Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/kcms/keyboard/kcminputrc_fix_botched_5_21_0.upd is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 # Every KConfig .upd file needs this magic header of "Version=5"
0003 #
0004 Version=5
0006 #
0007 # That brings us to our first migration script for this file, kcminputrc_fix_botched_5_21_0_pre.
0008 # We need this pre-script before the actual fix in order to prepare information the main migration
0009 # script uses.
0010 #
0011 Id=kcminputrc_fix_botched_5_21_0_pre
0012 #
0013 # We're operating on kcminputrc, the file we botched with the 5.21.0 upgrade.
0014 #
0015 File=kcminputrc
0016 #
0017 # Since our desired information is in the group called $Version, which KConfig's update process
0018 # tries really hard to hide from the migration script, we need to copy it into another group,
0019 # which KConfig is fine with showing to the migration script.
0020 #
0021 Group=$Version,Tmp
0022 Options=copy
0023 #
0024 # The specific key in $Version that we want to make available is update_info, which contains
0025 # all of the migrations that have ran on kcminputrc. We need this information in order to discern
0026 # whether or not the botched migration was applied to kcminputrc.
0027 #
0028 Key=update_info
0030 #
0031 # After copying the information into the Tmp group, we can run our actual migration script now.
0032 #
0033 Id=kcminputrc_fix_botched_5_21_0
0034 File=kcminputrc
0035 Script=kcminputrc_fix_botched_5_21_0.py