Warning, /sdk/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/tips is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <tip category="KCachegrind|Help">
0002 <html>
0003 <p>...that the <em>What's this...</em> help for every GUI widget
0004 in KCachegrind contains detailed usage information for this widget?
0005 It is highly recommend to read at least these help texts on first
0006 use. Request <em>What's this...</em> help by pressing
0007 Shift-F1 and clicking on the widget.</p>
0008 </html>
0009 </tip>
0011 <tip category="KCachegrind|Explanation">
0012 <html>
0013 <p>...that you can get profile information at instruction level
0014 with Calltree when you provide the option <em>--dump-instr=yes</em>?
0015 Use the Assembler View for the instruction annotations.
0016 </p>
0017 </html>
0018 </tip>
0020 <tip category="KCachegrind|Keyboard">
0021 <html>
0022 <p>...that you can use Alt-Left/Right keys of your keyboard to go
0023 back/forward in the active object history ?</p>
0024 </html>
0025 </tip>
0027 <tip category="KCachegrind|Keyboard">
0028 <html>
0029 <p>...that you can navigate in the Callee/Caller Map View using
0030 arrow keys? Use Left/Right to change to siblings of the current
0031 item; use Up/Down to go one nesting level up/down. To select
0032 the current item, press Space, and to activate it, press Return.
0033 </p>
0034 </html>
0035 </tip>
0037 <tip category="KCachegrind|Keyboard">
0038 <html>
0039 <p>...that you can navigate in the Call Graph View using
0040 arrow keys? Use Up/Down to go one calling level up/down, alternating
0041 between calls and functions. Use Left/Right to change to siblings of a current
0042 selected call. To activate the current item, press Return.
0043 </p>
0044 </html>
0045 </tip>
0047 <tip category="KCachegrind|Filters">
0048 <html>
0049 <p>...that you can rapidly locate a function by entering part of its
0050 name (case-insensitive) into the edit line of the toolbar
0051 and hit return?</p>
0052 </html>
0053 </tip>
0055 <tip category="KCachegrind|Appearance">
0056 <html>
0057 <p>...that you can assign custom colors to 
0058 ELF objects/C++ Classes/Source Files for graph coloring
0059 in <em>Settings->Configure KCachegrind...</em>?</p>
0060 </html>
0061 </tip>
0063 <tip category="KCachegrind|Configuration">
0064 <html>
0065 <p>...that you can see if debug info is available for a selected 
0066 function by looking at the location label in the Info tab or
0067 the source listing header in the source tab?</p>
0068 <p>There must be the name of the source file (with extension).
0069 If KCachegrind still does not show the source, make sure that you
0070 have added the directory of the source file to the
0071 <em>Source Directories</em> list in the configuration.
0072 </html>
0073 </tip>
0075 <tip category="KCachegrind|Appearance">
0076 <html>
0077 <p>...that you can configure whether KCachgrind should
0078 show absolute event counts or relative ones (percentage display)?</p>
0079 </html>
0080 </tip>
0082 <tip category="KCachegrind|Appearance">
0083 <html>
0084 <p>...that you can configure the maximum number of items
0085 for all function lists in KCachegrind? Limiting the number
0086 of items is done to get a fast reacting GUI. The last item in
0087 the list will show you the number of skipped functions, together
0088 with a cost condition for these skipped functions.</p>
0089 <p>To activate a function with small costs, search for it and select
0090 it in the flat profile. Selecting functions with small cost will
0091 temporarily add them to the flat profile list.</p>
0092 </html>
0093 </tip>
0095 <tip category="KCachegrind|Explanation">
0096 <html>
0097 <p>...that the Coverage tab - in contrast to the Call Lists tab -
0098 shows <em>all</em> functions that are calling the selected function
0099 (upper part) / are called by the selected function (bottom part),
0100 no matter how many function are between them on the stack?</p>
0101 <p>Examples:</p>
0102 <p>An entry in the upper list for function foo1() with a value of 50%
0103 with function bar() selected means that 50% of all the cost of function
0104 bar() happened while called from function foo1().</p>
0105 <p>An entry in the bottom list for function foo2() with a value of 50%
0106 with function bar() selected means that 50% of all the cost of function
0107 bar() happened while calling foo2() from bar().</p>
0108 </html>
0109 </tip>
0111 <tip category="KCachegrind|Explanation">
0112 <html>
0113 <p>...that waiting for the tool tip inside of a tree map
0114 shows the list of names of the nested rectangles the mouse
0115 pointer is over?</p>
0116 <p>Items from this list can be selected by pressing the right
0117 mouse button.</p>
0118 </html>
0119 </tip>
0121 <tip category="KCachegrind|Explanation">
0122 <html>
0123 <p>...that you can constrain the cost counts shown to only a
0124 few parts of the whole trace by selecting these parts in the
0125 "Trace Selection" Dockable?</p>
0126 <p>To generate multiple parts in a profiling run with
0127 cachegrind, use e.g. option --cachedumps=xxx for parts
0128 of a length of xxx basic blocks (A basic block is a run
0129 of not-branching assembler statements inside of your program
0130 code).</p>
0131 </html>
0132 </tip>
0134 <tip category="KCachegrind|Explanation">
0135 <p>...that by splitting the view to show information of 
0136 two functions simultaniously, selecting a function in
0137 one panel shows the information for that function
0138 in the other panel?</p>
0139 </html>
0140 </tip>