File indexing completed on 2024-06-23 05:33:59

0001 #ifndef STRINGNODE_H
0002 #define STRINGNODE_H
0004 #include "node/executionnode.h"
0005 #include "result/stringresult.h"
0007 /**
0008  * @brief The StringNode class is an ExecutionNode. It is dedicated to store string and display result.
0009  */
0010 class StringNode : public ExecutionNode
0011 {
0012 public:
0013     StringNode();
0014     void run(ExecutionNode* previous);
0015     void setString(QString str);
0016     virtual QString toString(bool withLabel) const;
0017     virtual qint64 getPriority() const;
0018     /**
0019      * @brief getCopy
0020      * @return
0021      */
0022     virtual ExecutionNode* getCopy() const;
0024 private:
0025     QString m_data;
0026     StringResult* m_stringResult;
0027 };
0029 #endif // STRINGNODE_H