Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/doc/kcontrol/autostart/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0007 <article id="autostart" lang="&language;">
0008 <articleinfo>
0009 <title>Autostart</title>
0010 <authorgroup>
0011 <author>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;</author>
0013 </authorgroup>
0015 <date>2021-04-05</date>
0016 <releaseinfo>&plasma; 5.20</releaseinfo>
0018 <keywordset>
0019 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0020 <keyword>System Settings</keyword>
0021 <keyword>autostart</keyword>
0022 <keyword>desktop file</keyword>
0023 <keyword>script file</keyword>
0024 </keywordset>
0025 </articleinfo>
0027 <sect1 id="kcm_autostart">
0028 <title>Autostart Manager</title>
0030 <para>This module is a configuration tool for managing what programs start up with your personal &plasma;. It allows you to add programs or scripts so they automatically run during startup or shutdown of your &plasma; session and to manage them.</para>
0032 <note><para>Please note that in this module all changes are immediately applied.</para></note>
0034 <para>The program scans <filename>$HOME/.config/autostart/</filename> for applications and login scripts, <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/env</filename> for pre-startup scripts and <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/shutdown</filename> for logout scripts to check what programs and scripts are already there and displays them. It allows you to manage them easily.
0035 </para>
0037 <para>Login scripts are <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> files with a <literal>X-KDE-AutostartScript=true</literal> key. Pre-startup scripts are run earlier and can be used to set environment variables.
0038 </para>
0040 <note><para>Note that you can change the location of your <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename>
0041 folder in <menuchoice><guimenu>Applications</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Locations</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
0042 in the <guilabel>Personalization</guilabel> category of the &systemsettings; and set a different folder 
0043 than <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/autostart</filename>.</para></note>
0045 <para>Please read also <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/kcmsmserver">Desktop Session</ulink> and <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/kded">Background Services</ulink> for information how to configure the startup behavior of your &plasma; session.</para>
0047 <para>Some &kde; applications handle the autostart behavior on their own, &eg; you can enable or disable autostart of an application in the settings dialog (&kalarm;) or you have to use <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (&konversation;, &kopete;), otherwise the application is still running in the systemtray and will be restarted on next login.
0048 </para>
0050 <sect2 id="migration">
0051 <title>Migration from &kde; Workspaces 4</title>
0052 <para>To migrate your personal autostart setting from &kde; Workspaces 4:</para>
0053 <simplelist>
0054 <member>Copy desktop files from <filename class="directory">$HOME/.kde/Autostart</filename> to <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/autostart</filename></member>
0055 <member>Copy pre startup script files from <filename class="directory">$HOME/.kde/Autostart</filename> to <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/env</filename></member>
0056 <member>Copy shutdown script files from <filename class="directory">$HOME/.kde/Autostart</filename> to <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/shutdown</filename></member>
0057 </simplelist>
0058 </sect2>
0060 <sect2 id="disabling_autostart">
0061 <title>Disabling Autostart Files Provided by Your Distribution</title>
0062 <para>The correct way to disable an autostart item, for example the printer-applet if you use printer from time to time, is to copy its <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file to your personal autostart folder. Anything of the same name in <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/autostart</filename> overrides the <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file in the default package. Add the following line to the copied <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file:</para>
0063 <programlisting>
0064 Hidden=true
0065 </programlisting>
0066 </sect2>
0068 <sect2 id="current">
0069 <title>Files display</title>
0070 <para>The main part of the module displays the programs that are loaded when &plasma; starts and scripts that are run when &plasma; starts or shutdowns.</para>
0072 <variablelist>
0073 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Icon</guilabel></term>
0074 <listitem>
0075 <para>
0076 This column shows the icon of the program or script you want to start with &plasma;. The icon is extracted from the Desktop file from the Icon key for a program and is the default icon for a script.
0077 </para>
0078 </listitem>
0079 </varlistentry>
0081 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Name</guilabel></term>
0082 <listitem>
0083 <para>
0084 This column shows the name of the program or script you want to start with &plasma;. The name is extracted from the <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file from the <literal>Name</literal> key for a program and is the filename for a script.
0085 </para>
0086 </listitem>
0087 </varlistentry>
0089 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Properties</guilabel></term>
0090 <listitem>
0091 <para>
0092 This button is only shown when you hover the item with the mouse pointer. The button (only enabled for programs and login scripts &ie; <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> files) allows you to change the properties of the program or script. You have general properties, permissions properties, a preview when applicable, and properties related to the application or login script. The default command is extracted from the <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file from the <literal>Exec</literal> key.
0093 </para>
0094 <para>
0095 For a logout script, the command is the path to the script and can not be modified.
0096 </para>
0097 </listitem>
0098 </varlistentry>
0100 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Remove</guilabel></term>
0101 <listitem>
0102 <para>
0103 This button is only shown when you hover the item with the mouse pointer. Pressing the <guibutton>&minus;</guibutton> button will immediately remove the Desktop file for the program or the script or symbolic link in the <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder.
0104 </para>
0105 </listitem>
0106 </varlistentry>
0107 </variablelist>
0108 </sect2>
0110 <sect2 id="actions">
0111 <title>Actions</title>
0112 <para>
0113 On the bottom, you have the combined <guibutton>Add...</guibutton> button to choose the type of item you want to add. You can add programs and login or logout scripts.
0114 </para>
0116 <variablelist>
0117 <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>Add Program</guimenuitem></term>
0118 <listitem>
0119 <para>
0120 Clicking this item displays the standard &plasma; <guilabel>Choose Application</guilabel> dialog and allows you to choose which program you want to start. After choosing the program, clicking <guibutton>OK</guibutton> brings you the properties for this program. 
0121 </para>
0122 <para>
0123 This will copy the program <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file in your <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder. 
0124 </para>
0125 </listitem>
0126 </varlistentry>
0128 <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>Add Login Script...</guimenuitem></term>
0129 <listitem>
0130 <para>
0131 This item opens a dialog that asks you for the location of the script you want to add. Scripts set to run on login will have a corresponding <filename class="extension">.desktop</filename> file created in your <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> folder and will be run during Plasma startup.
0132 </para>
0133 </listitem>
0134 </varlistentry>
0135 <varlistentry><term><guimenuitem>Add Logout Script...</guimenuitem></term>
0136 <listitem>
0137 <para>
0138 This item opens a dialog that asks you for the location of the script you want to add. Scripts set on to be run on logout are copied or symlinked in the <filename class="directory">$HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/shutdown</filename> directory and will be automatically run during &plasma; shutdown after the user has logged out.
0139 </para>
0140 </listitem>
0141 </varlistentry>
0142 </variablelist>
0143 </sect2>
0144 </sect1>
0145 </article>
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