File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 05:12:19

0001 /*
0002     pybind11/pytypes.h: Convenience wrapper classes for basic Python types
0004     Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <>
0006     All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
0007     BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
0008 */
0010 #pragma once
0012 #include "detail/common.h"
0013 #include "buffer_info.h"
0014 #include <utility>
0015 #include <type_traits>
0017 #if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL)
0018 #  include <optional>
0019 #endif
0022 #  include <string_view>
0023 #endif
0027 /* A few forward declarations */
0028 class handle; class object;
0029 class str; class iterator;
0030 class type;
0031 struct arg; struct arg_v;
0034 class args_proxy;
0035 bool isinstance_generic(handle obj, const std::type_info &tp);
0037 // Accessor forward declarations
0038 template <typename Policy> class accessor;
0039 namespace accessor_policies {
0040     struct obj_attr;
0041     struct str_attr;
0042     struct generic_item;
0043     struct sequence_item;
0044     struct list_item;
0045     struct tuple_item;
0046 } // namespace accessor_policies
0047 using obj_attr_accessor = accessor<accessor_policies::obj_attr>;
0048 using str_attr_accessor = accessor<accessor_policies::str_attr>;
0049 using item_accessor = accessor<accessor_policies::generic_item>;
0050 using sequence_accessor = accessor<accessor_policies::sequence_item>;
0051 using list_accessor = accessor<accessor_policies::list_item>;
0052 using tuple_accessor = accessor<accessor_policies::tuple_item>;
0054 /// Tag and check to identify a class which implements the Python object API
0055 class pyobject_tag { };
0056 template <typename T> using is_pyobject = std::is_base_of<pyobject_tag, remove_reference_t<T>>;
0058 /** \rst
0059     A mixin class which adds common functions to `handle`, `object` and various accessors.
0060     The only requirement for `Derived` is to implement ``PyObject *Derived::ptr() const``.
0061 \endrst */
0062 template <typename Derived>
0063 class object_api : public pyobject_tag {
0064     const Derived &derived() const { return static_cast<const Derived &>(*this); }
0066 public:
0067     /** \rst
0068         Return an iterator equivalent to calling ``iter()`` in Python. The object
0069         must be a collection which supports the iteration protocol.
0070     \endrst */
0071     iterator begin() const;
0072     /// Return a sentinel which ends iteration.
0073     iterator end() const;
0075     /** \rst
0076         Return an internal functor to invoke the object's sequence protocol. Casting
0077         the returned ``detail::item_accessor`` instance to a `handle` or `object`
0078         subclass causes a corresponding call to ``__getitem__``. Assigning a `handle`
0079         or `object` subclass causes a call to ``__setitem__``.
0080     \endrst */
0081     item_accessor operator[](handle key) const;
0082     /// See above (the only difference is that they key is provided as a string literal)
0083     item_accessor operator[](const char *key) const;
0085     /** \rst
0086         Return an internal functor to access the object's attributes. Casting the
0087         returned ``detail::obj_attr_accessor`` instance to a `handle` or `object`
0088         subclass causes a corresponding call to ``getattr``. Assigning a `handle`
0089         or `object` subclass causes a call to ``setattr``.
0090     \endrst */
0091     obj_attr_accessor attr(handle key) const;
0092     /// See above (the only difference is that they key is provided as a string literal)
0093     str_attr_accessor attr(const char *key) const;
0095     /** \rst
0096         Matches * unpacking in Python, e.g. to unpack arguments out of a ``tuple``
0097         or ``list`` for a function call. Applying another * to the result yields
0098         ** unpacking, e.g. to unpack a dict as function keyword arguments.
0099         See :ref:`calling_python_functions`.
0100     \endrst */
0101     args_proxy operator*() const;
0103     /// Check if the given item is contained within this object, i.e. ``item in obj``.
0104     template <typename T> bool contains(T &&item) const;
0106     /** \rst
0107         Assuming the Python object is a function or implements the ``__call__``
0108         protocol, ``operator()`` invokes the underlying function, passing an
0109         arbitrary set of parameters. The result is returned as a `object` and
0110         may need to be converted back into a Python object using `handle::cast()`.
0112         When some of the arguments cannot be converted to Python objects, the
0113         function will throw a `cast_error` exception. When the Python function
0114         call fails, a `error_already_set` exception is thrown.
0115     \endrst */
0116     template <return_value_policy policy = return_value_policy::automatic_reference, typename... Args>
0117     object operator()(Args &&...args) const;
0118     template <return_value_policy policy = return_value_policy::automatic_reference, typename... Args>
0119     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("call(...) was deprecated in favor of operator()(...)")
0120         object call(Args&&... args) const;
0122     /// Equivalent to ``obj is other`` in Python.
0123     bool is(object_api const& other) const { return derived().ptr() == other.derived().ptr(); }
0124     /// Equivalent to ``obj is None`` in Python.
0125     bool is_none() const { return derived().ptr() == Py_None; }
0126     /// Equivalent to obj == other in Python
0127     bool equal(object_api const &other) const      { return rich_compare(other, Py_EQ); }
0128     bool not_equal(object_api const &other) const  { return rich_compare(other, Py_NE); }
0129     bool operator<(object_api const &other) const  { return rich_compare(other, Py_LT); }
0130     bool operator<=(object_api const &other) const { return rich_compare(other, Py_LE); }
0131     bool operator>(object_api const &other) const  { return rich_compare(other, Py_GT); }
0132     bool operator>=(object_api const &other) const { return rich_compare(other, Py_GE); }
0134     object operator-() const;
0135     object operator~() const;
0136     object operator+(object_api const &other) const;
0137     object operator+=(object_api const &other) const;
0138     object operator-(object_api const &other) const;
0139     object operator-=(object_api const &other) const;
0140     object operator*(object_api const &other) const;
0141     object operator*=(object_api const &other) const;
0142     object operator/(object_api const &other) const;
0143     object operator/=(object_api const &other) const;
0144     object operator|(object_api const &other) const;
0145     object operator|=(object_api const &other) const;
0146     object operator&(object_api const &other) const;
0147     object operator&=(object_api const &other) const;
0148     object operator^(object_api const &other) const;
0149     object operator^=(object_api const &other) const;
0150     object operator<<(object_api const &other) const;
0151     object operator<<=(object_api const &other) const;
0152     object operator>>(object_api const &other) const;
0153     object operator>>=(object_api const &other) const;
0155     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use py::str(obj) instead")
0156     pybind11::str str() const;
0158     /// Get or set the object's docstring, i.e. ``obj.__doc__``.
0159     str_attr_accessor doc() const;
0161     /// Return the object's current reference count
0162     int ref_count() const { return static_cast<int>(Py_REFCNT(derived().ptr())); }
0164     // TODO PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Call py::type::handle_of(h) or py::type::of(h) instead of h.get_type()")
0165     handle get_type() const;
0167 private:
0168     bool rich_compare(object_api const &other, int value) const;
0169 };
0173 /** \rst
0174     Holds a reference to a Python object (no reference counting)
0176     The `handle` class is a thin wrapper around an arbitrary Python object (i.e. a
0177     ``PyObject *`` in Python's C API). It does not perform any automatic reference
0178     counting and merely provides a basic C++ interface to various Python API functions.
0180     .. seealso::
0181         The `object` class inherits from `handle` and adds automatic reference
0182         counting features.
0183 \endrst */
0184 class handle : public detail::object_api<handle> {
0185 public:
0186     /// The default constructor creates a handle with a ``nullptr``-valued pointer
0187     handle() = default;
0188     /// Creates a ``handle`` from the given raw Python object pointer
0189     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
0190     handle(PyObject *ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { } // Allow implicit conversion from PyObject*
0192     /// Return the underlying ``PyObject *`` pointer
0193     PyObject *ptr() const { return m_ptr; }
0194     PyObject *&ptr() { return m_ptr; }
0196     /** \rst
0197         Manually increase the reference count of the Python object. Usually, it is
0198         preferable to use the `object` class which derives from `handle` and calls
0199         this function automatically. Returns a reference to itself.
0200     \endrst */
0201     const handle& inc_ref() const & { Py_XINCREF(m_ptr); return *this; }
0203     /** \rst
0204         Manually decrease the reference count of the Python object. Usually, it is
0205         preferable to use the `object` class which derives from `handle` and calls
0206         this function automatically. Returns a reference to itself.
0207     \endrst */
0208     const handle& dec_ref() const & { Py_XDECREF(m_ptr); return *this; }
0210     /** \rst
0211         Attempt to cast the Python object into the given C++ type. A `cast_error`
0212         will be throw upon failure.
0213     \endrst */
0214     template <typename T> T cast() const;
0215     /// Return ``true`` when the `handle` wraps a valid Python object
0216     explicit operator bool() const { return m_ptr != nullptr; }
0217     /** \rst
0218         Deprecated: Check that the underlying pointers are the same.
0219         Equivalent to ``obj1 is obj2`` in Python.
0220     \endrst */
0221     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use instead")
0222     bool operator==(const handle &h) const { return m_ptr == h.m_ptr; }
0223     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use ! instead")
0224     bool operator!=(const handle &h) const { return m_ptr != h.m_ptr; }
0225     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use handle::operator bool() instead")
0226     bool check() const { return m_ptr != nullptr; }
0227 protected:
0228     PyObject *m_ptr = nullptr;
0229 };
0231 /** \rst
0232     Holds a reference to a Python object (with reference counting)
0234     Like `handle`, the `object` class is a thin wrapper around an arbitrary Python
0235     object (i.e. a ``PyObject *`` in Python's C API). In contrast to `handle`, it
0236     optionally increases the object's reference count upon construction, and it
0237     *always* decreases the reference count when the `object` instance goes out of
0238     scope and is destructed. When using `object` instances consistently, it is much
0239     easier to get reference counting right at the first attempt.
0240 \endrst */
0241 class object : public handle {
0242 public:
0243     object() = default;
0244     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use reinterpret_borrow<object>() or reinterpret_steal<object>()")
0245     object(handle h, bool is_borrowed) : handle(h) { if (is_borrowed) inc_ref(); }
0246     /// Copy constructor; always increases the reference count
0247     object(const object &o) : handle(o) { inc_ref(); }
0248     /// Move constructor; steals the object from ``other`` and preserves its reference count
0249     object(object &&other) noexcept { m_ptr = other.m_ptr; other.m_ptr = nullptr; }
0250     /// Destructor; automatically calls `handle::dec_ref()`
0251     ~object() { dec_ref(); }
0253     /** \rst
0254         Resets the internal pointer to ``nullptr`` without decreasing the
0255         object's reference count. The function returns a raw handle to the original
0256         Python object.
0257     \endrst */
0258     handle release() {
0259       PyObject *tmp = m_ptr;
0260       m_ptr = nullptr;
0261       return handle(tmp);
0262     }
0264     object& operator=(const object &other) {
0265         other.inc_ref();
0266         // Use temporary variable to ensure `*this` remains valid while
0267         // `Py_XDECREF` executes, in case `*this` is accessible from Python.
0268         handle temp(m_ptr);
0269         m_ptr = other.m_ptr;
0270         temp.dec_ref();
0271         return *this;
0272     }
0274     object& operator=(object &&other) noexcept {
0275         if (this != &other) {
0276             handle temp(m_ptr);
0277             m_ptr = other.m_ptr;
0278             other.m_ptr = nullptr;
0279             temp.dec_ref();
0280         }
0281         return *this;
0282     }
0284     // Calling cast() on an object lvalue just copies (via handle::cast)
0285     template <typename T> T cast() const &;
0286     // Calling on an object rvalue does a move, if needed and/or possible
0287     template <typename T> T cast() &&;
0289 protected:
0290     // Tags for choosing constructors from raw PyObject *
0291     struct borrowed_t { };
0292     struct stolen_t { };
0294     /// @cond BROKEN
0295     template <typename T> friend T reinterpret_borrow(handle);
0296     template <typename T> friend T reinterpret_steal(handle);
0297     /// @endcond
0299 public:
0300     // Only accessible from derived classes and the reinterpret_* functions
0301     object(handle h, borrowed_t) : handle(h) { inc_ref(); }
0302     object(handle h, stolen_t) : handle(h) { }
0303 };
0305 /** \rst
0306     Declare that a `handle` or ``PyObject *`` is a certain type and borrow the reference.
0307     The target type ``T`` must be `object` or one of its derived classes. The function
0308     doesn't do any conversions or checks. It's up to the user to make sure that the
0309     target type is correct.
0311     .. code-block:: cpp
0313         PyObject *p = PyList_GetItem(obj, index);
0314         py::object o = reinterpret_borrow<py::object>(p);
0315         // or
0316         py::tuple t = reinterpret_borrow<py::tuple>(p); // <-- `p` must be already be a `tuple`
0317 \endrst */
0318 template <typename T> T reinterpret_borrow(handle h) { return {h, object::borrowed_t{}}; }
0320 /** \rst
0321     Like `reinterpret_borrow`, but steals the reference.
0323      .. code-block:: cpp
0325         PyObject *p = PyObject_Str(obj);
0326         py::str s = reinterpret_steal<py::str>(p); // <-- `p` must be already be a `str`
0327 \endrst */
0328 template <typename T> T reinterpret_steal(handle h) { return {h, object::stolen_t{}}; }
0331 std::string error_string();
0334 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
0335 #  pragma warning(push)
0336 #  pragma warning(disable: 4275 4251) // warning C4275: An exported class was derived from a class that wasn't exported. Can be ignored when derived from a STL class.
0337 #endif
0338 /// Fetch and hold an error which was already set in Python.  An instance of this is typically
0339 /// thrown to propagate python-side errors back through C++ which can either be caught manually or
0340 /// else falls back to the function dispatcher (which then raises the captured error back to
0341 /// python).
0342 class PYBIND11_EXPORT_EXCEPTION error_already_set : public std::runtime_error {
0343 public:
0344     /// Constructs a new exception from the current Python error indicator, if any.  The current
0345     /// Python error indicator will be cleared.
0346     error_already_set() : std::runtime_error(detail::error_string()) {
0347         PyErr_Fetch(&m_type.ptr(), &m_value.ptr(), &m_trace.ptr());
0348     }
0350     error_already_set(const error_already_set &) = default;
0351     error_already_set(error_already_set &&) = default;
0353     inline ~error_already_set() override;
0355     /// Give the currently-held error back to Python, if any.  If there is currently a Python error
0356     /// already set it is cleared first.  After this call, the current object no longer stores the
0357     /// error variables (but the `.what()` string is still available).
0358     void restore() { PyErr_Restore(m_type.release().ptr(), m_value.release().ptr(), m_trace.release().ptr()); }
0360     /// If it is impossible to raise the currently-held error, such as in a destructor, we can write
0361     /// it out using Python's unraisable hook (`sys.unraisablehook`). The error context should be
0362     /// some object whose `repr()` helps identify the location of the error. Python already knows the
0363     /// type and value of the error, so there is no need to repeat that. After this call, the current
0364     /// object no longer stores the error variables, and neither does Python.
0365     void discard_as_unraisable(object err_context) {
0366         restore();
0367         PyErr_WriteUnraisable(err_context.ptr());
0368     }
0369     /// An alternate version of `discard_as_unraisable()`, where a string provides information on the
0370     /// location of the error. For example, `__func__` could be helpful.
0371     void discard_as_unraisable(const char *err_context) {
0372         discard_as_unraisable(reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(err_context)));
0373     }
0375     // Does nothing; provided for backwards compatibility.
0376     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use of error_already_set.clear() is deprecated")
0377     void clear() {}
0379     /// Check if the currently trapped error type matches the given Python exception class (or a
0380     /// subclass thereof).  May also be passed a tuple to search for any exception class matches in
0381     /// the given tuple.
0382     bool matches(handle exc) const {
0383         return (PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(m_type.ptr(), exc.ptr()) != 0);
0384     }
0386     const object& type() const { return m_type; }
0387     const object& value() const { return m_value; }
0388     const object& trace() const { return m_trace; }
0390 private:
0391     object m_type, m_value, m_trace;
0392 };
0393 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
0394 #  pragma warning(pop)
0395 #endif
0397 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
0399 /// Replaces the current Python error indicator with the chosen error, performing a
0400 /// 'raise from' to indicate that the chosen error was caused by the original error.
0401 inline void raise_from(PyObject *type, const char *message) {
0402     // Based on _PyErr_FormatVFromCause:
0403     //
0404     // See for details.
0405     PyObject *exc = nullptr, *val = nullptr, *val2 = nullptr, *tb = nullptr;
0407     assert(PyErr_Occurred());
0408     PyErr_Fetch(&exc, &val, &tb);
0409     PyErr_NormalizeException(&exc, &val, &tb);
0410     if (tb != nullptr) {
0411         PyException_SetTraceback(val, tb);
0412         Py_DECREF(tb);
0413     }
0414     Py_DECREF(exc);
0415     assert(!PyErr_Occurred());
0417     PyErr_SetString(type, message);
0419     PyErr_Fetch(&exc, &val2, &tb);
0420     PyErr_NormalizeException(&exc, &val2, &tb);
0421     Py_INCREF(val);
0422     PyException_SetCause(val2, val);
0423     PyException_SetContext(val2, val);
0424     PyErr_Restore(exc, val2, tb);
0425 }
0427 /// Sets the current Python error indicator with the chosen error, performing a 'raise from'
0428 /// from the error contained in error_already_set to indicate that the chosen error was
0429 /// caused by the original error. After this function is called error_already_set will
0430 /// no longer contain an error.
0431 inline void raise_from(error_already_set& err, PyObject *type, const char *message) {
0432     err.restore();
0433     raise_from(type, message);
0434 }
0436 #endif
0438 /** \defgroup python_builtins const_name
0439     Unless stated otherwise, the following C++ functions behave the same
0440     as their Python counterparts.
0441  */
0443 /** \ingroup python_builtins
0444     \rst
0445     Return true if ``obj`` is an instance of ``T``. Type ``T`` must be a subclass of
0446     `object` or a class which was exposed to Python as ``py::class_<T>``.
0447 \endrst */
0448 template <typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<object, T>::value, int> = 0>
0449 bool isinstance(handle obj) { return T::check_(obj); }
0451 template <typename T, detail::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of<object, T>::value, int> = 0>
0452 bool isinstance(handle obj) { return detail::isinstance_generic(obj, typeid(T)); }
0454 template <> inline bool isinstance<handle>(handle) = delete;
0455 template <> inline bool isinstance<object>(handle obj) { return obj.ptr() != nullptr; }
0457 /// \ingroup python_builtins
0458 /// Return true if ``obj`` is an instance of the ``type``.
0459 inline bool isinstance(handle obj, handle type) {
0460     const auto result = PyObject_IsInstance(obj.ptr(), type.ptr());
0461     if (result == -1)
0462         throw error_already_set();
0463     return result != 0;
0464 }
0466 /// \addtogroup python_builtins
0467 /// @{
0468 inline bool hasattr(handle obj, handle name) {
0469     return PyObject_HasAttr(obj.ptr(), name.ptr()) == 1;
0470 }
0472 inline bool hasattr(handle obj, const char *name) {
0473     return PyObject_HasAttrString(obj.ptr(), name) == 1;
0474 }
0476 inline void delattr(handle obj, handle name) {
0477     if (PyObject_DelAttr(obj.ptr(), name.ptr()) != 0) { throw error_already_set(); }
0478 }
0480 inline void delattr(handle obj, const char *name) {
0481     if (PyObject_DelAttrString(obj.ptr(), name) != 0) { throw error_already_set(); }
0482 }
0484 inline object getattr(handle obj, handle name) {
0485     PyObject *result = PyObject_GetAttr(obj.ptr(), name.ptr());
0486     if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
0487     return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
0488 }
0490 inline object getattr(handle obj, const char *name) {
0491     PyObject *result = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj.ptr(), name);
0492     if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
0493     return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
0494 }
0496 inline object getattr(handle obj, handle name, handle default_) {
0497     if (PyObject *result = PyObject_GetAttr(obj.ptr(), name.ptr())) {
0498         return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
0499     }
0500     PyErr_Clear();
0501     return reinterpret_borrow<object>(default_);
0502 }
0504 inline object getattr(handle obj, const char *name, handle default_) {
0505     if (PyObject *result = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj.ptr(), name)) {
0506         return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
0507     }
0508     PyErr_Clear();
0509     return reinterpret_borrow<object>(default_);
0510 }
0512 inline void setattr(handle obj, handle name, handle value) {
0513     if (PyObject_SetAttr(obj.ptr(), name.ptr(), value.ptr()) != 0) { throw error_already_set(); }
0514 }
0516 inline void setattr(handle obj, const char *name, handle value) {
0517     if (PyObject_SetAttrString(obj.ptr(), name, value.ptr()) != 0) { throw error_already_set(); }
0518 }
0520 inline ssize_t hash(handle obj) {
0521     auto h = PyObject_Hash(obj.ptr());
0522     if (h == -1) { throw error_already_set(); }
0523     return h;
0524 }
0526 /// @} python_builtins
0529 inline handle get_function(handle value) {
0530     if (value) {
0531 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
0532         if (PyInstanceMethod_Check(value.ptr()))
0533             value = PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION(value.ptr());
0534         else
0535 #endif
0536         if (PyMethod_Check(value.ptr()))
0537             value = PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(value.ptr());
0538     }
0539     return value;
0540 }
0542 // Reimplementation of python's dict helper functions to ensure that exceptions
0543 // aren't swallowed (see #2862)
0545 // copied from cpython _PyDict_GetItemStringWithError
0546 inline PyObject * dict_getitemstring(PyObject *v, const char *key)
0547 {
0548 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
0549     PyObject *kv = nullptr, *rv = nullptr;
0550     kv = PyUnicode_FromString(key);
0551     if (kv == NULL) {
0552         throw error_already_set();
0553     }
0555     rv = PyDict_GetItemWithError(v, kv);
0556     Py_DECREF(kv);
0557     if (rv == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
0558         throw error_already_set();
0559     }
0560     return rv;
0561 #else
0562     return PyDict_GetItemString(v, key);
0563 #endif
0564 }
0566 inline PyObject * dict_getitem(PyObject *v, PyObject *key)
0567 {
0568 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
0569     PyObject *rv = PyDict_GetItemWithError(v, key);
0570     if (rv == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {
0571         throw error_already_set();
0572     }
0573     return rv;
0574 #else
0575     return PyDict_GetItem(v, key);
0576 #endif
0577 }
0579 // Helper aliases/functions to support implicit casting of values given to python accessors/methods.
0580 // When given a pyobject, this simply returns the pyobject as-is; for other C++ type, the value goes
0581 // through pybind11::cast(obj) to convert it to an `object`.
0582 template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_pyobject<T>::value, int> = 0>
0583 auto object_or_cast(T &&o) -> decltype(std::forward<T>(o)) { return std::forward<T>(o); }
0584 // The following casting version is implemented in cast.h:
0585 template <typename T, enable_if_t<!is_pyobject<T>::value, int> = 0>
0586 object object_or_cast(T &&o);
0587 // Match a PyObject*, which we want to convert directly to handle via its converting constructor
0588 inline handle object_or_cast(PyObject *ptr) { return ptr; }
0590 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1920
0591 #  pragma warning(push)
0592 #  pragma warning(disable: 4522) // warning C4522: multiple assignment operators specified
0593 #endif
0594 template <typename Policy>
0595 class accessor : public object_api<accessor<Policy>> {
0596     using key_type = typename Policy::key_type;
0598 public:
0599     accessor(handle obj, key_type key) : obj(obj), key(std::move(key)) { }
0600     accessor(const accessor &) = default;
0601     accessor(accessor &&) noexcept = default;
0603     // accessor overload required to override default assignment operator (templates are not allowed
0604     // to replace default compiler-generated assignments).
0605     void operator=(const accessor &a) && { std::move(*this).operator=(handle(a)); }
0606     void operator=(const accessor &a) & { operator=(handle(a)); }
0608     template <typename T> void operator=(T &&value) && {
0609         Policy::set(obj, key, object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(value)));
0610     }
0611     template <typename T> void operator=(T &&value) & {
0612         get_cache() = reinterpret_borrow<object>(object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(value)));
0613     }
0615     template <typename T = Policy>
0616     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use of obj.attr(...) as bool is deprecated in favor of pybind11::hasattr(obj, ...)")
0617     explicit operator enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, accessor_policies::str_attr>::value ||
0618             std::is_same<T, accessor_policies::obj_attr>::value, bool>() const {
0619         return hasattr(obj, key);
0620     }
0621     template <typename T = Policy>
0622     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use of obj[key] as bool is deprecated in favor of obj.contains(key)")
0623     explicit operator enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, accessor_policies::generic_item>::value, bool>() const {
0624         return obj.contains(key);
0625     }
0627     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
0628     operator object() const { return get_cache(); }
0629     PyObject *ptr() const { return get_cache().ptr(); }
0630     template <typename T> T cast() const { return get_cache().template cast<T>(); }
0632 private:
0633     object &get_cache() const {
0634         if (!cache) { cache = Policy::get(obj, key); }
0635         return cache;
0636     }
0638 private:
0639     handle obj;
0640     key_type key;
0641     mutable object cache;
0642 };
0643 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1920
0644 #  pragma warning(pop)
0645 #endif
0647 PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_BEGIN(accessor_policies)
0648 struct obj_attr {
0649     using key_type = object;
0650     static object get(handle obj, handle key) { return getattr(obj, key); }
0651     static void set(handle obj, handle key, handle val) { setattr(obj, key, val); }
0652 };
0654 struct str_attr {
0655     using key_type = const char *;
0656     static object get(handle obj, const char *key) { return getattr(obj, key); }
0657     static void set(handle obj, const char *key, handle val) { setattr(obj, key, val); }
0658 };
0660 struct generic_item {
0661     using key_type = object;
0663     static object get(handle obj, handle key) {
0664         PyObject *result = PyObject_GetItem(obj.ptr(), key.ptr());
0665         if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
0666         return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
0667     }
0669     static void set(handle obj, handle key, handle val) {
0670         if (PyObject_SetItem(obj.ptr(), key.ptr(), val.ptr()) != 0) { throw error_already_set(); }
0671     }
0672 };
0674 struct sequence_item {
0675     using key_type = size_t;
0677     template <typename IdxType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
0678     static object get(handle obj, const IdxType &index) {
0679         PyObject *result = PySequence_GetItem(obj.ptr(), ssize_t_cast(index));
0680         if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
0681         return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
0682     }
0684     template <typename IdxType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
0685     static void set(handle obj, const IdxType &index, handle val) {
0686         // PySequence_SetItem does not steal a reference to 'val'
0687         if (PySequence_SetItem(obj.ptr(), ssize_t_cast(index), val.ptr()) != 0) {
0688             throw error_already_set();
0689         }
0690     }
0691 };
0693 struct list_item {
0694     using key_type = size_t;
0696     template <typename IdxType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
0697     static object get(handle obj, const IdxType &index) {
0698         PyObject *result = PyList_GetItem(obj.ptr(), ssize_t_cast(index));
0699         if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
0700         return reinterpret_borrow<object>(result);
0701     }
0703     template <typename IdxType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
0704     static void set(handle obj, const IdxType &index, handle val) {
0705         // PyList_SetItem steals a reference to 'val'
0706         if (PyList_SetItem(obj.ptr(), ssize_t_cast(index), val.inc_ref().ptr()) != 0) {
0707             throw error_already_set();
0708         }
0709     }
0710 };
0712 struct tuple_item {
0713     using key_type = size_t;
0715     template <typename IdxType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
0716     static object get(handle obj, const IdxType &index) {
0717         PyObject *result = PyTuple_GetItem(obj.ptr(), ssize_t_cast(index));
0718         if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
0719         return reinterpret_borrow<object>(result);
0720     }
0722     template <typename IdxType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
0723     static void set(handle obj, const IdxType &index, handle val) {
0724         // PyTuple_SetItem steals a reference to 'val'
0725         if (PyTuple_SetItem(obj.ptr(), ssize_t_cast(index), val.inc_ref().ptr()) != 0) {
0726             throw error_already_set();
0727         }
0728     }
0729 };
0730 PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(accessor_policies)
0732 /// STL iterator template used for tuple, list, sequence and dict
0733 template <typename Policy>
0734 class generic_iterator : public Policy {
0735     using It = generic_iterator;
0737 public:
0738     using difference_type = ssize_t;
0739     using iterator_category = typename Policy::iterator_category;
0740     using value_type = typename Policy::value_type;
0741     using reference = typename Policy::reference;
0742     using pointer = typename Policy::pointer;
0744     generic_iterator() = default;
0745     generic_iterator(handle seq, ssize_t index) : Policy(seq, index) { }
0747     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type) // PR #3263
0748     reference operator*() const { return Policy::dereference(); }
0749     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type) // PR #3263
0750     reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return *(*this + n); }
0751     pointer operator->() const { return **this; }
0753     It &operator++() { Policy::increment(); return *this; }
0754     It operator++(int) { auto copy = *this; Policy::increment(); return copy; }
0755     It &operator--() { Policy::decrement(); return *this; }
0756     It operator--(int) { auto copy = *this; Policy::decrement(); return copy; }
0757     It &operator+=(difference_type n) { Policy::advance(n); return *this; }
0758     It &operator-=(difference_type n) { Policy::advance(-n); return *this; }
0760     friend It operator+(const It &a, difference_type n) { auto copy = a; return copy += n; }
0761     friend It operator+(difference_type n, const It &b) { return b + n; }
0762     friend It operator-(const It &a, difference_type n) { auto copy = a; return copy -= n; }
0763     friend difference_type operator-(const It &a, const It &b) { return a.distance_to(b); }
0765     friend bool operator==(const It &a, const It &b) { return a.equal(b); }
0766     friend bool operator!=(const It &a, const It &b) { return !(a == b); }
0767     friend bool operator< (const It &a, const It &b) { return b - a > 0; }
0768     friend bool operator> (const It &a, const It &b) { return b < a; }
0769     friend bool operator>=(const It &a, const It &b) { return !(a < b); }
0770     friend bool operator<=(const It &a, const It &b) { return !(a > b); }
0771 };
0773 PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_BEGIN(iterator_policies)
0774 /// Quick proxy class needed to implement ``operator->`` for iterators which can't return pointers
0775 template <typename T>
0776 struct arrow_proxy {
0777     T value;
0779     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
0780     arrow_proxy(T &&value) noexcept : value(std::move(value)) { }
0781     T *operator->() const { return &value; }
0782 };
0784 /// Lightweight iterator policy using just a simple pointer: see ``PySequence_Fast_ITEMS``
0785 class sequence_fast_readonly {
0786 protected:
0787     using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
0788     using value_type = handle;
0789     using reference = const handle; // PR #3263
0790     using pointer = arrow_proxy<const handle>;
0792     sequence_fast_readonly(handle obj, ssize_t n) : ptr(PySequence_Fast_ITEMS(obj.ptr()) + n) { }
0794     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type) // PR #3263
0795     reference dereference() const { return *ptr; }
0796     void increment() { ++ptr; }
0797     void decrement() { --ptr; }
0798     void advance(ssize_t n) { ptr += n; }
0799     bool equal(const sequence_fast_readonly &b) const { return ptr == b.ptr; }
0800     ssize_t distance_to(const sequence_fast_readonly &b) const { return ptr - b.ptr; }
0802 private:
0803     PyObject **ptr;
0804 };
0806 /// Full read and write access using the sequence protocol: see ``detail::sequence_accessor``
0807 class sequence_slow_readwrite {
0808 protected:
0809     using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
0810     using value_type = object;
0811     using reference = sequence_accessor;
0812     using pointer = arrow_proxy<const sequence_accessor>;
0814     sequence_slow_readwrite(handle obj, ssize_t index) : obj(obj), index(index) { }
0816     reference dereference() const { return {obj, static_cast<size_t>(index)}; }
0817     void increment() { ++index; }
0818     void decrement() { --index; }
0819     void advance(ssize_t n) { index += n; }
0820     bool equal(const sequence_slow_readwrite &b) const { return index == b.index; }
0821     ssize_t distance_to(const sequence_slow_readwrite &b) const { return index - b.index; }
0823 private:
0824     handle obj;
0825     ssize_t index;
0826 };
0828 /// Python's dictionary protocol permits this to be a forward iterator
0829 class dict_readonly {
0830 protected:
0831     using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
0832     using value_type = std::pair<handle, handle>;
0833     using reference = const value_type; // PR #3263
0834     using pointer = arrow_proxy<const value_type>;
0836     dict_readonly() = default;
0837     dict_readonly(handle obj, ssize_t pos) : obj(obj), pos(pos) { increment(); }
0839     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type) // PR #3263
0840     reference dereference() const { return {key, value}; }
0841     void increment() {
0842         if (PyDict_Next(obj.ptr(), &pos, &key, &value) == 0) {
0843             pos = -1;
0844         }
0845     }
0846     bool equal(const dict_readonly &b) const { return pos == b.pos; }
0848 private:
0849     handle obj;
0850     PyObject *key = nullptr, *value = nullptr;
0851     ssize_t pos = -1;
0852 };
0853 PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(iterator_policies)
0855 #if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
0856 using tuple_iterator = generic_iterator<iterator_policies::sequence_fast_readonly>;
0857 using list_iterator = generic_iterator<iterator_policies::sequence_fast_readonly>;
0858 #else
0859 using tuple_iterator = generic_iterator<iterator_policies::sequence_slow_readwrite>;
0860 using list_iterator = generic_iterator<iterator_policies::sequence_slow_readwrite>;
0861 #endif
0863 using sequence_iterator = generic_iterator<iterator_policies::sequence_slow_readwrite>;
0864 using dict_iterator = generic_iterator<iterator_policies::dict_readonly>;
0866 inline bool PyIterable_Check(PyObject *obj) {
0867     PyObject *iter = PyObject_GetIter(obj);
0868     if (iter) {
0869         Py_DECREF(iter);
0870         return true;
0871     }
0872     PyErr_Clear();
0873     return false;
0874 }
0876 inline bool PyNone_Check(PyObject *o) { return o == Py_None; }
0877 inline bool PyEllipsis_Check(PyObject *o) { return o == Py_Ellipsis; }
0880 inline bool PyUnicode_Check_Permissive(PyObject *o) { return PyUnicode_Check(o) || PYBIND11_BYTES_CHECK(o); }
0881 #define PYBIND11_STR_CHECK_FUN detail::PyUnicode_Check_Permissive
0882 #else
0883 #define PYBIND11_STR_CHECK_FUN PyUnicode_Check
0884 #endif
0886 inline bool PyStaticMethod_Check(PyObject *o) { return o->ob_type == &PyStaticMethod_Type; }
0888 class kwargs_proxy : public handle {
0889 public:
0890     explicit kwargs_proxy(handle h) : handle(h) { }
0891 };
0893 class args_proxy : public handle {
0894 public:
0895     explicit args_proxy(handle h) : handle(h) { }
0896     kwargs_proxy operator*() const { return kwargs_proxy(*this); }
0897 };
0899 /// Python argument categories (using PEP 448 terms)
0900 template <typename T> using is_keyword = std::is_base_of<arg, T>;
0901 template <typename T> using is_s_unpacking = std::is_same<args_proxy, T>; // * unpacking
0902 template <typename T> using is_ds_unpacking = std::is_same<kwargs_proxy, T>; // ** unpacking
0903 template <typename T> using is_positional = satisfies_none_of<T,
0904     is_keyword, is_s_unpacking, is_ds_unpacking
0905 >;
0906 template <typename T> using is_keyword_or_ds = satisfies_any_of<T, is_keyword, is_ds_unpacking>;
0908 // Call argument collector forward declarations
0909 template <return_value_policy policy = return_value_policy::automatic_reference>
0910 class simple_collector;
0911 template <return_value_policy policy = return_value_policy::automatic_reference>
0912 class unpacking_collector;
0916 // TODO: After the deprecated constructors are removed, this macro can be simplified by
0917 //       inheriting ctors: `using Parent::Parent`. It's not an option right now because
0918 //       the `using` statement triggers the parent deprecation warning even if the ctor
0919 //       isn't even used.
0920 #define PYBIND11_OBJECT_COMMON(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
0921     public: \
0922         PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use reinterpret_borrow<"#Name">() or reinterpret_steal<"#Name">()") \
0923         Name(handle h, bool is_borrowed) : Parent(is_borrowed ? Parent(h, borrowed_t{}) : Parent(h, stolen_t{})) { } \
0924         Name(handle h, borrowed_t) : Parent(h, borrowed_t{}) { } \
0925         Name(handle h, stolen_t) : Parent(h, stolen_t{}) { } \
0926         PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use py::isinstance<py::python_type>(obj) instead") \
0927         bool check() const { return m_ptr != nullptr && (CheckFun(m_ptr) != 0); } \
0928         static bool check_(handle h) { return h.ptr() != nullptr && CheckFun(h.ptr()); } \
0929         template <typename Policy_> \
0930         /* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
0931         Name(const ::pybind11::detail::accessor<Policy_> &a) : Name(object(a)) { }
0933 #define PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(Name, Parent, CheckFun, ConvertFun) \
0934     PYBIND11_OBJECT_COMMON(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
0935     /* This is deliberately not 'explicit' to allow implicit conversion from object: */ \
0936     /* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
0937     Name(const object &o) \
0938     : Parent(check_(o) ? o.inc_ref().ptr() : ConvertFun(o.ptr()), stolen_t{}) \
0939     { if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set(); } \
0940     /* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
0941     Name(object &&o) \
0942     : Parent(check_(o) ? o.release().ptr() : ConvertFun(o.ptr()), stolen_t{}) \
0943     { if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set(); }
0945 #define PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT_DEFAULT(Name, Parent, CheckFun, ConvertFun) \
0946     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(Name, Parent, CheckFun, ConvertFun) \
0947     Name() : Parent() { }
0949 #define PYBIND11_OBJECT_CHECK_FAILED(Name, o_ptr) \
0950     ::pybind11::type_error("Object of type '" + \
0951                            ::pybind11::detail::get_fully_qualified_tp_name(Py_TYPE(o_ptr)) + \
0952                            "' is not an instance of '" #Name "'")
0954 #define PYBIND11_OBJECT(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
0955     PYBIND11_OBJECT_COMMON(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
0956     /* This is deliberately not 'explicit' to allow implicit conversion from object: */ \
0957     /* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
0958     Name(const object &o) : Parent(o) \
0959     { if (m_ptr && !check_(m_ptr)) throw PYBIND11_OBJECT_CHECK_FAILED(Name, m_ptr); } \
0960     /* NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor) */ \
0961     Name(object &&o) : Parent(std::move(o)) \
0962     { if (m_ptr && !check_(m_ptr)) throw PYBIND11_OBJECT_CHECK_FAILED(Name, m_ptr); }
0964 #define PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
0965     PYBIND11_OBJECT(Name, Parent, CheckFun) \
0966     Name() : Parent() { }
0968 /// \addtogroup pytypes
0969 /// @{
0971 /** \rst
0972     Wraps a Python iterator so that it can also be used as a C++ input iterator
0974     Caveat: copying an iterator does not (and cannot) clone the internal
0975     state of the Python iterable. This also applies to the post-increment
0976     operator. This iterator should only be used to retrieve the current
0977     value using ``operator*()``.
0978 \endrst */
0979 class iterator : public object {
0980 public:
0981     using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
0982     using difference_type = ssize_t;
0983     using value_type = handle;
0984     using reference = const handle; // PR #3263
0985     using pointer = const handle *;
0987     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(iterator, object, PyIter_Check)
0989     iterator& operator++() {
0990         advance();
0991         return *this;
0992     }
0994     iterator operator++(int) {
0995         auto rv = *this;
0996         advance();
0997         return rv;
0998     }
1000     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type) // PR #3263
1001     reference operator*() const {
1002         if (m_ptr && !value.ptr()) {
1003             auto& self = const_cast<iterator &>(*this);
1004             self.advance();
1005         }
1006         return value;
1007     }
1009     pointer operator->() const { operator*(); return &value; }
1011     /** \rst
1012          The value which marks the end of the iteration. ``it == iterator::sentinel()``
1013          is equivalent to catching ``StopIteration`` in Python.
1015          .. code-block:: cpp
1017              void foo(py::iterator it) {
1018                  while (it != py::iterator::sentinel()) {
1019                     // use `*it`
1020                     ++it;
1021                  }
1022              }
1023     \endrst */
1024     static iterator sentinel() { return {}; }
1026     friend bool operator==(const iterator &a, const iterator &b) { return a->ptr() == b->ptr(); }
1027     friend bool operator!=(const iterator &a, const iterator &b) { return a->ptr() != b->ptr(); }
1029 private:
1030     void advance() {
1031         value = reinterpret_steal<object>(PyIter_Next(m_ptr));
1032         if (PyErr_Occurred()) { throw error_already_set(); }
1033     }
1035 private:
1036     object value = {};
1037 };
1041 class type : public object {
1042 public:
1043     PYBIND11_OBJECT(type, object, PyType_Check)
1045     /// Return a type handle from a handle or an object
1046     static handle handle_of(handle h) { return handle((PyObject*) Py_TYPE(h.ptr())); }
1048     /// Return a type object from a handle or an object
1049     static type of(handle h) { return type(type::handle_of(h), borrowed_t{}); }
1051     // Defined in pybind11/cast.h
1052     /// Convert C++ type to handle if previously registered. Does not convert
1053     /// standard types, like int, float. etc. yet.
1054     /// See
1055     template<typename T>
1056     static handle handle_of();
1058     /// Convert C++ type to type if previously registered. Does not convert
1059     /// standard types, like int, float. etc. yet.
1060     /// See
1061     template<typename T>
1062     static type of() {return type(type::handle_of<T>(), borrowed_t{}); }
1063 };
1065 class iterable : public object {
1066 public:
1067     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(iterable, object, detail::PyIterable_Check)
1068 };
1070 class bytes;
1072 class str : public object {
1073 public:
1074     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(str, object, PYBIND11_STR_CHECK_FUN, raw_str)
1076     template <typename SzType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<SzType>::value, int> = 0>
1077     str(const char *c, const SzType &n)
1078         : object(PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(c, ssize_t_cast(n)), stolen_t{}) {
1079         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate string object!");
1080     }
1082     // 'explicit' is explicitly omitted from the following constructors to allow implicit conversion to py::str from C++ string-like objects
1083     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1084     str(const char *c = "")
1085         : object(PyUnicode_FromString(c), stolen_t{}) {
1086         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate string object!");
1087     }
1089     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1090     str(const std::string &s) : str(, s.size()) { }
1093     // enable_if is needed to avoid "ambiguous conversion" errors (see PR #3521).
1094     template <typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, std::string_view>::value, int> = 0>
1095     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1096     str(T s) : str(, s.size()) { }
1098 # ifdef PYBIND11_HAS_U8STRING
1099     // reinterpret_cast here is safe (C++20 guarantees char8_t has the same size/alignment as char)
1100     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1101     str(std::u8string_view s) : str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, s.size()) { }
1102 # endif
1104 #endif
1106     explicit str(const bytes &b);
1108     /** \rst
1109         Return a string representation of the object. This is analogous to
1110         the ``str()`` function in Python.
1111     \endrst */
1112     explicit str(handle h) : object(raw_str(h.ptr()), stolen_t{}) { if (!m_ptr) throw error_already_set(); }
1114     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1115     operator std::string() const {
1116         object temp = *this;
1117         if (PyUnicode_Check(m_ptr)) {
1118             temp = reinterpret_steal<object>(PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(m_ptr));
1119             if (!temp)
1120                 throw error_already_set();
1121         }
1122         char *buffer = nullptr;
1123         ssize_t length = 0;
1124         if (PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE(temp.ptr(), &buffer, &length))
1125             pybind11_fail("Unable to extract string contents! (invalid type)");
1126         return std::string(buffer, (size_t) length);
1127     }
1129     template <typename... Args>
1130     str format(Args &&...args) const {
1131         return attr("format")(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
1132     }
1134 private:
1135     /// Return string representation -- always returns a new reference, even if already a str
1136     static PyObject *raw_str(PyObject *op) {
1137         PyObject *str_value = PyObject_Str(op);
1138 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
1139         if (!str_value) throw error_already_set();
1140         PyObject *unicode = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(str_value, "utf-8", nullptr);
1141         Py_XDECREF(str_value); str_value = unicode;
1142 #endif
1143         return str_value;
1144     }
1145 };
1146 /// @} pytypes
1148 inline namespace literals {
1149 /** \rst
1150     String literal version of `str`
1151  \endrst */
1152 inline str operator"" _s(const char *s, size_t size) { return {s, size}; }
1153 } // namespace literals
1155 /// \addtogroup pytypes
1156 /// @{
1157 class bytes : public object {
1158 public:
1159     PYBIND11_OBJECT(bytes, object, PYBIND11_BYTES_CHECK)
1161     // Allow implicit conversion:
1162     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1163     bytes(const char *c = "")
1164         : object(PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING(c), stolen_t{}) {
1165         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate bytes object!");
1166     }
1168     template <typename SzType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<SzType>::value, int> = 0>
1169     bytes(const char *c, const SzType &n)
1170         : object(PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING_AND_SIZE(c, ssize_t_cast(n)), stolen_t{}) {
1171         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate bytes object!");
1172     }
1174     // Allow implicit conversion:
1175     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1176     bytes(const std::string &s) : bytes(, s.size()) { }
1178     explicit bytes(const pybind11::str &s);
1180     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1181     operator std::string() const {
1182         char *buffer = nullptr;
1183         ssize_t length = 0;
1184         if (PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE(m_ptr, &buffer, &length))
1185             pybind11_fail("Unable to extract bytes contents!");
1186         return std::string(buffer, (size_t) length);
1187     }
1190     // enable_if is needed to avoid "ambiguous conversion" errors (see PR #3521).
1191     template <typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, std::string_view>::value, int> = 0>
1192     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1193     bytes(T s) : bytes(, s.size()) { }
1195     // Obtain a string view that views the current `bytes` buffer value.  Note that this is only
1196     // valid so long as the `bytes` instance remains alive and so generally should not outlive the
1197     // lifetime of the `bytes` instance.
1198     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1199     operator std::string_view() const {
1200         char *buffer = nullptr;
1201         ssize_t length = 0;
1202         if (PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE(m_ptr, &buffer, &length))
1203             pybind11_fail("Unable to extract bytes contents!");
1204         return {buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length)};
1205     }
1206 #endif
1208 };
1209 // Note: breathe >= 4.17.0 will fail to build docs if the below two constructors
1210 // are included in the doxygen group; close here and reopen after as a workaround
1211 /// @} pytypes
1213 inline bytes::bytes(const pybind11::str &s) {
1214     object temp = s;
1215     if (PyUnicode_Check(s.ptr())) {
1216         temp = reinterpret_steal<object>(PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(s.ptr()));
1217         if (!temp)
1218             pybind11_fail("Unable to extract string contents! (encoding issue)");
1219     }
1220     char *buffer = nullptr;
1221     ssize_t length = 0;
1222     if (PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE(temp.ptr(), &buffer, &length))
1223         pybind11_fail("Unable to extract string contents! (invalid type)");
1224     auto obj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING_AND_SIZE(buffer, length));
1225     if (!obj)
1226         pybind11_fail("Could not allocate bytes object!");
1227     m_ptr = obj.release().ptr();
1228 }
1230 inline str::str(const bytes& b) {
1231     char *buffer = nullptr;
1232     ssize_t length = 0;
1233     if (PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE(b.ptr(), &buffer, &length))
1234         pybind11_fail("Unable to extract bytes contents!");
1235     auto obj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(buffer, length));
1236     if (!obj)
1237         pybind11_fail("Could not allocate string object!");
1238     m_ptr = obj.release().ptr();
1239 }
1241 /// \addtogroup pytypes
1242 /// @{
1243 class bytearray : public object {
1244 public:
1245     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(bytearray, object, PyByteArray_Check, PyByteArray_FromObject)
1247     template <typename SzType, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<SzType>::value, int> = 0>
1248     bytearray(const char *c, const SzType &n)
1249         : object(PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(c, ssize_t_cast(n)), stolen_t{}) {
1250         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate bytearray object!");
1251     }
1253     bytearray()
1254         : bytearray("", 0) {}
1256     explicit bytearray(const std::string &s) : bytearray(, s.size()) { }
1258     size_t size() const { return static_cast<size_t>(PyByteArray_Size(m_ptr)); }
1260     explicit operator std::string() const {
1261         char *buffer = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(m_ptr);
1262         ssize_t size = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(m_ptr);
1263         return std::string(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(size));
1264     }
1265 };
1266 // Note: breathe >= 4.17.0 will fail to build docs if the below two constructors
1267 // are included in the doxygen group; close here and reopen after as a workaround
1268 /// @} pytypes
1270 /// \addtogroup pytypes
1271 /// @{
1272 class none : public object {
1273 public:
1274     PYBIND11_OBJECT(none, object, detail::PyNone_Check)
1275     none() : object(Py_None, borrowed_t{}) { }
1276 };
1278 class ellipsis : public object {
1279 public:
1280     PYBIND11_OBJECT(ellipsis, object, detail::PyEllipsis_Check)
1281     ellipsis() : object(Py_Ellipsis, borrowed_t{}) { }
1282 };
1284 class bool_ : public object {
1285 public:
1286     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(bool_, object, PyBool_Check, raw_bool)
1287     bool_() : object(Py_False, borrowed_t{}) { }
1288     // Allow implicit conversion from and to `bool`:
1289     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1290     bool_(bool value) : object(value ? Py_True : Py_False, borrowed_t{}) { }
1291     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1292     operator bool() const { return (m_ptr != nullptr) && PyLong_AsLong(m_ptr) != 0; }
1294 private:
1295     /// Return the truth value of an object -- always returns a new reference
1296     static PyObject *raw_bool(PyObject *op) {
1297         const auto value = PyObject_IsTrue(op);
1298         if (value == -1) return nullptr;
1299         return handle(value != 0 ? Py_True : Py_False).inc_ref().ptr();
1300     }
1301 };
1304 // Converts a value to the given unsigned type.  If an error occurs, you get back (Unsigned) -1;
1305 // otherwise you get back the unsigned long or unsigned long long value cast to (Unsigned).
1306 // (The distinction is critically important when casting a returned -1 error value to some other
1307 // unsigned type: (A)-1 != (B)-1 when A and B are unsigned types of different sizes).
1308 template <typename Unsigned>
1309 Unsigned as_unsigned(PyObject *o) {
1310     if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(sizeof(Unsigned) <= sizeof(unsigned long))
1311 #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
1312         || PyInt_Check(o)
1313 #endif
1314     ) {
1315         unsigned long v = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(o);
1316         return v == (unsigned long) -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ? (Unsigned) -1 : (Unsigned) v;
1317     }
1318     unsigned long long v = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(o);
1319     return v == (unsigned long long) -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ? (Unsigned) -1 : (Unsigned) v;
1320 }
1323 class int_ : public object {
1324 public:
1325     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(int_, object, PYBIND11_LONG_CHECK, PyNumber_Long)
1326     int_() : object(PyLong_FromLong(0), stolen_t{}) { }
1327     // Allow implicit conversion from C++ integral types:
1328     template <typename T,
1329               detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, int> = 0>
1330     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1331     int_(T value) {
1332         if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long))) {
1333             if (std::is_signed<T>::value)
1334                 m_ptr = PyLong_FromLong((long) value);
1335             else
1336                 m_ptr = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((unsigned long) value);
1337         } else {
1338             if (std::is_signed<T>::value)
1339                 m_ptr = PyLong_FromLongLong((long long) value);
1340             else
1341                 m_ptr = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((unsigned long long) value);
1342         }
1343         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate int object!");
1344     }
1346     template <typename T,
1347               detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, int> = 0>
1348     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1349     operator T() const {
1350         return std::is_unsigned<T>::value
1351             ? detail::as_unsigned<T>(m_ptr)
1352             : sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long)
1353               ? (T) PyLong_AsLong(m_ptr)
1354               : (T) PYBIND11_LONG_AS_LONGLONG(m_ptr);
1355     }
1356 };
1358 class float_ : public object {
1359 public:
1360     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(float_, object, PyFloat_Check, PyNumber_Float)
1361     // Allow implicit conversion from float/double:
1362     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1363     float_(float value) : object(PyFloat_FromDouble((double) value), stolen_t{}) {
1364         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate float object!");
1365     }
1366     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1367     float_(double value = .0) : object(PyFloat_FromDouble((double) value), stolen_t{}) {
1368         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate float object!");
1369     }
1370     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1371     operator float() const { return (float) PyFloat_AsDouble(m_ptr); }
1372     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1373     operator double() const { return (double) PyFloat_AsDouble(m_ptr); }
1374 };
1376 class weakref : public object {
1377 public:
1378     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT_DEFAULT(weakref, object, PyWeakref_Check, raw_weakref)
1379     explicit weakref(handle obj, handle callback = {})
1380         : object(PyWeakref_NewRef(obj.ptr(), callback.ptr()), stolen_t{}) {
1381         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate weak reference!");
1382     }
1384 private:
1385     static PyObject *raw_weakref(PyObject *o) {
1386         return PyWeakref_NewRef(o, nullptr);
1387     }
1388 };
1390 class slice : public object {
1391 public:
1392     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(slice, object, PySlice_Check)
1393     slice(handle start, handle stop, handle step) {
1394         m_ptr = PySlice_New(start.ptr(), stop.ptr(), step.ptr());
1395         if (!m_ptr)
1396             pybind11_fail("Could not allocate slice object!");
1397     }
1400     slice(std::optional<ssize_t> start, std::optional<ssize_t> stop, std::optional<ssize_t> step)
1401         : slice(index_to_object(start), index_to_object(stop), index_to_object(step)) {}
1402 #else
1403     slice(ssize_t start_, ssize_t stop_, ssize_t step_)
1404         : slice(int_(start_), int_(stop_), int_(step_)) {}
1405 #endif
1407     bool compute(size_t length, size_t *start, size_t *stop, size_t *step,
1408                  size_t *slicelength) const {
1409         return PySlice_GetIndicesEx((PYBIND11_SLICE_OBJECT *) m_ptr,
1410                                     (ssize_t) length, (ssize_t *) start,
1411                                     (ssize_t *) stop, (ssize_t *) step,
1412                                     (ssize_t *) slicelength) == 0;
1413     }
1414     bool compute(ssize_t length, ssize_t *start, ssize_t *stop, ssize_t *step,
1415       ssize_t *slicelength) const {
1416       return PySlice_GetIndicesEx((PYBIND11_SLICE_OBJECT *) m_ptr,
1417           length, start,
1418           stop, step,
1419           slicelength) == 0;
1420     }
1422 private:
1423     template <typename T>
1424     static object index_to_object(T index) {
1425         return index ? object(int_(*index)) : object(none());
1426     }
1427 };
1429 class capsule : public object {
1430 public:
1431     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(capsule, object, PyCapsule_CheckExact)
1432     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use reinterpret_borrow<capsule>() or reinterpret_steal<capsule>()")
1433     capsule(PyObject *ptr, bool is_borrowed) : object(is_borrowed ? object(ptr, borrowed_t{}) : object(ptr, stolen_t{})) { }
1435     explicit capsule(const void *value, const char *name = nullptr, void (*destructor)(PyObject *) = nullptr)
1436         : object(PyCapsule_New(const_cast<void *>(value), name, destructor), stolen_t{}) {
1437         if (!m_ptr)
1438             pybind11_fail("Could not allocate capsule object!");
1439     }
1441     PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Please pass a destructor that takes a void pointer as input")
1442     capsule(const void *value, void (*destruct)(PyObject *))
1443         : object(PyCapsule_New(const_cast<void*>(value), nullptr, destruct), stolen_t{}) {
1444         if (!m_ptr)
1445             pybind11_fail("Could not allocate capsule object!");
1446     }
1448     capsule(const void *value, void (*destructor)(void *)) {
1449         m_ptr = PyCapsule_New(const_cast<void *>(value), nullptr, [](PyObject *o) {
1450             auto destructor = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void *)>(PyCapsule_GetContext(o));
1451             void *ptr = PyCapsule_GetPointer(o, nullptr);
1452             destructor(ptr);
1453         });
1455         if (!m_ptr)
1456             pybind11_fail("Could not allocate capsule object!");
1458         if (PyCapsule_SetContext(m_ptr, (void *) destructor) != 0)
1459             pybind11_fail("Could not set capsule context!");
1460     }
1462     explicit capsule(void (*destructor)()) {
1463         m_ptr = PyCapsule_New(reinterpret_cast<void *>(destructor), nullptr, [](PyObject *o) {
1464             auto destructor = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(PyCapsule_GetPointer(o, nullptr));
1465             destructor();
1466         });
1468         if (!m_ptr)
1469             pybind11_fail("Could not allocate capsule object!");
1470     }
1472     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
1473     template <typename T> operator T *() const {
1474         return get_pointer<T>();
1475     }
1477     /// Get the pointer the capsule holds.
1478     template<typename T = void>
1479     T* get_pointer() const {
1480         auto name = this->name();
1481         T *result = static_cast<T *>(PyCapsule_GetPointer(m_ptr, name));
1482         if (!result) {
1483             PyErr_Clear();
1484             pybind11_fail("Unable to extract capsule contents!");
1485         }
1486         return result;
1487     }
1489     /// Replaces a capsule's pointer *without* calling the destructor on the existing one.
1490     void set_pointer(const void *value) {
1491         if (PyCapsule_SetPointer(m_ptr, const_cast<void *>(value)) != 0) {
1492             PyErr_Clear();
1493             pybind11_fail("Could not set capsule pointer");
1494         }
1495     }
1497     const char *name() const { return PyCapsule_GetName(m_ptr); }
1498 };
1500 class tuple : public object {
1501 public:
1502     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(tuple, object, PyTuple_Check, PySequence_Tuple)
1503     template <typename SzType = ssize_t,
1504               detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<SzType>::value, int> = 0>
1505     // Some compilers generate link errors when using `const SzType &` here:
1506     explicit tuple(SzType size = 0) : object(PyTuple_New(ssize_t_cast(size)), stolen_t{}) {
1507         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate tuple object!");
1508     }
1509     size_t size() const { return (size_t) PyTuple_Size(m_ptr); }
1510     bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
1511     detail::tuple_accessor operator[](size_t index) const { return {*this, index}; }
1512     detail::item_accessor operator[](handle h) const { return object::operator[](h); }
1513     detail::tuple_iterator begin() const { return {*this, 0}; }
1514     detail::tuple_iterator end() const { return {*this, PyTuple_GET_SIZE(m_ptr)}; }
1515 };
1517 // We need to put this into a separate function because the Intel compiler
1518 // fails to compile enable_if_t<all_of<is_keyword_or_ds<Args>...>::value> part below
1519 // (tested with ICC 2021.1 Beta 20200827).
1520 template <typename... Args>
1521 constexpr bool args_are_all_keyword_or_ds()
1522 {
1523   return detail::all_of<detail::is_keyword_or_ds<Args>...>::value;
1524 }
1526 class dict : public object {
1527 public:
1528     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(dict, object, PyDict_Check, raw_dict)
1529     dict() : object(PyDict_New(), stolen_t{}) {
1530         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate dict object!");
1531     }
1532     template <typename... Args,
1533               typename = detail::enable_if_t<args_are_all_keyword_or_ds<Args...>()>,
1534               // MSVC workaround: it can't compile an out-of-line definition, so defer the collector
1535               typename collector = detail::deferred_t<detail::unpacking_collector<>, Args...>>
1536     explicit dict(Args &&...args) : dict(collector(std::forward<Args>(args)...).kwargs()) { }
1538     size_t size() const { return (size_t) PyDict_Size(m_ptr); }
1539     bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
1540     detail::dict_iterator begin() const { return {*this, 0}; }
1541     detail::dict_iterator end() const { return {}; }
1542     void clear() /* py-non-const */ { PyDict_Clear(ptr()); }
1543     template <typename T> bool contains(T &&key) const {
1544         return PyDict_Contains(m_ptr, detail::object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(key)).ptr()) == 1;
1545     }
1547 private:
1548     /// Call the `dict` Python type -- always returns a new reference
1549     static PyObject *raw_dict(PyObject *op) {
1550         if (PyDict_Check(op))
1551             return handle(op).inc_ref().ptr();
1552         return PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs((PyObject *) &PyDict_Type, op, nullptr);
1553     }
1554 };
1556 class sequence : public object {
1557 public:
1558     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(sequence, object, PySequence_Check)
1559     size_t size() const {
1560         ssize_t result = PySequence_Size(m_ptr);
1561         if (result == -1)
1562             throw error_already_set();
1563         return (size_t) result;
1564     }
1565     bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
1566     detail::sequence_accessor operator[](size_t index) const { return {*this, index}; }
1567     detail::item_accessor operator[](handle h) const { return object::operator[](h); }
1568     detail::sequence_iterator begin() const { return {*this, 0}; }
1569     detail::sequence_iterator end() const { return {*this, PySequence_Size(m_ptr)}; }
1570 };
1572 class list : public object {
1573 public:
1574     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(list, object, PyList_Check, PySequence_List)
1575     template <typename SzType = ssize_t,
1576               detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<SzType>::value, int> = 0>
1577     // Some compilers generate link errors when using `const SzType &` here:
1578     explicit list(SzType size = 0) : object(PyList_New(ssize_t_cast(size)), stolen_t{}) {
1579         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate list object!");
1580     }
1581     size_t size() const { return (size_t) PyList_Size(m_ptr); }
1582     bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
1583     detail::list_accessor operator[](size_t index) const { return {*this, index}; }
1584     detail::item_accessor operator[](handle h) const { return object::operator[](h); }
1585     detail::list_iterator begin() const { return {*this, 0}; }
1586     detail::list_iterator end() const { return {*this, PyList_GET_SIZE(m_ptr)}; }
1587     template <typename T> void append(T &&val) /* py-non-const */ {
1588         PyList_Append(m_ptr, detail::object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(val)).ptr());
1589     }
1590     template <typename IdxType,
1591               typename ValType,
1592               detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
1593     void insert(const IdxType &index, ValType &&val) /* py-non-const */ {
1594         PyList_Insert(
1595             m_ptr, ssize_t_cast(index), detail::object_or_cast(std::forward<ValType>(val)).ptr());
1596     }
1597 };
1599 class args : public tuple { PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(args, tuple, PyTuple_Check) };
1600 class kwargs : public dict { PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(kwargs, dict, PyDict_Check)  };
1602 class set : public object {
1603 public:
1604     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(set, object, PySet_Check, PySet_New)
1605     set() : object(PySet_New(nullptr), stolen_t{}) {
1606         if (!m_ptr) pybind11_fail("Could not allocate set object!");
1607     }
1608     size_t size() const { return (size_t) PySet_Size(m_ptr); }
1609     bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
1610     template <typename T> bool add(T &&val) /* py-non-const */ {
1611         return PySet_Add(m_ptr, detail::object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(val)).ptr()) == 0;
1612     }
1613     void clear() /* py-non-const */ { PySet_Clear(m_ptr); }
1614     template <typename T> bool contains(T &&val) const {
1615         return PySet_Contains(m_ptr, detail::object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(val)).ptr()) == 1;
1616     }
1617 };
1619 class function : public object {
1620 public:
1621     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(function, object, PyCallable_Check)
1622     handle cpp_function() const {
1623         handle fun = detail::get_function(m_ptr);
1624         if (fun && PyCFunction_Check(fun.ptr()))
1625             return fun;
1626         return handle();
1627     }
1628     bool is_cpp_function() const { return (bool) cpp_function(); }
1629 };
1631 class staticmethod : public object {
1632 public:
1633     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(staticmethod, object, detail::PyStaticMethod_Check, PyStaticMethod_New)
1634 };
1636 class buffer : public object {
1637 public:
1638     PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(buffer, object, PyObject_CheckBuffer)
1640     buffer_info request(bool writable = false) const {
1641         int flags = PyBUF_STRIDES | PyBUF_FORMAT;
1642         if (writable) flags |= PyBUF_WRITABLE;
1643         auto *view = new Py_buffer();
1644         if (PyObject_GetBuffer(m_ptr, view, flags) != 0) {
1645             delete view;
1646             throw error_already_set();
1647         }
1648         return buffer_info(view);
1649     }
1650 };
1652 class memoryview : public object {
1653 public:
1654     PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(memoryview, object, PyMemoryView_Check, PyMemoryView_FromObject)
1656     /** \rst
1657         Creates ``memoryview`` from ``buffer_info``.
1659         ``buffer_info`` must be created from ``buffer::request()``. Otherwise
1660         throws an exception.
1662         For creating a ``memoryview`` from objects that support buffer protocol,
1663         use ``memoryview(const object& obj)`` instead of this constructor.
1664      \endrst */
1665     explicit memoryview(const buffer_info& info) {
1666         if (!info.view())
1667             pybind11_fail("Prohibited to create memoryview without Py_buffer");
1668         // Note: PyMemoryView_FromBuffer never increments obj reference.
1669         m_ptr = (info.view()->obj) ?
1670             PyMemoryView_FromObject(info.view()->obj) :
1671             PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(info.view());
1672         if (!m_ptr)
1673             pybind11_fail("Unable to create memoryview from buffer descriptor");
1674     }
1676     /** \rst
1677         Creates ``memoryview`` from static buffer.
1679         This method is meant for providing a ``memoryview`` for C/C++ buffer not
1680         managed by Python. The caller is responsible for managing the lifetime
1681         of ``ptr`` and ``format``, which MUST outlive the memoryview constructed
1682         here.
1684         See also: Python C API documentation for `PyMemoryView_FromBuffer`_.
1686         .. _PyMemoryView_FromBuffer:
1688         :param ptr: Pointer to the buffer.
1689         :param itemsize: Byte size of an element.
1690         :param format: Pointer to the null-terminated format string. For
1691             homogeneous Buffers, this should be set to
1692             ``format_descriptor<T>::value``.
1693         :param shape: Shape of the tensor (1 entry per dimension).
1694         :param strides: Number of bytes between adjacent entries (for each
1695             per dimension).
1696         :param readonly: Flag to indicate if the underlying storage may be
1697             written to.
1698      \endrst */
1699     static memoryview from_buffer(
1700         void *ptr, ssize_t itemsize, const char *format,
1701         detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape,
1702         detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides, bool readonly = false);
1704     static memoryview from_buffer(
1705         const void *ptr, ssize_t itemsize, const char *format,
1706         detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape,
1707         detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides) {
1708         return memoryview::from_buffer(
1709             const_cast<void *>(ptr), itemsize, format, std::move(shape), std::move(strides), true);
1710     }
1712     template<typename T>
1713     static memoryview from_buffer(
1714         T *ptr, detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape,
1715         detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides, bool readonly = false) {
1716         return memoryview::from_buffer(
1717             reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), sizeof(T),
1718             format_descriptor<T>::value, shape, strides, readonly);
1719     }
1721     template<typename T>
1722     static memoryview from_buffer(
1723         const T *ptr, detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape,
1724         detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides) {
1725         return memoryview::from_buffer(
1726             const_cast<T*>(ptr), shape, strides, true);
1727     }
1729 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
1730     /** \rst
1731         Creates ``memoryview`` from static memory.
1733         This method is meant for providing a ``memoryview`` for C/C++ buffer not
1734         managed by Python. The caller is responsible for managing the lifetime
1735         of ``mem``, which MUST outlive the memoryview constructed here.
1737         This method is not available in Python 2.
1739         See also: Python C API documentation for `PyMemoryView_FromBuffer`_.
1741         .. _PyMemoryView_FromMemory:
1742      \endrst */
1743     static memoryview from_memory(void *mem, ssize_t size, bool readonly = false) {
1744         PyObject* ptr = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(
1745             reinterpret_cast<char*>(mem), size,
1746             (readonly) ? PyBUF_READ : PyBUF_WRITE);
1747         if (!ptr)
1748             pybind11_fail("Could not allocate memoryview object!");
1749         return memoryview(object(ptr, stolen_t{}));
1750     }
1752     static memoryview from_memory(const void *mem, ssize_t size) {
1753         return memoryview::from_memory(const_cast<void*>(mem), size, true);
1754     }
1757     static memoryview from_memory(std::string_view mem) {
1758         return from_memory(const_cast<char*>(, static_cast<ssize_t>(mem.size()), true);
1759     }
1760 #endif
1762 #endif
1763 };
1765 /// @cond DUPLICATE
1766 inline memoryview memoryview::from_buffer(
1767     void *ptr, ssize_t itemsize, const char* format,
1768     detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape,
1769     detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides, bool readonly) {
1770     size_t ndim = shape->size();
1771     if (ndim != strides->size())
1772         pybind11_fail("memoryview: shape length doesn't match strides length");
1773     ssize_t size = ndim != 0u ? 1 : 0;
1774     for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i)
1775         size *= (*shape)[i];
1776     Py_buffer view;
1777     view.buf = ptr;
1778     view.obj = nullptr;
1779     view.len = size * itemsize;
1780     view.readonly = static_cast<int>(readonly);
1781     view.itemsize = itemsize;
1782     view.format = const_cast<char*>(format);
1783     view.ndim = static_cast<int>(ndim);
1784     view.shape = shape->data();
1785     view.strides = strides->data();
1786     view.suboffsets = nullptr;
1787     view.internal = nullptr;
1788     PyObject* obj = PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(&view);
1789     if (!obj)
1790         throw error_already_set();
1791     return memoryview(object(obj, stolen_t{}));
1792 }
1793 /// @endcond
1794 /// @} pytypes
1796 /// \addtogroup python_builtins
1797 /// @{
1799 /// Get the length of a Python object.
1800 inline size_t len(handle h) {
1801     ssize_t result = PyObject_Length(h.ptr());
1802     if (result < 0)
1803         throw error_already_set();
1804     return (size_t) result;
1805 }
1807 /// Get the length hint of a Python object.
1808 /// Returns 0 when this cannot be determined.
1809 inline size_t len_hint(handle h) {
1810 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03040000
1811     ssize_t result = PyObject_LengthHint(h.ptr(), 0);
1812 #else
1813     ssize_t result = PyObject_Length(h.ptr());
1814 #endif
1815     if (result < 0) {
1816         // Sometimes a length can't be determined at all (eg generators)
1817         // In which case simply return 0
1818         PyErr_Clear();
1819         return 0;
1820     }
1821     return (size_t) result;
1822 }
1824 inline str repr(handle h) {
1825     PyObject *str_value = PyObject_Repr(h.ptr());
1826     if (!str_value) throw error_already_set();
1827 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
1828     PyObject *unicode = PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(str_value, "utf-8", nullptr);
1829     Py_XDECREF(str_value); str_value = unicode;
1830     if (!str_value) throw error_already_set();
1831 #endif
1832     return reinterpret_steal<str>(str_value);
1833 }
1835 inline iterator iter(handle obj) {
1836     PyObject *result = PyObject_GetIter(obj.ptr());
1837     if (!result) { throw error_already_set(); }
1838     return reinterpret_steal<iterator>(result);
1839 }
1840 /// @} python_builtins
1843 template <typename D> iterator object_api<D>::begin() const { return iter(derived()); }
1844 template <typename D> iterator object_api<D>::end() const { return iterator::sentinel(); }
1845 template <typename D> item_accessor object_api<D>::operator[](handle key) const {
1846     return {derived(), reinterpret_borrow<object>(key)};
1847 }
1848 template <typename D> item_accessor object_api<D>::operator[](const char *key) const {
1849     return {derived(), pybind11::str(key)};
1850 }
1851 template <typename D> obj_attr_accessor object_api<D>::attr(handle key) const {
1852     return {derived(), reinterpret_borrow<object>(key)};
1853 }
1854 template <typename D> str_attr_accessor object_api<D>::attr(const char *key) const {
1855     return {derived(), key};
1856 }
1857 template <typename D> args_proxy object_api<D>::operator*() const {
1858     return args_proxy(derived().ptr());
1859 }
1860 template <typename D> template <typename T> bool object_api<D>::contains(T &&item) const {
1861     return attr("__contains__")(std::forward<T>(item)).template cast<bool>();
1862 }
1864 template <typename D>
1865 pybind11::str object_api<D>::str() const { return pybind11::str(derived()); }
1867 template <typename D>
1868 str_attr_accessor object_api<D>::doc() const { return attr("__doc__"); }
1870 template <typename D>
1871 handle object_api<D>::get_type() const { return type::handle_of(derived()); }
1873 template <typename D>
1874 bool object_api<D>::rich_compare(object_api const &other, int value) const {
1875     int rv = PyObject_RichCompareBool(derived().ptr(), other.derived().ptr(), value);
1876     if (rv == -1)
1877         throw error_already_set();
1878     return rv == 1;
1879 }
1881 #define PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_UNARY(op, fn)                                   \
1882     template <typename D> object object_api<D>::op() const {                   \
1883         object result = reinterpret_steal<object>(fn(derived().ptr()));        \
1884         if (!result.ptr())                                                     \
1885             throw error_already_set();                                         \
1886         return result;                                                         \
1887     }
1889 #define PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(op, fn)                                  \
1890     template <typename D>                                                      \
1891     object object_api<D>::op(object_api const &other) const {                  \
1892         object result = reinterpret_steal<object>(                             \
1893             fn(derived().ptr(), other.derived().ptr()));                       \
1894         if (!result.ptr())                                                     \
1895             throw error_already_set();                                         \
1896         return result;                                                         \
1897     }
1899 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_UNARY (operator~,   PyNumber_Invert)
1900 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_UNARY (operator-,   PyNumber_Negative)
1901 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator+,   PyNumber_Add)
1902 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator+=,  PyNumber_InPlaceAdd)
1903 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator-,   PyNumber_Subtract)
1904 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator-=,  PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract)
1905 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator*,   PyNumber_Multiply)
1906 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator*=,  PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply)
1907 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator/,   PyNumber_TrueDivide)
1908 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator/=,  PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide)
1909 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator|,   PyNumber_Or)
1910 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator|=,  PyNumber_InPlaceOr)
1911 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator&,   PyNumber_And)
1912 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator&=,  PyNumber_InPlaceAnd)
1913 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator^,   PyNumber_Xor)
1914 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator^=,  PyNumber_InPlaceXor)
1915 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator<<,  PyNumber_Lshift)
1916 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator<<=, PyNumber_InPlaceLshift)
1917 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator>>,  PyNumber_Rshift)
1918 PYBIND11_MATH_OPERATOR_BINARY(operator>>=, PyNumber_InPlaceRshift)