Warning, /sdk/clazy/clazy.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #!/usr/bin/env sh
0003 libdir=$("@READLINK_CMD@" -f "$(dirname ${0})/@BIN_RELATIVE_LIBDIR@")
0004 sharedir=$("@READLINK_CMD@" -f "$(dirname ${0})/@BIN_RELATIVE_SHAREDIR@")
0006 HELP() {
0007   echo "Usage: `basename $0` [options] [clang++-options]"
0008   echo
0009   echo "Static analyzer for C++/Qt code (https://invent.kde.org/sdk/clazy)"
0010   echo
0011   echo "Options:"
0012   echo "  --help             print program help"
0013   echo "  --version          print the program version"
0014   echo "  --standalone       run clazy-standalone instead of clang"
0015   echo "  --list             print a list of all available checkers, arranged by level"
0016   echo "  --explain [regexp] print explanations for the checker matching a regexp"
0017   echo "or"
0018   echo "  --explain          print explanations for all checkers"
0019   echo
0020   echo "Any of the options above will print the requested information and then exit."
0021   echo
0022   echo "Convenience Options:"
0023   echo "  --qt4compat        Qt4 compatibility mode. useful for source code that can build with Qt4"
0024   echo "  (this is the same as passing \"-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang qt4-compat\")"
0025   echo "  --qtdeveloper      Special option for building Qt5 itself resulting in fewer false positives"
0026   echo "  (this is the same as passing \"-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang qt-developer\")"
0027   echo
0028   echo "All other options are passed directly to clang++ and handled from there."
0029   echo
0030   echo "See the clang++ manual for a list of the very large set of options available"
0031   echo
0032   echo "Environment Variables:"
0033   echo "  CLANGXX            Path to the clang++ executable to use"
0034   echo
0035 }
0037 VERSION() {
0038     echo "clazy version: @CLAZY_PRINT_VERSION@"
0039     ${CLANGXX:-clang++} --version | head -1 | awk '{printf("clang version: %s\n",$3)}'
0040 }
0042 PRLIST() {
0043   echo ""
0044   if ( test -d "$sharedir/doc/clazy/$1" )
0045   then
0046     echo "$2:"
0047     ls -1 $sharedir/doc/clazy/$1/README* | awk -F/ '{printf("    %s\n", $NF)}' | sed s/README-// | sed s/\.md$// | sort
0048   else
0049     echo "There are no checkers available for $1"
0050   fi
0051 }
0053 PRINFO() {
0054   lst=`ls -1 $sharedir/doc/clazy/level*/README*$1* $sharedir/doc/clazy/manuallevel/README*$1* 2>/dev/null`
0055   if ( test ! -z "$lst" )
0056   then
0057     for f in $lst
0058     do
0059       l=`echo $f | awk -F/ '{foo=NF-1; printf("    %s:%s\n", $foo,$NF)}'`
0060       level=`echo $l | cut -d: -f1`
0061       checker=`echo $l | cut -d: -f2 | sed s/README-// | sed s/\.md$//`
0062       echo "== Explanation for checker $checker ($level) =="
0063       cat $f
0064       echo
0065     done
0066   else
0067     echo "There is no explanation available for checker \"$1\""
0068     echo "Run 'clazy --explain' to see the list of all available checkers."
0069   fi
0070 }
0072 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--help" )
0073 then
0074   HELP
0075   exit
0076 fi
0078 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--version" )
0079 then
0080   VERSION
0081   exit
0082 fi
0084 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--list" )
0085 then
0086   echo "List of available clazy checkers:"
0087   PRLIST level0 "Checks from level0. Very stable checks, 100% safe, no false-positives"
0088   PRLIST level1 "Checks from level1. Mostly stable and safe, rare false-positives"
0089   PRLIST level2 "Checks form level2. Sometimes has false-positives (20-30%)"
0090   #PRLIST level3 "Checks from level3. Not always correct, high rate of false-positives"
0091   PRLIST manuallevel "Manual checks. Stability varies. must be explicitly enabled"
0092   exit
0093 fi
0095 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--explain" )
0096 then
0097   shift
0098   PRINFO $@
0099   exit
0100 fi
0102 ExtraClangOptions=""
0103 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--qt4compat" )
0104 then
0105   shift
0106   ExtraClangOptions="-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang qt4-compat"
0107 fi
0108 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--qtdeveloper" )
0109 then
0110   shift
0111   ExtraClangOptions="-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang qt-developer"
0112 fi
0113 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--visit-implicit-code" )
0114 then
0115   shift
0116   ExtraClangOptions="-Xclang -plugin-arg-clazy -Xclang visit-implicit-code"
0117 fi
0119 case "$CLAZY_CHECKS" in
0120   *jni-signatures*)
0121     if [ -z "$ANDROID_NDK" ]
0122     then
0123         echo "To test JNI signatures you need to set ANDROID_NDK to your Android NDK installation."
0124         exit
0125     fi
0127     ExtraClangOptions=$ExtraClangOptions" -idirafter"$ANDROID_NDK"/sysroot/usr/include"
0128   ;;
0129 esac
0131 ClazyPluginLib=ClazyPlugin@CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX@
0133 if ( test -f "$libdir/$ClazyPluginLib" )
0134 then
0135     # find plugin libraries in install dir
0136     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$libdir:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
0137     export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$libdir:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
0138 elif ( test -f "$(dirname $0)/lib/$ClazyPluginLib" )
0139 then
0140     # find plugin libraries in build dir
0141     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname $0)/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
0142     export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname $0)/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
0143 fi
0145 if ( test $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "--standalone" )
0146 then
0147   shift
0148   if ( test -f "$(dirname $0)/clazy-standalone" )
0149   then
0150     # find binary in install dir
0151     $(dirname $0)/clazy-standalone "$@"
0152   else
0153     # hope binary is in the expected build dir
0154     $(dirname $0)/bin/clazy-standalone "$@"
0155   fi
0156 else
0157   ${CLANGXX:-clang++} -Qunused-arguments -Xclang -load -Xclang $ClazyPluginLib -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clazy $ExtraClangOptions "$@"
0158 fi