Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/doc/kcontrol/desktopthemedetails/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0007 <article id="desktopthemedetails" lang="&language;">
0008 <articleinfo>
0009 <title>Plasma Style</title>
0010 <authorgroup>
0011 <author>
0012 <firstname>Andrew</firstname>
0013 <surname>Lake</surname></author>
0014 <author>
0015   <firstname>Carl</firstname>
0016   <surname>Schwan</surname>
0017 </author>
0019 </authorgroup>
0021 <date>2021-04-09</date>
0022 <releaseinfo>Plasma 5.20</releaseinfo>
0024 <keywordset>
0025 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0026 <keyword>System Settings</keyword>
0027 <keyword>desktop</keyword>
0028 <keyword>style</keyword>
0029 <keyword>theme</keyword>
0030 <keyword>plasma</keyword>
0031 </keywordset>
0032 </articleinfo>
0034 <para>
0035   &plasma; comes with multiple styles. The &plasma; style defines how the different
0036   components of &plasma; are displayed (&eg; Plasmoids, panels, widgets).
0037 </para>
0039 <para>
0040   <screenshot>
0041     <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of the &plasma; style manager</screeninfo>
0042     <mediaobject>
0043       <imageobject>
0044         <imagedata fileref="main.png" format="PNG" />
0045       </imageobject>
0046       <textobject>
0047         <phrase>Customizing &plasma; style</phrase>
0048       </textobject>
0049     </mediaobject>
0050   </screenshot>
0051 </para>
0053 <para>In this module you can:</para>
0054 <itemizedlist>
0055   <listitem><para>install and choose &plasma; styles</para></listitem>
0056   <listitem><para>edit &plasma; styles</para></listitem>
0057   <listitem><para>remove &plasma; styles</para></listitem>
0058 </itemizedlist>
0060 <para>
0061   It is possible to filter the style list using the <guilabel>Search...</guilabel>
0062   field above the grid. Moreover, you can use the combo box next to this field to
0063   show only the <guimenuitem>Light Themes</guimenuitem>, the <guimenuitem>Dark
0064   Themes</guimenuitem> or the <guimenuitem>Color scheme compatible</guimenuitem> themes.
0065 </para>
0067 <para>
0068   If you want to remove a style, use the <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata
0069   fileref="edit-delete.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> overlay
0070   icon at the bottom right of the style icon. To undo this action click on the
0071   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="edit-undo.png"
0072   format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icon.
0073   If you hit the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button the styles
0074   selected for removal are actually deleted, so you cannot undo individual or all
0075   deletions.
0076 </para>
0078 <para>
0079   If the plasma-sdk package is installed on your system, a button appears hovering
0080   a style preview and lets you start the <application>Plasma Theme Explorer</application>.
0081 </para>
0082 <para>
0083   For more technical information visit <ulink
0084   url="https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/theme/theme-details/">this
0085   page</ulink>.
0086 </para>
0088 <variablelist>
0089   <varlistentry>
0090     <term><guilabel>Get New Plasma Styles...</guilabel></term>
0091     <listitem>
0092     <para>
0093       You need to be connected to the Internet to use it. Clicking on this button will
0094       display a dialog where you can choose a new plasma style. Clicking on
0095       <guibutton>Install</guibutton> in the dialog will install the chosen &plasma; style
0096       and after you <guibutton>Close</guibutton> the installer your new style is
0097       immediately available.
0098     </para>
0099     <para>
0100     <screenshot>
0101     <screeninfo>Get New Plasma Styles...</screeninfo>
0102       <mediaobject>
0103         <imageobject>
0104           <imagedata fileref="get-new-theme.png" format="PNG"/>
0105         </imageobject>
0106         <textobject>
0107           <phrase>Get New Plasma Styles...</phrase>
0108         </textobject>
0109       </mediaobject>
0110     </screenshot>
0111     </para>
0112     </listitem>
0113   </varlistentry>
0114   <varlistentry>
0115     <term><guilabel>Install from File...</guilabel></term>
0116     <listitem>
0117       <para>
0118       If you downloaded new styles from the internet, you can use this to browse to the
0119         location of those newly downloaded styles. Clicking on this button will bring you the
0120         file dialog to point to the &plasma; style tarball you have on your disk.</para>
0122       <para>Clicking <guibutton>Open</guibutton> in this dialog will install the style you
0123         pointed to and make it available in the style list.
0124       </para>
0125     </listitem>
0126   </varlistentry>
0127 </variablelist>
0129 </article>
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