Warning, /sdk/kde-dev-scripts/kde-emacs/klaralv.el is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ;; ------------------------------ COPYRIGHT NOTICE ------------------------------
0002 ;; klaralv.el version 1.4
0003 ;; Copyright Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB.
0004 ;;
0005 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
0006 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
0007 ;; Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
0008 ;; any later version.
0009 ;;
0010 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
0011 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
0012 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
0013 ;; for more details.
0014 ;;
0015 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
0016 ;; with GNU Emacs.  If you did not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
0017 ;; Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor., Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0020 ;; ------------------------------ INSTALLATION ------------------------------
0021 ;; To use this file, put this file in your emacs config directory.
0022 ;; If you do not have such a directory, create one and add 
0023 ;; something like the following to your .emacs: 
0024 ;; (setq load-path (cons "/home/joe/Emacs/" load-path))
0025 ;;
0026 ;; Next insert the following line into your .emacs
0027 ;; (require 'klaralv)
0028 ;; (global-set-key [(f5)] 'kdab-insert-header)
0029 ;; (global-set-key [(shift f5)] 'kdab-insert-forward-decl)
0030 ;; (global-set-key [(control f5)] 'kdab-lookup-qt-documentation)
0031 ;; 
0032 ;; If you use Qtopia, insert the following line to activate Qtopia headers
0033 ;; (setq kdab-include-qpe 't)
0034 ;; If you do not want include files to be prefixed with qtopia/,
0035 ;; as in qtopia/qpeapplication, then insert the following code in your setup
0036 ;; (setq kdab-prefix-qpe nil)
0037 ;;
0038 ;; If you are using Qt 3 rather than Qt 4, insert the following line into you setup:
0039 ;; (setq kdab-qt-version 3)
0040 ;; or in a .emacs-dirvars file:
0041 ;; kdab-qt-version: 3
0042 ;;
0043 ;; Finally, if you do not want header files to be inserted lower-cased when
0044 ;; not found locally, insert (kdab-lowercase-header-files nil)
0046 (require 'kdab-qstring)
0048 ;; ------------------------------ CONFIGURATION ------------------------------
0049 (defvar kdab-qt-version 4
0050   "Specify which header files to use")
0052 (defvar kdab-include-qpe nil
0053   "Specifies whether Qtopia headers should be included")
0055 (defvar kdab-prefix-qpe 't
0056   "set this to nil if you do not want QTopia header files prefixed with qtopia/")
0058 (defvar kdab-lowercase-header-files 't
0059   "Should header files be all lowercase, or would you prefer to use same case as class?")
0061 (defvar kdab-private-special-includes '()
0062   "Override variable for special include specifications")
0064 (defvar kdab-suffix-for-private-headers "_p\\|_priv"
0065   "Regular expression specifying the possible suffix to a file name for private includes.
0066 The default regular expression allows that a file named test.cpp may include test_p.h or test_priv.h.
0067 This is used when inserting headers, to ensure that no includes are inserted before the private header")
0069 ;; ------------------------------ Include Specifications ------------------------------ 
0070 ;; special case for include files
0071 ;; Please notify blackie@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se with any modification to this variable!
0072 (defvar kdab-special-includes
0073   '( 
0074     ; KDE
0075     (kdebug.h kDebug kWarning kError kFatal kBacktrace kdDebug kdWarning kdError kdFatal kdBacktrace)
0076     (kicondialog.h KIconCanvas KIconButton)
0077     (knuminput.h KDoubleNumInput KIntNumInput)
0079     ; KDGear - http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se
0080     (KDCheckableGroupBox.h KDCheckableGroupBox)
0081     (KDCheckableHGroupBox.h KDCheckableHGroupBox)
0082     (KDCheckableVGroupBox.h KDCheckableVGroupBox)
0083     (KDCloseableWidget.h KDCloseableWidget)
0084     (KDConfigDialog.h KDConfigDialog)
0085     (KDConfigWidget.h KDConfigWidget)
0086     (KDDateWidget.h KDDateWidget KDDateTimeWidget)
0087     (KDDirMonitor.h KDDirMonitor)
0088     (KDGridWidget.h KDGridWidget)
0089     (KDListBoxPair.h KDListBoxPair)
0090     (KDMinimizeSplitter.h KDMinimizeSplitter)
0091     (KDSearchableListBox.h KDSearchableListBox)
0092     (KDSemiSizingControl.h KDSemiSizingControl)
0093     (KDShowHideTableControl.h KDShowHideTableControl)
0094     (KDSimpleSizingControl.h KDSimpleSizingControl)
0095     (KDSizingControl.h KDSizingControl)
0096     (KDStream.h KDStream)
0097     (KDTimeWidget.h KDTimeWidget)
0099     ; KDChart - http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se
0100     (KDChart.h KDChart)
0101     (KDChartAxisParams.h KDChartAxisParams)
0102     (KDChartBaseSeries.h KDChartBaseSeries)
0103     (KDChartCustomBox.h KDChartCustomBox)
0104     (KDChartData.h KDChartData)
0105     (KDChartEnums.h KDChartEnums)
0106     (KDChartListTable.h KDChartListTableData KDChartListTablePrivate)
0107     (KDChartNotEnoughSpaceException.h KDChartNotEnoughSpaceException)
0108     (KDChartPainter.h KDChartPainter)
0109     (KDChartParams.h KDChartFrameSettings KDChartParams ModeAndChart)
0110     (KDChartPlaneSeries.h KDChartPlaneSeries)
0111     (KDChartPropertySet.h KDChartPropertySet)
0112     (KDChartSeriesCollection.h  KDChartSeriesCollection)
0113     (KDChartTable.h KDChartTableData)
0114     (KDChartTableBase.h KDChartTableDataBase)
0115     (KDChartTextPiece.h KDChartTextPiece)
0116     (KDChartUnknownTypeException.h KDChartUnknownTypeException)
0117     (KDChartVectorSeries.h KDChartVectorSeries)
0118     (KDChartVectorTable.h KDChartVectorTableData KDChartVectorTablePrivate)
0119     (KDChartWidget.h KDChartWidget)
0120     (KDFrame.h KDFrame KDFrameCorner)
0121     (KDFrameProfileSection.h KDFrameProfileSection)
0123     ; Useful fake entries
0124     (kapplication.h kapp)
0125     (klocale.h i18n i18nc i18ncp i18np I18N_NOOP)
0126     (kstandarddirs.h locate locateLocal)
0127     (stdlib.h getenv)
0128     (unistd.h unlink sleep usleep)
0129     (iostream cout cerr)
0130     (ctype.h isalnum isalpha isascii isblank iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit)
0131     (string.h strcpy strlen memcpy strerror)
0132     (stdlib.h atoi atol)
0133     )
0134     "List of special include files which do not follow the normal scheme")
0136 (defvar kdab-qt3-special-includes
0137   '((qlayout.h QHBoxLayout QVBoxLayout QGridLayout QBoxLayout)
0138     (qlistview.h QListViewItem QCheckListItem QListViewItemIterator)
0139     (qiconview.h QIconViewItem QIconDragItem QIconDrag)
0140     (qdragobject.h QTextDrag QStoredDrag QUriDag QColorDrag QImageDrag QDragManager)
0141     (qmime.h QMimeSource QMimeSourceFactory QWindowsMime)
0142     (qptrlist.h QPtrListIterator)
0143     (qevent.h QTimerEvent QMouseEvent QWheelEvent QTabletEvent QKeyEvent 
0144               QFocusEvent QPaintEvent QMoveEvent QResizeEvent QCloseEvent 
0145               QShowEvent QHideEvent QContextMenuEvent QIMEvent QDropEvent
0146               QDragMoveEvent QDragEnterEvent QDragResponseEvent QDragLeaveEvent
0147               QChildEvent QCustomEvent)
0148     (qdatetime.h QTime QDateTime QDate)
0149     (qdatetimeedit.h QTimeEdit QDateTimeEditBase QDateEdit QDateTimeEdit)
0150     (qcstring.h QByteArray)
0151     (qobjectlist.h QObjectListIt QObjectListIterator)
0152     (qwidgetlist.h QWidgetListIt)
0153     (qtabbar.h QTab)
0154     (qpalette.h QColorGroup)
0155     (qaction.h QActionGroup)
0156     (qvalidator.h QIntValidator QDoubleValidator QRegExpValidator)
0157     (qlistbox.h QListBoxItem QListBoxText QListBoxPixmap)
0158     (qstring.h QChar QCharRef QConstString)
0159     (qcanvas.h QCanvasSprite QCanvasPolygonalItem QCanvasRectangle
0160                QCanvasPolygon QCanvasEllipse QCanvasText QCanvasLine
0161                QCanvasChunk QCanvas QCanvasItem QCanvasView QCanvasPixmap)
0162     (qgl.h QGLFormat QGL QGLContext QGLWidget QGLColormap)
0163     (qtable.h QTableSelection QTableItem QComboTableItem QCheckTableItem) 
0164     (qsqlfield.h QSqlField QSqlFieldInfo)
0165     (qsqlrecord.h QSqlRecord QSqlRecordInfo)
0167     ; Qt/Embedded
0168     (qcopchannel_qws.h QCopChannel)
0169     (qdirectpainter_qws.h QDirectPainter)
0170     (qfontfactorybdf_qws.h QFontFactoryBDF)
0171     (qfontfactoryttf_qws.h QFontFactoryFT)
0172     (qfontmanager_qws.h QGlyphMetrics QGlyph QRenderedFont QDiskFont QFontManager QFontFactory)
0173     (qgfx_qws.h QScreenCursor QPoolEntry QScreen QGfx)
0174     (qgfxlinuxfb_qws.h QLinuxFbScreen)
0175     (qgfxmatroxdefs_qws.h QQnxFbGfx QQnxScreen)
0176     (qgfxraster_qws.h QGfxRasterBase QGfxRaster)
0177     (qgfxvnc_qws.h QRfbRect QRfbPixelFormat QRfbServerInit QRfbSetEncodings 
0178                    QRfbFrameBufferUpdateRequest QRfbKeyEvent QRfbPointerEvent QRfbClientCutText QVNCServer)
0179     (qkeyboard_qws.h QWSKeyboardHandler)
0180     (qlock_qws.h QLock QLockHolder)
0181     (qmemorymanager_qws.h QMemoryManagerPixmap QMemoryManager)
0182     (qsoundqss_qws.h QWSSoundServer QWSSoundClient QWSSoundServerClient QWSSoundServerSocket)
0183     (qwindowsystem_qws.h QWSInternalWindowInfo QWSScreenSaver QWSWindow QWSSoundServer 
0184                          QWSServer qwsServer KeyboardFilter QWSClient)
0185     (qwsbeosdecoration_qws.h QWSBeOSDecoration)
0186     (qwscursor_qws.h QWSCursor)
0187     (qwsdecoration_qws.h QWSDecoration)
0188     (qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h QWSDefaultDecoration)
0189     (qwsdisplay_qws.h QWSWindowInfo QWSDisplay)
0190     (qwshydrodecoration_qws.h QWSHydroDecoration)
0191     (qwskde2decoration_qws.h QWSKDE2Decoration)
0192     (qwskdedecoration_qws.h QWSKDEDecoration)
0193     (qwsmanager_qws.h QWSManager QWSButton)
0194     (qwsmouse_qws.h QWSPointerCalibrationData QWSMouseHandler QCalibratedMouseHandler 
0195                     QAutoMouseHandlerPrivate QWSMouseHandlerPrivate QVrTPanelHandlerPrivate 
0196                     QTPanelHandlerPrivate QYopyTPanelHandlerPrivate QCustomTPanelHandlerPrivate 
0197                     QVFbMouseHandlerPrivate)
0198     (qwsproperty_qws.h QWSPropertyManager)
0199     (qwsregionmanager_qws.h QWSRegionManager)
0200     (qwssocket_qws.h QWSSocket QWSServerSocket)
0201     (qwswindowsdecoration_qws.h QWSWindowsDecoration)
0202     (qstatusbar.h statusBar())
0204     ; Useful fake entries
0205     (qapplication.h qApp)
0206     (qglobal.h qDebug qWarning)
0207     (qeventloop.h eventloop)    
0208   ))
0210 (defvar kdab-qt4-special-includes
0211   '(
0212     ; Useful fake entries
0213     (QApplication qApp)
0214     (QDebug qDebug qWarning)
0215     (QEventLoop eventloop)
0216     ))
0218 (defvar kdab-qpe-includes 
0219   '(
0220     (alarmserver.h AlarmServer)
0221     (applnk.h AppLnk DocLnk AppLnkSet DocLnkSet)
0222     (calendar.h Calendar)
0223     (categories.h CategoryGroup CategoryGroup Categories CheckedListView)
0224     (categorymenu.h CategoryMenu)
0225     (categoryselect.h CategoryCombo CategorySelect CategoryEdit CategoryWidget)
0226     (config.h Config)
0227     (contact.h Contact)
0228     (database.h QWSDatabase DatabaseDefaultView Database DatabaseView DatabaseDefaultView)
0229     (datebookdb.h DateBookDB)
0230     (datebookmonth.h DateBookMonthHeader DayItemMonth DateBookMonthTable DateBookMonth DateButton)
0231     (event.h Event EffectiveEvent EffectiveEventSizeSorter EffectiveEventTimeSorter)
0232     (filemanager.h FileManager)
0233     (fileselector.h FileSelectorItem FileSelector)
0234     (finddialog.h FindDialog)
0235     (fontdatabase.h FontDatabase)
0236     (fontmanager.h FontManager)
0237     (global.h Global)
0238     (imageedit.h ImageEdit)
0239     (inputmethodinterface.h InputMethodInterface)
0240     (ir.h Ir)
0241     (lightstyle.h LightStyle)
0242     (lnkproperties.h LnkProperties)
0243     (mediaplayerplugininterface.h MediaPlayerDecoder)
0244     (menubutton.h MenuButton)
0245     (mimetype.h MimeType)
0246     (network.h Network)
0247     (palmtoprecord.h Record)
0248     (palmtopuidgen.h UidGen)
0249     (password.h Password)
0250     (power.h PowerStatus PowerStatusManager )
0251     (process.h Process)
0252     (qcopenvelope_qws.h QCopEnvelope)
0253     (qdawg.h QDawg)
0254     (qlibrary.h QLibrary)
0255     (qpeapplication.h QPEApplication)
0256     (qpedecoration_qws.h QPEDecoration QPEManager)
0257     (qpedialog.h QPEDialogListener)
0258     (qpemenubar.h  QPEMenuToolFocusManager QPEMenuBar)
0259     (qpemessagebox.h QPEMessageBox)
0260     (qpestyle.h QPEStyle : public QWindowsStyle)
0261     (qpetoolbar.h QPEToolBar)
0262     (record.h Record)
0263     (resource.h Resource)
0264     (sound.h Sound)
0265     (storage.h StorageInfo FileSystem)
0266     (task.h Task)
0267     (timeconversion.h TimeConversion)
0268     (timestring.h DateFormat TimeString)
0269     (tzselect.h TZCombo TimeZoneSelector)
0270     ))
0272 ; List of classes in Qt4 that don't start with a Q.
0273 (defvar kdab-qt4-classes
0274   '(ActiveQt) )
0276 ;; ------------------------------ SOURCE CODE ------------------------------
0278 ;; build Qt4 special include list
0279 (defun kdab-build-qt4-special-includes ()
0280   (let ( elm (res kdab-qt4-special-includes) (list kdab-qt4-classes))
0281     (while list
0282       (progn
0283         (setq elm (car list))
0284         (setq list (cdr list))
0285         (setq res (cons (list elm elm ) res ))))
0286     res))
0288 (defun kdab-build-qpe-special-incldues ()
0289   (let (elm header classes (list kdab-qpe-includes) filename (result '()))
0290     (while list
0291       (setq elm (car list))
0292       (setq list (cdr list))
0293       (setq filename (concat (if kdab-prefix-qpe "qtopia/" "") (symbol-name (car elm))))
0294       (setq result (cons (cons (intern filename) (cdr elm)) result)))
0295     result))
0297 (defun kdab-join-lists (list1 list2)
0298   (let ((res list1)
0299         (list list2)
0300         elm)
0301     (while list
0302       (progn
0303         (setq elm (car list))
0304         (setq list (cdr list))
0305         (setq res (cons elm res))))
0306     res))
0308 (defun kdab-get-special-include-list ()
0309   (kdab-join-lists kdab-private-special-includes
0310                    (kdab-join-lists kdab-special-includes
0311                                     (kdab-join-lists (if (eq kdab-qt-version 3) kdab-qt3-special-includes 
0312                                                        (if (eq kdab-qt-version 4) (kdab-build-qt4-special-includes) '()))
0313                                                      (if kdab-include-qpe (kdab-build-qpe-special-incldues) '())))))
0315 ;; Lookup class `cls' in kdab-special-includes and return the associate include file name
0316 (defun kdab-map-special (cls)
0317   (let ((list (kdab-get-special-include-list))
0318         (found nil))
0319     (while (and list (not found))
0320       (let* ( (elm (car list))
0321               (include-file (car elm))
0322               (classes (cdr elm)))
0323         ( while (and classes (not found))
0324           (if (string= (downcase cls) (downcase (symbol-name (car classes))))
0325               (setq found include-file)
0326             (setq classes (cdr classes)))))
0327       (setq list (cdr list)))
0328     (if found
0329         (symbol-name found)
0330          ; not found: check if starts with 'Q'
0331       (if (string-startsWith cls "Q")
0332           cls ; assume a Qt-4 forwarding header exists for the class
0333         nil))  ; return value
0334     ))
0338 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0339 ; Insert include file for Qt program.
0340 ; Place point anywhere on a Qt class, and invoke this function. A result of
0341 ; this is that an include line is added (if it does not already exists) for
0342 ; the given class.
0343 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0344 (defun kdab-insert-header ( prefix )
0345   "Insert include file for class at point"
0346   (interactive "P")
0347   (save-excursion
0348     (let* ((word-at-point (if prefix
0349                               (read-from-minibuffer "Class: ")
0350                             (current-word))))
0351       (kdab-insert-header-non-interactive word-at-point))))
0353 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0354 ; insert include file for `word-with-case' non-interactively.
0355 ; for an interactive version see kdab-insert-header
0356 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0357 (defun kdab-insert-header-non-interactive (word-with-case)
0358   (save-excursion
0359     (let* ((word (downcase word-with-case))
0360            (special-header (cond
0361                     ((kdab-map-special word) (kdab-map-special word))
0362                     ((and (string-match "^qdom" word) (eq kdab-qt-version 3)) "qdom.h")
0363                     ((and (string-match "^qxml" word) (eq kdab-qt-version 3)) "qxml.h")
0364                     ((and (string-match "^q" word) (eq kdab-qt-version 3)) (concat word ".h") )
0365                     ((and (string-match "^q" word) (eq kdab-qt-version 4)) word-with-case )
0366                     (kdab-lowercase-header-files (concat word ".h" ))
0367                     (t (concat word-with-case ".h"))))
0368            header is-local override)
0370       ;; decide on the header file.
0371       (if (functionp 'kdab-name-include-file)
0372           (setq override (kdab-name-include-file word-with-case)))
0374       (if override
0375           (progn ;; Users hook solved it for us.
0376             (setq header (car override))
0377             (setq is-local (cdr override)))
0378         (if (file-exists-p (concat word-with-case ".h"))
0379             (progn ; file exists in given case in pwd.
0380               (setq header (concat word-with-case ".h"))
0381               (setq is-local 't))
0382           (if  (file-exists-p (concat word ".h")) ; file exists in lowercase in pwd
0383               (progn
0384                 (setq header (concat word ".h"))
0385                 (setq is-local 't))
0386             (if (file-exists-p word-with-case)
0387                 (progn
0388                   (setq header word-with-case)
0389                   (setq is-local 't))
0390               (if (file-exists-p word)
0391                   (progn
0392                     (setq header word)
0393                     (setq is-local 't))
0394                 (progn ; header in <..> path
0395                   (setq header special-header)
0396                   (setq is-local nil)))))))
0398       (kdab-insert-include-file header is-local t))))
0400 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0401 ; Insert header file for header. If is-local insert it with "" 
0402 ; otherwise insert it with <>
0403 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0404 (defun kdab-insert-include-file (header is-local show-message)
0405   (let ((include-file (if is-local
0406                           (concat "#include \"" header "\"")
0407                         (concat "#include <" header ">"))))
0409     (beginning-of-buffer)
0410     ; first look for //#include "foo.h" being already there
0411     (if (re-search-forward (concat "^ *// *\\(#include *[<\"][ \t]*" header "[ \t]*[>\"]\\)") nil t)
0412         (progn
0413           (replace-match "\\1")
0414           (when show-message
0415             (message (concat "commented in #include for " header))))
0417       (if (not (re-search-forward (concat "#include *[\"<][ \t]*" header "[ \t]*[\">]") nil t))
0418           (kdab-insert-header-from-end include-file show-message) ;; No include existed
0419         (when show-message
0420           (message (concat "header file \"" header "\" is already included")))))))
0422 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0423 ; Insert header file starting the search from behind. This is a helper function for 
0424 ; kdab-insert-include-file
0425 ; Historically kdab-insert-include-file added the include file at the end of the list
0426 ; of include files, which had the unfortunate effect that it sometimes inserted the
0427 ; include into #ifdef'ed sections.
0428 ; So now we insert it at the top of the list. We need to go after the include for
0429 ; the source files own header.
0430 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0431 (defun kdab-insert-header-from-end (include-file show-message)
0432   (let ((basename (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name))))
0433         found-own-include found-any-include)
0434     (goto-char (point-max)) ; Using end-of-buffer makes point move, despite save-excursion
0435     (setq found-own-include 
0436           (re-search-backward (concat "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[\"<]" basename "\\(" 
0437                                       kdab-suffix-for-private-headers "\\)?\\(.h\\)?[\">]") nil 't))
0439     (if found-own-include
0440         (progn ; Found an include for my own header file
0441           (next-line 1)
0442           (beginning-of-line))
0443       (progn ; Did not find a local include - we will then insert before first include
0444         (beginning-of-buffer)
0445         (setq found-any-include (re-search-forward "^[ \s]*#include[ \t]*[\"<]\\([^\">]+\\)[\">]" nil t))
0446         (if found-any-include
0447             (beginning-of-line) ;; OK we found some include
0448           (beginning-of-buffer)))) ;; None found at all.
0450     ;; Now insert the header
0451     (insert (concat include-file "\n"))
0452     (when show-message
0453       (message (concat "inserted " include-file)))))
0456 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0457 ; Insert a forward declaration for a Qt class.
0458 ; Place point anywhere on a Qt class, and invoke this function. A
0459 ; result of this is that a forward declaration line is added (if it does
0460 ; not already exist) for the given class.
0461 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0462 (defun kdab-insert-forward-decl ( prefix )
0463   (interactive "P")
0464   (save-excursion
0465     (let* ((word (if prefix (read-from-minibuffer "Class: ")
0466                    (current-word))))
0467       (beginning-of-buffer)
0468       (if (re-search-forward (concat "^ *// *\\(class *" word ";\\)") nil t)
0469           (progn
0470             (replace-match "\\1")
0471             (message (concat "commented in forward declaration for " word)))
0473         (if (not (re-search-forward (concat "class *" word ";") nil t))
0474             (progn
0475                                         ; No forward decl existed
0476                                         ; Look for other forward declarations and insert this one before them
0477                                         ; (this avoids finding class Private; inside a class, or other stuff in the middle of the file)
0478               (if (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*class .*;" nil t)
0479                   (progn
0480                                         ; Exit namespace foo { class bar; } if necessary
0481                                         ; This is a modified version of (backward-up-list) which doesn't
0482                                         ; throw an error when not found.
0483                     (goto-char (or (scan-lists (point) -1 1 nil t) (point))) ; ### do multiple times if necessary
0484                     (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*namespace " nil t) ; in case of namespace foo\n{
0485                     (beginning-of-line))
0486                                         ; No forward declarations found, lets search for include lines.
0487                                         ; For those we start from the end, because we want to leave file.h first.
0488                 (progn (goto-char (point-max))
0489                        (if (re-search-backward "#include" nil t)
0490                            (progn (end-of-line) (forward-char 1))
0491                          (beginning-of-buffer))))
0493               (progn
0494                 (insert "class " word ";\n")
0495                 (message (concat "inserted class " word ";"))))
0496           (message (concat "forward decl for \"" word "\" already exists")))))))
0499 (defun is-qpe-class (class)
0500   (let ((list kdab-qpe-includes) classes (found nil))
0501     (while (and (not found) list)
0502       (setq classes (cdr (car list)))
0503       (while classes
0504         (if (string= (downcase (symbol-name (car classes))) (downcase class))
0505             (setq found 't))
0506         (setq classes (cdr classes)))
0507       (setq list (cdr list)))
0508     found))
0511 (provide 'klaralv)