Warning, /sdk/kde-dev-scripts/kde-devel-emacs.el is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
0003 ; To use this file, add this to your .emacs, uncommented :
0004 ;(load "cc-engine.elc")
0005 ;(load "~/kde2/kdesdk/scripts/kde-devel-emacs.el")
0006 ; (setq auto-mode-alist
0007 ;          (append '(("\\.h$"    . c++-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
0010 ; Tip: also add (gnuserv-start), to be able to use gnuclient to open new files from a shell
0012 ; Add (setq magic-keys-mode t) to your .xemacs/init.el or ~/.emacs (before loading this file)
0013 ; to enable the magic keys in C++ mode (auto-insertion of spaces and newlines).
0015 ; See the end of this file for the list of key bindings and for customizing them
0017 ; This file is maintained by David Faure <faure@kde.org>
0020 ; Global variables used to differentiate between different emacs
0021 ; versions :
0022 ; emacs - t if GNU/Emacs is used
0023 ; xemacs - t if XEmacs is being used
0025 (if (string= (substring (emacs-version) 0 6) "XEmacs")
0026     (progn
0027       (setq emacs nil)
0028       (setq xemacs t))
0029   (progn
0030     (setq emacs t)
0031     (setq xemacs nil)))
0034 ;; -------  First part, from Arnt's "c++ stuff"
0036 (defun agulbra-c++-tab (arg)
0037   "Do the right thing about tabs in c++ mode"
0038   (interactive "*P")
0039   (cond
0040    ((and (not (looking-at "[A-Za-z0-9]"))
0041          (save-excursion 
0042            (forward-char -1) 
0043            (looking-at "[A-Za-z0-9:>_\\-\\&\\.(){}\\*\\+/]")))
0044          (dabbrev-expand arg))
0045    (t 
0046     (save-excursion
0047      (beginning-of-line)
0048      (c-indent-command)))))
0050 (defun agulbra-clean-out-spaces ()
0051   "Remove spaces at ends of lines"
0052   (interactive)
0053   (and (not buffer-read-only)
0054        (save-excursion
0055          (goto-char (point-min))
0056          (let ((count 0)
0057                (bmp (buffer-modified-p)))
0058            (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+$" nil t)
0059              (setq count (1+ count))
0060              (replace-match "" t t))
0061            (set-buffer-modified-p bmp)
0062            (and (buffer-modified-p)
0063                   (basic-save-buffer))))))
0065 ; the above used to contain (untabify (point-min) (point-max)) too
0067 ;; it seems that recursion in agulbra-clean-out-spaces trashes Gnu/Emacs stack
0068 ;; one of the functions in there has to behave differently than its XEmacs
0069 ;; counterpart does, if you're reading this in a middle of may 2002 then
0070 ;; please email me (Zack) at zackrat@att.net and bug me to finally fix this
0071 (defun agulbra-c++-clean-out-spaces ()
0072   "Remove spaces at ends of lines, only in c++ mode"
0073   (interactive)
0074   (and (eq major-mode 'c++-mode)
0075        (if xemacs 
0076            (agulbra-clean-out-spaces)
0077   )))
0079 (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'agulbra-c++-clean-out-spaces)
0080 (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'agulbra-c++-clean-out-spaces)
0082 (defun agulbra-delete-into-nomenclature (&optional arg)
0083   "Delete forward until the end of a nomenclature section or word.
0084 With arg, to it arg times."
0085   (interactive "p")
0086   (save-excursion
0087     (let ((b (point-marker)))
0088       (c-forward-into-nomenclature arg)
0089       (delete-region b (point-marker)))))
0092 (setq c++-mode-hook
0093       (lambda ()
0094          (font-lock-mode)
0095          (c-set-style "stroustrup")
0096          (setq c-tab-always-indent nil
0097                insert-tab-mode nil
0098                indent-tabs-mode nil
0099                fume-auto-rescan-buffer-p nil
0100                c-basic-offset 4
0101                c-access-key "\\<\\(signals\\|k_dcop\\|\\(public\\|protected\\|private\\)\\([     ]+slots\\)?\\)\\>:"
0102                c-hanging-comment-ender-p nil
0103                c-offsets-alist (append '((case-label   . 0)
0104                                          (access-label . -)
0105                                          (label        . 0)
0106                                          (statement-cont . c-lineup-math)
0107                                          ) c-offsets-alist))
0108          (cond ((string-match "^\\(.*/qt/src\\)/.*/" buffer-file-truename)
0109                 (progn
0110                   (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
0111                   (setq compile-command
0112                         (concat "make -k -j 3 -C "
0113                                 (substring buffer-file-truename
0114                                         (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
0115                                 " GNUmakefile.debug && make -k -j 3 -C "
0116                                 (substring buffer-file-truename
0117                                         (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
0118                                 " -f GNUmakefile.debug"))))
0119                ((string-match "^\\\(.*/2x/src\\\)/.*/" buffer-file-truename)
0120                 (progn
0121                   (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
0122                   (setq compile-command
0123                         (concat "make -k -C "
0124                                 (substring buffer-file-truename
0125                                            (match-beginning 1)
0126                                            (match-end 1)))))))
0127          (define-key c++-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
0128          (define-key c++-mode-map "\C-i" 'agulbra-c++-tab)
0129          (define-key c++-mode-map "\ef" 'c-forward-into-nomenclature)
0130          (define-key c++-mode-map "\ed" 'agulbra-delete-into-nomenclature)
0131          (define-key c++-mode-map "\eb" 'c-backward-into-nomenclature)
0133          ; Add (setq magic-keys-mode t) to your .emacs (before loading this file)
0134          ; to enable the magic keys in C++ mode.
0135          (and (boundp 'magic-keys-mode)
0136               (progn
0137                 (define-key c++-mode-map [\(] 'insert-parens)
0138                 (define-key c++-mode-map [\)] 'insert-parens2)
0139                 (define-key c++-mode-map [,] 'insert-comma)
0140                 (define-key c++-mode-map [\{] 'insert-curly-brace)
0141                 ))
0142 ))
0144 (setq c-mode-hook
0145       (lambda ()
0146          (font-lock-mode)
0147          (setq c-tab-always-indent nil
0148                c-basic-offset 4
0149                c-offsets-alist (append '((case-label   . 4)
0150                                          (access-label . -)
0151                                          (label        . 0)
0152                                          (statement-cont . c-lineup-math)
0153                                          ) c-offsets-alist))))
0156 (defun agulbra-make-member ()
0157   "make a skeleton member function in the .cpp or .cc file"
0158   (interactive)
0159   (let ((class nil)
0160         (function nil)
0161         (file (buffer-file-name))
0162         (insertion-string nil)
0163         (start nil))
0164     (save-excursion
0165       (and (re-search-backward "^class[ \t]" nil t)
0166            (progn
0167              (forward-word 1)
0168              (while (looking-at "[ \t]*Q_EXPORT")
0169                (forward-word 2))
0170              (while (looking-at "[ \t]")
0171                (forward-char 1))
0172              (setq start (point))
0173              (while (looking-at "[A-Za-z0-9_]")
0174                (forward-char 1))
0175              (setq class (buffer-substring start (point))))))
0176     (progn
0177       (and (looking-at "$")
0178            (progn
0179              (search-backward ")" nil t)
0180              (forward-char)
0181              (backward-sexp)))
0182       (and (stringp class)
0183            (re-search-backward "^[ \t]")
0184            (progn
0185              (while (looking-at "[ \t]")
0186                (forward-char 1))
0187              (setq start (point))
0188              (and (search-forward "(" nil t)
0189                   (progn
0190                     (forward-char -1)
0191                     (forward-sexp)))
0192              (and (looking-at "[ \t]+const")
0193                   (forward-word 1))
0194              (and (looking-at ";")
0195                   (setq function (buffer-substring start (point))))
0196              (re-search-forward "(" nil t))))
0197     (and (stringp function)
0198          (progn ;; get rid of virtual, static, multiple spaces, default values.
0199            (and (string-match "[ \t]*\\<virtual\\>[ \t]*" function)
0200                 (setq function (replace-match " " t t function)))
0201            (and (string-match "^\\(virtual\\>\\)?[ \t]*" function)
0202                 (setq function (replace-match "" t t function)))
0203            (and (string-match "^\\(static\\>\\)?[ \t]*" function)
0204                 (setq function (replace-match "" t t function)))
0205            (while (string-match "  +" function)
0206              (setq function (replace-match " " t t function)))
0207            (while (string-match "\t+" function)
0208              (setq function (replace-match " " t t function)))
0209            (while (string-match " ?=[^,)]+" function)
0210              (setq function (replace-match " " t t function)))
0211            (while (string-match " +," function)
0212              (setq function (replace-match "," t t function)))))
0213     (and (stringp function)
0214          (stringp class)
0215          (stringp file)
0216          (progn
0217            (cond ((string-match (concat "^ *" class "[ \\t]*(") function)
0218                   (progn
0219                   (setq insertion-string
0220                         (concat
0221                          (replace-match
0222                           (concat class "::" class "(")
0223                           t t function)
0224                          "\n{\n    \n}\n"))))
0225                   ((string-match (concat "^ *~" class "[ \\t]*(") function)
0226                    (progn
0227                      (setq insertion-string
0228                            (concat
0229                             (replace-match
0230                              (concat class "::~" class "(")
0231                              t t function)
0232                             "\n{\n    \n}\n"))))
0233                   ((string-match " *\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \\t]*(" function)
0234                    (progn
0235                      (setq insertion-string
0236                            (concat
0237                             (replace-match
0238                              (concat " " class "::" "\\1(")
0239                              t nil function)
0240                             "\n{\n    \n}\n"))))
0241                   (t
0242                    (error (concat "Can't parse declaration ``"
0243                                   function "'' in class ``" class
0244                                   "'', aborting"))))
0245            (stringp insertion-string))
0246          (string-match "\\.h$" file)
0247          (setq f (replace-match ".cpp" t t file))
0248          (if (file-readable-p f )
0249                (message "")
0250            (progn
0251               (string-match "\\.h$" file)
0252               (setq f (replace-match ".cc" t t file))
0253               ))
0254          (find-file f)
0255          (progn
0256            (goto-char (point-max))
0257            (insert insertion-string)
0258            (forward-char -3)
0259            (save-excursion
0260              (and (string-match ".*/" file)
0261                   (setq file (replace-match "" t nil file)))
0262              (or (re-search-backward
0263                   (concat "^#include *\"" file "\"$") nil t)
0264                  (progn
0265                    (goto-char (point-min))
0266                    (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
0267                    (insert "\n#include \"" file "\"\n")))))))
0268   (fume-rescan-buffer)
0269 )
0272 (setq compilation-error-regexp-systems-list '(gnu of comma 4bsd)
0273       compilation-ask-about-save nil)
0276 (defun c-guess-basic-syntax ()
0277   (save-excursion
0278     (save-restriction
0279       (beginning-of-line)
0280       (let* ((indent-point (point))
0281              (case-fold-search nil)
0282              (fullstate (c-parse-state))
0283              (state fullstate)
0284              literal containing-sexp char-before-ip char-after-ip lim
0285              syntax placeholder c-in-literal-cache inswitch-p
0286              tmpsymbol keyword injava-inher special-brace-list
0287              ;; narrow out any enclosing class or extern "C" block
0288              (inclass-p (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class state indent-point))
0289              inenclosing-p)
0290         ;; check for meta top-level enclosing constructs, possible
0291         ;; extern language definitions, possibly (in C++) namespace
0292         ;; definitions.
0293         (save-excursion
0294           (save-restriction
0295             (widen)
0296             (if (and inclass-p
0297                      (progn
0298                        (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0))
0299                        (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))))
0300                 (let ((enclosing (match-string 1)))
0301                   (cond
0302                    ((string-equal enclosing "extern")
0303                     (setq inenclosing-p 'extern))
0304                    ((string-equal enclosing "namespace")
0305                     (setq inenclosing-p 'namespace))
0306                    )))))
0307         ;; get the buffer position of the most nested opening brace,
0308         ;; if there is one, and it hasn't been narrowed out
0309         (save-excursion
0310           (goto-char indent-point)
0311           (skip-chars-forward " \t}")
0312           (skip-chars-backward " \t")
0313           (while (and state
0314                       (not containing-sexp))
0315             (setq containing-sexp (car state)
0316                   state (cdr state))
0317             (if (consp containing-sexp)
0318                 ;; if cdr == point, then containing sexp is the brace
0319                 ;; that opens the sexp we close
0320                 (if (= (cdr containing-sexp) (point))
0321                     (setq containing-sexp (car containing-sexp))
0322                   ;; otherwise, ignore this element
0323                   (setq containing-sexp nil))
0324               ;; ignore the bufpos if its been narrowed out by the
0325               ;; containing class or does not contain the indent point
0326               (if (or (<= containing-sexp (point-min))
0327                       (>= containing-sexp indent-point))
0328                   (setq containing-sexp nil)))))
0330         ;; set the limit on the farthest back we need to search
0331         (setq lim (or containing-sexp
0332                       (if (consp (car fullstate))
0333                           (cdr (car fullstate))
0334                         nil)
0335                       (point-min)))
0337         ;; cache char before and after indent point, and move point to
0338         ;; the most likely position to perform the majority of tests
0339         (goto-char indent-point)
0340         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0341         (setq char-after-ip (char-after))
0342         (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
0343         (setq char-before-ip (char-before))
0344         (goto-char indent-point)
0345         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0347         ;; are we in a literal?
0348         (setq literal (c-in-literal lim))
0350         ;; now figure out syntactic qualities of the current line
0351         (cond
0352          ;; CASE 1: in a string.
0353          ((memq literal '(string))
0354           (c-add-syntax 'string (c-point 'bopl)))
0355          ;; CASE 2: in a C or C++ style comment.
0356          ((memq literal '(c c++))
0357           (c-add-syntax literal (car (c-literal-limits lim))))
0358          ;; CASE 3: in a cpp preprocessor macro continuation.
0359          ((and (eq literal 'pound)
0360                (/= (save-excursion
0361                      (c-beginning-of-macro lim)
0362                      (setq placeholder (point)))
0363                    (c-point 'boi)))
0364           (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro-cont placeholder))
0365          ;; CASE 4: In-expression statement.
0366          ((and (or c-inexpr-class-key c-inexpr-block-key c-lambda-key)
0367                (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
0368           (setq tmpsymbol (assq (car placeholder)
0369                                 '((inexpr-class . class-open)
0370                                   (inexpr-statement . block-open))))
0371           (if tmpsymbol
0372               ;; It's a statement block or an anonymous class.
0373               (setq tmpsymbol (cdr tmpsymbol))
0374             ;; It's a Pike lambda.  Check whether we are between the
0375             ;; lambda keyword and the argument list or at the defun
0376             ;; opener.
0377             (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
0378                                 'inline-open
0379                               'lambda-intro-cont)))
0380           (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
0381           (back-to-indentation)
0382           (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
0383           (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
0384             (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
0385          ;; CASE 5: Line is at top level.
0386          ((null containing-sexp)
0387           (cond
0388            ;; CASE 5A: we are looking at a defun, brace list, class,
0389            ;; or inline-inclass method opening brace
0390            ((setq special-brace-list
0391                   (or (and c-special-brace-lists
0392                            (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
0393                       (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
0394             (cond
0395              ;; CASE 5A.1: extern language or namespace construct
0396              ((save-excursion
0397                 (goto-char indent-point)
0398                 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0399                 (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 2) t))
0400                      (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))
0401                      (setq keyword (match-string 1)
0402                            placeholder (point))
0403                      (or (and (string-equal keyword "namespace")
0404                               (setq tmpsymbol 'namespace-open))
0405                          (and (string-equal keyword "extern")
0406                               (progn
0407                                 (c-forward-sexp 1)
0408                                 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
0409                                 (eq (char-after) ?\"))
0410                               (setq tmpsymbol 'extern-lang-open)))
0411                      ))
0412               (goto-char placeholder)
0413               (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (c-point 'boi)))
0414              ;; CASE 5A.2: we are looking at a class opening brace
0415              ((save-excursion
0416                 (goto-char indent-point)
0417                 (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
0418                 ;; TBD: watch out! there could be a bogus
0419                 ;; c-state-cache in place when we get here.  we have
0420                 ;; to go through much chicanery to ignore the cache.
0421                 ;; But of course, there may not be!  BLECH!  BOGUS!
0422                 (let ((decl
0423                        (let ((c-state-cache nil))
0424                          (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))
0425                          )))
0426                   (and decl
0427                        (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
0428                   ))
0429               (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
0430              ;; CASE 5A.3: brace list open
0431              ((save-excursion
0432                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0433                 ;; c-b-o-s could have left us at point-min
0434                 (and (bobp)
0435                      (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
0436                 (if (looking-at "typedef[^_]")
0437                     (progn (c-forward-sexp 1)
0438                            (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)))
0439                 (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
0440                 (or (consp special-brace-list)
0441                     (and (or (save-excursion
0442                                (goto-char indent-point)
0443                                (setq tmpsymbol nil)
0444                                (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
0445                                            (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
0446                                            (/= (char-after) ?=))
0447                                  (if (and (not tmpsymbol)
0448                                           (looking-at "new\\>[^_]"))
0449                                      (setq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont)))
0450                                (eq (char-after) ?=))
0451                              (looking-at "enum[ \t\n]+"))
0452                          (save-excursion
0453                            (while (and (< (point) indent-point)
0454                                        (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
0455                                        (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))))
0456                            (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))
0457                            ))))
0458               (if (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
0459                        (eq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont))
0460                   ;; We're in Java and have found that the open brace
0461                   ;; belongs to a "new Foo[]" initialization list,
0462                   ;; which means the brace list is part of an
0463                   ;; expression and not a top level definition.  We
0464                   ;; therefore treat it as any topmost continuation
0465                   ;; even though the semantically correct symbol still
0466                   ;; is brace-list-open, on the same grounds as in
0467                   ;; case 10B.2.
0468                   (progn
0469                     (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0470                     (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
0471                     (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0472                 (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open placeholder)))
0473              ;; CASE 5A.4: inline defun open
0474              ((and inclass-p (not inenclosing-p))
0475               (c-add-syntax 'inline-open)
0476               (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p))
0477              ;; CASE 5A.5: ordinary defun open
0478              (t
0479               (goto-char placeholder)
0480               (if inclass-p
0481                   (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi))
0482                 (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'bol)))
0483               )))
0484            ;; CASE 5B: first K&R arg decl or member init
0485            ((c-just-after-func-arglist-p)
0486             (cond
0487              ;; CASE 5B.1: a member init
0488              ((or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
0489                   (eq char-after-ip ?:))
0490               ;; this line should be indented relative to the beginning
0491               ;; of indentation for the topmost-intro line that contains
0492               ;; the prototype's open paren
0493               ;; TBD: is the following redundant?
0494               (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
0495                   (forward-char -1))
0496               (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
0497               ;; TBD: is the preceding redundant?
0498               (if (eq (char-before) ?:)
0499                   (progn (forward-char -1)
0500                          (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
0501               (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
0502                   (c-backward-sexp 1))
0503               (setq placeholder (point))
0504               (save-excursion
0505                 (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
0506                      (looking-at "throw[^_]")
0507                      (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
0508                      (setq placeholder (point))))
0509               (goto-char placeholder)
0510               (c-add-syntax 'member-init-intro (c-point 'boi))
0511               ;; we don't need to add any class offset since this
0512               ;; should be relative to the ctor's indentation
0513               )
0514              ;; CASE 5B.2: K&R arg decl intro
0515              (c-recognize-knr-p
0516               (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl-intro (c-point 'boi))
0517               (if inclass-p (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
0518              ;; CASE 5B.3: Inside a member init list.
0519              ((c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
0520               (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
0521               (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
0522              ;; CASE 5B.4: Nether region after a C++ or Java func
0523              ;; decl, which could include a `throws' declaration.
0524              (t
0525               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0526               (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont (c-point 'boi))
0527               )))
0528            ;; CASE 5C: inheritance line. could be first inheritance
0529            ;; line, or continuation of a multiple inheritance
0530            ((or (and c-baseclass-key
0531                      (progn
0532                        (when (eq char-after-ip ?,)
0533                          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0534                          (forward-char))
0535                        (looking-at c-baseclass-key)))
0536                 (and (or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
0537                          ;; watch out for scope operator
0538                          (save-excursion
0539                            (and (eq char-after-ip ?:)
0540                                 (c-safe (progn (forward-char 1) t))
0541                                 (not (eq (char-after) ?:))
0542                                 )))
0543                      (save-excursion
0544                        (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
0545                        (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
0546                            (progn
0547                              (forward-char -1)
0548                              (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
0549                        (back-to-indentation)
0550                        (looking-at c-class-key)))
0551                 ;; for Java
0552                 (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
0553                      (let ((fence (save-excursion
0554                                     (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0555                                     (point)))
0556                            cont done)
0557                        (save-excursion
0558                          (while (not done)
0559                            (cond ((looking-at c-Java-special-key)
0560                                   (setq injava-inher (cons cont (point))
0561                                         done t))
0562                                  ((or (not (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
0563                                       (<= (point) fence))
0564                                   (setq done t))
0565                                  )
0566                            (setq cont t)))
0567                        injava-inher)
0568                      (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (cdr injava-inher)
0569                                                          (point)))
0570                      ))
0571             (cond
0572              ;; CASE 5C.1: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
0573              ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
0574               (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
0575               (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
0576               ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
0577               ;; contains any class offset
0578               )
0579              ;; CASE 5C.2: hanging colon on an inher intro
0580              ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
0581               (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
0582               (if inclass-p (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
0583              ;; CASE agulbrahack.1:
0584              ((and inclass-p
0585                    c-access-key
0586                    (looking-at c-access-key))
0587               (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
0588               )
0589              ;; CASE 5C.3: in a Java implements/extends
0590              (injava-inher
0591               (let ((where (cdr injava-inher))
0592                     (cont (car injava-inher)))
0593                 (goto-char where)
0594                 (cond ((looking-at "throws[ \t\n]")
0595                        (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont
0596                                      (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0597                                             (c-point 'boi))))
0598                       (cont (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont where))
0599                       (t (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro
0600                                        (progn (goto-char (cdr injava-inher))
0601                                               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0602                                               (point))))
0603                       )))
0604              ;; CASE 5C.4: a continued inheritance line
0605              (t
0606               (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
0607               (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
0608               ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
0609               ;; contains any class offset
0610               )))
0611            ;; CASE 5D: this could be a top-level compound statement, a
0612            ;; member init list continuation, or a template argument
0613            ;; list continuation.
0614            ((c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
0615                                      c++-template-syntax-table
0616                                    (syntax-table))
0617               (save-excursion
0618                 (while (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
0619                             (not (looking-at "[;{<,]"))))
0620                 (eq (char-after) ?,)))
0621             (goto-char indent-point)
0622             (c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
0623             (cond
0624              ;; CASE 5D.1: hanging member init colon, but watch out
0625              ;; for bogus matches on access specifiers inside classes.
0626              ((and (save-excursion
0627                      (setq placeholder (point))
0628                      (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim)
0629                      (and (eq (char-after) ?:)
0630                           (not (eq (char-before) ?:))))
0631                    (save-excursion
0632                      (goto-char placeholder)
0633                      (back-to-indentation)
0634                      (or
0635                       (/= (car (save-excursion
0636                                  (parse-partial-sexp (point) placeholder)))
0637                           0)
0638                       (and
0639                        (if c-access-key (not (looking-at c-access-key)) t)
0640                        (not (looking-at c-class-key))
0641                        (if c-bitfield-key (not (looking-at c-bitfield-key)) t))
0642                       )))
0643               (goto-char placeholder)
0644               (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
0645               (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point))
0646               ;; we do not need to add class offset since relative
0647               ;; point is the member init above us
0648               )
0649              ;; CASE 5D.2: non-hanging member init colon
0650              ((progn
0651                 (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
0652                 (eq (char-after) ?:))
0653               (skip-chars-forward " \t:")
0654               (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
0655              ;; CASE 5D.3: perhaps a multiple inheritance line?
0656              ((save-excursion
0657                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0658                 (setq placeholder (point))
0659                 (looking-at c-inher-key))
0660               (goto-char placeholder)
0661               (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0662              ;; CASE 5D.4: perhaps a template list continuation?
0663              ((save-excursion
0664                 (goto-char indent-point)
0665                 (skip-chars-backward "^<" lim)
0666                 ;; not sure if this is the right test, but it should
0667                 ;; be fast and mostly accurate.
0668                 (setq placeholder (point))
0669                 (and (eq (char-before) ?<)
0670                      (not (c-in-literal lim))))
0671               ;; we can probably indent it just like an arglist-cont
0672               (goto-char placeholder)
0673               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0674               (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0675              ;; CASE 5D.5: perhaps a top-level statement-cont
0676              (t
0677               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0678               ;; skip over any access-specifiers
0679               (and inclass-p c-access-key
0680                    (while (looking-at c-access-key)
0681                      (forward-line 1)))
0682               ;; skip over comments, whitespace
0683               (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
0684               (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0685              ))
0686            ;; CASE 5E: we are looking at a access specifier
0687            ((and inclass-p
0688                  c-access-key
0689                  (looking-at c-access-key))
0690             (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
0691             (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p))
0692            ;; CASE 5F: extern-lang-close or namespace-close?
0693            ((and inenclosing-p
0694                  (eq char-after-ip ?}))
0695             (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq inenclosing-p 'extern)
0696                                 'extern-lang-close
0697                               'namespace-close))
0698             (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (aref inclass-p 0)))
0699            ;; CASE 5G: we are looking at the brace which closes the
0700            ;; enclosing nested class decl
0701            ((and inclass-p
0702                  (eq char-after-ip ?})
0703                  (save-excursion
0704                    (save-restriction
0705                      (widen)
0706                      (forward-char 1)
0707                      (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
0708                           (= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
0709                           ))))
0710             (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close inclass-p))
0711            ;; CASE 5H: we could be looking at subsequent knr-argdecls
0712            ((and c-recognize-knr-p
0713                  ;; here we essentially use the hack that is used in
0714                  ;; Emacs' c-mode.el to limit how far back we should
0715                  ;; look.  The assumption is made that argdecls are
0716                  ;; indented at least one space and that function
0717                  ;; headers are not indented.
0718                  (let ((limit (save-excursion
0719                                 (re-search-backward "^[^ \^L\t\n#]" nil 'move)
0720                                 (point))))
0721                    (save-excursion
0722                      (c-backward-syntactic-ws limit)
0723                      (setq placeholder (point))
0724                      (while (and (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?,))
0725                                  (> (point) limit))
0726                        (beginning-of-line)
0727                        (setq placeholder (point))
0728                        (c-backward-syntactic-ws limit))
0729                      (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
0730                           (or (not c-method-key)
0731                               (progn
0732                                 (c-forward-sexp -1)
0733                                 (forward-char -1)
0734                                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
0735                                 (not (or (memq (char-before) '(?- ?+))
0736                                          ;; or a class category
0737                                          (progn
0738                                            (c-forward-sexp -2)
0739                                            (looking-at c-class-key))
0740                                          )))))
0741                      ))
0742                  (save-excursion
0743                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
0744                    (not (looking-at "typedef[ \t\n]+"))))
0745             (goto-char placeholder)
0746             (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl (c-point 'boi)))
0747            ;; CASE 5I: ObjC method definition.
0748            ((and c-method-key
0749                  (looking-at c-method-key))
0750             (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-intro (c-point 'boi)))
0751            ;; CASE 5J: we are at the topmost level, make sure we skip
0752            ;; back past any access specifiers
0753            ((progn
0754               (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
0755               (while (and inclass-p
0756                           c-access-key
0757                           (not (bobp))
0758                           (save-excursion
0759                             (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
0760                             ;; agulbrahack 2
0761                             (and (looking-at "slots:")
0762                                  (c-backward-sexp 1))
0763                             (looking-at c-access-key)))
0764                 (c-backward-sexp 1)
0765                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
0766               (or (bobp)
0767                   (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?\}))))
0768             ;; real beginning-of-line could be narrowed out due to
0769             ;; enclosure in a class block
0770             (save-restriction
0771               (widen)
0772               (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
0773               (if inclass-p
0774                   (progn
0775                     (goto-char (aref inclass-p 1))
0776                     (or (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
0777                         (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0)))
0778                     (cond
0779                      ((eq inenclosing-p 'extern)
0780                       (c-add-syntax 'inextern-lang (c-point 'boi)))
0781                      ((eq inenclosing-p 'namespace)
0782                       (c-add-syntax 'innamespace (c-point 'boi)))
0783                      (t (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
0784                     ))
0785               ))
0786            ;; CASE 5K: we are at an ObjC or Java method definition
0787            ;; continuation line.
0788            ((and c-method-key
0789                  (progn
0790                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0791                    (beginning-of-line)
0792                    (looking-at c-method-key)))
0793             (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-args-cont (point)))
0794            ;; CASE 5L: we are at the first argument of a template
0795            ;; arglist that begins on the previous line.
0796            ((eq (char-before) ?<)
0797             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0798             (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
0799             (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0800            ;; CASE 5M: we are at a topmost continuation line
0801            (t
0802             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0803             (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
0804             (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0805            ))                           ; end CASE 5
0806          ;; (CASE 6 has been removed.)
0807          ;; CASE 7: line is an expression, not a statement.  Most
0808          ;; likely we are either in a function prototype or a function
0809          ;; call argument list
0810          ((not (or (and c-special-brace-lists
0811                         (save-excursion
0812                           (goto-char containing-sexp)
0813                           (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
0814                    (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)))
0815           (c-backward-syntactic-ws containing-sexp)
0816           (cond
0817            ;; CASE 7A: we are looking at the arglist closing paren
0818            ((and (or (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
0819                      ;; Don't check this in Pike since it allows a
0820                      ;; comma after the last arg.
0821                      (not (eq char-before-ip ?,)))
0822                  (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\])))
0823             (goto-char containing-sexp)
0824             (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
0825             (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
0826                        (> (point) placeholder))
0827               (forward-char)
0828               (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0829               (setq placeholder (point)))
0830             (c-add-syntax 'arglist-close placeholder))
0831            ;; CASE 7B: Looking at the opening brace of an
0832            ;; in-expression block or brace list.
0833            ((eq char-after-ip ?{)
0834             (goto-char indent-point)
0835             (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
0836             (goto-char containing-sexp)
0837             (if (c-inside-bracelist-p placeholder
0838                                       (cons containing-sexp state))
0839                 (progn
0840                   (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))
0841                   (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-class))
0842               (c-add-syntax 'block-open (c-point 'boi))
0843               (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-statement)))
0844            ;; CASE 7C: we are looking at the first argument in an empty
0845            ;; argument list. Use arglist-close if we're actually
0846            ;; looking at a close paren or bracket.
0847            ((memq char-before-ip '(?\( ?\[))
0848             (goto-char containing-sexp)
0849             (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
0850             (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
0851                        (> (point) placeholder))
0852               (forward-char)
0853               (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0854               (setq placeholder (point)))
0855             (c-add-syntax 'arglist-intro placeholder))
0856            ;; CASE 7D: we are inside a conditional test clause. treat
0857            ;; these things as statements
0858            ((save-excursion
0859               (goto-char containing-sexp)
0860               (and (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
0861                    (looking-at "\\<for\\>[^_]")))
0862             (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
0863             (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
0864             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
0865             (if (eq char-before-ip ?\;)
0866                 (c-add-syntax 'statement (point))
0867               (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point))
0868               ))
0869            ;; CASE 7E: maybe a continued method call. This is the case
0870            ;; when we are inside a [] bracketed exp, and what precede
0871            ;; the opening bracket is not an identifier.
0872            ((and c-method-key
0873                  (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\[)
0874                  (save-excursion
0875                    (goto-char (1- containing-sexp))
0876                    (c-backward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'bod))
0877                    (if (not (looking-at c-symbol-key))
0878                        (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-call-cont containing-sexp))
0879                    )))
0880            ;; CASE 7F: we are looking at an arglist continuation line,
0881            ;; but the preceding argument is on the same line as the
0882            ;; opening paren.  This case includes multi-line
0883            ;; mathematical paren groupings, but we could be on a
0884            ;; for-list continuation line
0885            ((save-excursion
0886               (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
0887               (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0888               (not (eolp)))
0889             (goto-char containing-sexp)
0890             (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
0891             (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
0892                        (> (point) placeholder))
0893               (forward-char)
0894               (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0895               (setq placeholder (point)))
0896             (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty placeholder))
0897            ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
0898            ;; continuation line
0899            (t (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
0900               (forward-char 1)
0901               (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
0902               (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont (c-point 'boi)))
0903            ))
0904          ;; CASE 8: func-local multi-inheritance line
0905          ((and c-baseclass-key
0906                (save-excursion
0907                  (goto-char indent-point)
0908                  (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0909                  (looking-at c-baseclass-key)))
0910           (goto-char indent-point)
0911           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
0912           (cond
0913            ;; CASE 8A: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
0914            ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
0915             (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
0916             (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
0917            ;; CASE 8B: hanging colon on an inher intro
0918            ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
0919             (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
0920            ;; CASE 8C: a continued inheritance line
0921            (t
0922             (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
0923             (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
0924             )))
0925          ;; CASE 9: we are inside a brace-list
0926          ((setq special-brace-list
0927                 (or (and c-special-brace-lists
0928                          (save-excursion
0929                            (goto-char containing-sexp)
0930                            (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
0931                     (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp state)))
0932           (cond
0933            ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
0934            ((and (consp special-brace-list)
0935                  (save-excursion
0936                    (goto-char containing-sexp)
0937                    (eq (char-after) ?\())
0938                  (eq char-after-ip (car (cdr special-brace-list))))
0939             (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
0940             (skip-chars-backward " \t")
0941             (if (and (bolp)
0942                      (assoc 'statement-cont
0943                             (setq placeholder (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
0944                 (setq syntax placeholder)
0945               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
0946               (c-forward-token-1 0)
0947               (if (looking-at "typedef\\>") (c-forward-token-1 1))
0948               (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))))
0949            ;; CASE 9B: brace-list-close brace
0950            ((if (consp special-brace-list)
0951                 ;; Check special brace list closer.
0952                 (progn
0953                   (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
0954                   (save-excursion
0955                     (goto-char indent-point)
0956                     (back-to-indentation)
0957                     (or
0958                      ;; We were between the special close char and the `)'.
0959                      (and (eq (char-after) ?\))
0960                           (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list))))
0961                      ;; We were before the special close char.
0962                      (and (eq (char-after) (cdr (cdr special-brace-list)))
0963                           (= (c-forward-token-1) 0)
0964                           (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list)))))))
0965               ;; Normal brace list check.
0966               (and (eq char-after-ip ?})
0967                    (c-safe (progn (forward-char 1)
0968                                   (c-backward-sexp 1)
0969                                   t))
0970                    (= (point) containing-sexp)))
0971             (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (c-point 'boi)))
0972            (t
0973             ;; Prepare for the rest of the cases below by going to the
0974             ;; token following the opening brace
0975             (if (consp special-brace-list)
0976                 (progn
0977                   (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
0978                   (c-forward-token-1 1 nil indent-point))
0979               (goto-char containing-sexp))
0980             (forward-char)
0981             (let ((start (point)))
0982               (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
0983               (goto-char (max start (c-point 'bol))))
0984             (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r" indent-point)
0985             (cond
0986              ;; CASE 9C: we're looking at the first line in a brace-list
0987              ((= (point) indent-point)
0988               (goto-char containing-sexp)
0989               (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (c-point 'boi))
0990               )                         ; end CASE 9C
0991              ;; CASE 9D: this is just a later brace-list-entry or
0992              ;; brace-entry-open
0993              (t (if (or (eq char-after-ip ?{)
0994                         (and c-special-brace-lists
0995                              (save-excursion
0996                                (goto-char indent-point)
0997                                (c-forward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'eol))
0998                                (c-looking-at-special-brace-list (point)))))
0999                     (c-add-syntax 'brace-entry-open (point))
1000                   (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-entry (point))
1001                   ))                    ; end CASE 9D
1002              ))))                       ; end CASE 9
1003          ;; CASE 10: A continued statement
1004          ((and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
1005                (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
1006                    (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward containing-sexp))
1007                (> (point)
1008                   (save-excursion
1009                     (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
1010                     (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1011                     (setq placeholder (point))))
1012                (/= placeholder containing-sexp))
1013           (goto-char indent-point)
1014           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1015           (let ((after-cond-placeholder
1016                  (save-excursion
1017                    (goto-char placeholder)
1018                    (if (and c-conditional-key (looking-at c-conditional-key))
1019                        (progn
1020                          (c-safe (c-skip-conditional))
1021                          (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1022                          (if (eq (char-after) ?\;)
1023                              (progn
1024                                (forward-char 1)
1025                                (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
1026                          (point))
1027                      nil))))
1028             (cond
1029              ;; CASE 10A: substatement
1030              ((and after-cond-placeholder
1031                    (>= after-cond-placeholder indent-point))
1032               (goto-char placeholder)
1033               (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
1034                   (c-add-syntax 'substatement-open (c-point 'boi))
1035                 (c-add-syntax 'substatement (c-point 'boi))))
1036              ;; CASE 10B: open braces for class or brace-lists
1037              ((setq special-brace-list
1038                     (or (and c-special-brace-lists
1039                              (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
1040                         (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
1041               (cond
1042                ;; CASE 10B.1: class-open
1043                ((save-excursion
1044                   (goto-char indent-point)
1045                   (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
1046                   (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
1047                     (and decl
1048                          (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
1049                     ))
1050                 (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
1051                ;; CASE 10B.2: brace-list-open
1052                ((or (consp special-brace-list)
1053                     (save-excursion
1054                       (goto-char placeholder)
1055                       (looking-at "\\<enum\\>"))
1056                     (save-excursion
1057                       (goto-char indent-point)
1058                       (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
1059                                   (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
1060                                   (/= (char-after) ?=)))
1061                       (eq (char-after) ?=)))
1062                 ;; The most semantically accurate symbol here is
1063                 ;; brace-list-open, but we report it simply as a
1064                 ;; statement-cont.  The reason is that one normally
1065                 ;; adjusts brace-list-open for brace lists as
1066                 ;; top-level constructs, and brace lists inside
1067                 ;; statements is a completely different context.
1068                 (goto-char indent-point)
1069                 (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
1070                 (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
1071                ;; CASE 10B.3: The body of a function declared inside a
1072                ;; normal block.  This can only occur in Pike.
1073                ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
1074                      (progn
1075                        (goto-char indent-point)
1076                        (not (c-looking-at-bos))))
1077                 (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
1078                 (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi)))
1079                ;; CASE 10B.4: catch-all for unknown construct.
1080                (t
1081                 ;; Can and should I add an extensibility hook here?
1082                 ;; Something like c-recognize-hook so support for
1083                 ;; unknown constructs could be added.  It's probably a
1084                 ;; losing proposition, so I dunno.
1085                 (goto-char placeholder)
1086                 (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi))
1087                 (c-add-syntax 'block-open))
1088                ))
1089              ;; CASE 10C: iostream insertion or extraction operator
1090              ((looking-at "<<\\|>>")
1091               (goto-char placeholder)
1092               (and after-cond-placeholder
1093                    (goto-char after-cond-placeholder))
1094               (while (and (re-search-forward "<<\\|>>" indent-point 'move)
1095                           (c-in-literal placeholder)))
1096               ;; if we ended up at indent-point, then the first
1097               ;; streamop is on a separate line. Indent the line like
1098               ;; a statement-cont instead
1099               (if (/= (point) indent-point)
1100                   (c-add-syntax 'stream-op (c-point 'boi))
1101                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
1102                 (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi))))
1103              ;; CASE 10D: continued statement. find the accurate
1104              ;; beginning of statement or substatement
1105              (t
1106               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 after-cond-placeholder)
1107               ;; KLUDGE ALERT!  c-beginning-of-statement-1 can leave
1108               ;; us before the lim we're passing in.  It should be
1109               ;; fixed, but I'm worried about side-effects at this
1110               ;; late date.  Fix for v5.
1111               (goto-char (or (and after-cond-placeholder
1112                                   (max after-cond-placeholder (point)))
1113                              (point)))
1114               (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point)))
1115              )))
1116          ;; CASE 11: an else clause?
1117          ((looking-at "\\<else\\>[^_]")
1118           (c-backward-to-start-of-if containing-sexp)
1119           (c-add-syntax 'else-clause (c-point 'boi)))
1120          ;; CASE 12: Statement. But what kind?  Lets see if its a
1121          ;; while closure of a do/while construct
1122          ((progn
1123             (goto-char indent-point)
1124             (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1125             (and (looking-at "while\\b[^_]")
1126                  (save-excursion
1127                    (c-backward-to-start-of-do containing-sexp)
1128                    (setq placeholder (point))
1129                    (looking-at "do\\b[^_]"))
1130                  ))
1131           (goto-char placeholder)
1132           (c-add-syntax 'do-while-closure (c-point 'boi)))
1133          ;; CASE 13: A catch or finally clause?  This case is simpler
1134          ;; than if-else and do-while, because a block is required
1135          ;; after every try, catch and finally.
1136          ((save-excursion
1137             (and (cond ((c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
1138                         (looking-at "\\<catch\\>[^_]"))
1139                        ((c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
1140                         (looking-at "\\<\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")))
1141                  (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
1142                  (eq (char-after) ?{)
1143                  (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
1144                  (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
1145                      (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
1146                    t)
1147                  (looking-at "\\<\\(try\\|catch\\)\\>[^_]")
1148                  (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))))
1149           (c-add-syntax 'catch-clause placeholder))
1150          ;; CASE 14: A case or default label
1151          ((looking-at c-switch-label-key)
1152           (goto-char containing-sexp)
1153           ;; check for hanging braces
1154           (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1155               (c-forward-sexp -1))
1156           (c-add-syntax 'case-label (c-point 'boi)))
1157          ;; CASE 15: any other label
1158          ((looking-at c-label-key)
1159           (goto-char containing-sexp)
1160           ;; check for hanging braces
1161           (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1162               (c-forward-sexp -1))
1163           (c-add-syntax 'label (c-point 'boi)))
1164          ;; CASE 16: block close brace, possibly closing the defun or
1165          ;; the class
1166          ((eq char-after-ip ?})
1167           (let* ((lim (c-safe-position containing-sexp fullstate))
1168                  (relpos (save-excursion
1169                            (goto-char containing-sexp)
1170                            (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1171                                (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
1172                            (c-point 'boi))))
1173             (cond
1174              ;; CASE 16A: closing a lambda defun or an in-expression
1175              ;; block?
1176              ((save-excursion
1177                 (goto-char containing-sexp)
1178                 (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
1179               (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
1180                                   'inline-close
1181                                 'block-close))
1182               (goto-char containing-sexp)
1183               (back-to-indentation)
1184               (if (= containing-sexp (point))
1185                   (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
1186                 (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
1187                 (back-to-indentation)
1188                 (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
1189                 (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
1190                     (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
1191              ;; CASE 16B: does this close an inline or a function in
1192              ;; an extern block or namespace?
1193              ((progn
1194                 (goto-char containing-sexp)
1195                 (setq placeholder (c-search-uplist-for-classkey state)))
1196               (goto-char (aref placeholder 0))
1197               (if (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))
1198                   (c-add-syntax 'defun-close relpos)
1199                 (c-add-syntax 'inline-close relpos)))
1200              ;; CASE 16C: if there an enclosing brace that hasn't
1201              ;; been narrowed out by a class, then this is a
1202              ;; block-close
1203              ((and (not inenclosing-p)
1204                    (c-most-enclosing-brace state)
1205                    (or (not (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode))
1206                        ;; In Pike it can be a defun-close of a
1207                        ;; function declared in a statement block.  Let
1208                        ;; it through to be handled below.
1209                        (or (c-looking-at-bos)
1210                            (progn
1211                              (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
1212                              (looking-at c-conditional-key)))))
1213               (c-add-syntax 'block-close relpos))
1214              ;; CASE 16D: find out whether we're closing a top-level
1215              ;; class or a defun
1216              (t
1217               (save-restriction
1218                 (narrow-to-region (point-min) indent-point)
1219                 (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
1220                   (if decl
1221                       (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close decl)
1222                     (c-add-syntax 'defun-close relpos)))))
1223              )))
1224          ;; CASE 17: statement catchall
1225          (t
1226           ;; we know its a statement, but we need to find out if it is
1227           ;; the first statement in a block
1228           (goto-char containing-sexp)
1229           (forward-char 1)
1230           (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
1231           ;; now skip forward past any case/default clauses we might find.
1232           (while (or (c-skip-case-statement-forward fullstate indent-point)
1233                      (and (looking-at c-switch-label-key)
1234                           (not inswitch-p)))
1235             (setq inswitch-p t))
1236           ;; we want to ignore non-case labels when skipping forward
1237           (while (and (looking-at c-label-key)
1238                       (goto-char (match-end 0)))
1239             (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
1240           (cond
1241            ;; CASE 17A: we are inside a case/default clause inside a
1242            ;; switch statement.  find out if we are at the statement
1243            ;; just after the case/default label.
1244            ((and inswitch-p
1245                  (progn
1246                    (goto-char indent-point)
1247                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
1248                    (setq placeholder (point))
1249                    (beginning-of-line)
1250                    (when (re-search-forward c-switch-label-key
1251                                             (max placeholder (c-point 'eol)) t)
1252                      (setq placeholder (match-beginning 0)))))
1253             (goto-char indent-point)
1254             (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1255             (if (eq (char-after) ?{)
1256                 (c-add-syntax 'statement-case-open placeholder)
1257               (c-add-syntax 'statement-case-intro placeholder)))
1258            ;; CASE 17B: continued statement
1259            ((eq char-before-ip ?,)
1260             (goto-char indent-point)
1261             (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
1262             (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
1263            ;; CASE 17C: a question/colon construct?  But make sure
1264            ;; what came before was not a label, and what comes after
1265            ;; is not a globally scoped function call!
1266            ((or (and (memq char-before-ip '(?: ??))
1267                      (save-excursion
1268                        (goto-char indent-point)
1269                        (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
1270                        (back-to-indentation)
1271                        (not (looking-at c-label-key))))
1272                 (and (memq char-after-ip '(?: ??))
1273                      (save-excursion
1274                        (goto-char indent-point)
1275                        (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1276                        ;; watch out for scope operator
1277                        (not (looking-at "::")))))
1278             (goto-char indent-point)
1279             (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
1280             (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
1281            ;; CASE 17D: any old statement
1282            ((< (point) indent-point)
1283             (let ((safepos (c-most-enclosing-brace fullstate))
1284                   relpos done)
1285               (goto-char indent-point)
1286               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos)
1287               ;; It is possible we're on the brace that opens a nested
1288               ;; function.
1289               (if (and (eq (char-after) ?{)
1290                        (save-excursion
1291                          (c-backward-syntactic-ws safepos)
1292                          (not (eq (char-before) ?\;))))
1293                   (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos))
1294               (if (and inswitch-p
1295                        (looking-at c-switch-label-key))
1296                   (progn
1297                     (goto-char (match-end 0))
1298                     (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
1299               (setq relpos (c-point 'boi))
1300               (while (and (not done)
1301                           (<= safepos (point))
1302                           (/= relpos (point)))
1303                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos)
1304                 (if (= relpos (c-point 'boi))
1305                     (setq done t))
1306                 (setq relpos (c-point 'boi)))
1307               (c-add-syntax 'statement relpos)
1308               (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
1309                   (c-add-syntax 'block-open))))
1310            ;; CASE 17E: first statement in an in-expression block
1311            ((setq placeholder
1312                   (save-excursion
1313                     (goto-char containing-sexp)
1314                     (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
1315             (goto-char containing-sexp)
1316             (back-to-indentation)
1317             (let ((block-intro (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
1318                                    'defun-block-intro
1319                                  'statement-block-intro)))
1320               (if (= containing-sexp (point))
1321                   (c-add-syntax block-intro (point))
1322                 (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
1323                 (back-to-indentation)
1324                 (c-add-syntax block-intro (point))
1325                 (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
1326                     (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
1327             (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
1328                 (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
1329            ;; CASE 17F: first statement in an inline, or first
1330            ;; statement in a top-level defun. we can tell this is it
1331            ;; if there are no enclosing braces that haven't been
1332            ;; narrowed out by a class (i.e. don't use bod here!)
1333            ((save-excursion
1334               (save-restriction
1335                 (widen)
1336                 (goto-char containing-sexp)
1337                 (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class state containing-sexp)
1338                 (not (c-most-enclosing-brace state))))
1339             (goto-char containing-sexp)
1340             ;; if not at boi, then defun-opening braces are hung on
1341             ;; right side, so we need a different relpos
1342             (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1343                 (progn
1344                   (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
1345                   (c-safe (c-forward-sexp (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
1346                                               -1 -2)))
1347                   ;; looking at a Java throws clause following a
1348                   ;; method's parameter list
1349                   (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
1350                   ))
1351             (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (c-point 'boi)))
1352            ;; CASE 17G: First statement in a function declared inside
1353            ;; a normal block.  This can only occur in Pike.
1354            ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
1355                  (progn
1356                    (goto-char containing-sexp)
1357                    (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
1358                         (progn
1359                           (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
1360                           (not (looking-at c-conditional-key))))))
1361             (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (c-point 'boi)))
1362            ;; CASE 17H: first statement in a block
1363            (t (goto-char containing-sexp)
1364               (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1365                   (c-beginning-of-statement-1
1366                    (if (= (point) lim)
1367                        (c-safe-position (point) state) lim)))
1368               (c-add-syntax 'statement-block-intro (c-point 'boi))
1369               (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
1370                   (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
1371            ))
1372          )
1373         ;; now we need to look at any modifiers
1374         (goto-char indent-point)
1375         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1376         (cond
1377          ;; are we looking at a comment only line?
1378          ((and (looking-at c-comment-start-regexp)
1379                (/= (c-forward-token-1 0 nil (c-point 'eol)) 0))
1380           (c-add-syntax 'comment-intro))
1381          ;; we might want to give additional offset to friends (in C++).
1382          ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
1383                (looking-at c-C++-friend-key))
1384           (c-add-syntax 'friend))
1385          ;; Start of a preprocessor directive?
1386          ((and (eq literal 'pound)
1387                (= (save-excursion
1388                     (c-beginning-of-macro lim)
1389                     (setq placeholder (point)))
1390                   (c-point 'boi))
1391                (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
1392                          (eq (char-after (1+ placeholder)) ?\"))))
1393           (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro)))
1394         ;; return the syntax
1395         syntax))))
1398 (defun agulbra-switch-cpp-h ()
1399   "Switch to the corresponding .cpp, .C, .cc or .h file."
1400   (interactive)
1401   (let ((n (buffer-file-name))
1402         (c nil))
1403     (cond ((and (string-match "\\.h$" n)
1404                 (progn
1405                   (setq c (replace-match ".cpp" t t n))
1406                   (file-readable-p c)))
1407            (find-file c))
1408           ((and (string-match "\\.h$" n)
1409                 (progn
1410                   (setq c (replace-match ".cc" t t n))
1411                   (file-readable-p c)))
1412            (find-file c))
1413           ((and (string-match "\\.h$" n)
1414                 (progn
1415                   (setq c (replace-match ".C" t t n))
1416                   (file-readable-p c)))
1417            (find-file c))
1418           ((string-match "\\.h$" n)
1419            (find-file (replace-match ".cpp" t t n)))
1420           ((string-match "\\.h$" n)
1421            (find-file (replace-match ".cpp" t t n)))
1422           ;((string-match "_[a-z]+[0-9]*.cpp$" n)
1423           ; (find-file (replace-match ".h" t t n)))
1424           ((string-match "\\.cpp$" n)
1425            (find-file (replace-match ".h" t t n)))
1426           ((string-match "\\.cc$" n)
1427            (find-file (replace-match ".h" t t n)))
1428           ((string-match "\\.c$" n)
1429            (find-file (replace-match ".h" t t n)))
1430           (t
1431            (error "%s is neither .h, .cc, .C or .cpp" n)))))
1433 ;; ----- Second part, contrinuted by Klaralvdalens Datakonsult
1434 (defvar kdab-qt-documentation
1435   "http://doc.trolltech.com/3.0/XXX.html"
1436   "URL for Qt documentation. XXX must be in the string. 
1437   Example: file:/packages/kde-src/qt-copy/doc/html/XXX.html")
1440 ;; special case for include files
1441 ;; Please notify blackie@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se with any modification to this variable!
1442 (defvar kdab-special-includes
1443   '( 
1444     (qlayout.h QHBoxLayout QVBoxLayout QGridLayout QBoxLayout)
1445     (qlistview.h QListViewItem QCheckListItem QListViewItemIterator)
1446     (qiconview.h QIconViewItem QIconDragItem QIconDrag)
1447     (qdragobject.h QTextDrag QStoredDrag QUriDag QColorDrag QImageDrag QDragManager)
1448     (qmime.h QMimeSource QMimeSourceFactory QWindowsMime)
1449     (qptrlist.h QPtrListIterator)
1450     (qevent.h QTimerEvent QMouseEvent QWheelEvent QTabletEvent QKeyEvent 
1451               QFocusEvent QPaintEvent QMoveEvent QResizeEvent QCloseEvent 
1452               QShowEvent QHideEvent QContextMenuEvent QIMEvent QDropEvent
1453               QDragMoveEvent QDragEnterEvent QDragResponseEvent QDragLeaveEvent
1454               QChildEvent QCustomEvent)
1455     (qdatetime.h QTime QDateTime QDate)
1457     ; Qt/Embedded
1458     (qcopchannel_qws.h QCopChannel)
1459     (qdirectpainter_qws.h QDirectPainter)
1460     (qfontfactorybdf_qws.h QFontFactoryBDF)
1461     (qfontfactoryttf_qws.h QFontFactoryFT)
1462     (qfontmanager_qws.h QGlyphMetrics QGlyph QRenderedFont QDiskFont QFontManager QFontFactory)
1463     (qgfx_qws.h QScreenCursor QPoolEntry QScreen QGfx)
1464     (qgfxlinuxfb_qws.h QLinuxFbScreen)
1465     (qgfxmatroxdefs_qws.h QQnxFbGfx QQnxScreen)
1466     (qgfxraster_qws.h QGfxRasterBase QGfxRaster)
1467     (qgfxvnc_qws.h QRfbRect QRfbPixelFormat QRfbServerInit QRfbSetEncodings 
1468                    QRfbFrameBufferUpdateRequest QRfbKeyEvent QRfbPointerEvent QRfbClientCutText QVNCServer)
1469     (qkeyboard_qws.h QWSKeyboardHandler)
1470     (qlock_qws.h QLock QLockHolder)
1471     (qmemorymanager_qws.h QMemoryManagerPixmap QMemoryManager)
1472     (qsoundqss_qws.h QWSSoundServer QWSSoundClient QWSSoundServerClient QWSSoundServerSocket)
1473     (qwindowsystem_qws.h QWSInternalWindowInfo QWSScreenSaver QWSWindow QWSSoundServer 
1474                          QWSServer QWSServer KeyboardFilter QWSClient)
1475     (qwsbeosdecoration_qws.h QWSBeOSDecoration)
1476     (qwscursor_qws.h QWSCursor)
1477     (qwsdecoration_qws.h QWSDecoration)
1478     (qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h QWSDefaultDecoration)
1479     (qwsdisplay_qws.h QWSWindowInfo QWSDisplay)
1480     (qwshydrodecoration_qws.h QWSHydroDecoration)
1481     (qwskde2decoration_qws.h QWSKDE2Decoration)
1482     (qwskdedecoration_qws.h QWSKDEDecoration)
1483     (qwsmanager_qws.h QWSManager QWSButton)
1484     (qwsmouse_qws.h QWSPointerCalibrationData QWSMouseHandler QCalibratedMouseHandler 
1485                     QAutoMouseHandlerPrivate QWSMouseHandlerPrivate QVrTPanelHandlerPrivate 
1486                     QTPanelHandlerPrivate QYopyTPanelHandlerPrivate QCustomTPanelHandlerPrivate 
1487                     QVFbMouseHandlerPrivate)
1488     (qwsproperty_qws.h QWSPropertyManager)
1489     (qwsregionmanager_qws.h QWSRegionManager)
1490     (qwssocket_qws.h QWSSocket QWSServerSocket)
1491     (qwswindowsdecoration_qws.h QWSWindowsDecoration)
1493     ; KDE
1494     (kdebug.h kDebug kWarning kError kFatal kBacktrace)
1496     ) "List of special include files which do not follow the normal scheme")
1498 ;; Lookup class `cls' in kdab-special-includes and return the associate include file name
1499 (defun kdab-map-special (cls)
1500   (let ((list kdab-special-includes)
1501         (found nil))
1502     (while (and list (not found))
1503       (let* ( (elm (car list))
1504               (include-file (car elm))
1505               (classes (cdr elm)))
1506         ( while (and classes (not found))
1507           (if (string= (downcase cls) (downcase (symbol-name (car classes))))
1508               (setq found include-file)
1509             (setq classes (cdr classes)))))
1510       (setq list (cdr list)))
1511     (if found
1512         (symbol-name found)
1513       nil)  ; return value
1514     ))
1517 (defun kdab-word-under-point ()
1518   (save-excursion
1519     (let* ((start (if (= (preceding-char) ?\ )
1520                       (point)
1521                     (progn (backward-word 1) (point))))
1522            (end (progn (forward-word 1) (point))))
1523       (buffer-substring start end))))
1526 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1527 ; Insert include file.
1528 ; Place point anywhere on a class, and invoke this function. A result of
1529 ; this is that an include line is added (if it does not already exists) for
1530 ; the given class.
1531 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1532 (defun kdab-insert-header ()
1533   (interactive "")
1534   (save-excursion
1535     (let* ((word (downcase (kdab-word-under-point)))
1536            (header (cond
1537                     ((kdab-map-special word) (kdab-map-special word))
1538                     ((string-match "^qdom" word) "qdom.h")
1539                     ((string-match "^qxml" word) "qxml.h")
1540                     (t (concat word ".h")))))
1541       (beginning-of-buffer)
1542       (if (not (re-search-forward (concat "#include *<" header ">") nil t))
1543           (progn
1544                                         ; No include existsed
1545             (goto-char (point-max)) ; Using end-of-buffer makes point move, dispete save-excursion
1546             (if (not (re-search-backward "^#include *[\"<][^\">]+\.h *[\">]" nil t))
1547                 (beginning-of-buffer)
1548               (progn (end-of-line) (forward-char 1)))
1549             (if (file-exists-p header)
1550                 (progn 
1551                   ; See this as a local file.
1552                   (insert "#include \"" header "\"\n")
1553                   (message (concat "inserted " "#include \"" header "\"")))
1554               (progn
1555                 (insert "#include <" header ">\n")
1556                 (message (concat "inserted " "#include <" header ">")))))
1557         (message (concat "header file \"" header "\" is already included"))))))
1562 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1563 ; Start konqueror with documentation for the class under point.
1564 ; set `kdab-qt-documentation' to specify the replacement for the documentation
1565 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1566 (defun kdab-lookup-qt-documentation ()
1567   (interactive "")
1568   (save-excursion
1569     (let* ((word (downcase (kdab-word-under-point)))
1570           (url (if (not (string-match "XXX" kdab-qt-documentation))
1571                    (error "didn't find three X's in kdab-qt-documentation")
1572                  (replace-match word t t kdab-qt-documentation))))
1573       (start-process "qt documentation" nil "kfmclient" "openURL" url)
1574       (message (concat "Loading " url)))))
1577 ;; ----- Third part, contributed by various KDE developers
1579 ;;; func-menu is a package that scans your source file for function definitions
1580 ;;; and makes a menubar entry that lets you jump to any particular function
1581 ;;; definition by selecting it from the menu.  The following code turns this on
1582 ;;; for all of the recognized languages.  Scanning the buffer takes some time,
1583 ;;; but not much.
1585 (if xemacs 
1586     (progn
1587       (require 'func-menu)
1588       (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'fume-add-menubar-entry) )
1589   (progn
1590     (require 'imenu)))
1591     ;(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'imenu)) )
1593 ;; Switch between the declaration of a class member in .cc/.cpp/.C, and its definition in the .h file
1594 ;; Written by David and Reggie after much hair tearing
1595 (defun switch-to-function-def ()
1596   (interactive)
1597   (let ((n (buffer-file-name))
1598         (class "")
1599         (fn ""))
1600     (if (or (string-match "\\.cc$" n)
1601             (string-match "\\.cpp$" n)
1602             (string-match "\\.C$" n))
1603         (let ((a (fume-function-before-point)))
1604           (and (string-match "^\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)$" a)
1605                (progn
1606                  (setq class (match-string 1 a))
1607                  (setq fn (match-string 2 a))
1608                  (agulbra-switch-cpp-h)
1609                  (goto-char 0)
1610                  (re-search-forward class nil t)
1611                  (re-search-forward (concat "[ \t]+" fn "[ \t]*(") nil t)))))
1612     (if (string-match "\\.h$" n)
1613         (progn
1614           (save-excursion
1615             (forward-line 0)
1616             (re-search-forward "[ \t]+\\([^ \t(]+\\)[ \t]*(" nil t)
1617             (setq fn (match-string 1))
1618             (re-search-backward "^class \\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)" nil t)
1619             (setq class (match-string 1))
1620             (setq save (match-string 2))
1621             (and (string-match "Q_EXPORT" class)
1622                  (setq class save))
1623             (message (concat class "::" fn))
1624             )
1625           (agulbra-switch-cpp-h)
1626           (goto-char 0)
1627           (re-search-forward (concat "^[^()]*" class "::" fn "[ \t]*(") nil t)
1628           (message c-syntactic-context)
1629           )
1630 )))
1632 ; Adds the current file to Makefile.am.
1633 ; Written by David.
1634 (defun add-file-to-makefile-am ()
1635   "add the current file to the _SOURCES tag in the Makefile.am"
1636   (interactive)
1637   (let ((file (buffer-name))
1638         (makefile "Makefile.am"))
1639     (if (file-readable-p makefile )
1640         (message "")
1641       (error "Makefile.am not found!")
1642       )
1643     (find-file makefile)
1644     (goto-char (point-min))
1645     (if (re-search-forward "_SOURCES" nil t)
1646         (progn
1647           (end-of-line)
1648           ; check if line ends with '\' [had to read make-mode.el to find this one!]
1649           (while (= (char-before) ?\\)
1650             (end-of-line 2)) ; moves to end of next line
1651           (insert " ")
1652           (insert file)
1653           )
1654       (error "_SOURCES not found")
1655       )
1656     )
1657   )
1659 ; Inserts a kDebug statement showing the name of the current method.
1660 ; You need to create the empty line first.
1661 (defun insert-kDebug ()
1662   (interactive)
1663   (insert "kDebug() << \"")
1664   (insert (fume-function-before-point))
1665   (insert "\" << endl;")
1666   )
1668 ; Creates the ifndef/define/endif statements necessary for a header file
1669 (defun header-protection ()
1670   (interactive)
1671   (let ((f (buffer-file-name)))
1672     (if (string-match "^.*/" f)
1673       (setq f (replace-match "" t t f)))
1674     (while (string-match "\\." f)
1675       (setq f (replace-match "_" t t f)))
1676     (save-excursion
1677       (goto-char (point-min))
1678       (insert "#ifndef " (upcase f) "\n#define " (upcase f) "\n\n")
1679       (goto-char (point-max))
1680       (insert "\n#endif\n")
1681       )
1682     )
1683   )
1686 ; Makes '(' insert '(' or ' ( ' where appropiate
1687 (defun insert-parens (arg) (interactive "*P")
1688   (if (not (c-in-literal))
1689       (let ((n nil))
1690         (save-excursion
1691           (setq n (or (progn (forward-char -2) (looking-at "if"))
1692                       (progn (forward-char -1) (looking-at "for"))
1693                       (progn (forward-char -1) (looking-at "case"))
1694                       (progn (forward-char -1) (looking-at "while"))
1695                       )
1696                 )
1697           )
1698         (cond
1699          (n (progn
1700               (insert " ")
1701               (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1702               ;(insert " ")
1703               ))
1704          (t ;else
1705           (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1706           ;(insert " ")
1707           )))
1708     (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
1709   )
1711 (defun insert-parens2 (arg) (interactive "*P")
1712   (if (not (c-in-literal))
1713       (let ((remv nil) (nospac nil))
1714         (forward-char -2)
1715         (setq remv (looking-at "( ")) ; () -> we'll have to remove that space
1716         (forward-char 1)
1717         (setq nospac (or (looking-at " ") (looking-at "(")) ) ; no space to be added
1718         (forward-char 1)
1719         (cond
1720          (remv (progn
1721                  (delete-backward-char 1)
1722                  (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))) ; the () case
1723          (nospac (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))) ; no space to be added
1724          (t ;else
1725           (if abbrev-mode ; XEmacs
1726               (expand-abbrev))
1727           ;(insert " ")
1728           (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1729           ))) ; normal case, prepend a space
1730     ;;(blink-matching-open) ; show the matching parens
1731     (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
1732   )
1734 ; Makes ',' insert ', '
1735 (defun insert-comma (arg)
1736   (interactive "*P")
1737   (let* ((ch (char-after))
1738          (spacep (not (or (eq ch ? )
1739                           (c-in-literal)
1740                           arg))))
1741     (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1742     (if spacep
1743         (insert " "))))
1745 (defun insert-curly-brace (arg) (interactive "*P")
1746   (if (not (c-in-literal))
1747       (let ((n nil) (o nil))
1748         (save-excursion
1749           (forward-char -2)
1750           (setq o (looking-at "()"))
1751           (forward-char 1)
1752           (setq n (looking-at ")"))
1753           )
1754         (cond
1755          (n (progn
1756               (insert " ")
1757               (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1758               (newline-and-indent)
1759              (save-excursion
1760               (insert "\n}")
1761               (c-indent-line)
1762               )))
1763          (o (progn
1764               (newline)
1765               (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1766               (newline-and-indent)))
1767          (t (progn ;else
1768               (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1769               (save-excursion
1770                 (beginning-of-line)
1771                 (c-indent-command))))
1772          ))
1773     (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1774     )
1775 )
1777 ;; have PelDel mode work
1778 (put 'insert-parens 'pending-delete t)
1779 (put 'insert-parens2 'pending-delete t)
1780 (put 'insert-comma 'pending-delete t)
1781 (put 'insert-curly-brace 'pending-delete t)
1782 (put 'newline-and-indent 'pending-delete t)
1784 ; A wheel mouse that doesn't beep, unlike mwheel-install
1785 (defun scroll-me-up () (interactive) (scroll-up 4))
1786 (defun scroll-me-down () (interactive) (scroll-down 4))
1787 (defun scroll-me-up-a-bit () (interactive) (scroll-up 1))
1788 (defun scroll-me-down-a-bit () (interactive) (scroll-down 1))
1789 (define-key global-map [(button4)] 'scroll-me-down)
1790 (define-key global-map [(button5)] 'scroll-me-up)
1791 (define-key global-map [(shift button4)] 'scroll-me-down-a-bit)
1792 (define-key global-map [(shift button5)] 'scroll-me-up-a-bit)
1794 ; Compilation
1795 (defun makeclean () (interactive) (compile "make clean"))
1796 (defun make () (interactive) (compile "make"))
1797 (defun makeinstall () (interactive) (compile "make install"))
1798 (defun makeinstallexec () (interactive) (compile "make install-exec"))
1799 (defun makethisfile () (interactive)
1800     (let ((f (buffer-name)))
1801       (if (string-match "\.cpp$" f) (setq f (replace-match "\.lo" t t f)))
1802       (if (string-match "\.cc$" f) (setq f (replace-match "\.lo" t t f)))
1803       (compile (concat "make " f ))))
1805 ;; Indentation: 4 characters, no tabs.
1806 (setq c-basic-offset 4)
1807 (setq insert-tab-mode nil)
1808 (setq-default require-final-newline t)
1809 (setq-default next-line-add-newlines nil)
1811 ;; pc-like textmarking
1812 (load "pc-select")
1813 (if xemacs
1814     (pc-select-mode)
1815   (pc-selection-mode))
1817 ; Move in other window
1818 (defun scroll-other-up () (interactive) (scroll-other-window-down 1)) ; hehe :)
1819 (define-key global-map [(meta up)] 'scroll-other-up)
1820 (defun scroll-other-down () (interactive) (scroll-other-window 1))
1821 (define-key global-map [(meta down)] 'scroll-other-down)
1823 ;; Some example bindings, feel free to customize :)
1824 (define-key global-map [(f2)] 'grep)
1825 ;; FIXME: remember to get these two working on Gnu/Emacs (Zack)
1826 (define-key global-map [(f3)] 'fume-list-functions)
1827 (define-key global-map [(shift f3)] 'fume-prompt-function-goto)
1828 (define-key global-map [(shift button3)] 'mouse-function-menu)
1829 (define-key global-map [(shift f4)] 'makeclean)
1830 (define-key global-map [(f4)] 'make)
1831 (define-key global-map [(f5)] 'makeinstall)
1832 (define-key global-map [(shift f5)] 'makeinstallexec)
1833 (define-key global-map [(shift f6)] 'makethisfile)
1834 (define-key global-map [(f6)] 'agulbra-switch-cpp-h)
1835 (define-key global-map [(f7)] 'switch-to-function-def)
1836 ;; imenu does that interactively
1837 (if xemacs
1838     (define-key global-map [(f8)] 'function-menu))
1839 ;(define-key global-map [(f9)] 'agulbra-make-member) ;; uncomment this for a killer feature
1840 (define-key global-map [(f10)] 'kdab-insert-header)
1841 (define-key global-map [(shift f10)] 'kdab-lookup-qt-documentation)
1842 (define-key global-map [(control meta d)] 'insert-kDebug)
1844 ; Standard Qt/KDE shortcuts: Ctrl+Backspace, Ctrl+Delete
1845 (define-key global-map [(control backspace)] 'backward-kill-word)
1846 (define-key global-map [(control delete)] 'kill-word)
1848 ; Standard Qt/KDE shortcuts: Control Pageup and Pagedown
1849 (define-key global-map [(control prior)] 'beginning-of-buffer)
1850 (define-key global-map [(control next)] 'end-of-buffer)
1852 ; currently no binding for header-protection and add-file-to-makefile-am,
1853 ; you need to call them from M-x
1855 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
1856 ; The above list defines the following bindings:
1857 ;
1858 ; F2 : offer a grep command
1859 ;
1860 ; F3/Shift-F3/F8/Shift-RMB : different ways to see the list of methods in the current buffer
1861 ;
1862 ; F4 : make
1863 ; Shift-F4 : make clean
1864 ; F5 : make install
1865 ; Shift-F5 : make install-exec
1866 ;
1867 ; Shift-F6 : compile this file [assumes libtool is being used]
1868 ; F6 : Switch from .cpp/.cc to .h and vice-versa
1869 ; F7 : The same, but try to find the current method in the other file
1870 ; F9 (if enabled) : Create a member method in the .cpp, the cursor being on the definition in the .h
1871 ; F10: Place point on a class name, and the respective (Qt) include file will be inserted.
1872 ; This works with all Qt classes but can easily be extended to KDE classes.
1873 ; Shift-F10: Place point on a class name, and press Shift-F10, and konqueror will load
1874 ;            Qt documentation. Customize the location of the Qt documentation with the 
1875 ;            variable kdab-qt-documentation. XXX will be replace with the class name.
1876 ;            Example (setq kdab-qt-location "file:/packages/kde-src/qt-copy/doc/html/XXX.html")
1877 ;
1878 ; Ctrl+Meta+D : insert a kDebug statement with the name of the current method
1879 ; [the new hide-all-windows shortcut conflicts with that, you may have to
1880 ;  change it, or use Ctrl+Meta+Shift+D (!!)]
1881 ;
1882 ; Meta Up/Down : scroll the other window (when window is split)
1884 ; Other very useful keybindings to know about:
1885 ; C-x r m    to set a named bookmark in the buffer
1886 ; C-x r b    to jump to a named bookmark in the buffer
1888 (setq-default initial-scratch-message
1889       "File kde-devel-emacs.el is deprecated! 
1890 Please use KDE-Emacs from kdesdk/scripts/kde-emacs.")