Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/runners/services/autotests/fixtures/org.kde.systemsettings.desktop is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 [Desktop Entry] 0002 # just to make sure the exec does not start with the same characters as the name 0003 Exec=someprefix_systemsettings 0004 Icon=preferences-system 0005 Type=Application 0006 X-DocPath=systemsettings/index.html 0007 StartupNotify=true 0008 OnlyShowIn=KDE; 0009 0010 GenericName=System Settings ServiceRunnerTest 0011 0012 Name=System Settings ServiceRunnerTest 0013 0014 X-DBUS-StartupType=Unique 0015 Categories=Qt;KDE;Settings;