Warning, /rolisteam/rolisteam/src/libraries/charactersheet/qml/Rolisteam/ImageField.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0003 Rectangle {
0004     id:root
0005     property alias source : image.source
0006     property alias hAlign: image.horizontalAlignment
0007     property alias vAlign: image.verticalAlignment
0008     property bool clippedText: false
0009     property bool readOnly: true //by default, the edit mode will not be made in 1.8.
0010     color: "black"
0012     Image {
0013         id: image
0014         anchors.fill: parent
0015         fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0016     }
0017 }