Warning, /plasma/powerdevil/daemon/org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
0002 <node>
0003   <interface name="org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement">
0004     <method name="refreshStatus" />
0005     <method name="reparseConfiguration" />
0006     <method name="backendCapabilities">
0007       <arg type="u" direction="out" />
0008     </method>
0009     <method name="loadProfile">
0010       <arg type="b" direction="in" />
0011     </method>
0012     <method name="currentProfile">
0013       <arg type="s" direction="out" />
0014     </method>
0015     <method name="batteryRemainingTime">
0016       <arg type="t" direction="out" />
0017     </method>
0018     <method name="smoothedBatteryRemainingTime">
0019       <arg type="t" direction="out" />
0020     </method>
0021     <method name="isLidClosed">
0022         <arg type="b" direction="out" />
0023     </method>
0024     <method name="isLidPresent">
0025         <arg type="b" direction="out" />
0026     </method>
0027     <method name="isActionSupported">
0028       <arg type="s" direction="in" />
0029       <arg type="b" direction="out" />
0030     </method>
0031     <method name="hasDualGpu">
0032       <arg type="b" direction="out" />
0033     </method>
0034     <method name="chargeStartThreshold">
0035       <arg type="i" direction="out" />
0036     </method>
0037     <method name="chargeStopThreshold">
0038       <arg type="i" direction="out" />
0039     </method>
0041     <!-- schedule system wakeup in future -->
0042     <!--
0043     This method allows to wake system instantly or in future.
0044     There's 3 parameters
0046     - dbus service
0047     - dbus object path
0048     - timestamp to wake system (in seconds from epoch)
0050     This method may return 2 errors,
0052     - org.kde.PowerDevil.Core.Wakeup.InvalidTime : If you try to schedule wakeup in past
0053     - org.kde.PowerDevil.Core.Wakeup.Unsupported : If called on non-Linux platforms where
0054       timer_fd interface is not supported
0056     If wakeup is scheduled successfully, it returns the integer cookie which can be used by
0057     the application for keeping track and referencing to it during wakeup
0059     Upon waking up system, powerdevil will call the specified the dbus service and path on
0060     interface org.kde.PowerManagement, wakeupCallback (XML for implementing this can be found
0061     in this repo) method.
0063     It will send out a single argument, which would be cookie number associated with the wakeup.
0064     -->
0065     <method name="scheduleWakeup">
0066       <arg type="u" direction="out" />
0067       <arg type="s" direction="in" name="service" />
0068       <arg type="o" direction="in" name="path" />
0069       <arg type="t" direction="in" name="timestamp"/>
0070     </method>
0072     <!-- wake system up immediately -->
0073     <!-- this method can be used to wake system immediately from dpms off mode -->
0074     <method name="wakeup" />
0076     <!-- clear previously registered wakeups -->
0077     <!--
0078     This method clears out the previously registered wakeups and takes a single argument which
0079     is the cookie supplied by the powerdevil earlier.
0080     -->
0081     <method name="clearWakeup">
0082       <arg type="i" direction="in" />
0083     </method>
0085     <!--<method name="turnOffScreen" />-->
0087     <!--<method name="getSupportedSuspendMethods">
0088       <arg type="a{sv}" direction="out" />
0089       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="QVariantMap" />
0090     </method>-->
0092     <!--<signal name="DPMSconfigUpdated">
0093     </signal>-->
0094     <signal name="profileChanged">
0095       <arg type="s" direction="out" />
0096     </signal>
0097     <signal name="configurationReloaded">
0098     </signal>
0099     <signal name="batteryRemainingTimeChanged">
0100       <arg type="t" direction="out" />
0101     </signal>
0102     <signal name="smoothedBatteryRemainingTimeChanged">
0103       <arg type="t" direction="out" />
0104     </signal>
0105     <signal name="lidClosedChanged">
0106       <arg type="b" direction="out" />
0107     </signal>
0108     <signal name="chargeStartThresholdChanged">
0109       <arg type="i" direction="out" />
0110     </signal>
0111     <signal name="chargeStopThresholdChanged">
0112       <arg type="i" direction="out" />
0113     </signal>
0114   </interface>
0115 </node>