Warning, /sdk/clazy/tests/function-args-by-value/main.cpp.expected is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:233:10: warning: 'virtualMethod2' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override' [-Winconsistent-missing-override]
0002 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:150:22: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0003 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:166:11: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0004 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:170:11: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0005 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:174:11: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0006 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:184:16: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0007 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:193:19: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0008 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:217:24: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const int &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0009 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:225:33: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0010 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:226:33: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0011 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:227:27: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]
0012 function-args-by-value/main.cpp:234:27: warning: Pass small and trivially-copyable type by value (const struct Trivial &) [-Wclazy-function-args-by-value]