0127                  }
0128                  if ( $version =~ /QLatin1String/ ) {
0129                     #nothing
0130                  } else {
0131                     $version = "QLatin1String($version)";
0132                  }
0133                  $_ = $indent . "KAboutData aboutData( $appname, $programname, $version);\n";
0134                  if (defined $description) {
0135                     warn "DESCRIPION : $description\n";
0136                     $description =~ s/^,//;
0137                     $description =~ s/ki18n/i18n/;
0138                     $_ .= $indent . "aboutData.setShortDescription($description);\n";
0139                  }
0140                  $addNewAboutData = 1;
0141               } else {
0142                  $_ = "";
0143               }
0144             }
0146             if ( defined $QCommandLineParserAdded) {
0147                if (defined $addNewAboutData) {
0148                   #nothing
0149                } else {
0150                   $_ = "";
0151                }
0152             } else {
0153               if (defined $port_kapplicationAndK4AboutData) {
0154                  $_ .= "    QApplication app(argc, argv); // PORTING SCRIPT: move this to before the KAboutData initialization\n";
0155                  $_ .= "    QCommandLineParser parser;\n";
0156                  $_ .= "    KAboutData::setApplicationData(aboutData);\n";
0157               }
0158               if ( defined $use_aboutdata) {
0159                 $_ .= "    //PORTING SCRIPT: adapt aboutdata variable if necessary\n";
0160                 $_ .= "    aboutData.setupCommandLine(&parser);\n";
0161               }
0162               $_ .= "    parser.process(app); // PORTING SCRIPT: move this to after any parser.addOption\n";
0163               if ( defined $use_aboutdata) {
0164                 $_ .= "    aboutData.processCommandLine(&parser);\n";
0165               }
0166             }
0167             $QCommandLineParserAdded = 1;
0168         } elsif (defined $opt && s/(.*)$opt\.add\s*\(\s*"([^\"]*)"\s*\)/$1$opt/) { # short option
0170             $short = "QLatin1String(\"$2\") << ";
0171             $_ = "" if (!/\.add/);
0172             warn "$file: Be sure that option is added \'$2\'\n";
0173         }
0174         if (defined $opt && /(.*)$opt.add\s*\(\s*"([^\"]*)"\s*,\s*k(i18nc?)\((.*)\)\s*(?:,\s*([^\)]*))?\)/) {
0175             my $prefix = $1; # e.g. indent
0176             my $name = $2;
0177             my $i18n = $3;
0178             my $description = $4;
0179             my $defaultValue = $5;
0180             my $trail = "";
0181             if ($name =~ /([\w\-_]*) <(.*)>/) { # "stylesheet <xsl>"
0182                 $name = $1;
0183                 $trail = ", QLatin1String(\"$2\")";
0184             }
0185             if (defined $defaultValue) {
0186                 if ( $defaultValue =~ /QLatin1String/ ) {
0187                    $trail .= ", $defaultValue";
0188                 } else {
0189                     $trail .= ", QLatin1String($defaultValue)";
0190                 }
0191             } elsif ($name =~ /^no/) { # negative option, e.g. --nosignal
0192                 $negatedOptions{$name} = 1;
0193             }
0194             my $translate = defined $use_tr ? "QCoreApplication::translate($context, $description)" : "$i18n($description)";
0195             if ($name =~ s/^\+//) {
0196                 $_ = "${prefix}parser.addPositionalArgument(QLatin1String(\"$name\"), $translate$trail);\n";
0197             } else {
0198                 $_ = "${prefix}parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << ${short}QLatin1String(\"$name\"), $translate$trail));\n";
0199             }
0200             $needQCommandLineOption = 1;
0201             $short = "";
0202         } elsif (/KCmdLineArgs\s*\*\s*(\w*)\s*=\s*KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs\(\s*\)/) {
0203             $args = $1;
0204             $_ = "";
0205         } else {
0206             s/KCmdLineArgs::qtArgc\(\)/argc/;
0207             s/KCmdLineArgs::qtArgv\(\)/argv/;
0208             if (defined $args) {
0209                 s/${args}\->getOptionList/parser.values/g;
0210                 s/${args}\->getOption/parser.value/g;
0211                 s/${args}\->isSet/parser.isSet/g;
0212                 s/${args}\->count/parser.positionalArguments().count/;
0213                 s/${args}\->usage\s*\(\)/parser.showHelp()/;
0214                 s/${args}\->clear\s*\(\);//;
0215                 s/KCmdLineArgs::usage\s*\(\)/parser.showHelp()/;
0216                 if (/arguments?\(\"([\w\-_]*)/ || /isSet\(\"([\w\-_]*)/) {
0217                     my $optionName = $1;
0218                     if (defined $negatedOptions{"no$optionName"}) {
0219                         s/$/\/\/ TODO: negate check (and ensure nobody passes the no-op --$optionName argument)/;
0220                         s/$optionName/no$optionName/g;
0221                     }
0222                 }
0223             }
0224         }
0225         $_;
0226     } $file;
0228     if (defined $needRemoveKApplication) {
0229       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "KApplication");
0230       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "kapplication.h");
0231       functionUtilkde::addIncludeInFile($file, "QApplication");
0232       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "K4AboutData");
0233       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "k4aboutdata.h");
0234       functionUtilkde::addIncludeInFile($file, "KAboutData");
0235       functionUtilkde::addIncludeInFile($file, "KLocalizedString");
0237     }
0239     if (`grep QCommand $file | grep -v '#include'`) {
0240       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "kcmdlineargs.h");
0241       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "KCmdLineArgs");
0242       functionUtilkde::removeIncludeInFile($file, "KCmdLineOptions");
0243       functionUtilkde::addIncludeInFile($file, "QCommandLineParser");
0244       if (defined $needQCommandLineOption) {
0245         functionUtilkde::addIncludeInFile($file, "QCommandLineOption");
0246       }
0247     }
0248 }
0250 functionUtilkde::diffFile( "@ARGV" );