Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/doc/kcontrol/solid-actions/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0005 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0006 ]> 0007 <article id="solid-actions" lang="&language;"> 0008 <articleinfo> 0009 <title>Device Actions</title> 0010 <authorgroup> 0011 <author><firstname>Ben</firstname><surname>Cooksley</surname></author> 0012 <author>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;</author> 0013 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0014 </authorgroup> 0015 0016 <date>2018-12-10</date> 0017 <releaseinfo>&plasma; 5.14</releaseinfo> 0018 0019 <keywordset> 0020 <keyword>Plasma</keyword> 0021 <keyword>System Settings</keyword> 0022 <keyword>Solid</keyword> 0023 <keyword>actions</keyword> 0024 <keyword>devices</keyword> 0025 <keyword>hardware</keyword> 0026 </keywordset> 0027 </articleinfo> 0028 0029 <sect1 id="kcm_solid_actions"> 0030 <title>Actions for new devices</title> 0031 <sect2 id="icons-intro"> 0032 <title>Introduction</title> 0033 0034 <para>This module allows you to set up the actions you want to associate when 0035 you plug new devices.</para> 0036 <para> 0037 <screenshot> 0038 <screeninfo>Screenshot of the Device Actions Manager</screeninfo> 0039 <mediaobject> 0040 <imageobject> 0041 <imagedata fileref="main.png" format="PNG"/> 0042 </imageobject> 0043 <textobject> 0044 <phrase>Screenshot of the Device Actions Manager</phrase> 0045 </textobject> 0046 </mediaobject> 0047 </screenshot> 0048 </para> 0049 0050 <para>You will see listed all of the possible actions that are available when 0051 devices are plugged in. 0052 Please note that they will only be available under certain conditions.</para> 0053 0054 <itemizedlist> 0055 <listitem><para><guibutton>Add</guibutton> 0056 This will ask you to supply a name for your new action, then will open that 0057 action for editing. 0058 If you do not supply all the required details in that dialog, then your 0059 action will be deleted. 0060 </para></listitem> 0061 <listitem><para> 0062 <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> 0063 This will allow you to change the Name, Icon, command to execute 0064 and the conditions the action must match to be shown. 0065 </para></listitem> 0066 <listitem><para> 0067 <guibutton>Discard / Cannot be deleted / Remove</guibutton> 0068 This will do different actions, depending on if it was supplied with your 0069 system or created by you. 0070 You can only discard changes to system wide actions, if there are no changes 0071 then these actions cannot be deleted. 0072 User created actions are completely removed, including all changes. 0073 </para></listitem> 0074 </itemizedlist> 0075 0076 </sect2> 0077 0078 <sect2 id="add-action"> 0079 <title>Add Action</title> 0080 0081 <para> 0082 The <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button brings you a dialog to enter the 0083 new action name. 0084 </para> 0085 <para> 0086 <screenshot> 0087 <screeninfo>Screenshot of the Add Action dialog</screeninfo> 0088 <mediaobject> 0089 <imageobject> 0090 <imagedata fileref="add-action.png" format="PNG"/> 0091 </imageobject> 0092 <textobject> 0093 <phrase>Screenshot of the Add Action dialog</phrase> 0094 </textobject> 0095 </mediaobject> 0096 </screenshot> 0097 </para> 0098 <para> 0099 The action name should correctly describe the action. After entering a name and 0100 clicking <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, the Edit Action dialog will show to allow 0101 you to set up the action properties. 0102 </para> 0103 </sect2> 0104 0105 <sect2 id="edit-action"> 0106 <title>Edit Action</title> 0107 0108 <para>This dialog allows you to change the settings of the action you 0109 selected.</para> 0110 <para> 0111 <screenshot> 0112 <screeninfo>Screenshot of the Edit Action dialog</screeninfo> 0113 <mediaobject> 0114 <imageobject> 0115 <imagedata fileref="edit-action.png" format="PNG"/> 0116 </imageobject> 0117 <textobject> 0118 <phrase>Screenshot of the Edit Action dialog</phrase> 0119 </textobject> 0120 </mediaobject> 0121 </screenshot> 0122 </para> 0123 <para> 0124 This includes the icon, the action name, the action command and the various 0125 parameters. 0126 You can change the icon by clicking on it.</para> 0127 <para>The parameters are displayed in a 0128 tree, the top item having to be true in order for the action to be shown.</para> 0129 0130 <sect3 id="edit-parameter"> 0131 <title>Edit parameter</title> 0132 0133 <variablelist> 0134 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Parameter type</guilabel></term> 0135 <listitem> 0136 <para>This controls what can be contained inside it, or 0137 what matching is performed to check if it is true. 0138 0139 <variablelist> 0140 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Property Match</guilabel></term> 0141 <listitem> 0142 <para>Compares the specified property of the Device (using 0143 <guilabel>Device type</guilabel> and <guilabel>Value name</guilabel>) and using the evaluator, compares it against the 0144 text provided.</para> 0145 </listitem> 0146 </varlistentry> 0147 0148 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Content Conjunction</guilabel></term> 0149 <listitem> 0150 <para>All sub-properties of this must be true for 0151 it to be true itself.</para> 0152 </listitem> 0153 </varlistentry> 0154 0155 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Content Disjunction</guilabel></term> 0156 <listitem> 0157 <para>Any sub-property of this may be true for it 0158 to be true itself.</para> 0159 </listitem> 0160 </varlistentry> 0161 0162 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Device interface match</guilabel></term> 0163 <listitem> 0164 <para>Checks to see if the Device can be 0165 classed as the selected Device type.</para> 0166 </listitem> 0167 </varlistentry> 0168 0169 </variablelist> 0170 </para> 0171 </listitem> 0172 </varlistentry> 0173 0174 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Device type</guilabel></term> 0175 <listitem> 0176 <para>These are the possible device types supported by &plasma; on 0177 your system. 0178 They are used in both Property and Device interface matches. 0179 </para> 0180 </listitem> 0181 </varlistentry> 0182 0183 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Value name</guilabel></term> 0184 <listitem> 0185 <para>This is a list of all possible property names for the 0186 selected device type. 0187 It also provides the selection of the value evaluator (which is either 0188 <guilabel>Equals</guilabel> or <guilabel>Contains</guilabel>), and allows 0189 entry of the text to be compared with.</para> 0190 </listitem> 0191 </varlistentry> 0192 0193 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Reset Parameter</guibutton></term> 0194 <listitem> 0195 <para>Reverts any unsaved changes you have made to this parameter.</para> 0196 </listitem> 0197 </varlistentry> 0198 0199 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Save Parameter changes</guibutton></term> 0200 <listitem> 0201 <para>Saves the changes you have made to the parameter.</para> 0202 </listitem> 0203 </varlistentry> 0204 0205 </variablelist> 0206 </sect3> 0207 </sect2> 0208 </sect1> 0209 </article> 0210 0211 <!-- 0212 Local Variables: 0213 mode: xml 0214 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil 0215 sgml-general-insert-case:lower 0216 sgml-indent-step:0 0217 sgml-indent-data:nil 0218 End: 0219 0220 vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab 0221 kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none; 0222 -->