Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/doc/kcontrol/lookandfeel/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0007 <article id="lookandfeel" lang="&language;">
0008 <articleinfo>
0009 <title>Global Theme</title>
0010 <authorgroup>
0011 <author>
0012   <firstname>Natalie</firstname>
0013   <surname>Clarius</surname>
0014   <email>natalie_clarius@yahoo.de</email>
0015 </author>
0017 </authorgroup>
0019 <date>2023-01-26</date>
0020 <releaseinfo>Plasma 5.27</releaseinfo>
0022 <keywordset>
0023 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0024 <keyword>System Settings</keyword>
0025 <keyword>appearance</keyword>
0026 <keyword>Global Theme</keyword>
0027 <keyword>style</keyword>
0028 <keyword>theme</keyword>
0029 <keyword>look</keyword>
0030 <keyword>feel</keyword>
0031 <keyword>global</keyword>
0032 <keyword>desktop</keyword>
0033 <keyword>skin</keyword>
0034 <keyword>design</keyword>
0035 <keyword>UI</keyword>
0036 </keywordset>
0037 </articleinfo>
0039 <sect1 id="globaltheme">
0040 <title>Global Themes</title>
0042 <para>
0043   Global Themes provide a common look and feel for many components at once:
0044 </para>
0045 <itemizedlist>
0046   <listitem><para>Desktop Layout: An arrangement of panels and widgets - for example a bottom panel with a task manager and application launcher, or a top panel with global menu and system tray</para></listitem>
0047   <listitem><para>Color Scheme: Color palette used throughout &plasma; and applications</para></listitem>
0048   <listitem><para>Application Style: Appearance of user interface elements such as buttons, menus, and scroll bars</para></listitem>
0049   <listitem><para>Plasma Style: Appearance of panels and widgets</para></listitem>
0050   <listitem><para>Window Decoration: Window borders and titlebar buttons</para></listitem>
0051   <listitem><para>Icons: Icons used throughout &plasma; and applications</para></listitem>
0052   <listitem><para>Cursors: Mouse pointers</para></listitem>
0053   <listitem><para>Task Switcher: Overlay for switching between open windows, typically invoked with the keyboard shortcut Alt+Tab</para></listitem>
0054   <listitem><para>Splash Screen: Loading screen shown during &plasma; startup</para></listitem>
0055   <listitem><para>Login Screen: Screen with a user selector and password prompt shown when the computer is started up</para></listitem>
0056   <listitem><para>Lock Screen: Screen with a user password prompt shown when the computer is locked</para></listitem>
0057   <listitem><para>Wallpaper: A desktop background image</para></listitem>
0058 </itemizedlist>
0060 <para>
0061   By applying a Global Theme, you can change all of the above together. You can also apply only some components of a Global Theme, such as a color scheme or a window decoration. You can choose which components to change either when applying a Global Theme, or apply individual components by using the other System Settings subsections.
0062 </para>
0064 <sect2 id="globaltheme-manage">
0065 <title>Manage Global Themes</title>
0067 <para>
0068   In this module you can:
0069   <itemizedlist>
0070     <listitem><para>apply Global Themes</para></listitem>
0071     <listitem><para>install new Global Themes, and remove installed Global Themes</para></listitem>
0072   </itemizedlist>
0073   <screenshot>
0074     <screeninfo>Screenshot of the Global Theme manager</screeninfo>
0075     <mediaobject>
0076       <imageobject>
0077         <imagedata fileref="main.png" format="PNG" />
0078       </imageobject>
0079     </mediaobject>
0080   </screenshot>
0081 </para>
0083 </sect2>
0085 <sect2 id="globaltheme-apply">
0086 <title>Apply Global Themes</title>
0088 <para>
0089   You can see a preview of each theme by clicking on the image icon that appears when hovering over a theme thumbnail.
0090 </para>
0092 <para>
0093   When clicking on a Global Theme, a dialog will show up asking you which components of the theme you would like to apply. You can select from various appearance settings and the desktop layout.
0094   <screenshot>
0095     <screeninfo>Screenshot of the Global Theme component chooser</screeninfo>
0096     <mediaobject>
0097       <imageobject>
0098         <imagedata fileref="component-chooser_1.png" format="PNG" />
0099       </imageobject>
0100     </mediaobject>
0101   </screenshot>
0102   <screenshot>
0103     <screeninfo>Screenshot of the Global Theme component chooser</screeninfo>
0104     <mediaobject>
0105       <imageobject>
0106         <imagedata fileref="component-chooser_2.png" format="PNG" />
0107       </imageobject>
0108     </mediaobject>
0109   </screenshot>
0110 </para>
0112 <para>
0113   After making your selection, click the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button to confirm your choice.
0114 </para>
0116 </sect2>
0118 <sect2 id="globaltheme-install">
0119 <title>Install Global Themes</title>
0121 <para>
0122   With the button <guilabel>Get New Global Themes...</guilabel>, you can install new Global Themes by third-party providers. You need to be connected to the internet in order to access these themes. Clicking on <guibutton>Install</guibutton> in one of the themes in the dialog will install the chosen Global Theme, and after you close the dialog, your new theme is immediately available.
0123   <screenshot>
0124   <screeninfo>Get New Global Themes...</screeninfo>
0125     <mediaobject>
0126       <imageobject>
0127         <imagedata fileref="get-new-stuff.png" format="PNG"/>
0128       </imageobject>
0129       <textobject>
0130         <phrase>Get New Global Themes...</phrase>
0131       </textobject>
0132     </mediaobject>
0133   </screenshot>
0134 </para>
0136 <para>
0137   To remove an installed Global Theme, click on the button with the trash icon that appears when hovering over a theme thumbnail. Note that you can only remove Global Themes that you have downloaded yourself.
0138 </para>
0140 <para>
0141   If you are interested in creating your own theme, you can learn more about the various components <ulink url="https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/">here</ulink>.
0142 </para>
0144 </sect2>
0146 </sect1>
0148 </article>
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