Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/doc/kcontrol/joystick/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0007 <article id="joystick" lang="&language;">
0008 <articleinfo>
0009 <title>Game Controller</title>
0010 <authorgroup>
0011 <author>
0012 <firstname>Michael</firstname>
0013 <surname>Anderson</surname>
0014 <affiliation>
0015 <address><email>nosrednaekim@gmail.com</email></address>
0016 </affiliation>
0017 </author>
0019 </authorgroup>
0021 <date>2015-04-09</date>
0022 <releaseinfo>Plasma 5.3</releaseinfo>
0024 <keywordset>
0025 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0026 <keyword>System Settings</keyword>
0027 <keyword>joystick</keyword>
0028 <keyword>controller</keyword>
0029 <keyword>gamepad</keyword>
0030 <keyword>calibrate</keyword>
0031 </keywordset>
0032 </articleinfo>
0034 <sect1 id="kcm_joystick">
0035 <title>Calibrate Game Controller</title>
0037 <para>This module provides an interface to calibrate your game controller as well as
0038 see which functions on your game controller are mapped to which logical button or
0039 axis.</para>
0041 <para>
0042 <screenshot>
0043 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of the game controller module</screeninfo>
0044   <mediaobject>
0045     <imageobject>
0046       <imagedata fileref="joystick-main.png" format="PNG"/>
0047     </imageobject>
0048     <textobject>
0049       <phrase>The game controller module</phrase>
0050     </textobject>
0051   </mediaobject>
0052 </screenshot>
0053 </para>
0055 <variablelist>
0056 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Device</guilabel></term>
0057 <listitem>
0058 <para>
0059 Here you can see the logical location of the device. If you have more
0060 than one game controller, you can also select which one to configure.
0061 </para>
0062 <para>If no game controller is automatically found on your computer
0063 and you know that there is one attached, you can enter the correct device file here.
0064 </para>
0065 </listitem>
0066 </varlistentry>
0068 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Position</guilabel></term>
0069 <listitem>
0070 <para>
0071 The plotted location of the X and Y axes of the game controller's joystick. Enable <guibutton>Show trace</guibutton>
0072 to plot the path of the joystick from one point to another.
0073 </para>
0074 <tip><para>
0075 If the joystick cannot reach every point on this graph, or if it does not center correctly, you need to calibrate your device.
0076 </para></tip> 
0077 </listitem>
0078 </varlistentry>
0080 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Buttons</guilabel></term>
0081 <listitem>
0082 <para>
0083 A place to see the pressed state of buttons on your game controller and if the buttons
0084 are mapped correctly. When a button is pressed, <guilabel>PRESSED</guilabel> will appear
0085 next to the logical number (as the computer sees it) of the button which was
0086 pressed.
0087 </para>
0088 </listitem>
0089 </varlistentry>
0091 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Axes</guilabel></term>
0092 <listitem>
0093 <para>
0094 This displays the numerical values of the axis positions. 0 is centered and the
0095 maximum and minimum values depend on the game controller and the particular axis.
0096 </para>
0097 </listitem>
0098 </varlistentry>
0100 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Calibrate</guilabel></term>
0101 <listitem>
0102 <para>
0103 Clicking on <guibutton>Calibrate</guibutton> will open a dialog to calibrate every axis on your joysticks. 
0104 </para>
0106 <para>
0107 <screenshot>
0108 <screeninfo>Calibrating your game controller</screeninfo>
0109   <mediaobject>
0110     <imageobject>
0111       <imagedata fileref="joystick-calibration.png" format="PNG"/>
0112     </imageobject>
0113     <textobject>
0114       <phrase>Calibrating your game controller</phrase>
0115     </textobject>
0116   </mediaobject>
0117 </screenshot>
0118 </para>
0120 <para>
0121 Each axis will have to be moved to the minimum position, then the center, and finally the
0122 maximum position. A meter in the bottom left corner of the dialog will help
0123 determine which way increases and which way decreases the values.
0124 </para>
0125 </listitem>
0126 </varlistentry>
0127 </variablelist>
0128 </sect1>
0129 </article>
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