Warning, /sdk/cutehmi/doc/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Documentation directory
0003 This directory keeps files used to build the documentation.
0005 You can build documentation by executing Make command from top level project
0006 directory, providing that you have all necessary tools.
0007 ```
0008 make doc
0009 ```
0010 You have to build the project beforehand as Qbs module is responsible for
0011 generation of documentation artifacts!
0013 To generate documentation artifacts without building the binaries execute the command below.
0014 ```
0015 qbs project.buildBinaries:false modules.cutehmi.qmltypes.additionalProductTypes:[] --check-outputs -f CuteHMI.qbs
0016 ```
0018 Tools required to build the documentation include:
0019 - dirname
0020 - doxygen
0021 - doxyqml
0022 - find (findutils)
0023 - python
0024 - qbs
0025 - sed
0026 - sh
0027 - sort
0028 - xargs.
0030 You can also view [documentation online](https://cutehmi.kde.org/docs/).