Warning, /sdk/codevis/doc/xml-docbook/man-codevis_desktop.1.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY codevis "<acronym>codevis</acronym>">
0004   <!ENTITY Tomaz.Canabrava '<personname><firstname>Tomaz</firstname><surname>Canabrava</surname></personname>'>
0005   <!ENTITY Tomaz.Canabrava.mail '<email>tcanabrava@kde.org</email>'>
0006   <!ENTITY Tarcisio.Fischer '<personname><firstname>Tarcisio</firstname><surname>Fischer</surname></personname>'>
0007   <!ENTITY Tarcisio.Fischer.mail '<email>tarcisio.fischer@codethink.co.uk</email>'>
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0010 ]>
0012 <refentry lang="&language;">
0013 <refentryinfo>
0014     <title>&codevis; User's Manual</title>
0015     <author>&Tomaz.Canabrava; &Tomaz.Canabrava.mail;</author>
0016     <date>2024-00-00</date>
0017     <author>&Tarcisio.Fischer; &Tarcisio.Fischer.mail;</author>
0018     <date>2023-10-19</date>
0019     <releaseinfo>KDE Gear 24.00</releaseinfo>
0020     <productname>KDE Gear</productname>
0021 </refentryinfo>
0023 <refmeta>
0024 <refentrytitle><command>codevis_desktop</command></refentrytitle>
0025 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
0026 </refmeta>
0028 <refnamediv>
0029 <refname><command>codevis_desktop</command></refname>
0030 <refpurpose>Large Scale Software Architectural Visualization by &kde;</refpurpose>
0031 </refnamediv>
0033 <refsynopsisdiv>
0034     <cmdsynopsis>
0035         <!-- add a list of command line arguments here. -->
0036         <command>codevis_desktop</command>
0037         <group choice="opt"><option>--help</option></group>
0038     </cmdsynopsis>
0039 </refsynopsisdiv>
0041 <refsect1>
0042 <title>Description</title>
0043 <para>&codevis; is the &kde; Large Scale Software Architectural analysis tool. </para>
0044 <para>
0045   Some of &codevis;'s many features includes software architecture visualization,
0046   manipulation, code generation from diagrams, diagrams generation from source code,
0047   plugins, static analysis, visual static analysis and much more.
0048 </para>
0050 <para>
0051   But &codevis; is more than an architecture helper. Its ability to open
0052   several files at once makes it ideal for visualizing different architectures at once,
0053   and experimenting. Many architectural issues were found and fixed on &codevis; itself by
0054   analyzing it's source code.
0055 </para>
0056 </refsect1>
0058 <refsect1>
0059     <title>Options</title>
0060     <variablelist>
0061         <!-- Add more entities here with longer explanations -->
0062         <varlistentry>
0063             <term><option>--help</option></term>
0064             <listitem><para>Shows the help and exits</para></listitem>
0065         </varlistentry>
0066     </variablelist>
0067 </refsect1>
0069 <refsect1>
0070 <title>Plugins</title>
0071 <para>
0072 Codevis application supports plugins. It is possible to create plugins in C++, Python or mix the two languages.
0073 </para>
0074 <para>
0075 The plugin system works as follows: There's a set of places in the application code that call user-definable functions.
0076  Those functions are called "Hooks". Each hook receives a pointer to a "handler" that'll be provided by the application.
0077  So a "hook" is a "place" _where_ the function will be called and the handler is _what_ can be called back to change
0078  application behavior.
0079 </para>
0080 <para>
0081 All hooks are defined in the [hooks.py](../lvtplg/hooks.py) file. All handlers are defined in one of the handler files
0082 in the [handlers.py](../lvtplg/handlers.py) file. Handlers may return application data structures, such as an "Entity".
0083 Those are available in the [plugin data types file](../lvtplg/ct_lvtplg_plugindatatypes.h).
0084 </para>
0085 <para>
0086 In order for the application to recognize the plugins, they need to be in a specific place and they need to have a
0087 specific set of files. This is the file structure each plugin must have:
0088 </para>
0089 <para>
0090 $plugin_name/
0091 + $plugin_name.[py|so]
0092 + metadata.json
0093 + README.md
0094 </para>
0095 <para>
0096 Where `$plugin_name` is the plugin's name. `metadata.json` file follows the [kcoreaddons](https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kcoreaddons/html/)
0097 specification (There's an example below). And the `README.md` file should contain a brief description, and
0098 possibly examples on how to use the plugin.
0099 </para>
0100 <para>
0101 The `$plugin_name` folder must be copied to one of those paths, so that the application can find the plugin:
0102 </para>
0103 <para>
0104 - `$user_home/lks-plugins/` (Preferred for local development)
0105 - `$app_installation_path/lks-plugins/` (Used for plugins that are bundled with the app)
0106 - `$app_local_data/plugins/` (Used for downloaded plugins)
0107 </para>
0108 <para>
0109 There are a few working examples in the [plugins folder](../plugins/). There's also some [plugins for integration test](../lvtplg/testplugins/)
0110 that may be useful as simple examples. But just to give the
0111 reader a more step-by-step explanation, this section will show a working plugin written in Python.
0112 There's also a [python template plugin](../plugins/python_template_plugin/) that may be used as starting point.
0113 </para>
0114 <para>
0115 **Step 1**: Create the following folder structure inside `$user_home/lks-plugins/` (example: `/home/tarcisio/lks-plugins/`):
0116 </para>
0117 <para>
0118 ```
0119 myfirstplugin/
0120 + myfirstplugin.py
0121 + metadata.json
0122 + README.md
0123 ```
0124 </para>
0125 <para>
0126 **Step 2**: Populate the `metadata.json` file with the following contents:
0127 </para>
0128 <para>
0129 ```
0130  {
0131   "KPlugin": {
0132      "Name": "My first plugin",
0133      "Description": "Example plugin",
0134      "Icon": "none",
0135      "Authors": [ { "Name": "YourName", "Email": "YourEmail" } ],
0136      "Category": "Codevis Plugins",
0137      "EnabledByDefault": true,
0138      "License": "YourLicense",
0139      "Id": "myfirstplugin",
0140      "Version": "0.1",
0141      "Website": "YourPluginWebsite"
0142   }
0143 }
0144 ```
0145 </para>
0146 <para>
0147 **Step 3**: Populate the `myfirstplugin.py` file with the actual plugin code:
0148 </para>
0149 <para>
0150 ```python
0151 import pyLksPlugin as plg # Contains Codevis data structures
0153 def hookSetupPlugin(handler):
0154     # This will be executed once when the application starts
0155     print("Hello world from Python plugin!")
0158 def hookTeardownPlugin(handler):
0159     # This will be executed once when the application closes
0160     print("Okay then. Bye!")
0161 ```
0162 </para>
0163 <para>
0164 **Step 4**: Save all files and start the Codevis application using your terminal. You should see the messages in the
0165 console.
0166 </para>
0167 <para>
0168 Codevis comes with a builtin plugin editor that can be used for editing the plugins. To access it just click on
0169 `View > Plugin Editor`.
0170 </para>
0171 </refsect1>
0173 <refsect1>
0174 <title>See Also</title>
0176 <simplelist><member>More detailed user documentation is available from <ulink
0177 url="help:/codevis">help:/codevis</ulink>
0178 (either enter this &URL; into a web-browser;, or run
0179 <userinput><command>khelpcenter</command>
0180 <parameter>help:/codevis</parameter></userinput>).</member>
0181 <member>kf5options(7)</member>
0182 <member>qt5options(7)</member>
0183 <member>There is also further information available at the <ulink
0184 url="https://invent.kde.org/sdk/codevis/">&codevis; website</ulink>.
0185 </member>
0186 </simplelist>
0187 </refsect1>
0189 </refentry>