Warning, /plasma/plasma-integration/autotests/tst_filedialog.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick 2.2
0002 import QtTest 1.0
0003 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
0004 TestCase {
0005     id: testCase
0006     width: 400
0007     height: 400
0008     visible: true
0009     when: windowShown
0010     name: "FileDialogTest"
0012     FileDialog {
0013         id: fileDialog
0014         folder: shortcuts.home
0015     }
0017     function test_filedialog() {
0018         //At the moment it just makes sure that something opens and doesn't crash.
0019         //Since this is a QGuiApplication (and not a QApplication)
0020         fileDialog.visible = true
0021         testCase.wait(200)
0022         fileDialog.visible = false
0023     }
0024 }