Warning, /sdk/kde-dev-scripts/cvscheck is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #! /usr/bin/env perl
0003 use POSIX qw(mktime ctime);
0004 use Time::Local qw( timegm );
0006 # Offline check for status of files in a checked-out
0007 # CVS module. 
0008 # Artistic License, Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org> 2001-2003
0010 # based on cvschanged by
0011 # Sirtaj Singh Kang <taj@kde.org> Nov 1998.
0013 if ( defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /(?:-h|--help)/) {
0014   print "cvscheck (c) 2001-2003 Dirk Mueller <mueller\@kde.org>\n\nUsage:\n";
0015   print "   cvscheck [options] <dirs>\n\n";
0016   print "Prints information about the status of your local CVS checkout without\n";
0017   print "communicating with the server (therefore in speed only limited by your\n";
0018   print "hard-disk throughput, much unlike cvs -n up).\n\n";
0019   print "Every file is printed with a status character in front of its name:\n";
0020   print "? foobar.c   file is not known to CVS - maybe you should add it?\n";
0021   print "M foobar.c   file is for sure locally modified.\n";
0022   print "m foobar.c   file *might* have local changes (needs a diff with the server).\n";
0023   print "C foobar.c   file has a CVS conflict and therefore cannot be committed.\n";
0024   print "U foobar.c   file is in CVS but its somehow missing in your local checkout.\n";
0025   print "T foobar.c   file has an unusual sticky CVS tag.\n";
0026   print "A foobar.c   you cvs add'ed this file but did not yet commit.\n";
0027   print "R foobar.c   you cvs rm'ed this file but did not yet commit.\n";
0029 print <<EOF;
0032 Options: 
0034 -u | --unknown    Show only unknown (?) files
0035 -m | --modified   Show only modified (m/M) files
0036 --missing         Show only missing (U) files
0037 -t | --tagged     Show only tagged (T) files
0038 -a | --added      Show only added (A) files
0039 -r | --removed    Show only removed (R) files
0040 -c | --conflicts  Show only conflict (C) files
0042 If no option is given, it defaults to show all files and diagnostic messages.
0043 EOF
0044   exit;
0045 }
0047 # default is HEAD
0048 $standardtag = "";
0049 %defaulttag = ();
0050 @dirqueue = ();
0051 @merged = ();
0052 @uncommitted = ();
0053 @missing = ();
0054 @tagged = ();
0055 @removed = ();
0056 @unknown = ();
0057 @modified = ();
0058 @conflicts = ();
0060 %months = ( 'Jan' => 0, 'Feb' => 1, 'Mar' => 2, 'Apr' => 3, 'May' => 4,
0061             'Jun' => 5, 'Jul' => 6, 'Aug' => 7, 'Sep' => 8, 'Oct' => 9,
0062             'Nov' => 10, 'Dec' => 11);
0064 %showoptions = ();
0065 $optionlocal = 0;
0067 sub printinfo($)
0068 {
0069   print @_ if (defined($showoptions{"all"}));
0070 }
0072 # convert text stamp to GMT
0073 sub strToTime
0074 {
0075         my( $timestr ) = @_;
0077         if( ! ($timestr =~ 
0078                 /^(\w+)\s*(\w+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s*(\d+)/) ) {
0080                 return -1;
0081         }
0083         # CVS timestamps are in GMT.
0085         my( $tm ) = timegm( $6, $5, $4, $3, $months{ $2 }, $7 - 1900);
0087         return $tm;
0088 }
0090 sub processEntries
0091 {
0092         my ( $dir ) = @_;
0093         my %dirunknown = ();
0095         opendir (DIR, "$dir") || warn "Couldn't read '$dir'";
0096         # first assume all are unknown
0097         while ( $e = readdir(DIR) ) {
0098           next if ($e eq ".");
0099           next if ($e eq "..");
0100           next if ($e eq "RCS");
0101           next if ($e eq "SCCS");
0102           next if ($e eq "CVS");
0103           next if ($e eq "CVS.adm");
0104           next if ($e eq "RCSLOG");
0105           next if ($e eq "tags");
0106           next if ($e eq "TAGS");
0107           next if ($e eq ".make.state");
0108           next if ($e eq ".nse_depinfo");
0109           next if ($e eq "core");
0110           next if ($e eq ".libs");
0111           next if ($e eq ".deps");
0112           next if ($e =~ /^.+~$/);
0113           next if ($e =~ /^\#.+$/);
0114           next if ($e =~ /^\.\#.+$/);
0115           next if ($e =~ /^,.+$/);
0116           next if ($e =~ /^_\$.+$/);
0117           next if ($e =~ /^.+\$$/);
0118           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.old$/);
0119           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.bak$/);
0120           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.BAK$/);
0121           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.orig$/);
0122           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.rej$/);
0123           next if ($e =~ /^\.del-.+$/);
0124           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.a$/);
0125           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.olb$/);
0126           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.o$/);
0127           next if ($e =~ /^.*\.obj$/);
0128           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.so$/);
0129           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.Z$/);
0130           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.elc$/);
0131           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.ln$/);
0132           next if ($e =~ /^cvslog\..*$/);
0134           # kde specific entries
0135           # TODO read from CVSROOT/cvsignore - if it's been checked out!
0136           next if ($e eq "config.cache");
0137           next if ($e eq "config.log");
0138           next if ($e eq "config.status");
0139           next if ($e eq "index.cache.bz2");
0140           next if ($e eq ".memdump");
0141           next if ($e eq "autom4te.cache");
0142           next if ($e eq "autom4te.cache");
0143           next if ($e eq "Makefile.rules");
0144           next if ($e eq "Makefile.calls");
0145           next if ($e eq "Makefile.rules.in");
0146           next if ($e eq "Makefile.calls.in");
0147           next if ($e =~ /^.*\.moc$/);
0148           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.gmo$/);
0149           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.moc\.[^\.]+$/);
0150           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.lo$/);
0151           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.la$/);
0152           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.rpo$/);
0153           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.closure$/);
0154           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.all_cpp\.cpp$/);
0155           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.all_C\.C$/);
0156           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.all_cc\.cc$/);
0157           next if ($e =~ /^.+_meta_unload\.[^\.]+$/);
0158           next if ($e =~ /^.+\.kidl$/);
0159           next if ($e =~ /^.+_skel\.[^\.]+$/);
0161           # Qt specific entries
0162           next if ($e eq ".ui");
0163           next if ($e eq ".moc");
0164           next if ($e eq ".obj");
0166           $dirunknown{$e} = 1;
0167         }
0168         closedir(DIR);
0169         if( open(CVSIGNORE, $dir."/.cvsignore") ) {
0170           while(<CVSIGNORE>) {
0171             s/\s*$//;
0172             my $line = $_;
0173             foreach my $entry ( split(/ /,$line) ) {
0174               if ($entry =~ /[\*\?]/) {
0175                 my $pattern = quotemeta $entry;
0176                 $pattern =~ s/\\\*/.*/g;
0177                 $pattern =~ s/\\\?/./g;
0178                 foreach $m (keys (%dirunknown)) {
0179                   $dirunknown{$m} = 0 if ($m =~ /^$pattern$/);
0180                 }
0181                 next;
0182               }
0183               $dirunknown{$entry} = 0;
0184             }
0185           }
0186           close(CVSIGNORE);
0187         }
0189         if ( !open( ENTRIES, $dir."/CVS/Entries" ) ) {
0190           &printinfo("I CVS/Entries missing in $dir\n");
0191           return;
0192         }
0193         my $oldstandardtag = defined($defaulttag{$dir}) ? $defaulttag{$dir} : "";
0194         my $staginfo = "";
0195         if( open(CVSTAG, $dir."/CVS/Tag" ) ) {
0196           my $line = <CVSTAG>;
0197           if($line =~ /^[TDN](.+)$/) {
0198             $standardtag = $1;
0199             $staginfo = $1;
0200           }
0201           else {
0202             # something with D - assume HEAD
0203             $oldstandardtag = $standardtag = ""; # its HEAD
0204             &printinfo("I $dir has unknown stickyness: $line");
0205           }
0206           close(CVSTAG);
0207         }
0208         else {
0209           $standardtag = ""; # its HEAD
0210           $staginfo = "(HEAD)";
0211         }
0212         &printinfo("I $dir has sticky tag $staginfo\n") if($standardtag ne $oldstandardtag);
0213         while( <ENTRIES> ) {
0214           if ( m#^\s*D/([^/]+)/# ) {
0215                if (-d "$dir/$1" && !$optionlocal) {
0216                  push ( @dirqueue, "$dir/$1" );
0217                  $defaulttag{"$dir/$1"} = $standardtag;
0218                }
0219                $dirunknown{$1} = 0;
0220                next;
0221             }
0223           next if !m#^\s*/([^/]+)/([-]*[\d\.]*)/([^/]+)/([^/]*)/(\S*)$#;
0224           $fname = $1;
0225           $ver = $2;
0226           $stamp = $3;
0227           $options = $4;
0228           $tag = $5;
0229           $tag = $1 if ($tag =~ /^[TD](.+)$/);
0231           $dirunknown{$fname} = 0;
0233           my $taginfo="";
0234           if(defined($showoptions{"all"})) {
0235             if ( $tag ne $standardtag ) {
0236               if ($tag eq "") {
0237                 $taginfo = " (HEAD)";
0238               }
0239               else {
0240                 $taginfo = " ($tag)";
0241               }
0242             }
0243             if ($options =~ /^\-k(.)$/) {
0244               $taginfo .= " (no RCS-tags)" if($1 eq "o");
0245               $taginfo .= " (RCS binary file)" if($1 eq "b");
0246               $taginfo .= " (RCS values only)" if($1 eq "v");
0247               $taginfo .= " (RCS keywords only)" if($1 eq "k");
0248             }
0249           }
0250           my $state = $stamp;
0251           if( $stamp =~ m(^(.+)\+(.+)$) ) {
0252             $state = $1;
0253             $stamp = $2;
0254           }
0255           if ( $state =~ /merge/ ) {
0256             # modified version merged with update from server
0257             # check for a conflict
0258             if ( open (F, "$dir/$fname") ) {
0259               my @conflict = grep /^<<<<<<</, <F>;
0260               close (F);
0261               if( @conflict ) {
0262                 push @conflicts, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0263                 next;
0264               }
0265             } 
0266             else {
0267               push @missing, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0268               next;
0269             }
0270           }
0271           if ( $ver =~ /^\-.*/ ) {
0272             push @removed, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0273             next;
0274           }
0275           $mtm = strToTime( $stamp );
0276           if( $mtm < 0 ) {
0277             if ( $ver eq "0" ) {
0278               push @uncommitted, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0279             }
0280             else {
0281               push @merged, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0282             }
0283             next;
0284           }
0285           @sparams = lstat( "$dir/$fname" );
0287           if ( $#sparams < 0 ) {
0288             push @missing, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0289             next;
0290           }
0291           if( $mtm < $sparams[ 9 ] ) {
0292             push @modified, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0293             next;
0294           }
0295           if ( $tag ne $standardtag ) {
0296             push @tagged, "$dir/$fname$taginfo";
0297           }
0298         }
0299         close( ENTRIES );
0301         my @unknownlist = sort keys (%dirunknown);
0302         foreach $entry (@unknownlist) {
0303           next if ($dirunknown{$entry} == 0);
0304           # ignore unusual files
0305           next if (-l "$dir/$entry" );
0306           # its a CVS directory ? might be a different module
0307           if (-d "$dir/$entry" and -d "$dir/$entry/CVS") {
0308             $defaulttag{"$dir/$entry"} = $standardtag;
0309             push ( @dirqueue, "$dir/$entry" );
0310             next;
0311           }
0312           push @unknown, "$dir/$entry";
0313         }
0314 }
0316 sub printlist($$@)
0317 {
0318   my ($status, $type, @flist) = @_;
0320   return if (not defined($showoptions{"all"}) and 
0321              not defined($showoptions{"$type"}));
0323   if(defined($showoptions{"all"})) {
0324     foreach (@flist) {
0325       s/\.\///;
0326       print "$status $_\n";
0327     }
0328   }
0329   else {
0330     foreach(@flist) {
0331       print "$_\n";
0332     }
0333   }
0334 }
0336 foreach $f ( @unknown ) {
0337   $f =~ s/^\.\///;
0338   print "? $f\n";
0339 }
0340 foreach (@ARGV) {
0341    $showoptions{"unknown"}++ if(/^(?:-u|--unknown)$/);
0342    $showoptions{"modified"}++ if(/^(?:-m|--modified)$/);
0343    $showoptions{"missing"}++ if(/^(?:--missing)$/);
0344    $showoptions{"tagged"}++ if(/^(?:-t|--tagged)$/);
0345    $showoptions{"added"}++ if(/^(?:-a|--added)$/);
0346    $showoptions{"removed"}++ if(/^(?:-r|--removed)$/);
0347    $showoptions{"conflicts"}++ if(/^(?:-c|--conflicts)$/);
0348    $optionlocal++ if(/^(?:-l|--local)$/);
0350    next if (/^-/);
0351    push (@dirqueue, "./$_");
0352 }
0354 # if no special flags set, show all files
0355 $showoptions{"all"}++ if(scalar(keys(%showoptions)) == 0);
0357 # Try current directory if none specified
0358 push(@dirqueue, ".") if( $#dirqueue < 0 );
0360 # process directory queue
0361 while ($#dirqueue >= 0) {
0362   processEntries( pop @dirqueue );
0363 }
0365 &printlist("?", "unknown", @unknown);
0366 &printlist("M", "modified", @modified);
0367 &printlist("m", "modified", @merged);
0368 &printlist("U", "missing", @missing);
0369 &printlist("T", "tagged", @tagged);
0370 &printlist("A", "added", @uncommitted);
0371 &printlist("R", "removed", @removed);
0372 &printlist("C", "conflicts", @conflicts);
0374 =head1 NAME
0376 cvscheck -- Lists all files in checked out CVS modules that have been
0377 edited or changed locally. No connection is required to the CVS server,
0378 therefore being extremely fast. 
0380 =head1 AUTHOR
0382 Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
0383 based on cvschanged by Sirtaj Singh Kang <taj@kde.org>
0385 =cut