Warning, /sdk/elf-dissector/src/ui/plotter/ldbenchmark.gnuplot is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 set title "Cumulative Dynamic Linking/Loading Time" textcolor rgb "@TEXTCOLOR@"
0002 set xlabel textcolor rgb "@TEXTCOLOR@"
0003 set xtics rotate
0004 set ylabel "µs" textcolor rgb "@TEXTCOLOR@"
0005 set yrange [0:]
0006 set grid
0007 set style data lines
0008 set border linecolor rgb "@TEXTCOLOR@"
0009 set key textcolor rgb "@TEXTCOLOR@"
0011 lazySum=0
0012 nowSum=0
0014 sumLazy(x) = (lazySum = lazySum + x, lazySum)
0015 sumNow(x)  = (nowSum = nowSum + x, nowSum)
0017 plot 'ldbenchmark.csv' using 0:(sumLazy($2)):($2-$3) with yerrorbars notitle linecolor rgb "#808080" pointsize 0, \
0018      'ldbenchmark.csv' using 0:2:xticlabels(1) with lines smooth cumulative title "RTLD_LAZY" linecolor rgb "#bf0303", \
0019      'ldbenchmark.csv' using 0:(sumNow($5)):($5-$6) with yerrorbars notitle linecolor rgb "#808080" pointsize 0, \
0020      'ldbenchmark.csv' using 0:5 with lines smooth cumulative title "RTLD_NOW" linecolor rgb "#2C72C7"