Warning, /plasma/plasma-nm/libs/editor/settings/ui/wireguardpeerwidget.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <ui version="4.0">
0003   <class>WireGuardPeersProp</class>
0004   <widget class="QWidget" name="WireGuardProp">
0005     <property name="geometry">
0006       <rect>
0007         <x>0</x>
0008         <y>0</y>
0009         <width>495</width>
0010         <height>454</height>
0011       </rect>
0012     </property>
0013     <layout class="QFormLayout" name="form2Layout">
0014       <item row="1" column="0">
0015         <widget class="QLabel" name="publicKeyLabel">
0016           <property name="text">
0017             <string>Public key:</string>
0018           </property>
0019         </widget>
0020       </item>
0021       <item row="1" column="1">
0022         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="publicKeyLineEdit">
0023           <property name="toolTip">
0024             <string>Required.
0025             A base64 public key calculated by wg pubkey 
0026             from a private key, and usually transmitted 
0027             out of band to the author of the configuration file.</string>
0028           </property>
0029         </widget>
0030       </item>
0031       <item row="2" column="0">
0032         <widget class="QLabel" name="allowedIPsLabel">
0033           <property name="text">
0034             <string>Allowed IPs:</string>
0035           </property>
0036         </widget>
0037       </item>
0038       <item row="2" column="1">
0039         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="allowedIPsLineEdit">
0040           <property name="toolTip">
0041             <string>Required.
0042             A comma-separated list of IP (v4 or v6) addresses 
0043             with CIDR masks from which incoming traffic for 
0044             this peer is allowed and to which outgoing traffic 
0045             for this peer is directed. The catch-all 
0046             may be specified for matching all IPv4 addresses, 
0047             and ::/0 may be specified for matching all IPv6 addresses.</string>
0048           </property>
0049         </widget>
0050       </item>
0052       <item row="3" column="0">
0053         <widget class="QLabel" name="endpointAddressLabel">
0054           <property name="text">
0055             <string>Endpoint address:</string>
0056           </property>
0057         </widget>
0058       </item>
0059       <item row="3" column="1">
0060         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="endpointAddressLineEdit">
0061           <property name="toolTip">
0062             <string>Optional.
0063             An endpoint for the connection. Can be an
0064             IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or FQDN (fully
0065             qualified domain name such as abc.com). If
0066             present, Endpoint port must also be set.</string>
0067           </property>
0068         </widget>
0069       </item>
0071       <item row="4" column="0">
0072         <widget class="QLabel" name="endpointPortLabel">
0073           <property name="text">
0074             <string>Endpoint port:</string>
0075           </property>
0076         </widget>
0077       </item>
0078       <item row="4" column="1">
0079         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="endpointPortLineEdit">
0080           <property name="toolTip">
0081             <string>Optional.
0082             The port number of an endpoint. If present Endpoint
0083             Address must also be set.</string>
0084           </property>
0085         </widget>
0086       </item>
0088       <item row="5" column="0">
0089         <widget class="QLabel" name="presharedKeyLabel">
0090           <property name="text">
0091             <string>Preshared key:</string>
0092           </property>
0093         </widget>
0094       </item>
0095       <item row="5" column="1">
0096         <widget class="PasswordField" name="presharedKeyLineEdit">
0097           <property name="toolTip">
0098             <string>Optional.
0099             A base64 preshared key generated by wg genpsk.
0100             This option adds an additional layer of symmetric-key
0101             cryptography to be mixed into the already existing
0102             public-key cryptography, for post-quantum resistance.</string>
0103           </property>
0104         </widget>
0105       </item>
0106       <item row="6" column="0">
0107         <widget class="QLabel" name="keepaliveLabel">
0108           <property name="text">
0109             <string>Persistent keepalive:</string>
0110           </property>
0111         </widget>
0112       </item>
0113       <item row="6" column="1">
0114         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="keepaliveLineEdit">
0115           <property name="toolTip">
0116             <string>Optional.
0117             A seconds interval, between 1 and 65535 inclusive, of
0118             how often to send an authenticated empty packet to
0119             the peer for the purpose of keeping a stateful firewall
0120             or NAT mapping valid persistently. For example, if the
0121             interface very rarely sends traffic, but it might at
0122             anytime receive traffic from a peer, and it is behind
0123             NAT, the interface might benefit from having a
0124             persistent keepalive interval of 25 seconds. If set to
0125             0 or "off", this option is disabled. By default or
0126             when unspecified, this option is off. Most users will not
0127             need this.</string>
0128           </property>
0129         </widget>
0130       </item>
0131     </layout>
0132   </widget>
0133   <customwidgets>
0134     <customwidget>
0135       <class>PasswordField</class>
0136       <extends>QLineEdit</extends>
0137       <header location="global">passwordfield.h</header>
0138     </customwidget>
0139   </customwidgets>
0140   <resources/>
0141   <connections/>
0142 </ui>