File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 10:03:33

0001 ##
0002 ## Script to port from qDebug, kdebug, kDebugInfo etc. to kDebug/kWarning/...
0003 ## Example:
0004 ## kDebugInfo( [area,] "format %a - %b", arga, argb )
0005 ## becomes
0006 ## kDebug( [area] ) << "format " << arga << " - " << argb << endl;
0007 ##
0008 ## Written by David Faure <>, licensed under GPL.
0009 ## 17/03/2000
0011 find $1 -name '*[cCph]' -type f | xargs grep -H -i 'ebug(\|warning(' \
0012 | grep -v 'kDebug\|kWarning' \
0013 | grep -v include \
0014 | sed -e "s#:.*##" \
0015 | sort -u \
0016 | while read file; do
0017 echo -n "working on $file "
0018 cp $file $file.tmp
0019 perl -w -i -e \
0020 '
0021 $inkdebug=0;
0022 while (<>)
0023 {
0024     if ( $inkdebug )
0025     {
0026         chop;
0027         #print "Reading line : " . $_ . "\n";
0028         $statement .= $_;
0029     }
0030     elsif ( /kdebug\s*\(/ || /kDebug[a-zA-Z]*\s*\(/ || /qDebug\s*/ || /qWarning\s*/ )
0031     {
0032         # Very old kdebug stuff :)
0033         s/kdebug\s*\(\s*KDEBUG_INFO,/kDebugInfo\(/;
0034         s/kdebug\s*\(\s*0,/kDebugInfo\(/;
0035         s/kdebug\s*\(\s*KDEBUG_WARN,/kDebugWarning\(/;
0036         s/kdebug\s*\(\s*KDEBUG_ERROR,/kDebugError\(/;
0037         s/kdebug\s*\(\s*KDEBUG_FATAL,/kDebugFatal\(/;
0039         $inkdebug = 1;
0040         chop;
0041         $statement = $_;
0042     }
0044     if ( $inkdebug )
0045     {
0046         if ( /\)\s*;/ ) # look for );
0047         {
0048             $inkdebug = 0;
0049             $_ = $statement;
0050             ## Ok, now we have the full line
0051             ## 1 - Parse
0052             if (s/(^.*kDebug[a-zA-Z]*)\s*\(\s*//) {
0053               $line=$1; # has the indentation, //, and the kDebug* name
0054             } elsif (s/(^.*qDebug)\s*\(\s*// || s/(^.*qWarning)\s*\(\s*//) {
0055               $line=$1;
0056             } else { die "parse error on kDebug/qDebug/qWarning..."; }
0057             $line=$1; # has the indentation, //, and the kDebug* name
0058             $line =~ s/kDebugInfo/kDebug/;
0059             $line =~ s/kDebugArea/kDebug/;
0060             $line =~ s/qDebug/kDebug/;
0061             $line =~ s/qWarning/kWarning/;
0062             $line =~ s/kDebugWarning/kWarning/;
0063             $line =~ s/kDebugError/kError/;
0064             $line =~ s/kDebugFatal/kFatal/;
0065             $area = "";
0066             if ( s/^([0-9]+)\s*,\s*//) # There is an area
0067             {
0068                 $area = $1;     # Store it
0069                 $line .= "(" . $area . ")";
0070             } elsif ( s/^(KBABEL[^,]*)\s*,\s*//)
0071             {     # Example of support for #defined area (here KBABEL.*)
0072                 $area = $1;     # Store it
0073                 $line .= "(" . $area . ")";
0074             } else
0075             { $line .= "()";  }  # You can set an area here if converting qDebugs
0077             $arguments = ""; # for final test
0078             $commented = 0;
0079             if ( !s/^\"([^\"]*)\"// ) # There is no format
0080             {
0081                 s/\s*\)\s*;\s*$//;
0082                 $commented = s/\s*\)\s*;\s*\*\/$//; # terminating with */
0083                 $line = $line . " << " . $_ ;
0084             } else
0085             {
0086                 $format = $1;
0087                 # If we stopped on a \" we need to keep adding to format
0088                 while ( $format =~ m/\\$/ )
0089                     { s/^([^\"]*)\"// || die "problem"; $format .= "\"" . $1; }
0090                 s/\s*\)\s*;\s*$/,/; # replace trailing junk with , for what follows
0091                 $commented = s/\s*\)\s*;\s*\*\/$/,/; # terminating with */
0092                 $arguments = $_;
0094                 ## 2 - Look for %x
0095                 @stringbits = split( "(%[0-9]*[a-z])", $format );
0096                 foreach ( @stringbits )
0097                 {
0098                     #print $_ . "\n";
0099                     if ( /(%[0-9]*[a-z])/ ) # This item is a format
0100                     {
0101                         ## 3 - Find argument
0102                         # kludge for QString(a,b) constructions
0103                         $arguments =~ s/(QString\s*\([^,]+,[^,]+\))/QStrKLUDGE/;
0104                         $kludge = $1;
0105                         $arguments =~ s/\s*([^,]+)\s*,//;
0106                         # Remove trailing .ascii() and latin1()
0107                         $arg = $1;
0108                         $arg =~ s/QStrKLUDGE/$kludge/; ## restore original arg
0109                         $arg =~ s/\.ascii\(\)$//;              # remove
0110                         $arg =~ s/\.latin1\(\)$//;             # remove
0111                         $arg =~ s/debugString\(([^\)]+)\)/$1/; # remove
0112                         # If "a ? b : c" then add parenthesis
0113                         if ( $arg =~ m/.+\s*\?\s*.+\s*:\s*.+/ ) {
0114                            $arg = "(" . $arg . ")";
0115                         }
0116                         $line = $line . " << " . $arg;
0117                     } else # This item is some litteral
0118                     {
0119                         $line = $line . " << \"" . $_ . "\"" if ($_);
0120                     }
0121                 }
0123             }
0124             $arguments =~ s/,$//; # Remove trailing slash before next check
0125             if ( $arguments ) {
0126                print STDERR "Non-processed (Information lost! Check the file!) : " . $arguments . "\n";
0127             }
0128             $line = $line . " << endl;\n";
0129             if ( $commented ) { $line .= "\*/"; }
0130             print $line;
0131         }
0132     }
0133     else
0134     {
0135         # Normal line
0136         print;
0137     }
0138 }
0139 if ( $inkdebug )
0140 {
0141    print STDERR "Warning, unterminated kDebug call !! Check the file !\n";
0142    print $arguments;
0143 }
0144 ' $file.tmp
0145 if cmp -s $file $file.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
0146   echo "unchanged"
0147   rm $file.tmp  
0148 else
0149   echo "patching"
0150   mv $file.tmp $file
0151 fi
0153 done