Warning, /sdk/clazy/tests/qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp.expected is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:15:22: warning: The ctor taking ints is cheaper than QColor::setNamedColor(QString) [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]
0002 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:16:36: warning: The ctor taking ints is cheaper than QColor::setNamedColor(QString) [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]
0003 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:8:15: warning: The QColor ctor taking ints is cheaper than the one taking string literals [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]
0004 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:11:15: warning: The QColor ctor taking ints is cheaper than the one taking string literals [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]
0005 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:12:15: warning: The QColor ctor taking ints is cheaper than the one taking string literals [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]
0006 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:13:15: warning: The QColor ctor taking ints is cheaper than the one taking string literals [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]
0007 qcolor-from-literal/main.cpp:17:17: warning: The QColor ctor taking ints is cheaper than the one taking string literals [-Wclazy-qcolor-from-literal]