Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/doc/knetattach/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0004 <!-- Define an entity for your application if it is not part of KDE 0005 CVS --> 0006 <!ENTITY kappname "&knetattach;"> 0007 <!ENTITY package "kdebase"><!-- I think this came from kdebase... --> 0008 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0009 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0010 0011 <!-- Do not define any other entities; instead, use the entities 0012 from entities/general.entities and $LANG/user.entities. --> 0013 ]> 0014 0015 <book id="knetattach" lang="&language;"> 0016 0017 <!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such 0018 as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords --> 0019 0020 <bookinfo> 0021 <title>The &knetattach; Handbook</title> 0022 0023 <authorgroup> 0024 <author> 0025 &Orville.Bennett; &Orville.Bennett.mail; 0026 </author> 0027 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0028 </authorgroup> 0029 0030 0031 <copyright> 0032 <year>2005</year> 0033 <holder>&Orville.Bennett;</holder> 0034 </copyright> 0035 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> 0036 0037 <date>2015-04-10</date> 0038 <releaseinfo>Plasma 5.3</releaseinfo> 0039 0040 <abstract> 0041 <para> 0042 &knetattach; is a wizard which makes it easier to integrate your 0043 network resources with your &kde; Desktop. 0044 </para> 0045 </abstract> 0046 0047 <!-- This is a set of Keywords for indexing by search engines. 0048 Please at least include KDE, the KDE package it is in, the name 0049 of your application, and a few relevant keywords. --> 0050 0051 <keywordset> 0052 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0053 <keyword>kdebase</keyword> 0054 <keyword>knetattach</keyword> 0055 <keyword>Network Folders</keyword> 0056 <keyword>Network Folder Wizard</keyword> 0057 <keyword>KDE Network Folder Wizard</keyword> 0058 </keywordset> 0059 0060 </bookinfo> 0061 0062 <!-- 0063 in kde 4 no application any more. 0064 0065 konqueror/dolphin/gwenview enter "remote:/" in location bar or click Network in Places 0066 "Add Network Folder" click opens the wizard 0067 --> 0068 0069 <chapter id="introduction"> 0070 <title>Introduction</title> 0071 0072 <para> 0073 The &knetattach; wizard, affectionately and hereafter known as the 0074 Network Folder Wizard, allows easy addition and integration of various 0075 network folders with your &kde; desktop. Please report any problems or 0076 feature requests for it to the &kde; bugs website. 0077 </para> 0078 </chapter> 0079 0080 <chapter id="using-knetattach"> 0081 <title>Using &knetattach;</title> 0082 0083 <para> 0084 As you will see in the screenshot below, the Network Folder Wizard currently 0085 allows you to add four types of network folders: WebDav, &FTP;, 0086 &Microsoft; &Windows; (&Samba;) network drives and SSH. 0087 Additionally you can select a recent connection for the list box. 0088 0089 <screenshot> 0090 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &knetattach;</screeninfo> 0091 <mediaobject> 0092 <imageobject> 0093 <imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/> 0094 </imageobject> 0095 <textobject> 0096 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> 0097 </textobject> 0098 <caption> 0099 <para>Network Folder Wizard main window</para> 0100 </caption> 0101 </mediaobject> 0102 </screenshot> 0103 </para> 0104 0105 0106 <sect1 id="knetattach-features"> 0107 <title>Adding network folders</title> 0108 0109 <para> 0110 Network folders show up in a special location of &konqueror; and &dolphin; 0111 called a <emphasis>virtual folder</emphasis>. 0112 This virtual folder is accessed by typing <userinput>remote:/</userinput> in 0113 the location bar or by selecting <guilabel>Network</guilabel> from the 0114 <guilabel>Places</guilabel> panel. You will then be able to see 0115 any folders which have been previously added and you also will be able to use 0116 the wizard to add new ones. 0117 <screenshot> 0118 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &knetattach;</screeninfo> 0119 <mediaobject> 0120 <imageobject> 0121 <imagedata fileref="screenshot1.png" format="PNG"/> 0122 </imageobject> 0123 <textobject> 0124 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> 0125 </textobject> 0126 <caption> 0127 <para>The virtual folder with the Network Folder wizard</para> 0128 </caption> 0129 </mediaobject> 0130 </screenshot> 0131 </para> 0132 0133 <para> 0134 Speaking of wizards, the Network Folder Wizard aims at being very easy to use. 0135 After opening the wizard you must choose the type of network folder you would 0136 like to access. When you move on to the next screen you will just need to 0137 fill in the requested information. The final step is entering your username and 0138 login password for the network share you've chosen to access. 0139 </para> 0140 <para> 0141 Below is a list of the information needed by the wizard to create the network 0142 folders. If an option is not 0143 available for a particular folder it does not have to be entered. The &Samba; 0144 folders ⪚ do not require a <guilabel>Port</guilabel> entry. 0145 </para> 0146 0147 <para> 0148 <variablelist> 0149 <varlistentry> 0150 <term><guilabel>Name:</guilabel></term> 0151 <listitem> 0152 <para> 0153 This is where you give a name to the network connection. It is limited only by 0154 your imagination (or alphabet). 0155 </para> 0156 </listitem> 0157 </varlistentry> 0158 <varlistentry> 0159 <term><guilabel>User:</guilabel></term> 0160 <listitem> 0161 <para> 0162 This is the username that will be used to establish the connection. 0163 </para> 0164 </listitem> 0165 </varlistentry> 0166 <varlistentry> 0167 <term><guilabel>Server:</guilabel></term> 0168 <listitem> 0169 <para> 0170 This is the address of the server you are attempting to add. It can be an 0171 IP address or domain name. 0172 </para> 0173 </listitem> 0174 </varlistentry> 0175 <varlistentry> 0176 <term><guilabel>Port:</guilabel></term> 0177 <listitem> 0178 <para> 0179 Here you enter the port number you wish to connect to. The defaults are usually 0180 sufficient. 0181 <note> 0182 <para> 0183 Not available for &Microsoft; &Windows; (&Samba;) folders. 0184 </para> 0185 </note> 0186 </para> 0187 </listitem> 0188 </varlistentry> 0189 <varlistentry> 0190 <term><guilabel>Folder:</guilabel></term> 0191 <listitem> 0192 <para> 0193 The path to the folder you wish to connect to should go here. 0194 </para> 0195 </listitem> 0196 </varlistentry> 0197 <varlistentry> 0198 <term><guilabel>Encoding:</guilabel></term> 0199 <listitem> 0200 <para> 0201 Use the items in this list box to select an encoding for &FTP; and ssh connections. 0202 </para> 0203 </listitem> 0204 </varlistentry> 0205 <varlistentry> 0206 <term><guilabel>Create an icon for this remote folder</guilabel></term> 0207 <listitem> 0208 <para> 0209 If this box is checked an icon will be created allowing access through the 0210 remote:/ virtual folder. If it is not checked, a connection will be possible 0211 but it will not be accessible from remote:/. 0212 <note> 0213 <para> 0214 The <guilabel>Recent connection:</guilabel> option allows you to re-connect to 0215 the 0216 last network mount point you connected to using the wizard whether an icon is 0217 created or not. 0218 </para> 0219 </note> 0220 </para> 0221 </listitem> 0222 </varlistentry> 0223 <varlistentry> 0224 <term><guilabel>Use encryption</guilabel></term> 0225 <listitem> 0226 <para> 0227 If checked the ability to make a secure connection will be enabled. 0228 <note> 0229 <para>Available only for WebDav folders.</para> 0230 </note> 0231 </para> 0232 </listitem> 0233 </varlistentry> 0234 </variablelist> 0235 </para> 0236 0237 </sect1> 0238 </chapter> 0239 0240 <chapter id="knetattach-walkthrough"> 0241 <title>&knetattach; Walkthrough</title> 0242 0243 0244 <para> 0245 This will be a quick walkthrough of the Network Folder Wizard. Don't 0246 blink or you might miss it. 0247 </para> 0248 0249 <para> 0250 Below you see the main window of the Network Folder Wizard. It is here 0251 that we choose what type of folder we want to add or connect to. For 0252 the purposes of this walkthrough we will be using &FTP;. It contains most 0253 of the options you will encounter while using the wizard. 0254 </para> 0255 0256 <para> 0257 <screenshot> 0258 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of the &knetattach; main window</screeninfo> 0259 <mediaobject> 0260 <imageobject> 0261 <imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/> 0262 </imageobject> 0263 <textobject> 0264 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> 0265 </textobject> 0266 </mediaobject> 0267 </screenshot> 0268 </para> 0269 0270 <para> 0271 OK, so we (as in me) have chosen to add an &FTP; folder. Below you see 0272 an example of the type of information you will need to add for your particular 0273 &FTP; server. After filling it in we press <guibutton>Save & 0274 Connect</guibutton> 0275 and wait for the magic. Oh yes, if your server requires validation of some kind 0276 you will be prompted at this point before being allowed to connect. 0277 </para> 0278 0279 <para> 0280 <screenshot> 0281 <screeninfo>Screenshot showing addition of &FTP; Folder 0282 using &knetattach;</screeninfo> 0283 <mediaobject> 0284 <imageobject> 0285 <imagedata fileref="screenshot2.png" format="PNG"/> 0286 </imageobject> 0287 <textobject> 0288 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> 0289 </textobject> 0290 </mediaobject> 0291 </screenshot> 0292 </para> 0293 0294 <para> 0295 So now we are all connected now and able to navigate our newly added share. Joy! 0296 </para> 0297 0298 <para> 0299 <screenshot> 0300 <screeninfo>Screenshot of the connected &FTP; folder</screeninfo> 0301 <mediaobject> 0302 <imageobject> 0303 <imagedata fileref="screenshot3.png" format="PNG"/> 0304 </imageobject> 0305 <textobject> 0306 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> 0307 </textobject> 0308 </mediaobject> 0309 </screenshot> 0310 </para> 0311 0312 <para> 0313 To get back to our network folders all that is necessary is typing 0314 <action>remote:/</action> 0315 in the location bar of &konqueror; or &dolphin; or 0316 select <guilabel>Network</guilabel> from the <guilabel>Places</guilabel> panel. 0317 </para> 0318 0319 <para> 0320 <screenshot> 0321 <screeninfo>Screenshot of the remote:/ virtual folder with the 0322 added connection</screeninfo> 0323 <mediaobject> 0324 <imageobject> 0325 <imagedata fileref="screenshot4.png" format="PNG"/> 0326 </imageobject> 0327 <textobject> 0328 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> 0329 </textobject> 0330 </mediaobject> 0331 </screenshot> 0332 </para> 0333 0334 <para> 0335 You can even add new folders from the same location by using the 0336 <guilabel>Add a Network Folder</guilabel> link. Well that brings us to 0337 the end of our walkthrough (told you it would be quick). I wish you the 0338 best of luck in your own network folder adventures ;-) 0339 </para> 0340 </chapter> 0341 0342 <chapter id="credits"> 0343 0344 <title>Credits and License</title> 0345 0346 <para> 0347 &knetattach; 0348 </para> 0349 <para> 0350 Program copyright 2004 &George.Staikos; &George.Staikos.mail; 0351 </para> 0352 0353 <para> 0354 Documentation Copyright © 2005 &Orville.Bennett; &Orville.Bennett.mail; 0355 </para> 0356 0357 <!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> 0358 0359 &underFDL; <!-- FDL: do not remove --> 0360 &underGPL; 0361 0362 </chapter> 0363 0364 &documentation.index; 0365 </book> 0366 0367 <!-- 0368 Local Variables: 0369 mode: xml 0370 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil 0371 sgml-general-insert-case:lower 0372 sgml-indent-step:0 0373 sgml-indent-data:nil 0374 End: 0375 0376 vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab 0377 kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none; 0378 -->