Warning, /plasma/powerdevil/kcmodule/profiles/ui/ProfileConfig.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022, 2023 Jakob Petsovits <jpetso@petsovits.com>
0003  *
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
0009 import QtQuick.Layouts
0010 import org.kde.kcmutils as KCM
0011 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0012 import org.kde.powerdevil as PD
0014 Kirigami.FormLayout {
0015     id: root
0017     required property string profileId
0018     readonly property var profileSettings: kcm.settings["profile" + profileId]
0020     function formatPercentageText(value) {
0021         return i18nc(
0022             "Percentage value example, used for formatting brightness levels in the power management settings",
0023             "10%"
0024         ).replace("10", value);
0025     }
0027     function maxTimeDelaySpinBoxImplicitWidth() {
0028         return Math.max(dimDisplayTimeDelay.implicitWidth, turnOffDisplayTimeDelay.implicitWidth, turnOffDisplayWhenLockedTimeDelay.implicitWidth, idleTimeoutCommandTimeDelay.implicitWidth);
0029     }
0031     //
0032     // Suspend Session
0034     Item {
0035         Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true
0036         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@title:group", "Suspend Session")
0037         visible: (
0038             autoSuspendActionRow.visible
0039             || powerButtonActionCombo.visible
0040             || lidActionCombo.visible
0041             || triggersLidActionWhenExternalMonitorPresentCheck.visible
0042             || sleepModeCombo.visible
0043         )
0044     }
0046     RowLayout {
0047         id: autoSuspendActionRow
0048         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0049             "@label:combobox Suspend action such as sleep/hibernate to perform when the system is idle",
0050             "A&fter a period of inactivity:"
0051         )
0052         visible: kcm.supportedActions["SuspendSession"] === true
0053         Layout.fillWidth: true
0054         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0056         ComboBoxWithIcon {
0057             id: autoSuspendActionCombo
0058             Accessible.name: i18nc("@accessible:name:combobox", "Action to perform when the system is idle")
0060             Layout.fillWidth: true
0061             implicitContentWidthPolicy: QQC2.ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted
0063             model: kcm.autoSuspendActionModel
0064             textRole: "name"
0065             valueRole: "value"
0067             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0068                 configObject: profileSettings
0069                 settingName: "AutoSuspendAction"
0070             }
0071             onActivated: {
0072                 profileSettings.autoSuspendAction = currentValue;
0073             }
0074             function resetToProfileSettings() {
0075                 currentIndex = indexOfValue(profileSettings.autoSuspendAction);
0076             }
0077             Component.onCompleted: { autoSuspendActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0078             Connections {
0079                 target: root
0080                 function onProfileSettingsChanged() { autoSuspendActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0081             }
0082             Connections {
0083                 target: profileSettings
0084                 function onAutoSuspendActionChanged() { autoSuspendActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0085             }
0086         }
0088         TimeDelaySpinBox {
0089             id: autoSuspendTimeDelay
0090             stepSize: 60
0091             from: 60
0092             to: 360 * 60
0094             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0095                 configObject: profileSettings
0096                 settingName: "AutoSuspendIdleTimeoutSec"
0097                 extraEnabledConditions: autoSuspendActionCombo.currentValue !== PD.PowerDevil.PowerButtonAction.NoAction
0098             }
0099             value: profileSettings.autoSuspendIdleTimeoutSec
0100             onValueModified: {
0101                 profileSettings.autoSuspendIdleTimeoutSec = value;
0102             }
0103             function resetToProfileSettings() {
0104                 value = profileSettings.autoSuspendIdleTimeoutSec;
0105             }
0106             Connections {
0107                 target: root
0108                 function onProfileSettingsChanged() { autoSuspendTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0109             }
0110             Connections {
0111                 target: profileSettings
0112                 function onAutoSuspendIdleTimeoutSecChanged() { autoSuspendTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0113             }
0114         }
0115     }
0117     ComboBoxWithIcon {
0118         id: powerButtonActionCombo
0119         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0120             "@label:combobox Suspend action such as sleep/hibernate to perform when the power button is pressed",
0121             "When &power button pressed:"
0122         )
0123         Accessible.name: i18nc("@accessible:name:combobox", "Action to perform when the power button is pressed")
0125         visible: kcm.supportedActions["HandleButtonEvents"] === true && kcm.isPowerButtonPresent
0126         Layout.fillWidth: true
0127         implicitContentWidthPolicy: QQC2.ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted
0129         model: kcm.powerButtonActionModel
0130         textRole: "name"
0131         valueRole: "value"
0133         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0134             configObject: profileSettings
0135             settingName: "PowerButtonAction"
0136         }
0137         onActivated: {
0138             profileSettings.powerButtonAction = currentValue;
0139         }
0140         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0141             currentIndex = indexOfValue(profileSettings.powerButtonAction);
0142         }
0143         Component.onCompleted: { powerButtonActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0144         Connections {
0145             target: root
0146             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { powerButtonActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0147         }
0148         Connections {
0149             target: profileSettings
0150             function onPowerButtonActionChanged() { powerButtonActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0151         }
0152     }
0154     ComboBoxWithIcon {
0155         id: lidActionCombo
0156         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0157             "@label:combobox Suspend action such as sleep/hibernate to perform when the power button is pressed",
0158             "When laptop &lid closed:"
0159         )
0160         Accessible.name: i18nc("@accessible:name:combobox", "Action to perform when the laptop lid is closed")
0162         visible: kcm.supportedActions["HandleButtonEvents"] === true && kcm.isLidPresent
0163         Layout.fillWidth: true
0164         implicitContentWidthPolicy: QQC2.ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted
0166         model: kcm.lidActionModel
0167         textRole: "name"
0168         valueRole: "value"
0170         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0171             configObject: profileSettings
0172             settingName: "LidAction"
0173         }
0174         onActivated: {
0175             profileSettings.lidAction = currentValue;
0176         }
0177         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0178             currentIndex = indexOfValue(profileSettings.lidAction);
0179         }
0180         Component.onCompleted: { lidActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0181         Connections {
0182             target: root
0183             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { lidActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0184         }
0185         Connections {
0186             target: profileSettings
0187             function onLidActionChanged() { lidActionCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0188         }
0189     }
0191     QQC2.CheckBox {
0192         id: triggersLidActionWhenExternalMonitorPresentCheck
0193         text: i18nc(
0194             "@text:checkbox Trigger laptop lid action even when an external monitor is connected",
0195             "Even when an external monitor is connected"
0196         )
0197         Accessible.name: i18n("Perform laptop lid action even when an external monitor is connected")
0199         visible: lidActionCombo.visible
0201         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0202             configObject: profileSettings
0203             settingName: "InhibitLidActionWhenExternalMonitorPresent"
0204             extraEnabledConditions: lidActionCombo.currentValue !== PD.PowerDevil.PowerButtonAction.NoAction
0205         }
0206         checked: !profileSettings.inhibitLidActionWhenExternalMonitorPresent
0207         onToggled: { profileSettings.inhibitLidActionWhenExternalMonitorPresent = !checked; }
0208     }
0210     QQC2.ComboBox {
0211         id: sleepModeCombo
0212         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0213             "@label:combobox Sleep mode selection - suspend to memory, disk or both",
0214             "When sleeping, enter:"
0215         )
0216         Accessible.name: i18nc("@accessible:name:combobox", "When sleeping, enter this power-save mode")
0218         visible: count > 1 && (kcm.supportedActions["SuspendSession"] === true || kcm.supportedActions["HandleButtonEvents"] === true)
0219         Layout.fillWidth: true
0220         implicitContentWidthPolicy: QQC2.ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted
0222         model: kcm.sleepModeModel
0223         textRole: "name"
0224         valueRole: "value"
0226         delegate: Kirigami.SubtitleDelegate {
0227             required property string index
0229             // model roles from roleNames(), expose these in your QAbstractItemModel if you haven't already
0230             required property string name
0231             required property string subtext
0233             text: name
0234             subtitle: subtext
0235             icon.width: 0
0236             width: sleepModeCombo.popup.width
0237             highlighted: index === sleepModeCombo.currentIndex
0238         }
0240         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0241             configObject: profileSettings
0242             settingName: "SleepMode"
0243             extraEnabledConditions: (
0244                 autoSuspendActionCombo.currentValue === PD.PowerDevil.PowerButtonAction.Sleep
0245                 || powerButtonActionCombo.currentValue === PD.PowerDevil.PowerButtonAction.Sleep
0246                 || lidActionCombo.currentValue === PD.PowerDevil.PowerButtonAction.Sleep
0247             )
0248         }
0249         onActivated: {
0250             profileSettings.sleepMode = currentValue;
0251         }
0252         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0253             currentIndex = indexOfValue(profileSettings.sleepMode);
0254         }
0255         Component.onCompleted: { sleepModeCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0256         Connections {
0257             target: root
0258             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { sleepModeCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0259         }
0260         Connections {
0261             target: profileSettings
0262             function onSleepModeChanged() { sleepModeCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0263         }
0264     }
0266     //
0267     // Display and Brightness
0269     Item {
0270         Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true
0271         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@title:group", "Display and Brightness")
0272         visible: (
0273             kcm.supportedActions["BrightnessControl"] === true
0274             || kcm.supportedActions["DimDisplay"] === true
0275             || kcm.supportedActions["DPMSControl"] === true
0276             || kcm.supportedActions["KeyboardBrightnessControl"] === true
0277         )
0278     }
0280     RowLayout {
0281         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:slider Brightness level", "Change scr&een brightness:")
0283         visible: kcm.supportedActions["BrightnessControl"] === true
0284         Layout.fillWidth: true
0285         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0287         QQC2.CheckBox {
0288             id: displayBrightnessCheck
0290             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0291                 configObject: profileSettings
0292                 settingName: "UseProfileSpecificDisplayBrightness"
0293             }
0294             checked: profileSettings.useProfileSpecificDisplayBrightness
0295             onToggled: { profileSettings.useProfileSpecificDisplayBrightness = checked; }
0296         }
0297         QQC2.Slider {
0298             id: displayBrightnessSlider
0299             Layout.fillWidth: true
0300             from: 1
0301             to: 100
0302             stepSize: 1
0304             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0305                 configObject: profileSettings
0306                 settingName: "DisplayBrightness"
0307                 extraEnabledConditions: displayBrightnessCheck.checked
0308             }
0309             value: profileSettings.displayBrightness
0310             onMoved: { profileSettings.displayBrightness = value; }
0311         }
0312         QQC2.Label {
0313             enabled: displayBrightnessCheck.checked
0314             text: formatPercentageText(displayBrightnessSlider.value)
0315             Layout.preferredWidth: displayBrightnessPercentageMetrics.width
0316         }
0317         TextMetrics {
0318             id: displayBrightnessPercentageMetrics
0319             text: formatPercentageText(100)
0320         }
0321     }
0323     RowLayout {
0324         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:spinbox Dim screen after X minutes", "Di&m automatically:")
0326         visible: kcm.supportedActions["DimDisplay"] === true
0327         Layout.fillWidth: true
0328         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0330         QQC2.CheckBox {
0331             id: dimDisplayCheck
0333             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0334                 configObject: profileSettings
0335                 settingName: "DimDisplayWhenIdle"
0336             }
0337             checked: profileSettings.dimDisplayWhenIdle
0338             onToggled: { profileSettings.dimDisplayWhenIdle = checked; }
0339         }
0340         TimeDelaySpinBox {
0341             id: dimDisplayTimeDelay
0342             Layout.preferredWidth: maxTimeDelaySpinBoxImplicitWidth()
0344             stepSize: 60
0345             from: 60
0346             to: 360 * 60
0348             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0349                 configObject: profileSettings
0350                 settingName: "DimDisplayIdleTimeoutSec"
0351                 extraEnabledConditions: dimDisplayCheck.checked
0352             }
0353             value: profileSettings.dimDisplayIdleTimeoutSec
0354             onValueModified: {
0355                 profileSettings.dimDisplayIdleTimeoutSec = value;
0356             }
0357             function resetToProfileSettings() {
0358                 value = profileSettings.dimDisplayIdleTimeoutSec;
0359             }
0360             Connections {
0361                 target: root
0362                 function onProfileSettingsChanged() { dimDisplayTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0363             }
0364             Connections {
0365                 target: profileSettings
0366                 function onDimDisplayIdleTimeoutSecChanged() { dimDisplayTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0367             }
0368         }
0369     }
0371     RowLayout {
0372         id: turnOffDisplayRow
0373         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:spinbox After X minutes", "&Turn off screen:")
0375         visible: kcm.supportedActions["DPMSControl"] === true
0376         Layout.fillWidth: true
0377         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0379         QQC2.CheckBox {
0380             id: turnOffDisplayCheck
0382             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0383                 configObject: profileSettings
0384                 settingName: "TurnOffDisplayWhenIdle"
0385             }
0386             checked: profileSettings.turnOffDisplayWhenIdle
0387             onToggled: { profileSettings.turnOffDisplayWhenIdle = checked; }
0388         }
0389         TimeDelaySpinBox {
0390             id: turnOffDisplayTimeDelay
0391             Layout.preferredWidth: maxTimeDelaySpinBoxImplicitWidth()
0393             stepSize: 60
0394             from: 60
0395             to: 360 * 60
0397             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0398                 configObject: profileSettings
0399                 settingName: "TurnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutSec"
0400                 extraEnabledConditions: turnOffDisplayCheck.checked
0401             }
0402             value: profileSettings.turnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutSec
0403             onValueModified: {
0404                 profileSettings.turnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutSec = value;
0405             }
0406             function resetToProfileSettings() {
0407                 value = profileSettings.turnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutSec;
0408             }
0409             Connections {
0410                 target: root
0411                 function onProfileSettingsChanged() { turnOffDisplayTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0412             }
0413             Connections {
0414                 target: profileSettings
0415                 function onTurnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutSecChanged() { turnOffDisplayTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0416             }
0417         }
0418     }
0420     RowLayout {
0421         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:spinbox After X seconds", "When loc&ked, turn off screen:")
0423         visible: kcm.supportedActions["DPMSControl"] === true
0424         Layout.fillWidth: true
0425         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0427         QQC2.CheckBox { // dummy item to line up the two spinboxes
0428             enabled: false
0429             opacity: 0
0430         }
0431         TimeDelaySpinBox {
0432             id: turnOffDisplayWhenLockedTimeDelay
0433             Layout.preferredWidth: maxTimeDelaySpinBoxImplicitWidth()
0435             stepSize: 10
0436             from: 0
0437             to: turnOffDisplayTimeDelay.value
0439             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0440                 configObject: profileSettings
0441                 settingName: "TurnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutWhenLockedSec"
0442                 extraEnabledConditions: turnOffDisplayCheck.checked
0443             }
0444             value: profileSettings.turnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutWhenLockedSec
0445             onValueModified: {
0446                 profileSettings.turnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutWhenLockedSec = value;
0447             }
0448             function resetToProfileSettings() {
0449                 value = profileSettings.turnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutWhenLockedSec;
0450             }
0451             Connections {
0452                 target: root
0453                 function onProfileSettingsChanged() { turnOffDisplayWhenLockedTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0454             }
0455             Connections {
0456                 target: profileSettings
0457                 function onTurnOffDisplayIdleTimeoutWhenLockedSecChanged() { turnOffDisplayWhenLockedTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0458             }
0459         }
0460     }
0462     RowLayout {
0463         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:slider Brightness level", "Change key&board brightness:")
0465         visible: kcm.supportedActions["KeyboardBrightnessControl"] === true
0466         Layout.fillWidth: true
0467         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0469         QQC2.CheckBox {
0470             id: keyboardBrightnessCheck
0472             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0473                 configObject: profileSettings
0474                 settingName: "UseProfileSpecificKeyboardBrightness"
0475             }
0476             checked: profileSettings.useProfileSpecificKeyboardBrightness
0477             onToggled: { profileSettings.useProfileSpecificKeyboardBrightness = checked; }
0478         }
0479         QQC2.Slider {
0480             id: keyboardBrightnessSlider
0481             Layout.fillWidth: true
0482             from: 0
0483             to: 100
0484             stepSize: 1
0486             KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0487                 configObject: profileSettings
0488                 settingName: "KeyboardBrightness"
0489                 extraEnabledConditions: keyboardBrightnessCheck.checked
0490             }
0491             value: profileSettings.keyboardBrightness
0492             onMoved: { profileSettings.keyboardBrightness = value; }
0493         }
0494         QQC2.Label {
0495             enabled: keyboardBrightnessCheck.checked
0496             text: formatPercentageText(keyboardBrightnessSlider.value)
0497             Layout.preferredWidth: keyboardBrightnessPercentageMetrics.width
0498         }
0499         TextMetrics {
0500             id: keyboardBrightnessPercentageMetrics
0501             text: formatPercentageText(100)
0502         }
0503     }
0505     //
0506     // Advanced customization options
0508     Item {
0509         Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true
0510         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@title:group", "Other Settings")
0511         visible: kcm.supportedActions["RunScript"] === true || powerProfileCombo.visible
0512     }
0514     QQC2.ComboBox {
0515         id: powerProfileCombo
0516         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0517             "@label:combobox Power Save, Balanced or Performance profile - same options as in the Battery applet",
0518             "Switch to po&wer profile:"
0519         )
0520         Accessible.name: i18nc(
0521             "@accessible:name:combobox Power Save, Balanced or Performance profile - same options as in the Battery applet",
0522             "Switch to power profile"
0523         )
0525         visible: kcm.supportedActions["PowerProfile"] === true && count > 1
0526         Layout.fillWidth: true
0527         implicitContentWidthPolicy: QQC2.ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted
0529         model: kcm.powerProfileModel
0530         textRole: "name"
0531         valueRole: "value"
0533         /*private*/ property bool assignedInitialIndex: false
0535         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0536             configObject: profileSettings
0537             settingName: "PowerProfile"
0538         }
0539         onActivated: {
0540             profileSettings.powerProfile = currentValue;
0541         }
0542         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0543             currentIndex = indexOfValue(profileSettings.powerProfile);
0544         }
0545         onCountChanged: { // PowerProfileModel has delayed initialization due to a D-Bus call
0546             if (count > 0 && !assignedInitialIndex) {
0547                 resetToProfileSettings();
0548                 assignedInitialIndex = true;
0549             }
0550         }
0551         Connections {
0552             target: root
0553             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { powerProfileCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0554         }
0555         Connections {
0556             target: profileSettings
0557             function onPowerProfileChanged() { powerProfileCombo.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0558         }
0559     }
0561     QQC2.Button {
0562         id: addScriptCommandButton
0563         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:button", "Run custom script:")
0564         visible: kcm.supportedActions["RunScript"] === true
0566         icon.name: "settings-configure"
0567         text: i18nc(
0568             "@text:button Determine what will trigger a script command to run in this power state",
0569             "Choose run conditions…"
0570         )
0571         Accessible.name: i18nc("@accessible:name:button", "Choose run conditions for script command")
0573         onClicked: {
0574             if (addScriptCommandMenu.opened) {
0575                 addScriptCommandMenu.close(); // closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnPressOutside does not seem to work?
0576             } else {
0577                 addScriptCommandMenu.open();
0578             }
0579         }
0581         QQC2.Menu {
0582             id: addScriptCommandMenu
0583             title: addScriptCommandButton.text
0584             y: addScriptCommandButton.height
0586             Kirigami.Action {
0587                 id: profileLoadCommandEditAction
0588                 text: i18nc(
0589                     "@text:action:menu Script command to execute",
0590                     "When e&ntering this power state"
0591                 )
0592                 checkable: true
0593                 Component.onCompleted: {
0594                     profileLoadCommandEditAction.checked = profileSettings.profileLoadCommand !== "";
0595                 }
0596                 onToggled: {
0597                     if (!checked) {
0598                         profileSettings.profileLoadCommand = "";
0599                     }
0600                 }
0601             }
0602             Kirigami.Action {
0603                 id: profileUnloadCommandEditAction
0604                 text: i18nc(
0605                     "@text:action:menu Script command to execute",
0606                     "When e&xiting this power state"
0607                 )
0608                 checkable: true
0609                 Component.onCompleted: {
0610                     profileUnloadCommandEditAction.checked = profileSettings.profileUnloadCommand !== "";
0611                 }
0612                 onToggled: {
0613                     if (!checked) {
0614                         profileSettings.profileUnloadCommand = "";
0615                     }
0616                 }
0617             }
0618             Kirigami.Action {
0619                 id: idleTimeoutCommandEditAction
0620                 text: i18nc(
0621                     "@text:action:menu Script command to execute",
0622                     "After a period of inacti&vity"
0623                 )
0624                 checkable: true
0625                 Component.onCompleted: {
0626                     idleTimeoutCommandEditAction.checked = profileSettings.idleTimeoutCommand !== "";
0627                 }
0628                 onToggled: {
0629                     if (!checked) {
0630                         profileSettings.idleTimeoutCommand = "";
0631                     }
0632                 }
0633             }
0634         }
0635     }
0637     RunScriptEdit {
0638         id: profileLoadCommandEdit
0639         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0640             "@label:textfield Script command to execute",
0641             "When e&ntering this power state:"
0642         )
0643         Accessible.name: i18nc("@label:textfield", "Script command when entering this power state")
0645         visible: profileLoadCommandEditAction.checked
0646         Layout.fillWidth: true
0648         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0649             configObject: profileSettings
0650             settingName: "ProfileLoadCommand"
0651         }
0652         command: profileSettings.profileLoadCommand
0653         onCommandChanged: {
0654             profileSettings.profileLoadCommand = command;
0655         }
0656         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0657             command = profileSettings.profileLoadCommand;
0658             profileLoadCommandEditAction.checked |= profileSettings.profileLoadCommand !== "";
0659         }
0660         Connections {
0661             target: root
0662             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { profileLoadCommandEdit.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0663         }
0664         Connections {
0665             target: profileSettings
0666             function onProfileLoadCommandChanged() { profileLoadCommandEdit.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0667         }
0668     }
0670     RunScriptEdit {
0671         id: profileUnloadCommandEdit
0672         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0673             "@label:textfield Script command to execute",
0674             "When e&xiting this power state:"
0675         )
0676         Accessible.name: i18nc("@label:textfield", "Script command when exiting this power state")
0678         visible: profileUnloadCommandEditAction.checked
0679         Layout.fillWidth: true
0681         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0682             configObject: profileSettings
0683             settingName: "ProfileUnloadCommand"
0684         }
0685         command: profileSettings.profileUnloadCommand
0686         onCommandChanged: {
0687             profileSettings.profileUnloadCommand = command;
0688         }
0689         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0690             command = profileSettings.profileUnloadCommand;
0691             profileUnloadCommandEditAction.checked |= profileSettings.profileUnloadCommand !== "";
0692         }
0693         Connections {
0694             target: root
0695             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { profileUnloadCommandEdit.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0696         }
0697         Connections {
0698             target: profileSettings
0699             function onProfileUnloadCommandChanged() { profileUnloadCommandEdit.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0700         }
0701     }
0703     RunScriptEdit {
0704         id: idleTimeoutCommandEdit
0705         Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc(
0706             "@label:textfield Script command to execute",
0707             "After a period of inacti&vity:"
0708         )
0709         Accessible.name: i18nc("@@accessible:name:textfield", "Script command after a period of inactivity")
0711         visible: idleTimeoutCommandEditAction.checked
0712         Layout.fillWidth: true
0714         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0715             configObject: profileSettings
0716             settingName: "IdleTimeoutCommand"
0717         }
0718         command: profileSettings.idleTimeoutCommand
0719         onCommandChanged: {
0720             profileSettings.idleTimeoutCommand = command;
0721         }
0722         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0723             command = profileSettings.idleTimeoutCommand;
0724             idleTimeoutCommandEditAction.checked |= profileSettings.idleTimeoutCommand !== "";
0725         }
0726         Connections {
0727             target: root
0728             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { idleTimeoutCommandEdit.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0729         }
0730         Connections {
0731             target: profileSettings
0732             function onIdleTimeoutCommandChanged() { idleTimeoutCommandEdit.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0733         }
0734     }
0736     TimeDelaySpinBox {
0737         id: idleTimeoutCommandTimeDelay
0738         Accessible.name: i18nc("@accessible:name:spinbox", "Period of inactivity until the script command executes")
0739         visible: idleTimeoutCommandEdit.visible
0740         Layout.preferredWidth: maxTimeDelaySpinBoxImplicitWidth()
0742         stepSize: 60
0743         from: 60
0744         to: 360 * 60
0746         KCM.SettingStateBinding {
0747             configObject: profileSettings
0748             settingName: "RunScriptIdleTimeoutSec"
0749         }
0750         value: profileSettings.runScriptIdleTimeoutSec
0751         onValueModified: {
0752             profileSettings.runScriptIdleTimeoutSec = value;
0753         }
0754         function resetToProfileSettings() {
0755             value = profileSettings.runScriptIdleTimeoutSec;
0756         }
0757         Connections {
0758             target: root
0759             function onProfileSettingsChanged() { idleTimeoutCommandTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0760         }
0761         Connections {
0762             target: profileSettings
0763             function onRunScriptIdleTimeoutSecChanged() { idleTimeoutCommandTimeDelay.resetToProfileSettings(); }
0764         }
0765     }
0766 }