File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 10:02:22

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Sebastian Doerner <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #ifndef GITWRAPPER_H
0008 #define GITWRAPPER_H
0010 #include <QProcess>
0011 #include <QStringList>
0012 #include <QSet>
0014 class QTextCodec;
0016 /**
0017  * @brief A git wrapper class to access git functions conveniently using a Singleton interface.
0018  */
0019 class GitWrapper
0020 {
0021     private:
0022         GitWrapper();
0023         static GitWrapper* m_instance;
0024         ///size of the line buffers when parsing git output
0025         static const int BUFFER_SIZE;
0026         ///size of the line buffers when parsing shorter git output
0027         static const int SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE;
0028         QProcess m_process;
0029         QTextCodec * m_localCodec;
0030         /**
0031          * Gets a list of all remote hosts, whose entry ends with \a lineEnd
0032          * @param lineEnd The end of the lines, which should be returned as entries.
0033          *                Should be "(pull)" or "(push)".
0034          */
0035         QStringList remotes(QLatin1String lineEnd);
0036     public:
0037         static GitWrapper* instance();
0038         static void freeInstance();
0039         void setWorkingDirectory(const QString& workingDirectory) {
0040             m_process.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory);
0041         }
0043         /**
0044          * @returns The configured of the repository,
0045                     the empty String (which is NOT null) if not configured.
0046          */
0047         QString userName();
0048         /**
0049          * @returns The configured of the repository,
0050                     the empty String (which is NOT null) if not configured.
0051          */
0052         QString userEmail();
0053         /**
0054          * Gets a list of all branches in the repository.
0055          * @param currentBranchIndex
0056          *          Pointer to the location in which to store the index of the current branch
0057          *          within the returned QStringList. Set to -1 if currently not on any branch.
0058          * @returns A StringList containing the names of all local and remote branches.
0059          */
0060         QStringList branches(int * currentBranchIndex = nullptr);
0062         /**
0063          * Gets a list of all tags in the repository.
0064          * @returns A list containing the tag names
0065          */
0066         QStringList tags();
0067         /**
0068          * Gets a set of all tags in the repository.
0069          * @param result Set to store the results in.
0070          */
0071         void tagSet(QSet<QString>& result);
0073         /**
0074          * Gets a list of all remote hosts we can pull from.
0075          * @returns The list containing the remote hosts.
0076          */
0077         QStringList pullRemotes();
0079         /**
0080          * Gets a list of all remote hosts we can push to.
0081          * @returns The list containing the remote hosts.
0082          */
0083         QStringList pushRemotes();
0085         /**
0086          * @returns The last commit message. Null-String if there is no last commit.
0087          */
0088         QString lastCommitMessage();
0089 };
0091 #endif // GITWRAPPER_H