Warning, /rolisteam/rolisteam-packaging/roliserver/linux/ubuntu/debian/changelog is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 rolisteam (1.8.0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium 
0003  * New map system using vectorial drawing
0004  * Items can be modified, rotated, moved
0005  * Avatar can be used as character token
0006  * -New map system using vectorial drawing
0007  * Items can be modified, rotated, moved
0008  * Avatar can be used as character token
0009  * image can be added to the map
0010  * management of layers
0011  * fog of war
0012  * Character vision
0013  * size adaptation
0014  * Parenthood relationship
0015  * Grid (square or hexagon)
0016  * Zoom level
0017  * # Character sheet
0018  * Management of charactersheet
0019  * Charactersheet editor
0020  * Formula management
0021  * Roll dice from the charactersheet
0022  * Management of several kind of text field
0023  * Character sheet in QML
0024  * Update through network
0025  * ReadOnly data
0026  * Character sheet can have several pages
0027  * Display several page at once
0028  * # DiceParser
0029  * Validator with several condition and combination with logic operator (OR, AND and exclusive OR)
0030  * Improved management of errors
0031  * List operator accept range/probability"
0032  * Hide roll from the player but visible by everyone else (#2d6)
0033  * Merge operator
0034  * filter operator
0035  * if operator
0036  * Support modulo operator in validator
0037  * Management of varible from the character sheet
0038  * Support of different operator (!=)
0039  * improve randomness by using C++11 API
0040  * better generation for dot tree
0041  * # General
0042  * Dynamic Management of state (add/remove)
0043  * Dice alias can be disable
0044  * heartbeat mechanism to prevent disconnection
0045  * # Connection Dialog
0046  * Management of several connection profile
0047  * Define role (GM or Player), define connection mode (Host or Client), if player then define character (name, color, avatar)
0048  * # Resources management
0049  * resources can be ordered into chapter 
0050  * management of state of resources (open/loaded)
0051  * # Fixed Bug
0052  * Workaround for #42 - How to auto-size Huge map
0053  * #41 - Mix between GM and player rights
0054  * #28 - hide Roll Dice from the roller enhancement
0055  * #33 - Disconnection
0056  * #22 - Characters portraits & tokens
0057  * #3 - It is not possible to move sheets around as if on a regular table
0058  * #8 - Add images into maps
0059  * # Translation
0060  * French, English, Portuguese, Hungrian,German, Roumanian, Spanish, Turkish(partial), Dutch(partial)
0062   -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 05 Feb 2016 15:58:18 +0200
0064 rolisteam (1.7.1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium                                                               
0066   [Renaud Guezennec]                                                                                          
0067   * Better display for several strings or several dice command at once.                                       
0068   * Fix #14 - fix build with Qt5.5 for some linux distributions                                               
0069   * Fix #18 - unwanted {1 at the end of dice sentence                                                         
0070   * Fix #11 - link are not clickable                                                                          
0071   * Fix #10 - players can see hidden maps                                                                     
0072   * Fix #12 - word wrap in chat (activated by default, can be disactived)                                     
0074  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 05 Sep 2015 09:26:18 +0200
0076 rolisteam (1.7.0ubuntu11) trusty; urgency=medium
0078   [Renaud Guezennec]
0079   * Qt5 portage
0080   * Section: Audio
0081   * new audio system, management of 3 music track
0082   * Load/save of playlist
0083   * Load/save audio stream
0084   * Add playlist from http://tabletopaudio.com/
0085   * Section: Dice
0086   * new framework for dice rolling (diceparser)
0087   * management of aliases (for dice command)
0088   * GM sharing automatically dice aliases
0089   * Add highlight for dice result
0090   * Section: Chat
0091   * http link in chat are now clickable. 
0092   * The background color changes only the background of the chat (not the scroll bar)
0093   * Section:Theme and skin
0094   * Possibility to change the appearance of rolisteam by changing default colors or set Css code.
0095   * Skin can be imported or exported as JSON file.
0096   * For each theme/skin you can set the background color and image for the main
0097   * management of the position of background image
0098   * no longer need to restart the application
0099   * Section:General
0100   * Rolisteam starts in full scree mode (can be disable in the preferences dialog)
0101   * Section:Refactoring
0102   * Use the new network engine. For better maintenability
0103   * Section:Command line parametre
0104   * several parameters can be passed to rolisteam at starting
0105   * drag and drop
0106   * Section:Documentation
0107   * Documentation has been updated and reworked for a better understanding
0109  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Wed, 20 May 2015 11:26:18 +0200
0111 rolisteam (1.6.1ubuntu3) trusty; urgency=medium
0113   [Renaud Guezennec]
0114   * Fix package system
0116  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 18 Apr 2015 11:26:18 +0200
0118 rolisteam (1.6.1ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
0120   [Renaud Guezennec]
0121   * Fix package system
0123  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 18 Apr 2015 11:17:18 +0200
0125 rolisteam (1.6.1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
0127   [Renaud Guezennec]
0128   * Add possibility to change the background color and picture of the workspace (need restart of rolisteam to be applied).
0129   * The background color of chat window can be changed
0130   * Implementation of #60: Blinking chat
0131   * Add preferences system to select the default behaviour for map permission.
0132   * Show progress while receiving data.
0133   * Fog of war color can be decided.
0134   * Fix bug #99 italic text on emote
0135   * Windows can now be shown in tab mode.
0137  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:48:18 +0200
0139 rolisteam (1.6.0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
0141   [Renaud Guezennec]
0142     * Adding resources file and icons.
0143     * file menu items triggers textedit actions.
0144     * translation of code source a bit
0145     * hide the black square on painting
0146     * bug fix: crash when painting on map bigger than the images.
0147     * add icon to mac os bundle
0148     * Allow reconnection after deconnection of server.
0149     * Fix closing, Application no more direct call to destructeur.
0150     * Finish French Translation
0151     * Adding method to save/load minutes to/from binary file (scenario)
0152     * Add call to save and load method of minute editor while save and load scenario. [mainwindow.cpp]
0153     * adding fit window feature to image.
0154     * adding icon
0155     * display shortcut to zoom in image
0156     * translate
0157     * fix issue #87
0158     * clearing the process to synchronize the currentTool with image or plan.
0159     * adding API to BarreOutil.h/.cpp
0160     * adding title to closing popup.
0161     * refactoring of code.
0162     * fix #85 and #86
0163     * it is possible to close map and picture.
0164     * fix issue #82 wrong icon for maps.
0165     * adding ipchecker.cpp/.h, to get ip address of the server.
0166     * display ip address to the user and the server port.
0167     * issue #76
0168     * First test to save scenario with map and able to load it again.
0169     * Must be tested, it leads to crash when closing up the application (error in delete object, deleting of already deleted object is my guess)
0170     * adding new dialog to open Map.
0171     * delete NouveauPlanVide, and adding newemptymapdialog , using QDesigner form.
0172     * translation update.
0173     * delete NouveauPlanVide.h
0174     * adding mapwizzard.ui
0175     * fix issue #84 
0176     * Correct mispelling
0177     * translate every string in english
0178     * improve french translation
0179     * Finishing i18n for rolisteam
0180     * Auto-Reconnection after connection lost
0181     * The server seems to send wrong information
0182     * End of reconnection after connection lost
0183     * Must be tested deeper
0184     * Add i18n for warning message
0185     * First wave of modification to support permission management on maps
0186     * Patch for issue 56
0187     * start implementing permission management for map
0188     * Add permission management (#issue 51)
0189     * Improve management of current tool from Toolbar
0190     * Add  shortcut for image zooming
0191     * fix #issue 45
0192     * fix issue #62 : Concatenated Music path bug
0193     * Add dialog box to wait until retry connection (10 sec)
0194     * Translation of the warning messages
0195     * Improvement right management on Map
0196     * Removal of port limitation, is now possible to use port lesser than 1024.
0197     * TODO: Show little warning when selecting port under 1024.
0198     * finish permission management (about moving character)
0199     * removal of fmod
0200     * keep working on permission management
0201     * fix bug about phonon and changed states
0202     * Permission management is now working
0203     * more tests about it
0204     * translation
0205     * add usability improvements
0206     * Select all text when user adds character.
0207     * Default button is connection instead of quit as the connection dialog.
0208     * icon on dialog
0209     * translation
0210     * first work on issue 65
0211     * add comments
0212     * Refactoring code: member has been renamed acconding the coding rules.
0213     * Removing the played song is managed (must be tested).
0214     * correct  the behaviour of removing song from the list
0215     * Fix issue 65 and improve management of button
0216     * fix issue 66 : max limit for connection port has been set to the
0217     * add mutex to protect delete of song in widget
0218     * add debug trace to understand the issue about song played almost one time of two.
0219     * should fix #65
0220     * correct issue in order of command to play in loop mode a song.
0221     * remove of G_mainWindow global variable.
0222     * add network management into application
0223     * correct errors from previous commit
0224     * change order of object instantiation.
0225     * add icon for chat window.
0226     * prevent seg fault by protecting access to pointer.
0227     * add command to compile the traduction as normal compilation step.
0228     * remove some memory leaks
0229     * replace svg icone to png
0230     * remove some global variables.
0231     * clean up the reconnection section.
0232     * change preferences manager.
0233     * Add missing file of preferences manager from 2.0.0 branch
0234     * refactoring after test under ubuntu 12.04
0235     * First try to manage the connection and disconnection retry. Network menu
0236     * modify translation and pro file
0237     * Replace reference to pointer in singleton for playerlist
0238     * Add mechanism to allow disconnection and reconnection. 
0239     * disconnection / reconnection work when using network menu with rolisteam started as client
0240     * Add feature to colorize the background of chatroom, should be move from toolbar to context menu.
0241     * Add management of mainwindow title.
0242     * Background color of chat can be changed by context menu
0243     * Enable load map from file.
0244     * Correction of the save/open notes.
0245     * Add new editor to edit ODT file
0246     * Correct dice roll  command
0247     * Add new management for title
0248     * remove debug message
0249     * amend API of playersList
0250     * fix for connection management
0251     * playersList used as member instead of global variable in localpersonmodel
0252     * Remove warning message
0253     * Enable compilation of odt support with mac os (zlib). apply patch from #71
0254     * rework function to prevent any segfault.
0255     * test after "trouverPersonnage" call is tested with the NULL
0256     * Add descrition doxygen for all classes, work in progress
0257     * improve the connection management and process
0258     * improve the deconnection / reconnection management and process
0259     * Add management of feature to protect backward compatibility.
0260     * Add context menu to make map fit window
0261     * removal of qDebug() message
0262     * update translation
0263     * Issues #65 and 67 are fixed.
0264     * Improvement of network management
0265     * some problem with data sent twice.
0266     * compile under ubuntu 13.04
0267     * correct note editor menu action.
0268     * change address to contact me in about menu
0269     * fix issue #75 : no more crash in chat window when the list is empty.
0270     * add copy/paste features on chatbrowser.cpp
0271     * make it compile on Mac OS X
0272     * adding script to install libz
0273     * compile under windows and solve issues.
0274     * Remove of embedded documentation, it is now online only.
0275     * Adding rc file for binary icon.
0279  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Fri, 08 Nov 2013 00:54:12 +0100
0281 rolisteam (1.5.2) maverick; urgency=low
0283   [Renaud GUEZENNEC]
0284   * Fix issue #53
0286  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 30 Sep 2011 22:19:01 +0200
0288 rolisteam (1.5.1) maverick; urgency=low
0290   [Renaud GUEZENNEC]
0291   * Fix issue #47
0293  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 06 Aug 2011 22:19:01 +0200
0295 rolisteam (1.5.0) maverick; urgency=low
0297   [Renaud GUEZENNEC]
0298   * Change interface to send game state to new player (race condition removed)
0299   * Fix icons ressources   
0300   * Add some icon to fix missing ressources issues 
0301   * Try some improvement about workspace resize performance issue
0302   * Rewrite the scenario load/save mechanism, using QDataStream, for better readability.   
0303   * new startup connection dialog
0304   * struct initialisation replaced by class Initialisation
0305   * MainWindow creation in main.cpp instead of ClientServeur.cpp   
0306   * fix few issues on mac OS       
0307   * Integration of zoom feature for the image
0308   * Fix issue of slot/signal connection
0309   * Fix twice creation of userlist widget. 
0310   * Tool box can be closed
0311   * Minor cleanups 
0312   * Fix issue with player audioplayer interface
0313   * Adding class to store data from the Connection dialog  
0314   * Improve some audio player misbehaviours        
0315   * third waves of modification for the audio player, a workaround has been activated to deal with phonon-gstreamer bugs, it may be not necessary for other backend (windows, QuickTime and xine).  
0316   * removed useless global G_dossier*
0317   * removed unused variables and parameters        
0318   * add a preference dialog to change G_initialisation directories.
0319   * in MainWindow.cpp changed QObject::connect to connect  
0320   * Rewrite of many parts of audio player
0321   * bugfix : add local player when server, not when GM     
0322   * bug fix : wrong behaviour with uncorrect dice syntax. If user typed "!d6", the number of dices was very random/unrelevant and no warnings was displayed to the user.
0323   * replace AudioPlayerunix.cpp with AudioPlayer.cpp    
0324   * Audio feature has been greatly improved.
0325   * removal of FMOD support
0326   * BUGFIX : Removed unused threads.
0327   * new incoming network message processing, using events.      
0328   * new outgoing network message processing.    
0329   * BUGFIX: add missing datawriter.h and datawriter.cpp
0330   * Compilation error when have_phonon is defined
0331   * charset issues
0332   * code refactoring on log messages in Liaison.cpp     
0333   * Yet another minor improvement on message reception. 
0334   * Tried MeKeyCool's advice to fix bug #35.    
0335   * use qassistant for documentation if does not work QDesktop stuff is used.   
0336   * add updatechecker   
0337   * modification of the header file     
0338   * BUGFIX : infinite loop in DataWriter::makeRoom.
0339   * Oups, make it compile...    
0340   * BUGFIX : random number generation.
0341   * players list widget and model completely rewritted.
0342   * new chats list widget and model.    
0343   * BUGFIX : make src/LecteurAudio.cpp compile.
0344   * BUGFIX : use singleton for FeaturesList to be initialised after ReceiveEvent::s_receiverMap.
0345   * The player's list is directly editable.
0346   * Same size for color icons and color buttons.        
0347   * Features are now handled by Player and PlayersList. 
0348   * BUGFIX : private messages are now private.
0349   * BUGFIX: set encoding when saving chats.
0350   * BUGFIX: compilation error for LecteurAudio.cpp.
0351   * Write local user name instead of "Vous" when chating. 
0352   * Now even the GM knows whose PNJ is talking.
0353   * Slightly better socket error handling.      
0354   * PrivateChat can be created and used.
0355   * Yet another network interface change.
0356   * Abstract proxy class for PlayersList.
0357   * Delay of network messages to conform to old protocols.
0358   * Debug messages cleanup.     
0359   * Del chat button works.
0360   * Handle DelChatAction network messages.      
0361   * Little improvement about restoring DockWidget's geometry
0362   * All dockwidgets have now a valid object name.       
0363   * Updates chats on player's deletion.
0364   * Edit or show every PrivateChat.     
0365   * Update ChatWindow title and his toggleViewAction when Chat's name changes.
0366   * Add ChatListWidget to "FenĂȘtre" menu.       
0367   * BUGFIX: default port to 6660 instead of 1024 when updating from 1.0.2 or older.
0368   * BUGFIX: Map created before connection works as well as others.
0369   * BUGFIX: Images loaded before connection don't make clients crash anymore.
0370   * Image uses NetworkMessageWriter.    
0371   * Little improvements about update notification.      
0372   * DEBUGS : Clients don't send back ChatUpdates messages.
0373   * Handle PrivateChat's constructor failures.
0374   * Added Chat::belongsToLocalPlayer().
0375   * You can pass a version to Chat::everyPlayerHasFeature().    
0376   * DEBUG : PrivateChat::sendThem() don't send message if the local user is the only one. That fixes a backward compatibility bug.
0377   * Load qt translator properly.        
0378   * BUGFIX Any local characters can be deleted.
0379   * Notifications of players joining and quiting in events dock widget. 
0380   * French translation for the few english texts.
0381   * Revised and translated "About" dialog.      
0382   * Change the maximum size for NPC: 200
0383   * Add rolisteam's logo into resources directory
0384   * Change of MainWindow logo.  
0385   * Add toolbar to ChatWindow.
0386   * bugfix: Update chatwindow's title when player's name changes.
0387   * Oups... I forgot to "svn add" new files.    
0388   * Moved history management from ChatWindow to TextEditAmeliore        
0389   * Some bug with the NPC/PC size
0390   * Perhaps it should be better to have 2 sliders because the behaviour seems quiet unfriendly  
0391   * rework of the changeSize of character.
0392   * adding character id to the sizechanged network message.
0393   * hide the diameter selector when user is not game master     
0394   * Improvement on the update checker with major middle and minor version number.
0395   * Change default button for persondialog, now it's the Ok button.
0396   * Improve translation.     
0398  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 06 Aug 2011 22:19:01 +0200
0400 rolisteam (1.0.2) lucid; urgency=low
0402   [ Renaud GUEZENNEC ]
0403   * Adding emote messages feature.
0404   * Adding alerts when rolisteam is hidden and an event occurs.
0405   * Add Roll and Keep dice system.
0406   * Syntax : !3g2 or !3G2 (reroll 10)
0407   * Add L5R dice system : count each dice egal or greater than 5
0408   * Syntax : !3s
0409   * Bugs fixed:
0410   * Issue #18  : out of range error about the shadowrun' dices rolling
0411   * Issue #20  : mispelling in french world
0412   * Issue #23  : save of ini file on Linux (must be more tested )
0413   * Issue #15  : compilation errors
0414   * Issue #24  : no more crashes when client disconnect.
0415   * Refractoring:
0416   * Removal of afficherTirage function which was still in the header file.
0417   * Change few things about the Tchat.cpp to enable the dice rolling.
0418   * About init file. All platforms share the same code.
0419   * Removal of debug messages about supported image format
0420   * Robustness about the shadowrun syntax
0421   * Removal of some platform-specific code
0422   * Change text indentation in liaison.cpp
0423   * Add some destructors to prevent memory leaks
0424   * specific platform code changed to allow BSD and other x11 user.
0425   * Hide the audio player when the HAVE_NULL flag is set.
0427  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Sat, 30 Oct 2010 16:42:47 +0200
0429 rolisteam (1.0.0) unstable; urgency=low
0431   [ Renaud GUEZENNEC ]
0432   * Initial Release.
0433   * Porting of rolistik to GNU/Linux, it became rolisteam
0434   * Using Phonon
0435   * Remove of chm documentation, it has been replaced by qch documentations
0436   * Allows ip addresses or domain name as server address. 
0438   [ Renaud GUEZENNEC ]
0439   * bug #4 fixed
0440   * adding singleton pattern to get the audio player intance
0442   [ Renaud GUEZENNEC ]
0443   * Documentation has been improved
0445   [ Renaud Guezennec ]
0446   * Documentation has been really improved  
0448  -- Renaud Guezennec <renaud@rolisteam.org>  Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:22:48 +0200