File indexing completed on 2024-06-23 05:30:42

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0003 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 The GNOME Music developers
0004 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Fushan Wen <>
0005 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
0009 # For FreeBSD CI which only has python 3.9
0010 from __future__ import annotations
0012 import logging
0013 import json
0014 import signal
0015 import sys
0016 import threading
0017 from os import getcwd, getpid, path
0018 from typing import Any, Final
0020 sys.path.append(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)))
0022 from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
0023 from GLibMainLoopThread import GLibMainLoopThread
0026 def read_player_metadata(json_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> list[dict[str, GLib.Variant]]:
0027     song_list: list[dict[str, int | str | list[str]]] = json_dict["metadata"]
0028     assert len(song_list) > 0
0029     _metadata: list[dict[str, GLib.Variant]] = []
0030     for song in song_list:
0031         song_dict: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = {
0032             "mpris:trackid": GLib.Variant('o', song["mpris:trackid"]),
0033             "xesam:url": GLib.Variant('s', "file://" + path.join(getcwd(), song["xesam:url"])),
0034             "mpris:length": GLib.Variant('x', int(song["mpris:length"])),  # ms
0035             "xesam:title": GLib.Variant('s', song["xesam:title"]),
0036             "xesam:artist": GLib.Variant('as', song["xesam:artist"]),
0037             "mpris:artUrl": GLib.Variant('s', "")
0038         }
0039         if "xesam:album" in song.keys():
0040             song_dict["xesam:album"] = GLib.Variant('s', song["xesam:album"])
0041         if "mpris:artUrl" in song.keys():
0042             song_dict["mpris:artUrl"] = GLib.Variant('s', "file://" + path.join(getcwd(), song["mpris:artUrl"]))
0043         if "kde:pid" in song.keys():
0044             song_dict["kde:pid"] = GLib.Variant('u', song["kde:pid"])
0045         _metadata.append(song_dict)
0047     return _metadata
0050 def read_base_properties(json_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, GLib.Variant]:
0051     prop_dict: dict[str, bool | str | list[str]] = json_dict["base_properties"]
0052     assert len(prop_dict) > 0
0053     _base_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = {
0054         "CanQuit": GLib.Variant('b', prop_dict["CanQuit"]),
0055         "Fullscreen": GLib.Variant('b', prop_dict["Fullscreen"]),
0056         "CanSetFullscreen": GLib.Variant('b', prop_dict["CanSetFullscreen"]),
0057         "CanRaise": GLib.Variant('b', prop_dict["CanRaise"]),
0058         "HasTrackList": GLib.Variant('b', prop_dict["HasTrackList"]),
0059         "Identity": GLib.Variant('s', prop_dict["Identity"]),
0060         "DesktopEntry": GLib.Variant('s', prop_dict["DesktopEntry"]),
0061         "SupportedUriSchemes": GLib.Variant('as', prop_dict["SupportedUriSchemes"]),
0062         "SupportedMimeTypes": GLib.Variant('as', prop_dict["SupportedMimeTypes"]),
0063     }
0064     return _base_properties
0067 def read_player_properties(json_dict: dict[str, Any], _metadata: dict[str, GLib.Variant]) -> dict[str, GLib.Variant]:
0068     prop_dict: dict[str, int | float | bool | str | dict] = json_dict["player_properties"]
0069     assert len(prop_dict) > 0
0070     _player_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = {
0071         "PlaybackStatus": GLib.Variant("s", prop_dict["PlaybackStatus"]),
0072         "LoopStatus": GLib.Variant("s", prop_dict["LoopStatus"]),
0073         "Rate": GLib.Variant("d", prop_dict["Rate"]),
0074         "Shuffle": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["Shuffle"]),
0075         "Metadata": GLib.Variant("a{sv}", _metadata),
0076         "Position": GLib.Variant("x", prop_dict["Position"]),
0077         "MinimumRate": GLib.Variant("d", prop_dict["MinimumRate"]),
0078         "MaximumRate": GLib.Variant("d", prop_dict["MaximumRate"]),
0079         "Volume": GLib.Variant("d", prop_dict["Volume"]),
0080         "CanGoNext": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["CanGoNext"]),
0081         "CanGoPrevious": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["CanGoPrevious"]),
0082         "CanPlay": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["CanPlay"]),
0083         "CanPause": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["CanPause"]),
0084         "CanSeek": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["CanSeek"]),
0085         "CanControl": GLib.Variant("b", prop_dict["CanControl"]),
0086     }
0087     return _player_properties
0090 class Mpris2:
0091     """
0092     MPRIS2 interface implemented in GDBus, since dbus-python does not support property
0093     """
0095     BASE_IFACE: Final = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"
0096     OBJECT_PATH: Final = "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2"
0097     PLAYER_IFACE: Final = GLib.Variant('s', "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player")
0098     APP_INTERFACE: Final = f"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.appiumtest.instance{str(getpid())}"
0100     connection: Gio.DBusConnection | None = None
0102     def __init__(self, metadata: list[dict[str, GLib.Variant]], base_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant], player_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant], current_index: int) -> None:
0103         self.metadata: list[dict[str, GLib.Variant]] = metadata
0104         self.base_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = base_properties
0105         self.player_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = player_properties
0106         self.current_index: int = current_index
0108         self.registered_event = threading.Event()
0109         self.playback_status_set_event = threading.Event()
0110         self.metadata_updated_event = threading.Event()
0112         self.__owner_id: int = Gio.bus_own_name(Gio.BusType.SESSION, self.APP_INTERFACE, Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE, self.on_bus_acquired, None, None)
0113         assert self.__owner_id > 0
0115         self.__prop_reg_id: int = 0
0116         self.__player_reg_id: int = 0
0117         self.__base_reg_id: int = 0
0119     def quit(self) -> None:
0120         if self.connection is None:
0121             return
0122         self.connection.unregister_object(self.__prop_reg_id)
0123         self.__prop_reg_id = 0
0124         self.connection.unregister_object(self.__player_reg_id)
0125         self.__player_reg_id = 0
0126         self.connection.unregister_object(self.__base_reg_id)
0127         self.__base_reg_id = 0
0128         Gio.bus_unown_name(self.__owner_id)
0129         self.connection.flush_sync(None)  # Otherwise flaky
0130"Player exit")
0132     def on_bus_acquired(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, name: str, *args) -> None:
0133         """
0134         Interface is ready, now register objects.
0135         """
0136         self.connection = connection
0138         with open("../libkmpris/dbus/org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.xml", encoding="utf-8") as handler:
0139             properties_introspection_xml: str = '\n'.join(handler.readlines())
0140             introspection_data = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(properties_introspection_xml)
0141             self.__prop_reg_id = connection.register_object(self.OBJECT_PATH, introspection_data.interfaces[0], self.properties_handle_method_call, None, None)
0142         assert self.__prop_reg_id > 0
0144         with open("../libkmpris/dbus/org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.xml", encoding="utf-8") as handler:
0145             player_introspection_xml: str = '\n'.join(handler.readlines())
0146             introspection_data = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(player_introspection_xml)
0147             self.__player_reg_id = connection.register_object(self.OBJECT_PATH, introspection_data.interfaces[0], self.player_handle_method_call, self.player_handle_get_property, self.player_handle_set_property)
0148         assert self.__player_reg_id != 0
0150         with open("../libkmpris/dbus/org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xml", encoding="utf-8") as handler:
0151             interface_introspection_xml: str = '\n'.join(handler.readlines())
0152             introspection_data = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(interface_introspection_xml)
0153             self.__base_reg_id = connection.register_object(self.OBJECT_PATH, introspection_data.interfaces[0], self.interface_handle_method_call, self.interface_handle_get_property, self.interface_handle_set_property)
0154         assert self.__base_reg_id != 0
0156         print("MPRIS registered", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0157         self.registered_event.set()
0159     def properties_handle_method_call(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, method_name: str, parameters: GLib.Variant, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) -> None:
0160         """
0161         Handles method calls for org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
0162         """
0163         assert interface_name == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0165         if method_name == "Get":
0166             ret: Any = None
0167             interface: str = parameters[0]
0168             property_name: str = parameters[1]
0169             if interface == self.BASE_IFACE:
0170                 ret = self.base_properties[property_name]
0171             elif interface == self.PLAYER_IFACE.get_string():
0172                 ret = self.player_properties[property_name]
0173             else:
0174                 assert False, f"Unknown interface {interface}"
0176             print(f"Get: {interface} {property_name} {ret}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0177             #
0178             invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new_tuple(ret))
0180         elif method_name == "GetAll":
0181             interface = parameters[0]
0182             if interface == self.BASE_IFACE:
0183                 ret = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', self.base_properties)
0184             elif interface == self.PLAYER_IFACE.get_string():
0185                 ret = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', self.player_properties)
0186             else:
0187                 assert False, f"Unknown interface {interface}"
0189             print(f"GetAll: {interface} {ret}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0190             invocation.return_value(GLib.Variant.new_tuple(ret))
0192         elif method_name == "Set":
0193             interface = parameters[0]
0194             property_name = parameters[1]
0195             value: Any = parameters[2]
0197             if interface != self.PLAYER_IFACE.get_string():
0198                 assert False, f"Wrong interface {interface}"
0200             if property_name == "Rate":
0201                 self.set_rate(value, connection, object_path)
0202             elif property_name == "LoopStatus":
0203                 self.set_repeat(value, connection, object_path)
0204             elif property_name == "Shuffle":
0205                 self.set_shuffle(value, connection, object_path)
0206             elif property_name == "Volume":
0207                 self.set_volume(value, connection, object_path)
0208             else:
0209                 assert False, f"Unknown property {property_name}"
0211             print(f"Set: {interface} {property_name} {value}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0213         else:
0214             logging.error("Unhandled method: %s", method_name)
0215             invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.dbus_error_quark(), Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD, f"Unknown method {method_name}")
0217     def set_playing(self, playing: bool, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, object_path: str) -> None:
0218         """
0219         Changes the playing state
0220         """
0221         self.player_properties["PlaybackStatus"] = GLib.Variant('s', "Playing" if playing else "Paused")
0222         changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0223             "PlaybackStatus": self.player_properties["PlaybackStatus"],
0224         })
0225         Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0226         self.playback_status_set_event.set()
0228     def stop(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, object_path: str) -> None:
0229         """
0230         Changes the playing state
0231         """
0232         self.player_properties["PlaybackStatus"] = GLib.Variant('s', "Stopped")
0233         self.player_properties["Metadata"] = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {})
0234         changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0235             "PlaybackStatus": self.player_properties["PlaybackStatus"],
0236             "Metadata": self.player_properties["Metadata"],
0237         })
0238         Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0240     def set_rate(self, rate: float, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, object_path: str) -> None:
0241         """
0242         Changes the shuffle state
0243         """
0244         assert isinstance(rate, float), f"argument is not a float but {type(rate)}"
0245         assert self.player_properties["MinimumRate"].get_double() <= rate <= self.player_properties["MaximumRate"].get_double(), f"Rate {rate} is out of bounds"
0246         self.player_properties["Rate"] = GLib.Variant('d', rate)
0247         changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0248             "Rate": self.player_properties["Rate"],
0249         })
0250         Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0252     def set_shuffle(self, shuffle: bool, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, object_path: str) -> None:
0253         """
0254         Changes the shuffle state
0255         """
0256         assert isinstance(shuffle, bool), f"argument is not a boolean but {type(shuffle)}"
0257         self.player_properties["Shuffle"] = GLib.Variant('b', shuffle)
0258         changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0259             "Shuffle": self.player_properties["Shuffle"],
0260         })
0261         Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0263     def set_repeat(self, repeat: str, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, object_path: str) -> None:
0264         """
0265         Changes the loop state
0266         """
0267         assert isinstance(repeat, str), f"argument is not a string but {type(repeat)}"
0268         self.player_properties["LoopStatus"] = GLib.Variant('s', repeat)
0269         changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0270             "LoopStatus": self.player_properties["LoopStatus"],
0271         })
0272         Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0274     def set_volume(self, volume: float, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, object_path: str) -> None:
0275         """
0276         Adjusts the volume
0277         """
0278         assert isinstance(volume, float) and 0 <= volume <= 1, f"Invalid volume {volume} of type {type(volume)}"
0279         self.player_properties["Volume"] = GLib.Variant('d', volume)
0280         changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0281             "Volume": self.player_properties["Volume"],
0282         })
0283         Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0285     def player_handle_method_call(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, method_name: str, parameters: GLib.Variant, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) -> None:
0286         """
0287         Handles method calls for org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player
0288         """
0289         assert interface_name == "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0291         print(f"player_handle_method_call method_name: {method_name}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0293         if method_name == "Next" or method_name == "Previous":
0294             self.current_index += 1 if method_name == "Next" else -1
0295             assert 0 <= self.current_index < len(self.metadata)
0296             self.player_properties["Metadata"] = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', self.metadata[self.current_index])
0297             self.player_properties["CanGoPrevious"] = GLib.Variant('b', self.current_index > 0)
0298             self.player_properties["CanGoNext"] = GLib.Variant('b', self.current_index < len(self.metadata) - 1)
0299             changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0300                 "Metadata": self.player_properties["Metadata"],
0301                 "CanGoPrevious": self.player_properties["CanGoPrevious"],
0302                 "CanGoNext": self.player_properties["CanGoNext"],
0303             })
0304             Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0305             self.metadata_updated_event.set()
0307         elif method_name == "Pause":
0308             self.set_playing(False, connection, object_path)
0310         elif method_name == "PlayPause":
0311             self.set_playing(self.player_properties["PlaybackStatus"].get_string() != "Playing", connection, object_path)
0313         elif method_name == "Stop":
0314             self.stop(connection, object_path)
0316         elif method_name == "Play":
0317             self.set_playing(True, connection, object_path)
0319         elif method_name == "Seek":
0320             offset: int = parameters[0]
0321             length: int = int(self.metadata[self.current_index]["mpris:length"])
0322             position: int = self.player_properties["Position"].get_int64()
0323             assert 0 <= position + offset <= length
0324             self.player_properties["Position"] = GLib.Variant('x', position + offset)
0325             changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0326                 'Position': self.player_properties["Position"],
0327             })
0328             Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, self.PLAYER_IFACE.get_string(), "Seeked", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.player_properties["Position"]))
0329             Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0331         elif method_name == "SetPosition":
0332             assert parameters[0] == self.metadata[self.current_index]["mpris:trackid"].get_string(), f"expected trackid: {parameters[0]}, actual trackid: {self.metadata[self.current_index]['mpris:trackid'].get_string()}"
0333             self.player_properties["Position"] = GLib.Variant('x', parameters[1])
0334             changed_properties = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
0335                 'Position': self.player_properties["Position"],
0336             })
0337             Gio.DBusConnection.emit_signal(connection, None, object_path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple(self.PLAYER_IFACE, changed_properties, GLib.Variant('as', ())))
0339         elif method_name == "OpenUri":
0340             print("OpenUri", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0342         else:
0343             # In case the interface adds new methods, fail here for easier discovery
0344             logging.error("%s does not exist", method_name)
0345             invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.dbus_error_quark(), Gio.DBusError.NOT_SUPPORTED, f"Invalid method {method_name}")
0347     def player_handle_get_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, value: Any):
0348         """
0349         Handles properties for org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player
0350         """
0351         assert interface_name == "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0352         assert value in self.player_properties.keys(), f"{value} does not exist"
0354         return self.player_properties[value]
0356     def player_handle_set_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, key: str, value: Any) -> bool:
0357         """
0358         Handles properties for org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player
0359         """
0360         assert interface_name == "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0361         assert key in self.player_properties.keys(), f"{key} does not exist"
0363         print(f"player_handle_set_property key: {key}, value: {value}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0365         if key == "Rate":
0366             self.set_rate(value, connection, object_path)
0367         elif key == "LoopStatus":
0368             self.set_repeat(value, connection, object_path)
0369         elif key == "Shuffle":
0370             self.set_shuffle(value, connection, object_path)
0371         elif key == "Volume":
0372             self.set_volume(value, connection, object_path)
0373         else:
0374             return False
0376         # What is the correct thing to return here on success?  It appears that
0377         # we need to return something other than None or what would be evaluated
0378         # to False for this call back to be successful.
0379         return True
0381     def interface_handle_method_call(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, method_name: str, parameters: GLib.Variant, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) -> None:
0382         """
0383         Handles method calls for org.mpris.MediaPlayer2
0384         """
0385         assert interface_name == "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0387         if method_name == "Raise":
0388             print("Raise", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0389         elif method_name == "Quit":
0390             print("Quit", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
0391         else:
0392             logging.error("%s does not exist", method_name)
0393             invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.dbus_error_quark(), Gio.DBusError.NOT_SUPPORTED, f"Invalid method {method_name}")
0395     def interface_handle_get_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, value: Any):
0396         """
0397         Handles properties for org.mpris.MediaPlayer2
0398         """
0399         assert interface_name == "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0400         assert value in self.base_properties.keys(), f"{value} does not exist"
0402         return self.base_properties[value]
0404     def interface_handle_set_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, key: str, value: Any) -> bool:
0405         """
0406         Handles properties for org.mpris.MediaPlayer2
0407         """
0408         assert interface_name == "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2", f"Wrong interface name {interface_name} from {sender}"
0409         assert key in self.base_properties.keys(), f"{key} does not exist"
0411         return True
0414 class InvalidMpris2(Mpris2):
0415     """
0416     MPRIS2 interfaces with invalid responses
0417     """
0419     def __init__(self) -> None:
0420         super().__init__([], {}, {}, 0)
0422     def properties_handle_method_call(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, method_name: str, parameters: GLib.Variant, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) -> None:
0423         """
0424         @override
0425         """
0426         invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.dbus_error_quark(), Gio.DBusError.NOT_SUPPORTED, "")
0428     def player_handle_method_call(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, method_name: str, parameters: GLib.Variant, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) -> None:
0429         """
0430         @override
0431         """
0432         invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.dbus_error_quark(), Gio.DBusError.NOT_SUPPORTED, "")
0434     def player_handle_get_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, value: Any):
0435         """
0436         @override
0437         """
0438         return None
0440     def player_handle_set_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, key: str, value: Any) -> bool:
0441         """
0442         @override
0443         """
0444         return False
0446     def interface_handle_method_call(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, method_name: str, parameters: GLib.Variant, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) -> None:
0447         """
0448         @override
0449         """
0450         invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.dbus_error_quark(), Gio.DBusError.NOT_SUPPORTED, "")
0452     def interface_handle_get_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, value: Any):
0453         """
0454         @override
0455         """
0456         return None
0458     def interface_handle_set_property(self, connection: Gio.DBusConnection, sender: str, object_path: str, interface_name: str, key: str, value: Any) -> bool:
0459         """
0460         @override
0461         """
0462         return False
0465 player: Mpris2
0466 loopThread: GLibMainLoopThread
0469 def __on_terminate(signal, frame) -> None:
0470     player.quit()
0471     loopThread.quit()
0472     if loopThread.is_alive():
0473         loopThread.join(timeout=10)
0476 if __name__ == '__main__':
0477     assert len(sys.argv) >= 2, "Insufficient arguments"
0478     signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, __on_terminate)
0480     json_path: str = sys.argv.pop()
0481     with open(json_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
0482         json_dict: dict[str, list | dict] = json.load(f)
0483     metadata: list[dict[str, GLib.Variant]] = read_player_metadata(json_dict)
0484     base_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = read_base_properties(json_dict)
0485     current_index: int = 0
0486     player_properties: dict[str, GLib.Variant] = read_player_properties(json_dict, metadata[current_index])
0488     loopThread = GLibMainLoopThread()
0489     loopThread.start()
0490     player = Mpris2(metadata, base_properties, player_properties, current_index)
0491"Player %s started", base_properties['Identity'].get_string())