Warning, /sdk/cutehmi/external/recipes/i686-w64-mingw32/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Windows mingw32 recipes.
0003 This directory contains Make recipes, which allow the software to be built from
0004 sources on Windows with 32-bit MinGW.
0006 Qt comes with MinGW as one of the officialy supported toolchains. Unfortunately,
0007 MinGW shipped with Qt is not enough to build "external" libraries in most cases.
0008 Many libraries rely on GNU Autotools as their build system, thus they demand 
0009 shell access and stuff such as coreutils, AWK, or even Perl.
0011 To satisfy these requirements MSYS has to be installed. Recipes are aware of
0012 'mingw-get' program and they can use it to download missing packages. Minimal
0013 MinGW instalation is sufficient. If 'mingw-get' can not be found, adequate
0014 error message will be printed.
0016 Some recipes may ask for CMake, so it also has to be installed.
0018 To compile the libraries open command prompt, `cd` to CuteHMI top directory and 
0019 execute commands.
0020 ```
0021 set PATH=C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin
0022 mingw32-make ports
0023 ```
0024 Modify PATH accordingly, if Qt/MinGW is installed in different location.