Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/applets/digital-clock/package/contents/config/main.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile name=""/>
0008   <group name="Appearance">
0009     <entry name="showLocalTimezone" type="Bool">
0010       <label>Whether the timezone should be displayed when the clock is showing the local timezone.</label>
0011       <default>false</default>
0012     </entry>
0013     <entry name="showSeconds" type="Enum">
0014       <label>How seconds should be shown in the clock.</label>
0015       <choices>
0016         <choice name="Never" />
0017         <choice name="ToolTip" />
0018         <choice name="Always" />
0019       </choices>
0020       <default>1</default>
0021     </entry>
0022     <entry name="showDate" type="Bool">
0023       <label>Whether the date should be shown next to the clock.</label>
0024       <default>true</default>
0025     </entry>
0026     <entry name="dateFormat" type="string">
0027       <label>The date format to display. Options are: shortDate, longDate, isoDate or custom.</label>
0028       <default>shortDate</default>
0029     </entry>
0030     <entry name="customDateFormat" type="string">
0031       <label>Custom date format string.</label>
0032       <default>ddd d</default>
0033     </entry>
0034     <entry name="autoFontAndSize" type="Bool">
0035       <label>Use Plasma default font and automatically determine font size.</label>
0036       <default>true</default>
0037     </entry>
0038     <entry name="fontFamily" type="string">
0039       <label>Font family. e.g "arial". The system font is used if this is not set.</label>
0040       <default></default>
0041     </entry>
0042     <entry name="boldText" type="Bool">
0043       <label>Sets the font to bold.</label>
0044       <default>false</default>
0045     </entry>
0046     <entry name="italicText" type="Bool">
0047       <label>Sets the font to italic.</label>
0048       <default>false</default>
0049     </entry>
0050     <entry name="fontWeight" type="Int">
0051       <label>Sets font weight.</label>
0052       <default>50</default>
0053     </entry>
0054     <entry name="fontStyleName" type="string">
0055       <label>Sets font style </label>
0056       <default></default>
0057     </entry>
0058     <entry name="fontSize" type="Int">
0059       <label>Sets font size.</label>
0060       <default>10</default>
0061     </entry>
0062     <entry name="timeFormat" type="string">
0063       <default>default</default>
0064     </entry>
0065     <entry name="selectedTimeZones" type="StringList">
0066       <label>A list of the configured time zones. Format is "Europe/London". Special entry "Local" indicates system time zone.</label>
0067       <default>Local</default>
0068     </entry>
0069     <entry name="lastSelectedTimezone" type="String">
0070       <label>When multiple time zones are configured, this is the one shown on widget restore. Typically the system's current timezone.</label>
0071       <default>Local</default>
0072     </entry>
0073         <entry name="wheelChangesTimezone" type="Bool">
0074       <label>Whether the mouse wheel switches between the timezones configured in selectedTimeZones.</label>
0075       <default>false</default>
0076     </entry>
0077     <entry name="displayTimezoneFormat" type="Enum">
0078       <label>Whether the timezone is displayed as a code i.e. "GMT", full text i.e. "London" or UTC offset "+1".</label>
0079       <choices name="Settings::displayTimezoneFormat">
0080         <choice name="Code" />
0081         <choice name="FullText" />
0082         <choice name="UTCOffset" />
0083       </choices>
0084       <default>0</default>
0085     </entry>
0086     <entry name="showWeekNumbers" type="Bool">
0087       <label>Whether the calendar should show week numbers.</label>
0088       <default>false</default>
0089     </entry>
0090     <entry name="use24hFormat" type="UInt">
0091       <label>Force the clock to use 12/24 hour time, instead of following the user locale.</label>
0092       <default>1</default>
0093     </entry>
0094     <entry name="firstDayOfWeek" type="Int">
0095       <label>Force the calendar to use a specific week day as first day of a week. -1 means follow user locale, 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.</label>
0096       <default>-1</default>
0097     </entry>
0098     <entry name="enabledCalendarPlugins" type="StringList">
0099       <label>A list of plugins where additional calendar event data can be sourced.</label>
0100       <default></default>
0101     </entry>
0102     <entry name="pin" type="Bool">
0103       <label>Whether the popup should remain open when another window is activated</label>
0104       <default>false</default>
0105     </entry>
0106     <entry name="dateDisplayFormat" type="Enum">
0107       <label>Whether the date should be shown below or beside the time</label>
0108       <choices name="Settings::dateDisplayFormat">
0109         <choice name="Adaptive" />
0110         <choice name="BesideTime" />
0111         <choice name="BelowTime" />
0112       </choices>
0113       <default>0</default>
0114     </entry>
0115   </group>
0116 </kcfg>