Warning, /plasma/plasma-systemmonitor/src/main.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Arjen Hiemstra <ahiemstra@heimr.nl>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick 2.12
0008 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
0009 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
0010 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
0011 import QtQuick.Window 2.12
0013 import org.kde.kirigami 2.11 as Kirigami
0014 import org.kde.newstuff 1.81 as NewStuff
0016 import org.kde.systemmonitor 1.0
0017 import org.kde.ksysguard.page 1.0 as Page
0019 Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
0020     id: app
0022     minimumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 34
0023     minimumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit* 27
0025     title: pageStack.currentItem.title
0027     header: contentItem.GraphicsInfo.api === GraphicsInfo.Software ? degradedWarning.createObject(app) : null
0029     Loader {
0030         active: !Kirigami.Settings.isMobile
0031         source: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/GlobalMenu.qml")
0032     }
0034     Kirigami.PagePool {
0035         id: pagePoolObject
0036     }
0038     globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer {
0039         id: globalDrawer
0041         handleVisible: false
0042         modal: false
0043         width: collapsed ? globalToolBar.Layout.minimumWidth + Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing : Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10
0044         Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } }
0045         showHeaderWhenCollapsed: true
0047         Kirigami.Theme.colorSet: Kirigami.Theme.View
0049         header: ToolBar {
0050             Layout.fillWidth: true
0051             Layout.preferredHeight: app.pageStack.globalToolBar.preferredHeight
0053             leftPadding: globalDrawer.collapsed ? 0 : Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0054             rightPadding: globalDrawer.collapsed ? Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing / 2 : Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0055             topPadding: 0
0056             bottomPadding: 0
0058             Kirigami.ActionToolBar {
0059                 id: globalToolBar
0061                 anchors.fill: parent
0063                 overflowIconName: "application-menu"
0065                 actions: [
0066                     Kirigami.Action {
0067                         id: toolsAction
0068                         text: i18nc("@action", "Tools")
0069                         icon.name: "tools-symbolic"
0070                     },
0071                     Kirigami.Action {
0072                         id: editPagesAction
0073                         icon.name: "handle-sort"
0074                         text: i18nc("@action", "Edit or Remove pages…")
0075                         onTriggered: pageSortDialog.open()
0076                     },
0077                      Kirigami.Action {
0078                         id: exportAction
0079                         text: i18nc("@action", "Export Current Page…")
0080                         icon.name: "document-export"
0081                         enabled: !app.pageStack.currentItem.edit
0082                         onTriggered: exportDialog.open()
0083                     },
0084                     Kirigami.Action {
0085                         icon.name: "document-import"
0086                         text: i18nc("@action", "Import Page…")
0087                         onTriggered: importDialog.open()
0088                     },
0089                     NewStuff.Action {
0090                         id: ghnsAction
0091                         text: i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Get New Pages…")
0092                         configFile: "plasma-systemmonitor.knsrc"
0093                         pageStack: app.pageStack.layers
0094                         onEntryEvent: {
0095                             if (event === NewStuff.Engine.StatusChangedEvent) {
0096                                 pagesModel.ghnsEntryStatusChanged(entry)
0097                             }
0098                         }
0099                     },
0100                     Kirigami.Action {
0101                         id: collapseAction
0102                         icon.name: app.globalDrawer.collapsed ? "view-split-left-right" : "view-left-close"
0103                         text: app.globalDrawer.collapsed ? i18nc("@action", "Expand Sidebar") : i18nc("@action", "Collapse Sidebar")
0104                         onTriggered: app.globalDrawer.collapsed = !app.globalDrawer.collapsed
0105                     },
0106                     Kirigami.Action {
0107                         separator: true
0108                     },
0109                     Kirigami.Action {
0110                         icon.name: "tools-report-bug";
0111                         text: i18nc("@action", "Report Bug…");
0112                         onTriggered: Qt.openUrlExternally(CommandLineArguments.aboutData.bugAddress);
0113                     },
0114                     Kirigami.Action {
0115                         icon.name: "help-about-symbolic";
0116                         text: i18nc("@action", "About System Monitor");
0117                         onTriggered: app.pageStack.layers.push("AboutPage.qml")
0118                         enabled: app.pageStack.layers.depth <= 1
0119                     }
0120                 ]
0121                 Component.onCompleted: actions.push(app.quitAction)
0122             }
0124             Instantiator {
0125                 model: ToolsModel { id: toolsModel }
0127                 Kirigami.Action {
0128                     text: model.name
0129                     icon.name: model.icon
0130                     shortcut: model.shortcut
0131                     onTriggered: toolsModel.trigger(model.id)
0132                 }
0134                 onObjectAdded: { toolsAction.children.push(object) }
0135                 onObjectRemoved: { }
0136             }
0137         }
0139         actions: [
0140             Kirigami.Action {
0141                 text: i18nc("@action", "Add New Page…")
0142                 icon.name: "list-add"
0143                 onTriggered: pageDialog.open()
0144             }
0145         ]
0147         Instantiator {
0148             model: Page.PagesModel { id: pagesModel }
0150             Page.EditablePageAction {
0151                 text: model.title
0152                 icon.name: model.icon
0153                 pagePool: pagePoolObject
0154                 pageData: model.data
0155                 visible: !model.hidden
0156                 onTriggered: {
0157                     config.lastVisitedPage = model.fileName
0159                     if (app.pageStack.layers.depth > 0) {
0160                         app.pageStack.layers.clear()
0161                     }
0162                 }
0164                 Component.onCompleted: {
0165                     if (CommandLineArguments.pageId && model.fileName == CommandLineArguments.pageId) {
0166                         trigger()
0167                     } else if (CommandLineArguments.pageName && model.title == CommandLineArguments.pageName) {
0168                         trigger()
0169                     } else if (config.startPage == model.fileName) {
0170                         trigger()
0171                     } else if (config.startPage == "" && config.lastVisitedPage == model.fileName) {
0172                         trigger()
0173                     }
0174                 }
0175             }
0177             onObjectAdded: {
0178                 var actions = Array.prototype.map.call(globalDrawer.actions, i => i)
0179                 actions.splice(index, 0, object)
0180                 globalDrawer.actions = actions
0181             }
0183             onObjectRemoved: {
0184                 var actions = Array.prototype.map.call(globalDrawer.actions, i => i)
0185                 var actionIndex = actions.indexOf(object)
0186                 actions.splice(actionIndex, 1)
0187                 globalDrawer.actions = actions
0188             }
0189         }
0191         contentData: [
0192             TapHandler {
0193                 acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
0194                 onTapped: globalContextMenu.popup(eventPoint.scenePosition.x, eventPoint.scenePosition.y, globalDrawer)
0195             },
0196             Menu {
0197                 id: globalContextMenu
0199                 MenuItem { action: editPagesAction }
0200                 MenuItem { action: ghnsAction }
0201                 MenuItem { action: collapseAction }
0202             }
0203         ]
0204     }
0206     Page.DialogLoader {
0207         id: pageDialog
0209         sourceComponent: Page.PageDialog {
0210             title: i18nc("@window:title", "Add New Page")
0212             onAccepted: {
0213                 var fileName = name.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_");
0214                 var newPage = pagesModel.addPage(fileName, {title: name, icon: iconName, margin: margin})
0215                 var row = newPage.insertChild(0, {name: "row-0", isTitle: false, title: "", heightMode: "balanced"})
0216                 var column = row.insertChild(0, {name: "column-0", showBackground: true})
0217                 column.insertChild(0, {name: "section-0", isSeparator: false})
0218                 newPage.savePage()
0220                 const pageAction = Array.from(globalDrawer.actions).find(action => action.pageData.fileName == newPage.fileName)
0221                 pageAction.trigger()
0222                 app.pageStack.currentItem.edit = true
0223             }
0224         }
0225     }
0227     Page.DialogLoader {
0228         id: pageSortDialog
0230         sourceComponent: Page.PageSortDialog {
0231             title: i18nc("@window:title", "Edit Pages")
0232             model: pagesModel
0233             startPage: config.startPage
0234             onAccepted: {
0235                 config.startPage = startPage
0236                 const currentPage = pageStack.currentItem.pageData.fileName
0237                 const indices = pagesModel.match(pagesModel.index(0, 0), Page.PagesModel.FileNameRole, currentPage, 1,  Qt.MatchExactly)
0238                 if (indices.length == 0 || pagesModel.data(indices[0], Page.PagesModel.HiddenRole)) {
0239                     if (config.lastVisitedPage == currentPage) {
0240                         config.lastVisitedPage = "overview.page"
0241                     }
0242                     const startPage = config.startPage || config.lastVisitedPage
0243                     Array.prototype.find.call(globalDrawer.actions, action => action.pageData.fileName == startPage).trigger()
0244                 }
0245             }
0246         }
0247     }
0249     Page.DialogLoader {
0250         id: exportDialog
0251         sourceComponent: FileDialog {
0252             selectExisting: false
0253             folder: shortcuts.home
0254             title: i18nc("@title:window %1 is the name of the page that is being exported", "Export %1", app.pageStack.currentItem.title)
0255             defaultSuffix: "page"
0256             nameFilters: [i18nc("Name filter in file dialog", "System Monitor page (*.page)")]
0257             onAccepted: app.pageStack.currentItem.pageData.saveAs(fileUrl)
0258         }
0259     }
0260     Page.DialogLoader {
0261         id: importDialog
0262         sourceComponent: FileDialog {
0263             selectExisting: true
0264             folder: shortcuts.home
0265             title: i18nc("@title:window", "Import Page")
0266             defaultSuffix: "page"
0267             nameFilters: [i18nc("Name filter in file dialog", "System Monitor page (*.page)")]
0268             onAccepted: {
0269                 const newPage = pagesModel.importPage(fileUrl)
0270                 if (!newPage) {
0271                     return;
0272                 }
0273                 const pageAction = Array.from(globalDrawer.actions).find(action => action.pageData.fileName == newPage.fileName)
0274                 pageAction.trigger()
0275             }
0276         }
0277     }
0279     Configuration {
0280         id: config
0281         property alias width: app.width
0282         property alias height: app.height
0283         property alias sidebarCollapsed: globalDrawer.collapsed
0284         property alias pageOrder: pagesModel.pageOrder
0285         property alias hiddenPages: pagesModel.hiddenPages
0286         property string startPage
0287         property string lastVisitedPage
0288     }
0290     Component {
0291         id: degradedWarning
0293         ToolBar {
0294             Kirigami.InlineMessage {
0295                 anchors.fill: parent
0296                 visible: true
0297                 type: Kirigami.MessageType.Warning
0298                 text: i18n("System Monitor has fallen back to software rendering because hardware acceleration is not available, and visual glitches may appear. Please check your graphics drivers.")
0299             }
0300         }
0301     }
0303     pageStack.columnView.columnWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 19
0304 }