Warning, /plasma/plasma-workspace/applets/batterymonitor/dbus/org.freedesktop.UPower.Device.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC
0002 "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
0003 "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd" [
0004   <!ENTITY ERROR_GENERAL "org.freedesktop.UPower.Device.GeneralError">
0005 ]>
0006 <node name="/" xmlns:doc="http://www.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/doc.dtd">
0007   <interface name="org.freedesktop.UPower.Device">
0008     <doc:doc>
0009       <doc:description>
0010         <doc:para>
0011           Objects implementing this interface are usually discovered through
0012           the <doc:tt>org.freedesktop.UPower</doc:tt> interface on
0013           the <doc:tt>/org/freedesktop/UPower</doc:tt> object on
0014           the D-Bus system bus service with the well-known
0015           name <doc:tt>org.freedesktop.UPower</doc:tt> using
0016           the
0017           <doc:ref type="method" to="Power.EnumerateDevices">EnumerateDevices</doc:ref>
0018           method.
0019         </doc:para>
0020         <doc:para>
0021           <doc:example language="shell" title="simple example">
0022             <doc:code>
0023 $ dbus-send --print-reply \
0024             --system \
0025             --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower \
0026             /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 \
0027             org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll \
0028             string:org.freedesktop.UPower.Device
0030 method return sender=:1.386 -> dest=:1.477 reply_serial=2
0031    array [
0032       dict entry(
0033          string "native-path"
0034          variant             string "/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:01/PNP0C09:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT0"
0035       )
0036       dict entry(
0037          string "vendor"
0038          variant             string "SONY"
0039       )
0040       dict entry(
0041          string "model"
0042          variant             string "42T4568"
0043       )
0044       dict entry(
0045          string "serial"
0046          variant             string "4179"
0047       )
0048       dict entry(
0049          string "update-time"
0050          variant             uint64 1226417875
0051       )
0052       dict entry(
0053          string "type"
0054          variant             uint 2
0055       )
0056       dict entry(
0057          string "power-supply"
0058          variant             boolean true
0059       )
0060       dict entry(
0061          string "has-history"
0062          variant             boolean true
0063       )
0064       dict entry(
0065          string "has-statistics"
0066          variant             boolean true
0067       )
0068       dict entry(
0069          string "online"
0070          variant             boolean false
0071       )
0072       dict entry(
0073          string "energy"
0074          variant             double 72.85
0075       )
0076       dict entry(
0077          string "energy-empty"
0078          variant             double 0
0079       )
0080       dict entry(
0081          string "energy-full"
0082          variant             double 74.55
0083       )
0084       dict entry(
0085          string "energy-full-design"
0086          variant             double 74.88
0087       )
0088       dict entry(
0089          string "energy-rate"
0090          variant             double 0
0091       )
0092       dict entry(
0093          string "voltage"
0094          variant             double 16.415
0095       )
0096       dict entry(
0097          string "time-to-empty"
0098          variant             int64 0
0099       )
0100       dict entry(
0101          string "time-to-full"
0102          variant             int64 0
0103       )
0104       dict entry(
0105          string "percentage"
0106          variant             double 97.7197
0107       )
0108       dict entry(
0109          string "is-present"
0110          variant             boolean true
0111       )
0112       dict entry(
0113          string "state"
0114          variant             uint 3
0115       )
0116       dict entry(
0117          string "is-rechargeable"
0118          variant             boolean true
0119       )
0120       dict entry(
0121          string "capacity"
0122          variant             double 100
0123       )
0124       dict entry(
0125          string "technology"
0126          variant             uint 1
0127       )
0128    ]
0129             </doc:code>
0130           </doc:example>
0131         </doc:para>
0132         <doc:para>
0133           Unless otherwise noted, an empty string or the value 0 in a
0134           property on this interface means not set.
0135         </doc:para>
0136       </doc:description>
0137     </doc:doc>
0140     <!-- ************************************************************ -->
0141     <method name="Refresh">
0142       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0143       <doc:doc>
0144         <doc:description>
0145           <doc:para>
0146             Refreshes the data collected from the power source.
0147           </doc:para>
0148         </doc:description>
0149         <doc:permission>Callers will need to make sure that the daemon was started in debug mode</doc:permission>
0150         <doc:errors>
0151           <doc:error name="&ERROR_GENERAL;">if an error occured while refreshing</doc:error>
0152         </doc:errors>
0153       </doc:doc>
0154     </method>
0156     <!-- ************************************************************ -->
0157     <method name="GetHistory">
0158       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0159       <arg name="type" direction="in" type="s">
0160         <doc:doc><doc:summary>The type of history.
0161         Valid types are <doc:tt>rate</doc:tt> or <doc:tt>charge</doc:tt>.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
0162       </arg>
0163       <arg name="timespan" direction="in" type="u">
0164         <doc:doc><doc:summary>The amount of data to return in seconds, or 0 for all.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
0165       </arg>
0166       <arg name="resolution" direction="in" type="u">
0167         <doc:doc>
0168           <doc:summary>
0169             The approximate number of points to return.
0170             A higher resolution is more accurate, at the expense of plotting speed.
0171           </doc:summary>
0172         </doc:doc>
0173       </arg>
0174       <arg name="data" direction="out" type="a(udu)">
0175         <doc:doc><doc:summary>
0176             The history data for the power device, if the device supports history.
0177             Data is ordered from the earliest in time, to the newest data point.
0178             Each element contains the following members:
0179             <doc:list>
0180               <doc:item>
0181                 <doc:term>time</doc:term>
0182                 <doc:definition>
0183                   The time value in seconds from the <doc:tt>gettimeofday()</doc:tt> method.
0184                 </doc:definition>
0185               </doc:item>
0186               <doc:item>
0187                 <doc:term>value</doc:term>
0188                 <doc:definition>
0189                   The data value, for instance the rate in W or the charge in %.
0190                 </doc:definition>
0191               </doc:item>
0192               <doc:item>
0193                 <doc:term>state</doc:term>
0194                 <doc:definition>
0195                   The state of the device, for instance <doc:tt>charging</doc:tt> or
0196                   <doc:tt>discharging</doc:tt>.
0197                 </doc:definition>
0198               </doc:item>
0199             </doc:list>
0200         </doc:summary></doc:doc>
0201       </arg>
0202       <doc:doc>
0203         <doc:description>
0204           <doc:para>
0205             Gets history for the power device that is persistent across reboots.
0206           </doc:para>
0207         </doc:description>
0208       </doc:doc>
0209     </method>
0211     <!-- ************************************************************ -->
0212     <method name="GetStatistics">
0213       <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
0214       <arg name="type" direction="in" type="s">
0215         <doc:doc><doc:summary>The mode for the statistics.
0216         Valid types are <doc:tt>charging</doc:tt> or <doc:tt>discharging</doc:tt>.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
0217       </arg>
0218       <arg name="data" direction="out" type="a(dd)">
0219         <doc:doc><doc:summary>
0220             The statistics data for the power device.
0221             Each element contains the following members:
0222             <doc:list>
0223               <doc:item>
0224                 <doc:term>value</doc:term>
0225                 <doc:definition>
0226                   The value of the percentage point, usually in seconds
0227                 </doc:definition>
0228               </doc:item>
0229               <doc:item>
0230                 <doc:term>accuracy</doc:term>
0231                 <doc:definition>
0232                   The accuracy of the prediction in percent.
0233                 </doc:definition>
0234               </doc:item>
0235             </doc:list>
0236         </doc:summary></doc:doc>
0237       </arg>
0238       <doc:doc>
0239         <doc:description>
0240           <doc:para>
0241             Gets statistics for the power device that may be interesting
0242             to show on a graph in the session.
0243           </doc:para>
0244         </doc:description>
0245       </doc:doc>
0246     </method>
0248     <!-- ************************************************************ -->
0249     <property name="NativePath" type="s" access="read">
0250       <doc:doc>
0251         <doc:description>
0252           <doc:para>
0253             OS specific native path of the power source. On Linux this
0254             is the sysfs path, for
0255             example <doc:tt>/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT0</doc:tt>. Is
0256             blank if the device is being driven by a user space
0257             driver.
0258           </doc:para>
0259         </doc:description>
0260       </doc:doc>
0261     </property>
0263     <property name="Vendor" type="s" access="read">
0264       <doc:doc>
0265         <doc:description>
0266           <doc:para>
0267             Name of the vendor of the battery.
0268           </doc:para>
0269         </doc:description>
0270       </doc:doc>
0271     </property>
0273     <property name="Model" type="s" access="read">
0274       <doc:doc>
0275         <doc:description>
0276           <doc:para>
0277             Name of the model of this battery.
0278           </doc:para>
0279         </doc:description>
0280       </doc:doc>
0281     </property>
0283     <property name="Serial" type="s" access="read">
0284       <doc:doc>
0285         <doc:description>
0286           <doc:para>
0287             Unique serial number of the battery.
0288           </doc:para>
0289         </doc:description>
0290       </doc:doc>
0291     </property>
0293     <property name="UpdateTime" type="t" access="read">
0294       <doc:doc>
0295         <doc:description>
0296           <doc:para>
0297             The point in time (seconds since the Epoch Jan 1, 1970
0298             0:00 UTC) that data was read from the power source.
0299           </doc:para>
0300         </doc:description>
0301       </doc:doc>
0302     </property>
0304     <property name="Type" type="u" access="read">
0305       <doc:doc>
0306         <doc:description>
0307           <doc:para>
0308             Type of power source.
0309           </doc:para>
0310           <doc:list>
0311             <doc:item>
0312               <doc:term>0</doc:term><doc:definition>Unknown</doc:definition>
0313             </doc:item>
0314             <doc:item>
0315               <doc:term>1</doc:term><doc:definition>Line Power</doc:definition>
0316             </doc:item>
0317             <doc:item>
0318               <doc:term>2</doc:term><doc:definition>Battery</doc:definition>
0319             </doc:item>
0320             <doc:item>
0321               <doc:term>3</doc:term><doc:definition>Ups</doc:definition>
0322             </doc:item>
0323             <doc:item>
0324               <doc:term>4</doc:term><doc:definition>Monitor</doc:definition>
0325             </doc:item>
0326             <doc:item>
0327               <doc:term>5</doc:term><doc:definition>Mouse</doc:definition>
0328             </doc:item>
0329             <doc:item>
0330               <doc:term>6</doc:term><doc:definition>Keyboard</doc:definition>
0331             </doc:item>
0332             <doc:item>
0333               <doc:term>7</doc:term><doc:definition>Pda</doc:definition>
0334             </doc:item>
0335             <doc:item>
0336               <doc:term>8</doc:term><doc:definition>Phone</doc:definition>
0337             </doc:item>
0338           </doc:list>
0339           <doc:para>
0340             If the value is set to "Battery", you will need to verify that the
0341             property <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:PowerSupply">power-supply</doc:ref>
0342             has the value "true" before considering it as a laptop battery. Otherwise it
0343             will likely be the battery for a device of an unknown type.
0344           </doc:para>
0345         </doc:description>
0346       </doc:doc>
0347     </property>
0349     <property name="PowerSupply" type="b" access="read">
0350       <doc:doc>
0351         <doc:description>
0352           <doc:para>
0353             If the power device is used to supply the system.
0354             This would be set TRUE for laptop batteries and UPS devices,
0355             but set FALSE for wireless mice or PDAs.
0356           </doc:para>
0357         </doc:description>
0358       </doc:doc>
0359     </property>
0361     <property name="HasHistory" type="b" access="read">
0362       <doc:doc>
0363         <doc:description>
0364           <doc:para>
0365             If the power device has history.
0366           </doc:para>
0367         </doc:description>
0368       </doc:doc>
0369     </property>
0371     <property name="HasStatistics" type="b" access="read">
0372       <doc:doc>
0373         <doc:description>
0374           <doc:para>
0375             If the power device has statistics.
0376           </doc:para>
0377         </doc:description>
0378       </doc:doc>
0379     </property>
0381     <property name="Online" type="b" access="read">
0382       <doc:doc>
0383         <doc:description>
0384           <doc:para>
0385             Whether power is currently being provided through line power.
0386             This property is only valid if the property
0387             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0388             has the value "line-power".
0389           </doc:para>
0390         </doc:description>
0391       </doc:doc>
0392     </property>
0394     <property name="Energy" type="d" access="read">
0395       <doc:doc>
0396         <doc:description>
0397           <doc:para>
0398             Amount of energy (measured in Wh) currently available in
0399             the power source.
0400           </doc:para><doc:para>
0401             This property is only valid if the property
0402             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0403             has the value "battery".
0404           </doc:para>
0405         </doc:description>
0406       </doc:doc>
0407     </property>
0409     <property name="EnergyEmpty" type="d" access="read">
0410       <doc:doc>
0411         <doc:description>
0412           <doc:para>
0413             Amount of energy (measured in Wh) in the power source when
0414             it's considered to be empty.
0415           </doc:para><doc:para>
0416             This property is only valid if the property
0417             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0418             has the value "battery".
0419           </doc:para>
0420         </doc:description>
0421       </doc:doc>
0422     </property>
0424     <property name="EnergyFull" type="d" access="read">
0425       <doc:doc>
0426         <doc:description>
0427           <doc:para>
0428             Amount of energy (measured in Wh) in the power source when
0429             it's considered full.
0430           </doc:para><doc:para>
0431             This property is only valid if the property
0432             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0433             has the value "battery".
0434           </doc:para>
0435         </doc:description>
0436       </doc:doc>
0437     </property>
0439     <property name="EnergyFullDesign" type="d" access="read">
0440       <doc:doc>
0441         <doc:description>
0442           <doc:para>
0443             Amount of energy (measured in Wh) the power source is
0444             designed to hold when it's considered full.
0445           </doc:para><doc:para>
0446             This property is only valid if the property
0447             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0448             has the value "battery".
0449           </doc:para>
0450         </doc:description>
0451       </doc:doc>
0452     </property>
0454     <property name="EnergyRate" type="d" access="read">
0455       <doc:doc>
0456         <doc:description>
0457           <doc:para>
0458             Amount of energy being drained from the source, measured
0459             in W. If positive, the source is being discharged, if
0460             negative it's being charged.
0461           </doc:para><doc:para>
0462             This property is only valid if the property
0463             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0464             has the value "battery".
0465           </doc:para>
0466         </doc:description>
0467       </doc:doc>
0468     </property>
0470     <property name="Voltage" type="d" access="read">
0471       <doc:doc>
0472         <doc:description>
0473           <doc:para>
0474             Voltage in the Cell or being recorded by the meter.
0475           </doc:para>
0476         </doc:description>
0477       </doc:doc>
0478     </property>
0480     <property name="ChargeCycles" type="i" access="read">
0481       <doc:doc>
0482         <doc:description>
0483           <doc:para>
0484             The number of charge cycles as defined by the TCO certification, or -1 if
0485             that value is unknown or not applicable.
0486           </doc:para>
0487         </doc:description>
0488       </doc:doc>
0489     </property>
0491     <property name="Luminosity" type="d" access="read">
0492       <doc:doc>
0493         <doc:description>
0494           <doc:para>
0495             Luminosity being recorded by the meter.
0496           </doc:para>
0497         </doc:description>
0498       </doc:doc>
0499     </property>
0501     <property name="TimeToEmpty" type="x" access="read">
0502       <doc:doc>
0503         <doc:description>
0504           <doc:para>
0505             Number of seconds until the power source is considered empty.
0506             Is set to 0 if unknown.
0507           </doc:para><doc:para>
0508             This property is only valid if the property
0509             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0510             has the value "battery".
0511           </doc:para>
0512         </doc:description>
0513       </doc:doc>
0514     </property>
0516     <property name="TimeToFull" type="x" access="read">
0517       <doc:doc>
0518         <doc:description>
0519           <doc:para>
0520             Number of seconds until the power source is considered full.
0521             Is set to 0 if unknown.
0522           </doc:para><doc:para>
0523             This property is only valid if the property
0524             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0525             has the value "battery".
0526           </doc:para>
0527         </doc:description>
0528       </doc:doc>
0529     </property>
0531     <property name="Percentage" type="d" access="read">
0532       <doc:doc>
0533         <doc:description>
0534           <doc:para>
0535             The amount of energy left in the power source expressed as
0536             a percentage between 0 and 100. Typically this is the same as
0537             (<doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Energy">energy</doc:ref> -
0538             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:EnergyEmpty">energy-empty</doc:ref>) /
0539             (<doc:ref type="property" to="Source:EnergyFull">energy-full</doc:ref> -
0540             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:EnergyEmpty">energy-empty</doc:ref>).
0541             However, some primitive power sources are capable of only
0542             reporting percentages and in this case the energy-*
0543             properties will be unset while this property is set.
0544           </doc:para><doc:para>
0545             This property is only valid if the property
0546             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0547             has the value "battery".
0548           </doc:para>
0549           <doc:para>
0550             The percentage will be an approximation if the <doc:ref type="property" to="BatteryLevel">battery level</doc:ref>
0551             is set to something other than None. The percentage is kept for compatibility reasons.
0552           </doc:para>
0553         </doc:description>
0554       </doc:doc>
0555     </property>
0557     <property name="Temperature" type="d" access="read">
0558       <doc:doc>
0559         <doc:description>
0560           <doc:para>
0561             The temperature of the device in degrees Celsius. This property is
0562             only valid if the property
0563             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0564             has the value "battery".
0565           </doc:para>
0566         </doc:description>
0567       </doc:doc>
0568     </property>
0570     <property name="IsPresent" type="b" access="read">
0571       <doc:doc>
0572         <doc:description>
0573           <doc:para>
0574             If the power source is present in the bay.
0575             This field is required as some batteries are hot-removable, for example
0576             expensive UPS and most laptop batteries.
0577           </doc:para><doc:para>
0578             This property is only valid if the property
0579             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0580             has the value "battery".
0581           </doc:para>
0582         </doc:description>
0583       </doc:doc>
0584     </property>
0586     <property name="State" type="u" access="read">
0587       <doc:doc>
0588         <doc:description>
0589           <doc:para>
0590             The battery power state.
0591           </doc:para>
0592           <doc:list>
0593             <doc:item>
0594               <doc:term>0</doc:term><doc:definition>Unknown</doc:definition>
0595             </doc:item>
0596             <doc:item>
0597               <doc:term>1</doc:term><doc:definition>Charging</doc:definition>
0598             </doc:item>
0599             <doc:item>
0600               <doc:term>2</doc:term><doc:definition>Discharging</doc:definition>
0601             </doc:item>
0602             <doc:item>
0603               <doc:term>3</doc:term><doc:definition>Empty</doc:definition>
0604             </doc:item>
0605             <doc:item>
0606               <doc:term>4</doc:term><doc:definition>Fully charged</doc:definition>
0607             </doc:item>
0608             <doc:item>
0609               <doc:term>5</doc:term><doc:definition>Pending charge</doc:definition>
0610             </doc:item>
0611             <doc:item>
0612               <doc:term>6</doc:term><doc:definition>Pending discharge</doc:definition>
0613             </doc:item>
0614           </doc:list>
0615           <doc:para>
0616             This property is only valid if the property
0617             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0618             has the value "battery".
0619           </doc:para>
0620         </doc:description>
0621       </doc:doc>
0622     </property>
0624     <property name="IsRechargeable" type="b" access="read">
0625       <doc:doc>
0626         <doc:description>
0627           <doc:para>
0628             If the power source is rechargeable.
0629           </doc:para><doc:para>
0630             This property is only valid if the property
0631             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0632             has the value "battery".
0633           </doc:para>
0634         </doc:description>
0635       </doc:doc>
0636     </property>
0638     <property name="Capacity" type="d" access="read">
0639       <doc:doc>
0640         <doc:description>
0641           <doc:para>
0642             The capacity of the power source expressed as a percentage between 0 and 100.
0643             The capacity of the battery will reduce with age.
0644             A capacity value less than 75% is usually a sign that you should renew your battery.
0645             Typically this value is the same as
0646             (<doc:ref type="property" to="Source:FullDesign">full-design</doc:ref> /
0647             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Full">full</doc:ref>) * 100.
0648             However, some primitive power sources are not capable reporting capacity
0649             and in this case the capacity property will be unset.
0650           </doc:para><doc:para>
0651             This property is only valid if the property
0652             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0653             has the value "battery".
0654           </doc:para>
0655         </doc:description>
0656       </doc:doc>
0657     </property>
0659     <property name="Technology" type="u" access="read">
0660       <doc:doc>
0661         <doc:description>
0662           <doc:para>
0663             Technology used in the battery:
0664           </doc:para>
0665           <doc:list>
0666             <doc:item>
0667               <doc:term>0</doc:term><doc:definition>Unknown</doc:definition>
0668             </doc:item>
0669             <doc:item>
0670               <doc:term>1</doc:term><doc:definition>Lithium ion</doc:definition>
0671             </doc:item>
0672             <doc:item>
0673               <doc:term>2</doc:term><doc:definition>Lithium polymer</doc:definition>
0674             </doc:item>
0675             <doc:item>
0676               <doc:term>3</doc:term><doc:definition>Lithium iron phosphate</doc:definition>
0677             </doc:item>
0678             <doc:item>
0679               <doc:term>4</doc:term><doc:definition>Lead acid</doc:definition>
0680             </doc:item>
0681             <doc:item>
0682               <doc:term>5</doc:term><doc:definition>Nickel cadmium</doc:definition>
0683             </doc:item>
0684             <doc:item>
0685               <doc:term>6</doc:term><doc:definition>Nickel metal hydride</doc:definition>
0686             </doc:item>
0687           </doc:list>
0688           <doc:para>
0689             This property is only valid if the property
0690             <doc:ref type="property" to="Source:Type">type</doc:ref>
0691             has the value "battery".
0692           </doc:para>
0693         </doc:description>
0694       </doc:doc>
0695     </property>
0697     <property name="WarningLevel" type="u" access="read">
0698       <doc:doc>
0699         <doc:description>
0700           <doc:para>
0701             Warning level of the battery:
0702           </doc:para>
0703           <doc:list>
0704             <doc:item>
0705               <doc:term>0</doc:term><doc:definition>Unknown</doc:definition>
0706             </doc:item>
0707             <doc:item>
0708               <doc:term>1</doc:term><doc:definition>None</doc:definition>
0709             </doc:item>
0710             <doc:item>
0711               <doc:term>2</doc:term><doc:definition>Discharging (only for UPSes)</doc:definition>
0712             </doc:item>
0713             <doc:item>
0714               <doc:term>3</doc:term><doc:definition>Low</doc:definition>
0715             </doc:item>
0716             <doc:item>
0717               <doc:term>4</doc:term><doc:definition>Critical</doc:definition>
0718             </doc:item>
0719             <doc:item>
0720               <doc:term>5</doc:term><doc:definition>Action</doc:definition>
0721             </doc:item>
0722           </doc:list>
0723         </doc:description>
0724       </doc:doc>
0725     </property>
0727     <property name="BatteryLevel" type="u" access="read">
0728       <doc:doc>
0729         <doc:description>
0730           <doc:para>
0731             The level of the battery for devices which do not report a percentage but rather a coarse battery level. If the value
0732             is None, then the device does not support coarse battery reporting, and the percentage should be used instead.
0733           </doc:para>
0734           <doc:list>
0735             <doc:item>
0736               <doc:term>0</doc:term><doc:definition>Unknown</doc:definition>
0737             </doc:item>
0738             <doc:item>
0739               <doc:term>1</doc:term><doc:definition>None (the battery does not use a coarse level of battery reporting)</doc:definition>
0740             </doc:item>
0741             <doc:item>
0742               <doc:term>3</doc:term><doc:definition>Low</doc:definition>
0743             </doc:item>
0744             <doc:item>
0745               <doc:term>4</doc:term><doc:definition>Critical</doc:definition>
0746             </doc:item>
0747             <doc:item>
0748               <doc:term>6</doc:term><doc:definition>Normal</doc:definition>
0749             </doc:item>
0750             <doc:item>
0751               <doc:term>7</doc:term><doc:definition>High</doc:definition>
0752             </doc:item>
0753             <doc:item>
0754               <doc:term>8</doc:term><doc:definition>Full</doc:definition>
0755             </doc:item>
0756           </doc:list>
0757         </doc:description>
0758       </doc:doc>
0759     </property>
0761     <property name="IconName" type="s" access="read">
0762       <doc:doc>
0763         <doc:description>
0764           <doc:para>
0765             <p>An icon name, following the <a href="http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html">Icon Naming Specification</a></p>
0766             <p>Note that the icons might not match end-user expectations in terms of presentation relative to the amount of battery left or perceived to be left. It is recommended that front-ends use the BatteryLevel property first, if available, followed by the Percentage, to present a more realistic battery level to the user.</p>
0767           </doc:para>
0768         </doc:description>
0769       </doc:doc>
0770     </property>
0771   </interface>
0773 </node>