Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/libkworkspace/org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <node name="/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager"
0003   xmlns:doc="http://www.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/doc.dtd"
0004 >
0006   <interface name="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager">
0007     <method name="Restart">
0008       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0009       <doc:doc>
0010         <doc:description>
0011           <doc:para>This method initiates a request to restart (ie. reboot) the computer system.</doc:para>
0012         </doc:description>
0013       </doc:doc>
0014     </method>
0016     <method name="CanRestart">
0017       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0018       <arg name="can_restart" type="b" direction="out"/>
0019     </method>
0021     <method name="Stop">
0022       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0023       <doc:doc>
0024         <doc:description>
0025           <doc:para>This method initiates a request to stop (ie. shutdown) the computer system.</doc:para>
0026         </doc:description>
0027       </doc:doc>
0028     </method>
0030     <method name="CanStop">
0031       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0032       <arg name="can_stop" type="b" direction="out"/>
0033     </method>
0035     <method name="OpenSession">
0036       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0037       <arg name="cookie" direction="out" type="s">
0038         <doc:doc>
0039           <doc:summary>The secret cookie that is used to identify the new session</doc:summary>
0040         </doc:doc>
0041       </arg>
0042       <doc:doc>
0043         <doc:description>
0044           <doc:para>This method requests that a new <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Session</doc:ref>
0045           be created for the calling process.  The properties of this new Session are set automatically
0046           from information collected about the calling process.
0047           </doc:para>
0048           <doc:para>This new session exists until the calling process disconnects from the system bus or
0049           calls <doc:ref type="method" to="Manager.CloseSession">CloseSession()</doc:ref>.
0050           </doc:para>
0051           <doc:para>It is the responsibility of the calling process to set the environment variable
0052           XDG_SESSION_COOKIE to the value of the returned cookie.  This cookie should only
0053           be made available to child processes of the caller so that they may be identified
0054           as members of this session.
0055           </doc:para>
0056           <doc:para>See this simple example:
0057           <doc:example language="c" title="simple example"><doc:code>
0058         DBusError       error;
0059         DBusMessage    *message;
0060         DBusMessage    *reply;
0062         message = dbus_message_new_method_call ("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit",
0063                                                 "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager",
0064                                                 "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager",
0065                                                 "OpenSession");
0066         if (message == NULL) {
0067                 goto out;
0068         }
0070         dbus_error_init (&amp;error);
0071         reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (connector->connection,
0072                                                            message,
0073                                                            -1,
0074                                                            &amp;error);
0075         if (reply == NULL) {
0076                 goto out;
0077         }
0079         dbus_error_init (&amp;error);
0080         if (! dbus_message_get_args (reply,
0081                                      &amp;error,
0082                                      DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &amp;cookie,
0083                                      DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
0084                 goto out;
0085         }
0087           </doc:code></doc:example></doc:para>
0088         </doc:description>
0089         <doc:seealso><doc:ref type="method" to="Manager.OpenSessionWithParameters">OpenSessionWithParameters()</doc:ref></doc:seealso>
0090       </doc:doc>
0091     </method>
0092     <method name="GetSeats">
0093       <arg name="seats" direction="out" type="ao">
0094         <doc:doc>
0095           <doc:summary>an array of Seat IDs</doc:summary>
0096         </doc:doc>
0097       </arg>
0098       <doc:doc>
0099         <doc:description>
0100           <doc:para>This gets a list of all the <doc:ref type="interface" to="Seat">Seats</doc:ref>
0101           that are currently present on the system.</doc:para>
0102           <doc:para>Each Seat ID is an D-Bus object path for the object that implements the
0103           <doc:ref type="interface" to="Seat">Seat</doc:ref> interface.</doc:para>
0104         </doc:description>
0105         <doc:seealso><doc:ref type="interface" to="Seat">org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat</doc:ref></doc:seealso>
0106       </doc:doc>
0107     </method>
0109     <method name="GetSessions">
0110       <arg name="sessions" direction="out" type="ao">
0111         <doc:doc>
0112           <doc:summary>an array of Session IDs</doc:summary>
0113         </doc:doc>
0114       </arg>
0115       <doc:doc>
0116         <doc:description>
0117           <doc:para>This gets a list of all the <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Sessions</doc:ref>
0118           that are currently present on the system.</doc:para>
0119           <doc:para>Each Session ID is an D-Bus object path for the object that implements the
0120           <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Session</doc:ref> interface.</doc:para>
0121         </doc:description>
0122         <doc:seealso><doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session</doc:ref></doc:seealso>
0123       </doc:doc>
0124     </method>
0126     <method name="GetSessionForCookie">
0127       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0128       <arg name="cookie" direction="in" type="s">
0129         <doc:doc>
0130           <doc:summary>The secret cookie that is used to identify the session</doc:summary>
0131         </doc:doc>
0132       </arg>
0133       <arg name="ssid" direction="out" type="o">
0134         <doc:doc>
0135           <doc:summary>The object identifier for the current session</doc:summary>
0136         </doc:doc>
0137       </arg>
0138       <doc:doc>
0139         <doc:description>
0140           <doc:para>Returns the session ID that is associated with the specified cookie.
0141           </doc:para>
0142         </doc:description>
0143       </doc:doc>
0144     </method>
0145     <method name="GetSessionForUnixProcess">
0146       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0147       <arg name="pid" direction="in" type="u">
0148         <doc:doc>
0149           <doc:summary>The POSIX process ID</doc:summary>
0150         </doc:doc>
0151       </arg>
0152       <arg name="ssid" direction="out" type="o">
0153         <doc:doc>
0154           <doc:summary>The object identifier for the current session</doc:summary>
0155         </doc:doc>
0156       </arg>
0157       <doc:doc>
0158         <doc:description>
0159           <doc:para>Attempts to determine the session ID for the specified
0160           POSIX process ID (pid).
0161           </doc:para>
0162         </doc:description>
0163       </doc:doc>
0164     </method>
0165     <method name="GetCurrentSession">
0166       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0167       <arg name="ssid" direction="out" type="o">
0168         <doc:doc>
0169           <doc:summary>The object identifier for the current session</doc:summary>
0170         </doc:doc>
0171       </arg>
0172       <doc:doc>
0173         <doc:description>
0174           <doc:para>Attempts to determine the session ID that the caller belongs to.
0175           </doc:para>
0176           <doc:para>See this example of using dbus-send:
0177           <doc:example language="shell" title="shell example"><doc:code>
0178   dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit \
0179   --type=method_call --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 \
0180   /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager \
0181   org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetCurrentSession
0182           </doc:code></doc:example></doc:para>
0183         </doc:description>
0184       </doc:doc>
0185     </method>
0186     <method name="GetSessionsForUnixUser">
0187       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0188       <arg name="uid" direction="in" type="u">
0189          <doc:doc>
0190           <doc:summary>POSIX User identification</doc:summary>
0191         </doc:doc>
0192      </arg>
0193       <arg name="sessions" direction="out" type="ao">
0194         <doc:doc>
0195           <doc:summary>an array of Session IDs</doc:summary>
0196         </doc:doc>
0197       </arg>
0198       <doc:doc>
0199         <doc:description>
0200           <doc:para>This gets a list of all the <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Sessions</doc:ref>
0201           that are currently open for the specified user.</doc:para>
0202           <doc:para>Each Session ID is an D-Bus object path for the object that implements the
0203           <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Session</doc:ref> interface.</doc:para>
0204         </doc:description>
0205       </doc:doc>
0206     </method>
0207     <method name="GetSessionsForUser">
0208       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0209       <arg name="uid" direction="in" type="u">
0210          <doc:doc>
0211           <doc:summary>User identification</doc:summary>
0212         </doc:doc>
0213      </arg>
0214       <arg name="sessions" direction="out" type="ao">
0215         <doc:doc>
0216           <doc:summary>an array of Session IDs</doc:summary>
0217         </doc:doc>
0218       </arg>
0219       <doc:doc>
0220         <doc:description>
0221           <doc:para>This gets a list of all the <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Sessions</doc:ref>
0222           that are currently open for the specified user.</doc:para>
0223           <doc:para>Each Session ID is an D-Bus object path for the object that implements the
0224           <doc:ref type="interface" to="Session">Session</doc:ref> interface.</doc:para>
0225         </doc:description>
0226         <doc:deprecated version="0.1.3" instead="GetSessionsForUnixUser"/>
0227       </doc:doc>
0228     </method>
0230     <method name="GetSystemIdleHint">
0231       <arg name="idle_hint" type="b" direction="out">
0232         <doc:doc>
0233           <doc:summary>The value of the system-idle-hint</doc:summary>
0234         </doc:doc>
0235       </arg>
0236       <doc:doc>
0237         <doc:description>
0238           <doc:para>Returns TRUE if the <doc:ref type="property" to="Session:idle-hint">idle-hint</doc:ref>
0239           property of every open session is TRUE or if there are no open sessions.
0240           </doc:para>
0241         </doc:description>
0242       </doc:doc>
0243     </method>
0244     <method name="GetSystemIdleSinceHint">
0245       <arg name="iso8601_datetime" type="s" direction="out">
0246         <doc:doc>
0247           <doc:summary>An ISO 8601 format date-type string</doc:summary>
0248         </doc:doc>
0249       </arg>
0250       <doc:doc>
0251         <doc:description>
0252           <doc:para>Returns an ISO 8601 date-time string that corresponds to
0253           the time of the last change of the system-idle-hint.
0254           </doc:para>
0255         </doc:description>
0256       </doc:doc>
0257     </method>
0259     <signal name="SeatAdded">
0260       <arg name="sid" type="o">
0261         <doc:doc>
0262           <doc:summary>The Seat ID for the added seat</doc:summary>
0263         </doc:doc>
0264       </arg>
0265       <doc:doc>
0266         <doc:description>
0267           <doc:para>Emitted when a Seat has been added to the system.
0268           </doc:para>
0269         </doc:description>
0270       </doc:doc>
0271     </signal>
0272     <signal name="SeatRemoved">
0273       <arg name="sid" type="o">
0274         <doc:doc>
0275           <doc:summary>The Seat ID for the removed seat</doc:summary>
0276         </doc:doc>
0277       </arg>
0278       <doc:doc>
0279         <doc:description>
0280           <doc:para>Emitted when a Seat has been removed from the system.
0281           </doc:para>
0282         </doc:description>
0283       </doc:doc>
0284     </signal>
0285     <signal name="SystemIdleHintChanged">
0286       <arg name="hint" type="b">
0287         <doc:doc>
0288           <doc:summary>The value of the system-idle-hint</doc:summary>
0289         </doc:doc>
0290       </arg>
0291       <doc:doc>
0292         <doc:description>
0293           <doc:para>Emitted when the value of the system-idle-hint has changed.
0294           </doc:para>
0295         </doc:description>
0296       </doc:doc>
0297     </signal>
0298   </interface>
0299 </node>