Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/desktoppackage/contents/configuration/panelconfiguration/SliderHandle.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Marco Martin <mart@kde.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 import QtQuick 2.15
0008 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
0009 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 as QQC2
0010 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
0011 import org.kde.plasma.core as PlasmaCore
0012 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
0013 import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami
0014 import org.kde.ksvg 1.0 as KSvg
0015 import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PC3
0016 import org.kde.plasma.shell.panel 0.1 as Panel
0017 import org.kde.kquickcontrols 2.0
0019 KSvg.SvgItem {
0020     id: root
0022     //Those properties get updated by PanelConfiguration.qml whenever a value changes
0023     imagePath: "widgets/containment-controls"
0024     elementId: parent.prefix + '-' + graphicElementName
0025     width: naturalSize.width
0026     height: naturalSize.height
0028     //value expressed by this slider, this is the distance to offset
0029     property int value
0031     //name of the graphics to load
0032     property string graphicElementName
0034     //where the point "0" is
0035     property int offset: 0
0037     /*handle type: behave in different ways based on the alignment:
0038      * alignment === Qt.AlignRight: Panel aligned to right and handle value relative to the right
0039      * alignment === Qt.AlignLeft: Panel aligned to left and handle relative to the left
0040      * (alignment !== Qt.AlignRight) && (alignment & Qt.AlignRight): Panel aligned to the center and handle right of offset and value doubled
0041      * (alignment !== Qt.AlignLeft) && (alignment & Qt.AlignLeft): Panel aligned to the center and handle left of offset and value doubled
0042      * else: Panel aligned to center and handle relative to the center
0043      * Note that right/left and top/bottom are interchangeable
0044      */
0045     property int alignment: panel.alignment
0047     //The maximum/minimum Position (X/Y) the silder can be moved to
0048     property int minimumPosition
0049     property int maximumPosition
0050     //Provide default position for "reset" action.
0051     function defaultPosition(): int {
0052         var dialogSize, panelSize;
0053         if (dialogRoot.vertical) {
0054             dialogSize = dialogRoot.height;
0055             panelSize = panel.height;
0056         } else {
0057             dialogSize = dialogRoot.width;
0058             panelSize = panel.width;
0059         }
0060         return (value === panelSize) ? dialogSize : panelSize;
0061     }
0063     // Handle name displayed as a tooltip.
0064     property string description
0066     property bool hasEverBeenMoved: false
0068     function syncPos() {
0069         if (dialogRoot.vertical) {
0070             if (alignment === Qt.AlignRight) {
0071                 y = root.parent.height - (value + offset + root.height/2)
0072             } else if (alignment === Qt.AlignLeft) {
0073                 y = value + offset - root.height/2
0074             } else {
0075                 if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignRight) {
0076                     y = root.parent.height/2 - value/2 + offset - root.height/2
0077                 } else if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignLeft) {
0078                     y = root.parent.height/2 + value/2 + offset - root.height/2
0079                 } else {
0080                     y = root.parent.height/2 + value + offset -root.height/2
0081                 }
0082             }
0083         } else {
0084             if (alignment === Qt.AlignRight) {
0085                 x = root.parent.width - (value + offset + root.width/2)
0086             } else if (alignment === Qt.AlignLeft) {
0087                 x = value + offset - root.width/2
0088             } else {
0089                 if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignRight) {
0090                     x = root.parent.width/2 - value/2 + offset - root.width/2
0091                 } else if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignLeft) {
0092                     x = root.parent.width/2 + value/2 + offset -root.width/2
0093                 } else {
0094                     x = root.parent.width/2 + value + offset -root.width/2
0095                 }
0096             }
0097         }
0098     }
0099     onValueChanged: syncPos()
0100     onOffsetChanged: syncPos()
0101     onAlignmentChanged: syncPos()
0102     Connections {
0103         target: root.parent
0104         function onWidthChanged() {
0105             syncPos()
0106         }
0107         function onHeightChanged() {
0108             syncPos()
0109         }
0110     }
0112     PC3.ToolTip {
0113         text: root.description
0114         visible: root.description !== "" && ((area.containsMouse && !area.containsPress) || area.activeFocus)
0115     }
0117     MouseArea {
0118         id: area
0119         drag {
0120             target: parent
0121             axis: (dialogRoot.vertical) ? Drag.YAxis : Drag.XAxis
0122             minimumX: root.minimumPosition
0123             minimumY: root.minimumPosition
0124             maximumX: root.maximumPosition
0125             maximumY: root.maximumPosition
0126         }
0127         anchors {
0128             fill: parent
0129             leftMargin: (dialogRoot.vertical) ? 0 : -Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
0130             rightMargin: (dialogRoot.vertical) ? 0 : -Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
0131             topMargin: (dialogRoot.vertical) ? -Kirigami.Units.gridUnit : 0
0132             bottomMargin: (dialogRoot.vertical) ? -Kirigami.Units.gridUnit : 0
0133         }
0135         readonly property int keyboardMoveStepSize: Math.ceil((root.maximumPosition - root.minimumPosition) / 20)
0137         activeFocusOnTab: true
0138         hoverEnabled: true
0139         cursorShape: dialogRoot.vertical ? Qt.SizeVerCursor : Qt.SizeHorCursor
0141         Accessible.description: root.description
0143         Keys.onEnterPressed: doubleClicked(null);
0144         Keys.onReturnPressed: doubleClicked(null);
0145         Keys.onSpacePressed: doubleClicked(null);
0147         // BEGIN Arrow keys
0148         Keys.onUpPressed: if (dialogRoot.vertical) {
0149             root.y = Math.max(root.minimumPosition, root.y - ((event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 1 : keyboardMoveStepSize));
0150             changePosition();
0151         } else {
0152             event.accepted = false;
0153         }
0154         Keys.onDownPressed: if (dialogRoot.vertical) {
0155             root.y = Math.min(root.maximumPosition, root.y + ((event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 1 : keyboardMoveStepSize));
0156             changePosition();
0157         } else {
0158             event.accepted = false;
0159         }
0160         Keys.onLeftPressed: if (!dialogRoot.vertical) {
0161             root.x = Math.max(root.minimumPosition, root.x - ((event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 1 : keyboardMoveStepSize));
0162             changePosition();
0163         } else {
0164             event.accepted = false;
0165         }
0166         Keys.onRightPressed: if (!dialogRoot.vertical) {
0167             root.x = Math.min(root.maximumPosition, root.x + ((event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 1 : keyboardMoveStepSize));
0168             changePosition();
0169         } else {
0170             event.accepted = false;
0171         }
0172         // END Arrow keys
0174         onPositionChanged: {
0175             if (!drag.active) {
0176                 return;
0177             }
0178             changePosition();
0179         }
0180         onDoubleClicked: {
0181             root.value = root.defaultPosition();
0182         }
0184         function changePosition() {
0185             root.hasEverBeenMoved = true
0186             if (dialogRoot.vertical) {
0187                 if (root.alignment === Qt.AlignRight) {
0188                     root.value = root.parent.height - (root.y + offset + root.height/2)
0189                 } else if (alignment === Qt.AlignLeft) {
0190                     root.value = root.y - offset + root.height/2
0191                 //Center
0192                 } else {
0193                     if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignRight) {
0194                         root.value = (root.parent.height/2 - root.y + offset)*2  - root.height
0195                     } else if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignLeft) {
0196                         root.value = (root.y - offset - root.parent.height/2)*2  + root.height
0197                     } else {
0198                         var value = root.y - root.parent.height/2 - offset + root.height/2
0199                         //Snap
0200                         if (Math.abs(value) < 5) {
0201                             root.value = 0
0202                         } else {
0203                             root.value = value
0204                         }
0205                     }
0206                 }
0207             } else {
0208                 if (root.alignment === Qt.AlignRight) {
0209                     root.value = root.parent.width - (root.x + offset + root.width/2)
0210                 } else if (alignment === Qt.AlignLeft) {
0211                     root.value = root.x - offset + root.width/2
0212                 //Center
0213                 } else {
0214                     if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignRight) {
0215                         root.value = (root.parent.width/2 - root.x + offset)*2 - root.width
0216                     } else if (root.alignment & Qt.AlignLeft) {
0217                         root.value = (root.x - offset - root.parent.width/2)*2  + root.width
0218                     } else {
0219                         var value = root.x - root.parent.width/2 - offset + root.width/2
0220                         //Snap
0221                         if (Math.abs(value) < 5) {
0222                             root.value = 0
0223                         } else {
0224                             root.value = value
0225                         }
0226                     }
0227                 }
0228             }
0229         }
0231         PlasmaExtras.Highlight {
0232             anchors.fill: parent
0233             visible: parent.activeFocus
0234             hovered: true
0235         }
0236     }
0237 }