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0001 # CuteHMI
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0009 [![License: LGPL 3.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-LGPL%203.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0)
0010 [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
0011 [![Build Status](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/badges/7/pipeline.svg)](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/pipelines)
0012 [![Coverity Scan Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/20988/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/cutehmi)
0013 [![CodeFactor Grade](https://img.shields.io/codefactor/grade/github/michpolicht/CuteHMI)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/michpolicht/cutehmi/overview/master)
0014 [![Matrix](https://img.shields.io/matrix/cutehmi:kde.org?server_fqdn=kde.modular.im)](https://webchat.kde.org/#/room/#cutehmi:kde.org)
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0021 CuteHMI is an open-source HMI (Human Machine Interface) software written in C++
0022 and QML, using Qt libraries as a framework.
0024 CuteHMI is essentially a collection of libraries, plugins and executables,
0025 referred to as "extensions" and "tools", glued together by Qbs components. To
0026 create custom project one creates his own first-class extension, which may
0027 depend on any number of other extensions and uses specific tool to load its
0028 components. This makes CuteHMI very flexible framework with many use cases.
0030 ![Sample application built with CuteHMI](doc/images/demo.png)
0032 Note: While most of the project uses GNU Lesser General Public License version
0033 3, some files are distributed under different licenses.
0035 ## Branches
0037 Consecutive branch numbers denote successive iterations of the project.
0038 Iteration of the project is related to build framework (repository layout and
0039 Qbs items). Extensions and tools are versioned independently and they have their
0040 own [development status](doc/development-statuses.md).
0042 Branch "master" is a development branch. Development branch may contain source
0043 code that is undergoing deep changes, rendering it unusable. Branch "master" is
0044 merged frequently into a branch, which has "alpha" status. This branch may also
0045 undergo deep modifications, but it should be usable. Branches with
0046 "perpetual beta" status are stable in a sense that no backward incompatible
0047 changes shall be made to them. For new projects it is recommended to use "alpha"
0048 branch. By the time the project is finished branch should also stabilize.
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0056 | Branch                                          | Build status                                                                                                                   | Development status |
0057 |-------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------|
0058 | [master](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi)    | [![Build Status](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/pipelines) | pre-alpha          |
0059 | [7](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/-/tree/7)| [![Build Status](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/badges/7/pipeline.svg)](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/pipelines)      | alpha              |
0060 | [6](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/-/tree/6)| [![Build Status](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/badges/6/pipeline.svg)](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi/pipelines)      | perpetual beta     |
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0067 ## Compiling
0069 1. Get the Qt toolkit. Open-source and commercial editions can be obtained from
0070 https://www.qt.io/. Qt can also be shipped with Linux distribution.
0072 2. Open `CuteHMI.qbs` file with QtCreator and simply build it.
0074 3. All extensions dependent on external libraries will be disabled, if these
0075 libraries could not be found. To make the process of finding the libraries
0076 and installing them under Windows easier, a set of Makefiles is provided, which
0077 allows the libraries to be build from sources. Check out
0078 [external](external/) libraries for more details. Each extension may
0079 provide individual documentation on how to build it.
0081 Remember that Qbs caches [Probe](http://doc.qt.io/qbs/qml-qbslanguageitems-probe.html)
0082 items' results, so if the library is installed after the project has been
0083 configured with Qbs, it will not show up. You can use `--force-probe-execution`
0084 option to force Qbs to not use cached results.
0086 __NOTE__: Qbs versions 2.1.0-2.2.1 are affected by a
0087 [bug](https://bugreports.qt.io/projects/QBS/issues/QBS-1772?filter=allissues), which
0088 will result in errors at project configuration stage. Please use unaffected Qbs
0089 version.
0091 ### Building only specified products
0093 By default Qbs will compile all the products (tools and extension), even if they
0094 are not needed for a project. To build only specific product use
0095 `--products | -p` [build option](https://doc.qt.io/qbs/cli-build.html#op-op-op-op-products-op-op-op-op-p-op-lt-op-name-op-gt-op-op-op-op-op-op-lt-op-name-op-gt-op-op-op-op-op-op-op-op-op).
0096 For example following command will build only `CuteHMI.Examples.SimpleView.2`
0097 extension and its dependencies, using default configuration.
0099 ```
0100 qbs -f CuteHMI.qbs -p CuteHMI.Examples.SimpleView.2
0101 ```
0103 Find out more about build options on
0104 [Qbs documentation website](https://doc.qt.io/qbs/index.html).
0106 ## Getting started
0108 For an introduction you may want to run one of the existing examples. In CuteHMI
0109 everything is either a tool or an extension, therefore examples are also provided
0110 as extensions. Their names start with "CuteHMI.Examples" prefix. The most basic
0111 example `CuteHMI.Examples.SimpleView.2` can be run with `cutehmi.view.4` tool by
0112 issuing following command.
0114 ```
0115 cutehmi.view.4 CuteHMI.Examples.SimpleView.2
0116 ```
0118 To create your own project you can simply copy one of the examples to your own
0119 subdirectory in `extensions` directory (e.g. `Me/MyExtension.0`) and edit
0120 `project.qbs` file. Change `name` property to match extension name (e.g. `name:
0121 "Me.MyExtension.0"`)
0123 After that you can use `--force-probe-execution` Qbs option or delete build
0124 directory and rebuild whole project. Your extension should be installed and it
0125 can be run with `cutehmi.view.4` tool.
0127 ```
0128 cutehmi.view.4 Me.MyExtension.0
0129 ```
0131 More methodical approach is to use one of the templates. The process of creating
0132 custom extensions is described in more detail [here](extensions/).
0134 Examples are listed in the documentation along with other extensions.
0137 ## Internals
0139 Directory structure of the project is organized as follows.
0141 - *_sass*, *_layouts* - directories used by GitHub Pages.
0142 - *awkgward* - code maintanance scripts (don't bother).
0143 - *dev* - development notes (irrelevant).
0144 - [doc](doc/) - a place where documentation shall be.
0145 - [extensions](extensions/) - libraries and QML extensions.
0146 - [external](external/) - directory containing "external" libraries.
0147 - *extra* - various stuff related to the project, such as T-shirts.
0148 - *qbs* - Qbs modules and imports.
0149 - [tools](tools/) - executable programs.
0151 ![Dependencies between tools, extensions and external libraries](doc/images/general_dependencies.svg)
0153 Two most important directories are [extensions](extensions/) and
0154 [tools](tools/). Extensions combine functionality of QML extensions and
0155 standard libraries. They can be utilized by end-user applications, but they can
0156 be also linked with each other. Some extensions may depend on
0157 [external](external/) libraries.
0159 ## Quick links
0161 - [Repository](https://invent.kde.org/sdk/cutehmi)
0162 - [Website](https://cutehmi.kde.org/)
0163 - [Documentation](https://cutehmi.kde.org/docs/)