Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/doc/kcontrol/workspaceoptions/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0008 <article id="workspaceoptions" lang="&language;">
0009 <articleinfo>
0010 <title>General Behavior</title>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>&Burkhard.Lueck; &Burkhard.Lueck.mail;</author>
0013 <author><firstname>Natalie</firstname><surname>Clarius</surname><email>natalie_clarius@yahoo.de</email></author>
0015 </authorgroup>
0017 <date>2023-01-30</date>
0019 <releaseinfo>&plasma; 5.27</releaseinfo>
0021 <keywordset>
0022 <keyword>System Settings</keyword>
0023 <keyword>desktop</keyword>
0024 <keyword>workspace</keyword>
0025 </keywordset>
0027 </articleinfo>
0029 <para>This is a module to configure general workspace behavior.
0030 </para>
0032 <variablelist>
0034 <varlistentry>
0035 <term><guilabel>Display informational tooltips on mouse hover</guilabel></term>
0036 <listitem>
0037 <para>If this option is checked, tooltips are displayed hovering items in the
0038 &plasma; panel or on the desktop.</para>
0039 </listitem>
0040 </varlistentry>
0042 <varlistentry>
0043 <term><guilabel>Display visual feedback for status changes</guilabel></term>
0044 <listitem>
0045 <para>If you change &eg; brightness and volume using the keyboard these status
0046 changes are displayed in an OSD.</para>
0047 </listitem>
0048 </varlistentry>
0050 <varlistentry>
0051 <term><guilabel>Animation speed</guilabel></term>
0052 <listitem>
0053     <para>Allows you to set the speed of desktop effect animations from <guilabel>Slow</guilabel> to <guilabel>Instant</guilabel>.</para>
0054 </listitem>
0055 </varlistentry>
0057 <varlistentry>
0058 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Clicking files or folders</guimenu><guimenuitem>Opens them</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0059 <listitem>
0060 <para>If this option is checked, then files and folders will be opened with a single click of the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button. To select files and folders, you can <mousebutton>left</mousebutton>-click on their selection markers, drag a selection rectangle around them, or <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<mousebutton>Left</mousebutton></keycombo>-click. This is the default behavior, and it's designed to be consistent with what you would expect when you click links in web browsers.</para>
0061 </listitem>
0062 </varlistentry>
0064 <varlistentry>
0065 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Clicking files or folders</guimenu><guimenuitem>Selects them</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0066 <listitem>
0067 <para>If this option is checked, then files and folders must be double-clicked to be opened, while a single click will select them. This is the behavior you may know from other desktops or operating systems.</para>
0068 </listitem>
0069 </varlistentry>
0071 <varlistentry>
0072 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Clicking in scrollbar track</guimenu><guimenuitem>Scrolls one page up and down</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0073 <listitem>
0074 <para>This is the default setting. Left-click in scrollbar track moves scrollbar by one page.</para>
0075 </listitem>
0076 </varlistentry>
0078 <varlistentry>
0079 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Clicking in scrollbar track</guimenu><guimenuitem>Scrolls to the clicked location</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0080 <listitem>
0081 <para>Turns on the behavior when the scroll handle position jumps right to the position in the document where you have clicked. This is the behavior you may know from other desktops or operating systems.</para>
0082 </listitem>
0083 </varlistentry>
0085 <varlistentry>
0086 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Middle Click</guimenu><guimenuitem>Paste selected text</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0087 <listitem>
0088 <para>If this option is checked, middle-clicking in a text field will paste from the clipboard, just like you would with <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keysym>V</keysym></keycombo>.</para>
0089 </listitem>
0090 </varlistentry>
0092 <varlistentry>
0093 <term><guimenuitem>Touch Mode</guimenuitem></term>
0094 <listitem>
0095 <para>In Touch Mode, many elements of the user interface will become larger to 
0096 more easily accommodate touch interaction.</para>
0097 </listitem>
0098 </varlistentry>
0100 <varlistentry>
0101 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Touch Mode</guimenu><guimenuitem>Automatically enable as needed</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0102 <listitem>
0103 <para>If this option is selected, Touch Mode will be automatically activated whenever the system detects a 
0104 touchscreen but no mouse or touchpad. For example: when a transformable 
0105 laptop's keyboard is flipped around or detached.</para>
0106 </listitem>
0107 </varlistentry>
0109 <varlistentry>
0110 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Touch Mode</guimenu><guimenuitem>Always enabled</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0111 <listitem>
0112 <para>If this option is selected, Touch Mode will always be enabled. Use this option if you use &plasma; primarily with a touchscreen, or prefer larger click targets for other reasons.</para>
0113 </listitem>
0114 </varlistentry>
0116 <varlistentry>
0117 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Touch Mode</guimenu><guimenuitem>Never enabled</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0118 <listitem>
0119 <para>If this option is selected, Touch Mode will always be disabled. Use this option if you don't need Touch Mode on your device.</para>
0120 </listitem>
0121 </varlistentry>
0123 </variablelist>
0125 </article>