Warning, /sdk/cutehmi/dev/Coding_practices/Pointers_vs_references.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 There are following differences between pointers and references.
0003 1. When it comes to passing variables, pass by reference looks like pass by value, but has pointer semantics (acts like pointer).
0004 2. Reference can not be directly initialized to 0 (null).
0005 3. Reference (reference, not referenced object) can not be modified (equivalent to "* const" pointer).
0006 4. const reference can accept temporary parameter.
0007 5. Local const references prolong the lifetime of temporary objects
0009 Taking those into account current rules are as follows.
0011 1. Use references for parameters that will be used locally within a function scope.
0012 2. Use pointers when 0 (null) is acceptable parameter value or you need to store parameter for further use. 
0013 3. Mark it somehow if 0 (null) is acceptable pointer value.
0014 4. Return by reference only if object can guarantee that reference will remain valid through the whole object lifespan.