Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/doc/kfontview/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0003 0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0005 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0006 ]> 0007 0008 <article id="kfontview" lang="&language;"> 0009 0010 <articleinfo> 0011 <title>Font Viewer</title> 0012 <authorgroup> 0013 <author>&Burkhard.Lueck; &Burkhard.Lueck.mail;</author> 0014 0015 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0016 </authorgroup> 0017 0018 <date>2018-03-31</date> 0019 <releaseinfo>Plasma 5.12</releaseinfo> 0020 0021 <keywordset> 0022 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0023 <keyword>fontview</keyword> 0024 <keyword>fonts</keyword> 0025 </keywordset> 0026 </articleinfo> 0027 0028 <para> 0029 &kfontview; is an application to view and install different types of fonts: 0030 <itemizedlist> 0031 <listitem><para>&TrueType; (<filename class="extension">.ttf</filename>)</para></listitem> 0032 <listitem><para>OpenType (<filename class="extension">otf</filename>, <filename class="extension">.ttf</filename>)</para></listitem> 0033 <listitem><para>&PostScript; type 1 (file extension on &Windows; & OS/2 <filename class="extension">.pfb</filename>/<filename class="extension">.pfm</filename>; on &UNIX;/&Linux; <filename class="extension">.pfa</filename>/<filename class="extension">.afm</filename>)</para></listitem> 0034 <listitem><para>BDF (Bitmap Distribution Format, file extension <filename class="extension">.bdf</filename>)</para></listitem> 0035 <listitem><para>PCF (Portable Compiled Format, file extension <filename class="extension">.pcf</filename>)</para></listitem> 0036 </itemizedlist> 0037 </para> 0038 <para>You can use it as standalone program to preview and install a font 0039 downloaded from the Internet. In the preview you can check that the font 0040 has all characters you need. 0041 </para> 0042 <para> 0043 Additionally &kfontview; can be launched from 0044 the &systemsettings; module <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/fontinst/index.html"> 0045 <guilabel>Font Management</guilabel></ulink> to use the extended preview capabilities 0046 of &kfontview;.</para> 0047 0048 <para> 0049 Alternatively you can use the <guilabel>Font Management</guilabel> module 0050 to install, remove, preview and manage all fonts on your system.</para> 0051 0052 <!--FIXME still valid? 0053 <para>To use &kfontview; in &konqueror; select <guilabel>Services</guilabel> in 0054 the sidebar and go to the folders <filename class="directory">Fonts/Personal 0055 </filename> or <filename class="directory">Fonts/System</filename>. 0056 Then open the context menu with a &RMB; click on a font and start &kfontview; 0057 by selecting it from the context menu.</para> 0058 --> 0059 <!-- used by others as well? --> 0060 0061 <para> 0062 <screenshot> 0063 <screeninfo>&kfontview; application</screeninfo> 0064 <mediaobject> 0065 <imageobject> 0066 <imagedata fileref="kfontview.png" format="PNG"/> 0067 </imageobject> 0068 <textobject> 0069 <phrase>&kfontview; application</phrase> 0070 </textobject> 0071 </mediaobject> 0072 </screenshot> 0073 </para> 0074 0075 <para> 0076 &kfontview;'s <guilabel>Standard Preview</guilabel> displays your font in several 0077 different sizes using a pangram (a sentence using every letter of the alphabet at least once). 0078 So you can get a good idea of what it will look like. 0079 From the drop down box in the toolbar you can choose additional preview types: 0080 <itemizedlist> 0081 <listitem><para><guilabel>All Characters</guilabel> displays all characters 0082 provided by the font in one size. </para></listitem> 0083 <listitem><para>Unicode Block: The Unicode standard arranges groups of characters 0084 together in blocks</para></listitem> 0085 <listitem><para>Unicode Script: In Unicode, a script is a collection of letters 0086 and other written signs used to represent textual information in one or more 0087 writing systems</para></listitem> 0088 <listitem><para><guibutton>Change Text</guibutton>: Using this button opens the <guilabel>Preview 0089 String</guilabel> dialog where you can insert a user defined text. 0090 This feature enables you to check that a font supports the characters you need. 0091 </para></listitem> 0092 </itemizedlist></para> 0093 <para>You can use the zoom buttons or the mousewheel to change the font size in all preview types.</para> 0094 <para>In <guilabel>Unicode Block</guilabel> and <guilabel>Unicode Script</guilabel> 0095 preview mode additional tooltip info's are displayed hovering a character with the 0096 mouse pointer: 0097 The character's Unicode <guilabel>Category</guilabel> and the value in <guilabel> 0098 UCS-4</guilabel>, <guilabel>UTF-16</guilabel>, <guilabel>UTF-8</guilabel> and 0099 as <guilabel>XML Decimal Entity</guilabel>.</para> 0100 0101 <para> 0102 To install a font you downloaded from the Internet, click the 0103 <guibutton>Install</guibutton> button in the lower-right corner. 0104 </para> 0105 0106 <para>You can install the font for personal us only available to you or system-wide available 0107 for all users, the latter will require administrator privileges.</para> 0108 0109 <para>Fonts are often provided in an archive format like <literal role="extension">zip</literal>. 0110 Open these archives with &ark; which provides a simple previewer for fonts. 0111 To make use of the extended capabilities of &kfontview; extract the fonts and open them in 0112 &kfontview;. 0113 0114 </para><para>Applications need to be restarted to use of the newly installed fonts.</para> 0115 </article> 0116 0117 <!-- 0118 Local Variables: 0119 mode: xml 0120 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil 0121 sgml-general-insert-case:lower 0122 sgml-indent-step:0 0123 sgml-indent-data:nil 0124 End: 0125 0126 vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab 0127 kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none; 0128 -->