Warning, /sdk/cutehmi/extensions/CuteHMI/Examples/I18N.0/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Internationalization Example
0003 Internationalization example. This example shows how to support multiple languages and how to use CuteHMI.Internationalizer
0004 singleton.
0006 To run the example use [cutehmi.view.4](../../../../tools/cutehmi.view.4/) tool.
0008 ```
0009 cutehmi.view.4 CuteHMI.Examples.I18N.0
0010 ```
0012 Option `--lang` can be used to specify the initial language.
0014 ```
0015 cutehmi.view.4 CuteHMI.Examples.I18N.0 --lang eo
0016 ```
0019 ## Preparation
0021 The necessary step to provide a multilingual user interface in Qt application is to prepare translation files. These files can be
0022 in fact conveniently prepared with two toolchains: gettext + KDE internationalization framework or Qt internationalization tools.
0024 The gettext + KDE approach is described [here](https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Build_Systems).
0025 Don't forget to pass `--qt` option to `msgfmt` program, when using this method.
0027 This examples uses Qt-based approach. Standard internationalization process with tools shipped by Qt is described
0028 [here](https://doc.qt.io/qt/internationalization.html).
0030 To signal that extension supports internationalization one should set `i18n` property to `true` in `project.qbs` file.
0032 ```
0033 i18n: true
0034 ```
0036 This is important, because CuteHMI.Internationalizer relies on product metadata, when loading translations of dependent products.
0038 ## Translation files
0040 The example comes with two `.ts` files, which reside in `i18n` subdirectory. They provide translations for US English and Esperanto.
0041 In order to generate such files one has to call `lupdate` program. Once `.ts` files are added to the project, `Qt.core` Qbs module
0042 calls `lrelease` program to generate `.qm` files. These are installed to `translations` directory, which is formally defined by
0043 `translationsInstallSubdir` property of `cutehmi.dirs` Qbs module.
0045 ### Generating translation files from Qbs
0047 To generate `.ts` files from Qbs, `cutehmi.i18n` Qbs module can be used. Unfortunately, because `Qt.core` Qbs module calls
0048 `lrelease` on every `*.ts` file in the product and `lrelease` triggers error if these files are empty, you can't simply add empty
0049 `.ts` files to the project. Instead, one has to use `additionalTranslations` property to generate new translation files. After they
0050 are generated, they should be added to the project files. Again, this property should be used only when generating new
0051 translations - do not use it for `.ts` files, which are already in the project files.
0053 ```
0054 Depends { name: "cutehmi.i18n" }
0055 cutehmi.i18n.update: true
0056 cutehmi.i18n.additionalTranslations: [
0057         "i18n/cutehmi-examples-i18n-0_en_US.ts",
0058         "i18n/cutehmi-examples-i18n-0_eo.ts",
0059 ]
0060 ```
0062 Properties can be also passed to Qbs from the command line, resulting in a bit lenghty command. Here's a command, which introduces
0063 Russian translation:
0065 ```
0066 qbs build project.buildBinaries:false modules.cutehmi.qmltypes.additionalProductTypes:[]
0067 products.CuteHMI.Examples.I18N.0.cutehmi.i18n.additionalTranslations:[cutehmi-examples-i18n-0_ru.ts]
0068 products.CuteHMI.Examples.I18N.0.cutehmi.i18n.update:true -f CuteHMI.qbs
0069 ```
0071 Argument `project.buildBinaries:false` turns off generation of binaries and `modules.cutehmi.qmltypes.additionalProductTypes:[]`
0072 prevents qmlplugindump being called on unbuilt products.
0074 After `.ts` files are added to the project files, `cutehmi.i18n` Qbs module becomes unnecessary. It may significantly slow down
0075 the compilation by repeatedly making costly `lupdate` calls. It is reasonable to comment out its entries and only occasionally run
0076 Qbs with `cutehmi.i18n.update` set to `true` to update the translations.
0078 Of course, although this may change in the future, actual translations still have to be provided by a human. One can use Qt Linguist program to edit `.ts` files.
0080 ### File names
0082 Names of translation files consist of stem and suffix. Stem is constructed by lowercasing product name and replacing dots with
0083 hyphens. In case of `CuteHMI.Examples.I18N.0` extension, stem is `cutehmi-examples-i18n-0`. The suffix part denotes a language in
0084 a format described in Qt documentation on QLocale::QLocale(const QString &). Here we have `en_US.ts` for US English and `eo.ts`
0085 for Esperanto. One can see that suffix has been separated from the stem by underscore character (`_`), but in fact language can
0086 be specified in many different ways. Supported translation suffixes and translation directory locations are listed in the
0087  documentation of CuteHMI.Internationalizer.loadTranslation() function.
0089 ## The actual example
0091 After all the prerequisites has been satisfied, using CuteHMI.Internationalizer from QML is pretty straightforward.
0093 At first, we provide some translatable string.
0095 \snippet View.qml Translation string
0097 The combo box controls the language choice, so we set `currentIndex` to match the initial language.
0099 \snippet View.qml Setting currentIndex
0101 When user chooses another language, we simply reflect his choice by updating CuteHMI.Internationalizer.uiLanguage property.
0103 \snippet View.qml Language activated
0105 \example View.qml
0106 Here is a complete listing of the example source file.