Warning, /sdk/kde-dev-scripts/fixheaders is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #! /usr/bin/env perl
0003 # this script is written by Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org> with
0004 # much help from Sirtaj Singh Kang <ssk@physics.unimelb.edu.au>
0006 if ($ARGV[0]) {
0007   $topdir = $ARGV[0];
0008 } else {
0009   $topdir=`pwd`;
0010 }
0011 chomp $topdir;
0013 $lastdir = '.';
0016 # this is the important part. Left from the '=>' you find the regular
0017 # expression for the g++ output and right from '=>' the header file to
0018 # include
0019 %messages = 
0020 (
0021  'implicit declaration of function `int i18n\(\.\.\.\)\'' => "klocale",
0022  '`i18n\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "klocale",
0023  'variable `class QPixmap \S*\' has initializer but incomplete type' => "qpixmap",
0024  '`kapp\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kapplication",
0025  'no matching function for call to `KLocale::' => "klocale",
0026  '`klocale\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "klocale",
0027  'no matching function for call to `QPopupMenu::' => "qpopupmenu",
0028  '`QTextStream\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "qtextstream",
0029  '`QTextStream\' was not declared in this scope' => "qtextstream",
0030  'incomplete type `QSocketNotifier\'' => "qsocketnotifier",
0031  'no matching function for call to `KConfig' => "kconfig",
0032  'variable `class KConfig \S*\' has initializer but incomplete type' => "kconfig",
0033  'implicit declaration of function `int kDebug' => "kdebug",
0034  'implicit declaration of function `int kWarning' => "kdebug",
0035  '`QFile\' undeclared \(first use this function' => "qfile",
0036  'variable `QFile \S*\' has initializer but incomplete type' => "qfile",
0037  'type `KConfigBase\' is not a base type for type `KConfig' => "kconfig",
0038  'invalid use of undefined type `class QAccel' => "qaccel",
0039  'invalid use of undefined type `class KAboutData' => "kaboutdata",
0040  'incomplete type `KAboutData\'' => "kaboutdata",
0041  'incomplete type `QGrid\'' => "qgrid",
0042  'invalid use of undefined type `class QGrid\'' => "qgrid",
0043  'aggregate `class KConfig \S*\' has incomplete type' => "kconfig",
0044  '`stderr\' undeclared \(first use this function' => "stdio",
0045  'invalid use of undefined type `class KConfig' => "kconfig",
0046  'implicit declaration of function `int f?printf' => "stdio",
0047  'no method `KGlobal::' => "kglobal",
0048  '`KGlobal\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kglobal",
0049  'implicit declaration of function `int locate\(\.\.\.\)' => "kstddirs",
0050  '`locate\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kstddirs",
0051  'no matching function for call to `KStandardDirs' => "kstddirs",
0052  'no method `KStandardDirs::' => "kstddirs",
0053  'variable `class QFile \S*\' has initializer but incomplete type' => "qfile",
0054  'implicit declaration of function `int ICON\(\.\.\.\)' => "kiconloader",
0055  '`QMessageBox\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "qmessagebox",
0056  'no matching function for call to `QBoxLayout::QBoxLayout' => "qlayout",
0057  '`QUriDrag\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "qdragobject",
0058  '`kDebug\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kdebug",
0059  '`kWarning\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kdebug",
0060  'no matching function for call to `KMenuBar::insertItem\(QString, KPopupMenu' => "kpopupmenu",
0061  'no matching function for call to `KMenuBar::' => "kmenubar",
0062  'invalid use of undefined type `class QPointArray' => "qpointarray",
0063  'variable `QPainter \S*\' has initializer but incomplete type' => "qpainter",
0064  'invalid use of undefined type `class QRegExp' => "qregexp",
0065  'invalid use of undefined type `class QPushButton' => "qpushbutton",
0066  'cannot convert `QPushButton \*\' to `QButton \*' => "qpushbutton",
0067  'invalid use of undefined type `class QButton' => "qbutton",
0068  '`QButton\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "qbutton",
0069  'no method `QCursor::pos' => "qcursor",
0070  '`DesktopIcon\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kiconloader",
0071  '`BarIcon\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kiconloader",
0072  '`SmallIcon\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kiconloader",
0073  '`UserIcon\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kiconloader",
0074  'implicit declaration of function `int UserIcon\(...\)\'' => "kiconloader",
0075  '`KIcon\' undeclared \(first use this function\)' => "kiconloader",
0076  'invalid use of undefined type `class KIconLoader' => "kiconloader",
0077  'invalid use of undefined type `class KComponentData' => "kcomponentdata",
0078  'invalid use of undefined type `class KStatusBar\'' => "kstatusbar",
0079  'invalid use of undefined type `class QLabel\'' => "qlabel",
0080  'invalid use of undefined type `class QImage\'' => "qimage",
0081  'invalid use of undefined type `class QImageIO\'' => "qimage",
0082  'invalid use of undefined type `class QLineEdit\'' => "qlineedit",
0083  'invalid use of undefined type `class QComboBox\'' => "qcombobox",
0084  'invalid use of undefined type `class QStyle\'' => "qstyle",
0085  'invalid use of undefined type `class KPopupMenu\'' => "kpopupmenu",
0086  'invalid use of undefined type `class QPopupMenu\'' => "qpopupmenu",
0087  'cannot convert `KPopupMenu \*\' to `QPopupMenu \*' => "kpopupmenu",
0088  'aggregate `QPopupMenu \S*\' has incomplete type' => "qpopupmenu",
0089  'invalid use of undefined type `class KUrl' => "kurl",
0090  'no method `QApplication::' => "qapplication",
0091  'no method `QFile::' => "qfile",
0092  'error: \'Q3CString\' is used as a type' => "q3cstring",
0093  'error: ISO C\+\+ forbids declaration of \`Q3CString\' with' => "q3cstring",
0094  'error: incomplete type \'QPixmap\' cannot be used' => 'qpixmap',
0095  'error: invalid use of undefined type `struct QVector' => 'qvector',
0096  'error: incomplete type `Q3ValueList' => 'q3valuelist',
0097  'error: variable `Q3ValueList<' => 'q3valuelist',
0098  'error: `Q3PointArray\' undeclared' => 'q3pointarray',
0099  'error: invalid use of undefined type \`struct QColor' => 'qcolor',
0100  'error: `QX11Info::' => 'qx11info_x11',
0101  'error: incomplete type \'QX11Info' => 'qx11info_x11',
0102  'error: \'Q3AsciiDi' => 'q3asciidict',
0103  'invalid use of undefined type \'struct KXMLGUIFactory' => 'kxmlguifactory',
0104  'cannot convert \'KXMLGUIFactory*' => 'kxmlguifactory',
0105  'error: \'I18N_NOOP\' was not declared' => 'klocale',
0106  'error: \'i18n\' was not declared' => 'klocale',
0107  'error: incomplete type \'KGlobal' => 'kglobal',
0108  'error: \'KRandom\' has not been declared' => 'krandom',
0109  'error: \‘KStandardAction\’ has not been declared' => 'kstandardaction',
0110  'error: invalid use of undefined type \‘struct KSelectAction' => 'kselectaction',
0111  'invalid use of undefined type \‘struct KToggleAction' => 'ktoggleaction',
0112  'error: invalid use of undefined type \'struct KJobUiDelegate' => 'kjobuidelegate',
0113  'error: invalid use of undefined type \‘struct QLabel' => 'qlabel',
0114  'error: \'KToggleAction\' was not declared in this scope' => 'ktoggleaction',
0115  'invalid use of undefined type ‘struct KActionCollection' => 'kactioncollection',
0116  'forbids declaration of \'KToggleAction\' with no type' => 'ktoggleaction',
0117  'type \'struct KActionMenu' => 'kactionmenu',
0118  'invalid use of undefined type \'struct KAction' => 'kaction',
0119  'invalid use of undefined type ‘struct KAction' => 'kaction',
0120  'invalid use of undefined type ‘struct KSelectAction' => 'kselectaction',
0121  'invalid use of undefined type .struct KFontSizeAction' => 'kfontsizeaction',
0122  'invalid use of undefined type .struct KFontAction' => 'kfontaction',
0123  "invalid use of undefined type .* KIcon" => 'kicon',
0124 );
0126 # Initial values are simply to get into the while
0127 $exitcode=2; # exit-code from last 'make' command
0128 $addedone=1; # 1 when something has been fixed, means we can try again
0130 while ( $exitcode != 0 && $addedone != 0 )
0131 {
0132  $addedone = 0;
0134  %changes = ();
0135  open(INPUT,"makeobj -j10 -k 2>&1 |") || die "Couldn't run makeobj";
0136  while(<INPUT>)
0137  {
0138   if (/make.*Entering directory \`(.+)\'/) {
0139     $lastdir = $1;
0140     $lastdir =~ s/^$topdir\///;
0141     print STDERR "entering $lastdir\n";
0142     next;
0143   }
0144   if (/^([^:]*):\d*: (.*)$/) {
0145     $file = $1;
0146     $line = $2;
0147     if ($file !~ m,^\/,) {
0148       $file = "$lastdir/$file";
0149     }
0150     #print STDERR "file=$file $line\n";
0151   } else {
0152     # This could be a continuation line
0153     if ( defined $line && $line ne "" ) {
0154       $line .= $_;
0155       #print STDERR "file still $file\n";
0156       #print STDERR "line=$line\n";
0157     } else {
0158       # Compilation line, or other unparsable line -> ignore
0159       print STDOUT $_;
0160       next;
0161     }
0162   }
0164   #print STDERR "Already having changes for $file\n" if defined($changes{$file});
0165   next if defined($changes{$file});
0167   #print STDOUT $_;
0169   foreach $message (keys %messages) {
0170     if ($line =~ /.*$message.*/) {
0171       $changes{$file} = $messages{$message};
0172       $addedone = fixFile($file, $messages{$message});
0173     }
0174   }
0176   if (defined($changes{$file})) { $file=""; $line=""; }
0177  } # end of while(<INPUT>)
0178  close(INPUT);
0179  $exitcode=($?>>8);
0180 } # end of main while
0182 sub fixFile
0183 {
0184   my( $file, $adding ) = @_;
0186   my $lastinclude = "";
0187   my $lastkinclude = "";
0189   # read file
0190   open ( FILE, "$file" ) || die "Can't read $file";
0192   my $flines;
0193   my $cpplevel = 0;
0195   while (<FILE>) {
0196     $flines .= $_;
0197     #print "$cpplevel $_";
0198     if ($_ =~ m/^#if/ && $_ !~ m/^#ifn/) {
0199        $cpplevel = $cpplevel + 1;
0200     }
0201     if ($_ =~ m/^#endif/) {
0202        $cpplevel = $cpplevel - 1;
0203     }
0204     if ($cpplevel == 0 && ($_ =~ m/^(#include\s*[\"<]q\S*\.h[\">]\S*)/ || $_ =~ m/^(#include\s*[\"<]Q\S*[\">]\S*)/)) {
0205        $lastinclude = $1;
0206     }
0207    if ($cpplevel == 0 && $_ =~ m/^(#include\s*<k\S*\.h>\S*)/) {
0208        $lastkinclude = $1;
0209     }
0211   }
0213   close FILE;
0215  $lastinclude = $lastkinclude if (!$lastinclude);
0217   if (!$lastinclude) {
0218     print STDERR "ERROR: no include found in $file! (tried to add $adding.h)\n";
0219     return 0;
0220   }
0222   if ($flines =~ m/#include\s*[\"<]$adding\.h[\">]\s*\n/) {
0223     print STDERR "ERROR: $adding.h already included in $file!\n";
0224     return 0;
0225   }
0226   if ($flines =~ /(\n$lastinclude)/) {
0227     $flines =~ s/$lastinclude(.*\n)/$lastinclude$1#include <$adding.h>\n/;
0228     print STDERR "ADDED <$adding.h> after \"$lastinclude\" in $file\n";
0229   } else {
0230     print STDERR "ERROR: can't find $lastinclude in $file\n";
0231     return 0;
0232   }
0234   # write file
0236   open( FILE, ">$file" ) || die "Can't write to $file";
0237   print FILE $flines;    
0238   close FILE;
0239   return 1;
0240 }