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0024         <p>An overview of material icons—where to get them and how to integrate them with your projects.</p>
0026         <nav class="toc">
0027           <h1>Contents</h1>
0028           <ul>
0029             <li><a href="#what-are-material-icons">What are material icons</a></li>
0030             <li><a href="#getting-icons">Getting icons</a></li>
0031             <li><a href="#icon-font-for-the-web">Icon font for the web</a></li>
0032             <li><a href="#icon-images-for-the-web">Icon images for the web</a></li>
0033             <li><a href="#icons-for-android">Icons for Android</a></li>
0034             <li><a href="#icons-for-ios">Icons for iOS</a></li>
0035           </ul>
0036         </nav>
0038       <h1 id="what-are-material-icons">What are material icons</h1>
0039 <p>Material design system icons are simple, modern, friendly, and sometimes
0040 quirky. Each icon is created using our design guidelines to depict in simple
0041 and minimal forms the universal concepts used commonly throughout a UI.
0042 Ensuring readability and clarity at both large and small sizes, these icons
0043 have been optimized for beautiful display on all common platforms and display
0044 resolutions.</p>
0045 <p>See the full set of material design icons at the <a href="">material icons library</a>.</p>
0046 <div class="img"><a href=""><img src="www/images/icons-library.png" alt="alt text"></a></div>
0048 <h1 id="getting-icons">Getting icons</h1>
0049 <p>The icons are available in several formats and are suitable for different types
0050 of projects and platforms, for developers in their apps, and for designers in
0051 their mockups or prototypes.</p>
0052 <h2 id="licensing">Licensing</h2>
0053 <p>We have made these icons available for you to incorporate them into your
0054 products under the <a href="">Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)</a>. Feel free to remix and re-share these icons and documentation in your
0055 products.  We&#39;d love attribution in your app&#39;s <em>about</em> screen, but it&#39;s not required. The only thing we ask is that you not re-sell
0056 the icons themselves.</p>
0057 <h2 id="browsing-and-downloading-individual-icons">Browsing and downloading individual icons</h2>
0058 <p>The complete set of material icons are available on the <a href="">material icon library</a>. The icons are available for download in SVG or PNGs, formats that are
0059 suitable for web, Android, and iOS projects or for inclusion in any designer
0060 tools.</p>
0061 <h2 id="downloading-everything">Downloading everything</h2>
0062 <p>Grab the <a href="">latest stable zip archive</a> (~57MB) of all icons or the <a href="">bleeding-edge version from master.</a></p>
0063 <h2 id="git-repository">Git Repository</h2>
0064 <p>The material icons are available from the <a href="">git repository</a> which contains the complete set of icons including all the various formats we
0065 are making available.</p>
0066 <pre><code>$ git clone
0067 </code></pre><h2 id="installing-icons-from-bower">Installing icons from bower</h2>
0068 <p>Install the icons using the <a href="">Bower</a> package manager.</p>
0069 <pre><code>$ bower install material-design-icons
0070 </code></pre><h2 id="installing-icons-from-npm">Installing icons from npm</h2>
0071 <p>Install the icons using <a href="">npm</a> package manager.</p>
0072 <pre><code>$ npm install material-design-icons
0073 </code></pre><p><hr></p>
0074 <h1 id="icon-font-for-the-web">Icon font for the web</h1>
0075 <p>The material icon font is the easiest way to incorporate material icons with
0076 web projects. We have packaged all the material icons into a single font that
0077 takes advantage of the typographic rendering capabilities of modern browsers so
0078 that web developers can easily incorporate these icons with only a few lines of
0079 code.</p>
0080 <p>Using the font is not only the most convenient method, but it is efficient and
0081 looks great:</p>
0082 <ul>
0083 <li>750+ icons all from a single download.</li>
0084 <li>Served from Google Web Font servers or can be self hosted.</li>
0085 <li>Supported by all modern web browsers.</li>
0086 <li>Colored, sized and positioned entirely with CSS.</li>
0087 <li>Vector-based: Looks great at any scale, retina displays, low-dpi display
0088 screens.</li>
0089 </ul>
0090 <p>The icon font contains 750+ icons and weighs in at only 40KB (woff2 format). In
0091 comparison, a ZIP file of these in SVGs will be more than 50% larger.</p>
0092 <h2 id="setup-method-1-using-via-google-web-fonts">Setup Method 1. Using via Google Web Fonts</h2>
0093 <p>The easiest way to set up icon fonts for use in any web page is through <a href="">Google Web Fonts</a>. All you need to do is include a single line of HTML:</p>
0094 <pre><code>&lt;link href=&quot;;
0095       rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot;&gt;
0096 </code></pre><p>Similar to other Google Web Fonts,  the correct CSS will be served to activate
0097 the &#39;Material Icons&#39; font specific to the browser. An additional CSS class will
0098 be declared called <code>.material-icons</code>. Any element that uses this class will have the correct CSS to render these
0099 icons from the web font.</p>
0100 <h2 id="setup-method-2-self-hosting">Setup Method 2. Self hosting</h2>
0101 <p>For those looking to self host the web font, some additional setup is necessary.
0102 Host the <a href="">icon font</a> in a location, for example <code></code> and add the
0103 following CSS rule:</p>
0104 <pre><code>@font-face {
0105   font-family: &#39;Material Icons&#39;;
0106   font-style: normal;
0107   font-weight: 400;
0108   src: url(; /* For IE6-8 */
0109   src: local(&#39;Material Icons&#39;),
0110        local(&#39;MaterialIcons-Regular&#39;),
0111        url( format(&#39;woff2&#39;),
0112        url( format(&#39;woff&#39;),
0113        url( format(&#39;truetype&#39;);
0114 }
0115 </code></pre><p>In addition, the CSS rules for rendering the icon will need to be declared.
0116 These rules are normally served as part of the Google Web Font stylesheet, but
0117 will need to be included manually in your projects when self-hosting the font:</p>
0118 <pre><code>.material-icons {
0119   font-family: &#39;Material Icons&#39;;
0120   font-weight: normal;
0121   font-style: normal;
0122   font-size: 24px;  /* Preferred icon size */
0123   display: inline-block;
0124   width: 1em;
0125   height: 1em;
0126   line-height: 1;
0127   text-transform: none;
0128   letter-spacing: normal;
0130   /* Support for all WebKit browsers. */
0131   -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
0132   /* Support for Safari and Chrome. */
0133   text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
0135   /* Support for Firefox. */
0136   -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
0138   /* Support for IE. */
0139   font-feature-settings: &#39;liga&#39;;
0140 }
0141 </code></pre><h2 id="using-the-icons-in-html">Using the icons in HTML</h2>
0142 <p>It’s easy to incorporate icons into your web page. Here’s a small example:</p>
0143 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0145   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons">face</i></div>
0147   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i
0148 class=&quot;material-icons&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0150 <p></div></p>
0151 <p>This example uses a typographic feature called <a href="">ligatures</a>, which allows rendering of an icon glyph simply by using its textual name. The replacement is done automatically by the web browser and provides more readable code than the equivalent numeric character reference.</p>
0152 <p>This feature is supported in most modern browsers on both desktop and mobile
0153 devices.</p>
0154 <table>
0155  <tr>
0156     <td><strong>Browser</strong></td>
0157     <td><strong>Version supporting ligatures</strong></td>
0158  </tr>
0159  <tr>
0160     <td>Google Chrome</td>
0161     <td>11</td>
0162  </tr>
0163  <tr>
0164     <td>Mozilla Firefox</td>
0165     <td>3.5</td>
0166  </tr>
0167  <tr>
0168     <td>Apple Safari</td>
0169     <td>5</td>
0170  </tr>
0171  <tr>
0172     <td>Microsoft IE</td>
0173     <td>10</td>
0174  </tr>
0175  <tr>
0176     <td>Opera</td>
0177     <td>15</td>
0178  </tr>
0179  <tr>
0180     <td>Apple MobileSafari</td>
0181     <td>iOS 4.2</td>
0182  </tr>
0183  <tr>
0184     <td>Android Browser</td>
0185     <td>3.0</td>
0186  </tr>
0187 </table>
0189 <p>For browsers that do not support ligatures,  fall back to specifying the icons
0190 using numeric character references like the example below:</p>
0191 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0193   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons">&#xE87C;</i></div>
0195   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i
0196 class=&quot;material-icons&quot;&gt;&amp;#xE87C;&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0198 <p></div></p>
0199 <p>Find both the icon names and codepoints on the <a href="">material icons library</a> by selecting any icon and opening the icon font panel. A <a href="">codepoints index</a>  is also available on our git repository which shows the complete set of names
0200 and character codes.</p>
0201 <h2 id="styling-icons-in-material-design">Styling icons in material design</h2>
0202 <p>These icons were designed to follow the <a href="">material design guidelines</a> and they look best when using the recommended icon sizes and colors. The styles below make it easy to apply our recommended sizes, colors, and activity states.</p>
0203 <pre><code>// Rules for sizing the icon.
0204 { font-size: 18px; }
0205 { font-size: 24px; }
0206 { font-size: 36px; }
0207 { font-size: 48px; }
0209 // Rules for using icons as black on a light background.
0210 { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); }
0211 { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); }
0213 // Rules for using icons as white on a dark background.
0214 { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); }
0215 { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); }
0216 </code></pre><h3 id="sizing">Sizing</h3>
0217 <p>Although the icons in the font can be scaled to any size, in accordance with <a href="">material design icons guidelines</a>, we recommend them to be shown in either 18, 24, 36 or 48px. The default being
0218 24px.</p>
0219 <p>CSS rules for the standard material design sizing guidelines:</p>
0220 <pre><code> { font-size: 18px; }
0221 { font-size: 24px; }
0222 { font-size: 36px; }
0223 { font-size: 48px; }
0224 </code></pre><p>Material icons look best at 24px, but if an icon needs to be displayed in an
0225 alternative size, using the above CSS rules can help:</p>
0226 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0228   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons md-18">face</i><div
0229 class="icon-caption">18px</div></div>
0231   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0232 md-18&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0234 <p></div></p>
0235 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0237   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons md-24">face</i><div
0238 class="icon-caption">24px</div></div>
0240   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0241 md-24&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0243 <p></div></p>
0244 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0246   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons md-36">face</i><div
0247 class="icon-caption">36px</div></div>
0249   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0250 md-36&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0252 <p></div></p>
0253 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0255   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons md-48">face</i><div
0256 class="icon-caption">48px</div></div>
0258   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0259 md-48&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0261 <p></div></p>
0262 <h3 id="coloring">Coloring</h3>
0263 <p>Using the icon font allows for easy styling of an icon in any color.
0264 In accordance with <a href="">material design icon guidelines</a>, for active icons we recommend using either black at 54% opacity or white at
0265 100% opacity when displaying these on light or dark backgrounds, respectively.
0266 If an icon is disabled or inactive, using black at 26% or white at 30% for
0267 light and dark backgrounds, respectively.</p>
0268 <p>Here are some examples, using the material CSS styles described above:</p>
0269 <pre><code> { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); }
0270 { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); }
0272 { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); }
0273 { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); }
0274 </code></pre><p>Example for drawing an icon on a light background with a dark foreground color:</p>
0275 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0277   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons md-dark">face</i><div
0278 class="icon-caption">Normal</div></div>
0280   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0281 md-dark&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0283 <p></div></p>
0284 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0286   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons md-dark
0287 md-inactive">face</i><div class="icon-caption">Disabled</div></div>
0289   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0290 md-dark md-inactive&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0292 <p></div></p>
0293 <p>Example for drawing an icon on a dark background with a light foreground color:</p>
0294 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0296   <div class="icons-preview icons-dark-bg"><i class="material-icons
0297 md-light">face</i><div class="icon-caption">Normal</div></div>
0299   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0300 md-light&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0302 <p></div></p>
0303 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0305   <div class="icons-preview icons-dark-bg"><i class="material-icons md-light
0306 md-inactive">face</i><div class="icon-caption">Disabled</div></div>
0308   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0309 md-light md-inactive&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0311 <p></div></p>
0312 <p>To set a custom icon color, define a CSS rule specifying the desired color for
0313 the font:</p>
0314 <pre><code>.material-icons.orange600 { color: #FB8C00; }
0315 </code></pre><p>and then use the class when referring to the icon:</p>
0316 <div class="icons-preview-code">
0318   <div class="icons-preview"><i class="material-icons orange600">face</i><div
0319 class="icon-caption">Normal</div></div>
0321   <div class="icons-code"><code>&lt;i class=&quot;material-icons
0322 orange600&quot;&gt;face&lt;/i&gt;</code></div>
0324 <p></div></p>
0325 <p><hr></p>
0326 <h1 id="icon-images-for-the-web">Icon images for the web</h1>
0327 <p>Material icons are also available as regular images, both in PNG and SVG
0328 formats.</p>
0329 <h2 id="svg">SVG</h2>
0330 <p>The material icons are provided as SVGs that are suitable for web projects.
0331 Individual icons are downloadable from the <a href="">material icons library</a>. The SVGs are also available from the material design icons <a href="">git repository</a> under the path:</p>
0332 <pre><code>material-design-icons/*/svg/production/
0333 </code></pre><p>For example, icons for maps are in <a href="">maps/svg/production</a>:</p>
0334 <pre><code>material-design-icons/maps/svg/production/
0335 </code></pre><p>If multiple icons are in use on a web site, creating spritesheets out of the
0336 images is recommended. For more information, refer to the documentation in the <a href="">sprites directory of the git repository</a>.</p>
0337 <h2 id="png">PNG</h2>
0338 <p>PNG is the most traditional way to display icons on the web. Our downloads from
0339 the <a href="">material icons library</a> provide both single and double densities for each icon. They are referred to
0340 as <code>1x_web</code> and <code>2x_web</code> respectively in the download. Icons are also available in the git repository
0341 under:</p>
0342 <pre><code>material-design-icons/*/1x_web/
0343 material-design-icons/*/2x_web/
0344 </code></pre><p>If multiple icons are in use on a web site, creating spritesheets out of the
0345 images is recommended. For more information, refer to recommendations in the <a href="">sprites directory in the git repository</a>.</p>
0346 <p><hr></p>
0347 <h1 id="icons-for-android">Icons for Android</h1>
0348 <p>PNGs suitable for Android are available from the <a href="">material icons library</a>. These come in all the supported screen densities so they should look good on
0349 any device.</p>
0350 <p>The icons are also available in the <a href="">material design icons git repository</a> in the same combination of colors and sizes named as follows:</p>
0351 <pre><code>*/drawable-{{density}}/ic_{{name}}_{{color}}_{{size}}dp.png
0352 </code></pre><p>A density-independent VectorDrawable is provided which is supported from
0353 Android Lollipop and later:</p>
0354 <pre><code>*/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_{{name}}_black_24dp.xml
0355 </code></pre><p>The Vector Drawable is currently only available as a black 24dp icon. This is
0356 for compatibility with our most standard icon size. To render the icon in a
0357 different color, use <a href="">drawable tinting available on Android Lollipop</a>.</p>
0358 <p>When using the Vector Drawable, it may not be necessary to include the xxxhdpi
0359 density PNG since it is unlikely a device supporting that screen density does
0360 not support Vector Drawables.</p>
0361 <p><hr></p>
0362 <h1 id="icons-for-ios">Icons for iOS</h1>
0363 <p>Material icons also work well within iOS apps. In both the <a href="">material icons library</a> and <a href="">git repository</a>, these icons are packaged up in <a href="">Xcode imagesets</a> which will work easily with <a href="">Xcode Asset Catalogs</a> (xcassets). These imagesets can be added to any Xcode Asset Catalogs by
0364 dragging them into Xcode on to the asset catalog or by copying the folder into
0365 the xcasset folder.</p>
0366 <div class="img"><img src="www/images/ios-imageset.png" alt="alt text"></div>
0368 <p>The imageset contains the single, double and triple density images (1x, 2x, 3x)
0369 so they work on all known iOS screen densities. Both black and white icons are
0370 provided, but we recommend using <a href="">UIImage&#39;s imageWithRenderingMode</a> with  <a href="">UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate</a> which will allow the image to be used as an alpha mask that can be tinted to
0371 any possible color.</p>
0372 <p>Objective-C example:</p>
0373 <pre><code>UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] init];
0374 UIImage *closeImage =
0375     [[UIImage imageNamed:@&quot;ic_close&quot;]
0376        imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate];
0377 button.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0.54f];
0378 [button setImage:closeImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
0379 </code></pre><p>Swift Example:</p>
0380 <pre><code>let button = UIButton()
0381 let closeImage = UIImage(named:&quot;ic_close&quot;)?.imageWithRenderingMode(
0382     UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate)
0383 button.tintColor = UIColor(white:0, alpha:0.54)
0384 button.setImage(closeImage, forState:UIControlState.Normal)
0385 </code></pre>
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