Warning, /rolisteam/rolisteam/src/libraries/qml_views/views/ConnectionForm.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0003 import QtQuick.Layouts
0004 import Profile
0005 import CustomItems
0007 Item {
0008     id: _root
0009     property alias model: _list.model
0010     property alias currentProfile: _list.currentIndex
0012     Action {
0013         id: _addProfile
0014         icon.name: "add_round"
0015         onTriggered: ProfileController.addProfile()
0016     }
0018     Action {
0019         id: _cloneProfile
0020         icon.name: "cloning"
0021         onTriggered: ProfileController.cloneProfile(_list.currentIndex)
0022     }
0025     Action {
0026         id: _removeProfile
0027         icon.name: "delete"
0028         onTriggered: ProfileController.removeProfile(_list.currentIndex)
0029     }
0031     SplitView {
0032         anchors.fill: parent
0033         Pane {
0034             SplitView.minimumWidth: 200 //list.contentWidth
0035             SplitView.preferredWidth: 200
0036             SplitView.maximumWidth: 400
0037             SplitView.fillHeight: true
0038             leftPadding: 2
0039             rightPadding: 2
0040             background: Rectangle {
0041                      color: palette.base
0042             }
0043             GridLayout {
0044                 anchors.fill: parent
0045                 columns: 5
0047                 ListView {
0048                     id: _list
0049                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0050                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0051                     Layout.leftMargin: 0
0052                     Layout.columnSpan: 5
0053                     model: ProfileController.profileModel
0054                     currentIndex: ProfileController.currentProfileIndex
0055                     onCurrentIndexChanged: ProfileController.currentProfileIndex = _list.currentIndex //onsole.log("current changed: ",_list.currentIndex)
0057                     delegate: ItemDelegate {
0058                         text: model.name
0059                         width: _list.width
0060                         highlighted: ProfileController.currentProfileIndex === index
0061                         onClicked: _list.currentIndex = index
0062                     }
0064                     ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { }
0066                 }
0067                 ToolButton {
0068                     action: _addProfile
0069                     icon.width: 32
0070                     Layout.columnSpan: 2
0071                     icon.color: "transparent"
0072                     ToolTip.text: qsTr("New profile")
0073                 }
0074                 ToolButton {
0075                     action: _cloneProfile
0076                     ToolTip.text: qsTr("Clone profile")
0077                 }
0078                 ToolButton {
0079                     action: _removeProfile
0080                     Layout.columnSpan: 2
0081                     icon.color: "transparent"
0082                     ToolTip.text: qsTr("Remove profile")
0083                     enabled: ProfileController.currentProfileIndex >= 0
0084                 }
0085             }
0086         }
0088         ScrollView {
0089             id: _scrollView
0090             SplitView.fillWidth: true
0092             ColumnLayout {
0093                 id: _lyt
0094                 width: _scrollView.width
0095                 height: Math.max(_scrollView.height, _lyt.implicitHeight)
0096                 spacing: 0
0097                 RowLayout {
0098                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0099                     Label {
0100                         text: qsTr("Profile Name:")
0101                     }
0102                     RequiredTextField {
0103                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0104                         validInput: (text && ProfileController.profileName)
0105                         text: ProfileController.profileName
0106                         onTextChanged: ProfileController.profileName = text
0107                     }
0108                 }
0109                 GroupBox {
0110                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0111                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
0112                     title: qsTr("Connection")
0113                     GridLayout {
0114                         anchors.fill: parent
0115                         columns: 2
0116                         Label {
0117                             text: qsTr("Address:")
0118                         }
0119                         RequiredTextField {
0120                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0121                             text: ProfileController.address
0122                             validInput: (text && ProfileController.address)
0123                             enabled: !ProfileController.isServer
0124                             onEditingFinished: ProfileController.address = text
0125                         }
0126                         Label {
0127                             text: qsTr("Port:")
0128                         }
0129                         TextField {
0130                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0131                             validator: IntValidator {bottom: 1; top: 65535;}
0132                             text: ProfileController.port
0133                             onEditingFinished: ProfileController.port = text
0134                         }
0135                         Label {
0136                             text: qsTr("Password:")
0137                         }
0138                         TextField {
0139                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0140                             echoMode: TextField.Password
0141                             text: ProfileController.password
0142                             onEditingFinished: ProfileController.password = text
0143                         }
0144                         CheckBox {
0145                             id: _host
0146                             Layout.columnSpan: 2
0147                             text: qsTr("Host the game")
0148                             checked: ProfileController.isServer
0149                             onCheckedChanged: {
0150                                 ProfileController.isServer =  _host.checked
0151                             }
0152                         }
0153                     }
0154                 }
0155                 GroupBox {
0156                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0157                     title: qsTr("Player")
0158                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
0159                     PersonEdit {
0160                         id: person
0161                         anchors.fill: parent
0162                         imageData: ProfileController.playerAvatar
0163                         characterName: ProfileController.playerName
0164                         validInput: (characterName && ProfileController.playerName)
0165                         color: ProfileController.playerColor
0166                         onColorEdited: (col)=> ProfileController.playerColor = col
0167                         onNameEdited: ProfileController.playerName = person.characterName
0168                         onClicked: ProfileController.selectPlayerAvatar()
0169                         CheckBox {
0170                             id: _gameMaster
0171                             Layout.columnSpan: 3
0172                             text: qsTr("I'm the Game Master")
0173                             checked: ProfileController.isGameMaster
0174                             onCheckedChanged: {
0175                                 ProfileController.isGameMaster =  _gameMaster.checked
0176                             }
0177                         }
0178                         RowLayout {
0179                             Layout.columnSpan: 3
0180                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0181                             Label {
0182                                 text: qsTr("Campaign Root:")
0183                                 opacity: ProfileController.isGameMaster ? 1.0 : 0.4
0184                             }
0185                             RequiredTextField {
0186                                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0187                                 text: ProfileController.campaignPath
0188                                 validInput: (text && ProfileController.campaignPath)
0189                                 enabled: ProfileController.isGameMaster
0190                                 opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.4
0191                             }
0192                             ToolButton {
0193                                 icon.name: "folder"
0194                                 enabled: ProfileController.isGameMaster
0195                                 opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.4
0196                                 icon.color: "transparent"
0197                                 onClicked: ProfileController.selectCampaignPath()
0198                             }
0199                         }
0200                     }
0201                 }
0202                 GroupBox {
0203                     id: _character
0204                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0205                     label: RowLayout {
0206                         Label {
0207                             text: qsTr("Characters")
0208                         }
0209                         ToolButton {
0210                             icon.name: "add"
0211                             icon.color: "transparent"
0212                             onClicked: ProfileController.addCharacter()
0213                         }
0214                     }
0215                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
0216                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0217                     Layout.preferredHeight: _characterList.height + _buttonBar.height + padding + padding
0218                     visible: !ProfileController.isGameMaster
0220                     ListView {
0221                         id: _characterList
0222                         width: _character.width
0223                         height: contentHeight
0224                         interactive: false
0226                         model: ProfileController.characterModel
0227                         delegate: ItemDelegate {
0228                             width: _characterList.width - _character.padding - _character.padding
0229                             height: _itemLyt.height
0231                             PersonEdit {
0232                                 id: _itemLyt
0233                                 imageData: model.avatarData
0234                                 characterName: model.name
0235                                 width: parent.width
0236                                 color: model.color
0237                                 property bool editAvatar: false
0238                                 validInput: model.name && isSquare
0239                                 onClicked:{
0240                                     _itemLyt.editAvatar = true
0241                                     ProfileController.selectCharacterAvatar(model.index)
0242                                 }
0243                                 onNameEdited: ProfileController.editCharacterName(model.index,_itemLyt.characterName)
0244                                 onColorEdited: (color)=>ProfileController.editCharacterColor(model.index,color)
0245                                 onImageDataChanged: {
0246                                     if(_itemLyt.editAvatar){
0247                                         ProfileController.editCharacterAvatar(model.index, _itemLyt.imageData)
0248                                         _itemLyt.editAvatar = false
0249                                     }
0250                                 }
0251                                 line: [
0252                                     ToolButton {
0253                                         icon.name: "remove"
0254                                         icon.color: "transparent"
0255                                         onClicked: ProfileController.removeCharacter(model.index)
0256                                         visible: index > 0
0257                                     }
0258                                 ]
0259                             }
0260                         }
0262                     }
0263                 }
0264                 Label {
0265                     id: errorLbl
0266                     text: ProfileController.errorMsg
0267                     visible: ProfileController.errorMsg
0268                     background: Rectangle {
0269                         color: "red"
0270                     }
0272                 }
0273                 Label {
0274                     id: infoLbl
0275                     text: ProfileController.infoMsg
0276                     visible: ProfileController.infoMsg
0277                     background: Rectangle {
0278                         color: "green"
0279                     }
0280                 }
0281                 Item {
0282                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
0283                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0284                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0285                     visible: ProfileController.isGameMaster
0286                 }
0287                 RowLayout {
0288                     id: _buttonBar
0289                     //Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight || Qt.AlignBottom
0290                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0291                     Button {
0292                         id: _saveProfiles
0293                         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
0294                         text: qsTr("Save profiles")
0295                         onClicked: ProfileController.saveProfileModels()
0296                         enabled: true
0297                         background: Rectangle {
0298                             color: _saveProfiles.down ? "darkgray" : "gray"
0299                         }
0300                     }
0302                     Item {
0303                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0304                     }
0306                     Button {
0307                         id: _connectBtn
0308                         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
0309                         text: qsTr("Connect")
0310                         focus: true
0311                         enabled: ProfileController.canConnect
0312                         onClicked: ProfileController.startConnection() //startNetworkConnection()
0313                         opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.4
0314                         background: Rectangle {
0315                             color: _connectBtn.down ? "darkgreen" : _connectBtn.enabled ? "green" : "darkgray"
0316                         }
0317                     }
0318                     Button {
0319                         id: _cancelBtn
0320                         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
0321                         text: qsTr("Cancel")
0322                         onClicked: ProfileController.reject()
0323                         background: Rectangle {
0324                             color: _cancelBtn.down ? "darkgray" : "gray"
0325                         }
0326                     }
0327                 }
0328             }
0329         }
0331     }
0333 }