Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/doc/kcontrol/baloo/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0005 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0006 ]> 0007 <article id="baloo" lang="&language;"> 0008 <title>File Search</title> 0009 <articleinfo> 0010 <authorgroup> 0011 <author> 0012 <firstname>Vishesh</firstname> 0013 <surname>Handa</surname> 0014 </author> 0015 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0016 </authorgroup> 0017 0018 <date>2023-01-30</date> 0019 <releaseinfo>Plasma 5.27</releaseinfo> 0020 0021 <keywordset> 0022 <keyword>Plasma</keyword> 0023 <keyword>Systemsettings</keyword> 0024 <keyword>search</keyword> 0025 <keyword>file</keyword> 0026 <keyword>baloo</keyword> 0027 </keywordset> 0028 </articleinfo> 0029 0030 <para> 0031 This &systemsettings; module allows you to configure which files should be 0032 indexed for fast searching. 0033 0034 It internally uses a technology called Baloo to efficiently search through the files. 0035 </para> 0036 0037 <para>Add the widget <guilabel>Search</guilabel> to your panel or enable the search in &krunner; 0038 to use the indexing results for faster access to your documents. 0039 </para> 0040 0041 <para> 0042 Activate the <guilabel>Enable File Search</guilabel> item if you want to use desktop search capabilities in &dolphin; and other &kde; applications. Uncheck the item if you do not want to use the file search with Baloo (it is possible to use other search technologies, ⪚ &kfind;). 0043 </para> 0044 0045 <para>Use <guilabel>Also index file content</guilabel> to also index the file contents additional to the file names. 0046 </para> 0047 0048 <para>Check the <guilabel>Index hidden files and folders</guilabel> item to make Baloo index the hidden files and folders. 0049 </para> 0050 0051 <note> 0052 <para> 0053 Any file or folder name that starts with a period (<literal>.</literal>) is hidden by default. 0054 </para> 0055 </note> 0056 0057 <variablelist> 0058 <varlistentry><term><guilabel>Folder specific configuration</guilabel></term> 0059 <listitem> 0060 <para> 0061 You are presented with a list of folders that can be indexed. By default only 0062 your entire <filename class="directory"><envar>$HOME</envar></filename> folder is 0063 indexed, and no other folders or drives are indexed. 0064 </para> 0065 <para> 0066 Removable media is never indexed by default. It can be explicitly removed from 0067 the list of excluded folders and it will then be indexed. 0068 </para> 0069 <para> 0070 It is possible to use the combo box next to each item in the list to configure if it is <guimenuitem>Indexed</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Not indexed</guimenuitem>. 0071 </para> 0072 <para> 0073 Use the trash button to remove an item from the list. 0074 </para> 0075 </listitem> 0076 </varlistentry> 0077 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Start indexing a folder...</guibutton>/<guibutton>Stop indexing a folder...</guibutton></term> 0078 <listitem> 0079 <para> 0080 Clicking any of the above-mentioned options displays the standard &plasma; <guilabel>Select a folder to filter</guilabel> dialog and allows you to choose the folder to be treated accordingly. 0081 </para> 0082 </listitem> 0083 </varlistentry> 0084 </variablelist> 0085 0086 <para>For more info about additional configuration options ⪚ how to add a drive mounted outside your 0087 <filename class="directory"><envar>$HOME</envar></filename> folder please read 0088 <ulink url="https://community.kde.org/Baloo/Configuration">Baloo/Configuration</ulink>.</para> 0089 0090 </article>